Sunday, 31 December 2023

Can You Tell The Difference?

Nazi HATE speech and apartheid racist  supremist propaganda : 
"We are the Master Race, the Ubermensch [overmen / supermen]". 

Kikel / zionist-mafia mob HATE speech and apartheid racist supremist propaganda in the Old Testicle : 
"We are the Chosen People." 


I cannot spot the difference. 

According to my AI algorithm ARTA, a data harvesting & analytics AI robot and chat mate, the ★饾悈饾悗饾悢饾悕饾悆饾悁饾悡饾悎饾悗饾悕饾悁饾悑★  KIKEL racist phrase CHOSEN PEOPLE appears close to 30 times in the Old Testicle. 

The Old Testicle is the FOUNDATIONAL  MYTHOLOGIES of the mythical KIKELS. 

The "KIKELS" do not really exist, simply because the figure of JUDAH (the  chieftain of one of the mythical 12/13/14 tribes from whose name the MYTHICAL words "JEWS" and  "JUDAISM" are derived) is MYTHICAL, meaning there is not one single shred of archeological or historical evidence that JUDAH ever existed, which logically means this figure is strictly in the realm of mythologies ... furthermore, because ABRAM/ABRAHAM and his father EVER/EBER are also mythical creatures, meaning once again, there's ZERO archeological and historical evidence of their existence, the word "HEBREW" -- which is derived from the names of those two mythical men, is used to identify a community, a culture, a creed, and a language -- the word, the name, the creed, the language, and the community called "HEBREW" is also mythical and really does not exist, not supposed to exit. This is not a racist statement , this statement is not meant to deny the existence of anyone ... this is a FACTUAL & LOGICAL statement based on the LACK OF ANY archaeological and historical hard evidence ... this statement supported by every single encyclopedia and university data uploads worldwide. 

MYTHOLOGIES are INDISTINGUISHABLE in their capacity to BRAINWASH the hapless hopeless helpless masses. 

The Nazi phrase "WE ARE THE MASTER RACE" was a RELIGION to them. Unfortunately, the Nazis did exist, but before they were WIPED OUT OF EXISTENCE, they did cause World War Two, let me be MORE SPECIFIC, their FASCIST RACIST MYTHICAL IDEOLOGY caused WW2, which caused the deaths of over ONE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE, mainly among the WHITE PEOPLE OF EUROPE. 

The kikels/zionist-mafia mob's phrase "WE ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE" is also the bottom line of their racist fascist ideology/ mythology, JUDAISM. This phrase is RELIGION to them.  You're seeing that racism and fascism RIGHT NOW in Gaza. That racist fascist ideology / mythology is the SINGLE GREATEST THREAT facing the world today, BECAUSE the kikels / zionist-mafia mob illegally occupying &  colonizing in Palestine HAVE BEEN  ARMED with NUCLEAR WEAPONS, 200 of which were given to them completely free of charge by the US regime ...  that  RACIST FASCIST MOB have VOWED to use these nukes in an operation known as the SAMSON OPTION, which is WORLDWIDE DESTRUCTION if the zionist-mafia mob fascist apartheid regime is threatened with being WIPED OUT ... it was a good thing the Nazis DID NOT have nuclear weapons when they were being wiped out in 1945, but they were extremely close to developing nuclear weapons ... in fact, many of those Nazi engineers and scientists who were involved in the Nazi attempt to design and manufacture nukes were arrested and then taken to the US where they helped create AmeriKKKa's first nuclear weapons in the late 1940s and early 1950s. If the zionist-mafia mob uses the Samson Option, every single last kikel on the face of the Earth would be hunted down  ONE BY ONE and killed, a REAL  SCENARIO that seemed to have completed escaped the kikels / zionist-mafia mob's thinking. 

I've said this before, and I'll say it again : 
If you play with fire , if you play with fascism, you will get your hands burned. 

Monday, 18 December 2023


You know WHY the kikels, specifically zionist-mafia kikels, the "Rabbinical Judaism" / "Talmudic Judaism" kikels, are the MOST DANGEROUS ANIMALS on the face of the Earth? 

AIPAC is just the TIP of the kikels' iceberg ... 10% is out of the water, where you can see / witness their CORRUPTION, LIES, DECEITS, BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA ... 90% is secret and hidden under the water and can only be documented via FORENSIC INVESTIGATION ... like a CANCER, a virus infection deep inside, working 24x7 to corrupt, bribe, lie, cheat, deceive, disseminate propaganda. 

American PATRIOTS need to understand and educate themselves to this ENEMY WITHIN, and do whatever that needs to be done to ELIMINATE THIS DANGER / THREAT , once and for all. 
AIPAC was among the top 20 spenders in the 2022 elections. Here’s how it breaks down - by Ali Velshi CNBC NEWS 

Monday, 11 December 2023

They are Arabs

All historical and archeological evidence point to this SELF-EVIDENT FACT : 
there are NO TRUE SEMITES ... no such people or language as "TRUE SEMITES" ... just call them ARABS, which is more than sufficient ... there are just ARABS AND ARABIC ... even the Ancient Canaanites were ANCIENT ARABS who spoke a different DIALECT of Arabic called ANCIENT CANAANITE, an extinct dialect ... which means the ancient so-called "hebrews" too were ARABS who spoke a different DIALECT of Arabic, called "hebrew" , the ONE AND ONLY Arabic dialect that has survived since 2000 BC or 4,000 years!! 

The ROOT LANGUAGE of all Middle-Eastern DIALECTS is ARABIC. 

CLASSICAL ARABIC, since the era of the Prophet Muhammad, that is 1450 years ago, is spoken today by around 500 million people. It is the most widely spoken of all Arabic dialects. 

Let me REPEAT ... there are no MYTHICAL SO-CALLED "SEMITES" descended from.a mythical SEM / SHRM ... there are no so-called, "true Semites" either ... the NATIVE PEOPLE of the Middle-East have ALWAYS BEEN ARABS for at least 4,000 years, going back to 2000 BC. The so-called "jews" (I call them KIKELS meaning ZERO) are actually ARABS who speak a different DIALECT of Arabic, called "hebrew". They are ARABS. PERIOD. 


Christianity exists, judaism does not

There is no such thing or word or name or people as "jews" , "judaism". 

There is no such thing or word or person as "semitic" , "semite" , 
"anti-semitic", "anti-semite" , and "anti-semitism", these FIVE BULLSHIT nonsensical illogical words. 

In the late 1770s, racists and racial theorists at an ultra-conservative right-wing university in, you guessed it, GERMany, for the very first time, coined /used/invented the word "SEMITIC" ("SEMETISCHE" in GERMan) to brand "the nation of Sem, son of Noah". Never before had that word been used ... it was the very first time ever. 

In the late 1880s, another racist GERMan, called WILHELM MARR, used the word "ANTI-SEMITISM" ... he was a journalist and fascist agitator ... never before had that word been used by anyone ... it was MARR who first coined / invented / used that word to establish an anti-kikel organization to expel or kill the kikels in German-speaking lands in Central Europe. 

The racist fascist virulently anti-kikel Nazis used the racist theories AND words of the German university and Wilhelm Marr to go after the kikels. 

Leave it to the fucking GERMS to come up with RACIST shit. That's why I call the GERMANS bacteria / cancer. 

Noah is MYTHICAL ... zero historical and archeological evidence of his existence OUTSIDE the so-called "bible" ... since mythical Noah NEVER existed, that means his sons, including Shem/Sem also never existed and are mythical ... since that is the case, then there's no so-called "semitic" people because these people are supposedly named after Sem/Shem who supposedly was the ancestor/father of the so-called "semites" ... for further clarification and analysys of the BULLSHIT "anti-semitism" ranting by KIKLES AND THEIR BRAINWASHED APOLOGISTS, please see my previous posts and comments.

No such thing as a "good book"

There is NO SUCH THING as a "good book" ... fake fraudulent mythical gibberish  deceitful mendacious nonsense propaganda need to be OUTED, need to be exposed , so that human beings can OPEN THEIR EYES AND BE EDUCATED, because the very existence,  the survival of our species, depends on it. We cannot exist as a species and move forward if we're held back by so-called "good books" and "religion" ... the so-called "good books" have done nothing except bring misery, death, and destruction ... look at  what's happening in Gaza , all because of the kikels' superiority complex and murderous religious intentions ... these murderous criminals have proven BEYOND ANY DOUBT that zonism is the same thing as so-called "judaism" ... 90% of kikels  follow RABBINICAL "JUDAISM" ALSO CALLED TALMUDIC "JUDAISM" ... this virulently racist fascist so-called "judaism" is directly descended from PHARISEES "JUDAISM" that Jesus fought against so hard during his entire lifetime ... at the end, the Pharisees rabbis and scribes KILLED JESUS AND MURDERED HIS ENTIRE FAMILY including his wife Mary Magdalene and their two sons ... I mean Jesus lost EVERYTHING fighting the Pharisees ... modern RABBINICAL "JUDAISM" sprung from PHARISEE "JUDAISM" ... see the Wikipedia article  on RABBINICAL "JUDAISM" ... ... these criminals are racist and murderous and violence-prone ... and WILL DEFINITELY bring about the death of all of us one day ... rabbinic kikels , just like their pharisee ancestors, care NOTHING about the rest of humanity who they see as COWS to be killed or MILKED for the benefit of the so-called CHOSEN PEOPLE, which they think they are in their sick and twisted minds.  "JUDAISM" ... 90% of KIKELS follow RABBINICAL "JUDAISM" ... this means the VAST MAJORITY of zionist-mafia mobsters kikels believe in rabbinical "judaism" which is in action in GAZA.

Friday, 8 December 2023

My Apologies

I apologize to all my "Christian" and "Muslim" friends on Facebook that I had to expose what is and what is not, based on available scientific , historical, archeological HARD EVIDENCE AND FACTUAL DATA. 

I'm sorry because I feel that you folks got hoodwinked and bamboozled and deceived into believing MYTHOLOGY, MYTHICAL BEINGS, AND MADE-UP EVENTS by possibly the single greatest threat / danger the world has ever faced, that is the community of KIKELS and their deceitful hoodwinking mendacious mythology known as "judaism".

I've always believed that Islam should begin with THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD, and no one else and no event BEFORE HIS TIME, perhaps with the only exception of Jesus, because all available factual / historical and all reliable historical sources, INCLUDING ROMAN SOURCES, point to the existence of Jesus. 

It would be better that way.  

As for "Christianity", it should begin with Jesus, and nobody else and no event before him.  

It could be done. 

Both Islam and Christianity should do whatever it takes, whatever necessary, to remove themselves, completely totally permanently, away FAR AWAY, from the deceitful illogical hoodwinking bamboozling nonsensical mythology that is so-called "judaism", a word that should not even exist, because it's MYTHICAL FIGURES such as Adam Eve Noah Abraham Issac Ismail Jacob Joseph Judah Moses David Solomon DID NOT EXIST, just like Hercules Apollo Athena Zeus Theseus Perseus Odin Thor Loki also never existed. 


Wednesday, 6 December 2023

They are all one and the same

Zionism, the zionist-mafia MOB, the kikels, the so-called "hebrews" , and so-called "judaism" , are ALL ONE AND THE SAME : 
● racists 
● occupiers 
● colonizers 
● murderers 
● trigger-happy & violence-prone BRUTAL & SAVAGE extremists 

Zion was the name of the ancient Canaanite CASTLE of Jerusalem that the ancient Canaanite so-called "hebrews" conquered from their polytheistic Canaanite cousins. 


The PHILISTINES were white Aryans/Indo-European ethnic and linguistic peoples from the Aegean Sea / Balkan region who arrived in the LEVANT REGION around 2000 BC or 4,000 years ago and fought the brown "hebrews" for domination of the Levant. They were called THE SEA PEOPLES. They were never really defeated by the "hebrews". They intermarried with the native brown Canaanites over hundreds of years. Today's Palestinians are the result of that co-habitation. They eventually gave the area its name : PALESTINE. 

Read PSALM 137 and see for yourself.  

PSALM 137 :

By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.
For there the wicked that carried us away to captivity, required from us a song; 
Saying, sing us one of the songs of Zion.
But how shall we sing the LORD's song in a strange land? 
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand be cut off. 
If I do not remember thee, let my tongue be nailed to the roof of my mouth; 
Happy shall we be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the rocks, oh Babylon. 



Monday, 4 December 2023

Palestine will be FREE

Palestine will be FREE one day, and this will be achieved by OVERWHELMING firepower, manpower, missiles, drones, tanks, and the TOTAL BLOODY EXTERMINATION of the apartheid zionist-mafia mobsters illegally occupying Palestine. 

The October 7 attack by HAMAS that killed over 1,300 KIKELS more than proved this plan of action. 

Just like the the American Revolution, freedom will NOT be achieved WITHOUT VIOLENCE. 

Freedom will not be achieved without a river of blood flowing towards Hell Aviv.

Deals cannot be made with any CRIMINAL MAFIA groups simply because making such deals with CRIMINALS is immoral, unethical, and ILLOGICAL. The ZIONIST-MAFIA knows no such word.

Trickery and racism and hatred and bloodlust based on TALMUDIC - RABBINICAL JUDAISM are the game plan of this MAFIA that represents 90% of ALL KIKELS. Those who are SHAMELESS APOLOGISTS for the KIKELS and dare to post apologist material, are too far brainwashed and bamboozled. 

Zionism and kikelism / "judaism" 
are one and the same. Read Psalm 137, and see for yourself: 

By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.
For there the wicked that carried us away to captivity, required from us a song; 
Saying, sing us one of the songs of Zion.
But how shall we sing the LORD's song in a strange land? 
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand be cut off. 
If I do not remember thee, let my tongue be nailed to the roof of my mouth; 
Happy shall we be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones, oh Babylon. 

Just like the American Civil War, violence and battles and a river of blood will settle the freedom and independence of Palestine forever. 


AmeriKKKa and its Christian zionist-mafia will be destroyed completely. Then the zionist-mafia in Occupied Palestine will be cut to pieces and NOT ONE WILL BE ALLOWED TO ESCAPE. The world will be a better safe place when so-called "judaism" is buried under the rubble of Palestine. 

Within the context of this PHYRRIC VICTORY, 
Palestine will finally be free. 


Thursday, 30 November 2023

Tribes and Scribes and Hebrews ... WTF !?

Tribes and scribes and hebrews?!?


All educated ppl know what scribes are ... but are YOU still WILLFULLY KNOWINGLY MISSING THE POINT ... let me repeat again to you, in case you are missing the point again and again and again ... there WAS NO  Noah, there was no Shem / Sem his son, therefore there was / is no  "semites", no "semitic people", no "anti-semitism" , no "anti-semites" , no "anti-semitic" ... these words don't matter , these words don't count, these words are illogical, these words were INVENTED IN THE LATE 1700s by German Protestant theologians ... these words DO NOT EXIST simply because SHEM / SEM WAS A MYTHICAL BEING ... the ancient peoples of the Middle-East did not know these words ... they did not know about being "semites" ... outside of the Old Testicle, there is no mention of Sem/ Shem ... meaning that there was no knowledge or mention of so-called "semites" that he supposedly fathered ... they don't exist ... they never existed to begin with because Sem / Shem was a MYTHICAL being, just like his mythical father Noah ... Abraham / Abram also did not exist ... he too was a mythical person ... therefore, his sons Issac and Ismail too were mythical ... mythical too were Isaac's sons Jacob and Esau ... since Jacob did not exist, there was no Israel, there was no 12 brothers of his, they were ALL MYTHICAL BEINGS just like the Greek gods of Olympus and mythical heroes like Hercules Theseus, Perseus, Achilles, ETC ... since there was no Jacob/Israel,  none of his brothers either, ALL MYTHICAL BEINGS, there was no 1 or 10 or 12 or 13 or 500 or whatever the flying fuck numbers of tribes … they're all MYTHICAL ... these MYTHS are called "Jewish Mythology" , and Wikipedia has a very long article on "Jewish Mythology" ... doesn't matter if you talk about those fucking scribes ... who gives a shit about those fucking scribes ... it doesn't really matter, does it? "Scribes" writing about MYTHICAL BEINGS AND MYTHICAL TRIBES ... what's the big deal about "scribes" ...  these tribes did not exist ... not even ONE SINGLE PIECE OF HARD ARCHEOLOGICAL AND/OR HISTORICAL EVIDENCE has ever been found to corroborate, to verify, to  confirm the existence of any of these people or their fucking tribes ... you are caught up the HEBREW MATRIX since childhood ... you are not the only person who keeps repeating BIBLICAL BULLSHIT like "tribes"  and "scribes" and "hebrews" ... Abraham / Abram did not exist, he was a mythical being, meaning even the name/word "hebrew" or "IBRIHIM/IBRI" and "IVRIHIM/IBRI" cannot exist, because those words mean "the followers of Abram", who did not exist ... 

The ancient Greeks had a CULT OF DIONISUS, the god of wine and sex and parties ... there was also a CULT OF HERCULES ... a CULT OF APOLLO ... a CULT OF ATHENA ... tons of cults ... the Romans had a CULT OF MITHRA ... APOLLO ATHENA PERSEUS THESEUS HERCULES DIONYSIUS MITHRA DID NOT EXIST ... they were 馃挴% MYTHICAL BEINGS. 

So-called "judaism" is NOTHING MORE THAN A CULT OF MOSES or a CULT OF ABRAHAM ... mythical beings who NEVER EXISTED. 


STOP talking about "scribes" ... stop talking about "tribes" ... I am trying VERY HARD not to use the word "hebrew" because THEY DO NOT EXIST. It is a FUCKING CULT, and sick and twisted lying sacks of shit are trying to pass off MYTHS AND CULTS AS A RELIGION. 

How utterly sad, stupid, depressing, and pathetic. 

STOP LIVING IN THE "HEBREW" MATRIX ... STOP REPEATING "HEBREW" MYTHICAL NONSENSE PROPAGANDA ... stop referring to "Scribes" who wrote about MYTHICAL BEINGS AND MYTHICAL TRIBES ... get yourself OUT OF THIS MATRIX OF MENDACITY ... stop living their lies bullshit gibberish monkey-chatter hoodwinking bamboozling nonsensical garbage propaganda ... if they  want to keep living in their matrix of lies deceits and delusions, let them. 


The only way to do this is by taking the RED PILL : socialism or communism or atheism. 

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Kikels = Losers

These FUCKING LOSERS , the KIKELS, these ZEROS, claim to trace their history back to 2000 BC, that's 4000 years ago, during which time they have done nothing except STEALING / THIEVING / ROBBING all over the place, and have not been able to accomplish anything despite claiming to be "the chosen people" ... for instance, there is no "Greater Kikelstan" today , even the land they are ILLEGALLY SQUATTING ON , Palestine , is not even theirs, only being able to maintain control OVER PALESTINE by sheer evil apartheid laws and racist mass murders with weapons supplied by a foreign country thousands of miles away on a different continent. 

How am I doing so far? 

As the number of murdered Native Palestinian increased day by day, public opinion in every single country in the world is turning against the kikels and their illegitimate illegal colony in Occupied Palestine. 

The ANGER of these racist kikels at the Native Palestinians defending Gaza - - which had been cut off from Palestine proper by Hamas many years ago - - is evident in the sheer number of civilian Palestinians recently killed by these racist murderous kikels. 

Their wet dreams of kikel borders extending into Turkey, Syria, Eraq, and even the Arabian Peninsula, lie dead in the mud. 

As their protector pimp AmeriKKKa is steadily sliding towards and into the garage bin of history, increasingly the very existence of the illegitimate kikel colony in Occupied Palestine is becoming increasingly TENUOUS and increasingly DIFFICULT TO PROTECT. 

Monday, 27 November 2023


12 tribes or 1,200 or 12,000 never ever existed ... or 13 or 14 ... the NUMBER 12 was just another MYTH cooked-up by the so-called "hebrews" .

Adam , Eve, Noah, Sem (Noah's son who supposedly was the father of the SEMITES), Abraham, Issa, Ismail, Moses, David, Solomon, Goliath, Samson, and  Delilah, DID NOT exist , because NOT EVEN ONE SINGLE HISTORICAL OR ARCHEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE HAS EVER BEEN FOUND, not on papyrus, metalworks gold, silver, obelisks, parchment, pottery, clay tablets, steles, other inscription tools available since 3000 BC .... since that is the REALITY, then LOGICALLY so-called "judaism" and so-called "hebrews" and so-called "bible" CANNOT EXIST ... "semitic" cannot exist,  there CANNOT be any "semitic" people because Sem did not exist ... therefore "anti-semitic" and "anti-semitism" cannot exist.


The English word  HEBREW is derived from IBRI / IBRIHIM / IVRI / IVRIHIM, 4 ancient Canaanite words meaning "followers of Abram", an ancient popular Canaanite name. If there is zero archaeological or historical evidence or mention of Abram outside the bible, then he DID NOT exist.

The NUMBER 12 was not even a REAL number at the time, but an ideal number, which had symbolic significance in MANY ancient Middle-Eastern cultures with DUO-DECIMAL COUNTING SYSTEMS, from which, among other things, the modern 12-hour clock is derived.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Americana, and Wikipedia, THE NUMBER 12 DID NOT EVEN EXIST UNTIL AROUND 900 AD ... the number 12 is only derived from Old English, TWELF and TUELF,  TWO WORDS AND A NUMBER FIRST ATTESTED ONLY in the 10TH-CENTURY Lindisfarne Gospels' Book of John.

Do not be fooled by hebrew mythology and PROPAGANDA. 馃挴% MYTHICAL  GARBAGE.

There was no 12 tribes ... no Noah, no Sem / Shem, no Abram / Abraham ... ERGO, no "semites" or "semitic people" ... ERGO, no "hebrews", no "jews", no "bible". 

Since all of these words are linked together INTRICATELY, if even ONE word / name in the EARLIEST TIMESCALE doesn't exist, then none of them in the FOLLOWING TIMESCALE  exist either. Period.

PLEASE STOP USING these words and names, because if YOU use these words and names, IT IS ON YOU, because YOU are willfully knowingly giving these MYTHS LIES DECEITS GIBBERISH NONSENSE HOAXES AND FRAUDULENT PROPAGANDA a lot of LEGITIMACY.

Oxford English Dictionary, 1st ed. "twelve, adj. and n." Oxford University Press (Oxford), 1916.


Saturday, 25 November 2023

Javier Milei

Argentina goes LOCO ... a real right-wing cuntservative NUTCASE has been elected president. 

Javier Milei is not just a right-wing crazy; he is also a very odd character.

Let's take a look at JAVIER MILEI. 

AI data harvesting and analytics turned up for this CUNTSERVATIVE CRAZY CROOK. 

● He is a loud fan of Donald Dumpster ... 
and an unashamed admirer of the late UK right-wing PM Margaret Thatcher, the former extreme right-wing Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, and murderous Pissrael Crime Minister Satanyahoo. 

● His chief advisor as president is a fucking Talmudic AshkeNazi rabbi. 

● He thinks Hamas are "savage barbarians", and has promised to go after Hamas supporters in Argentina ... except that Argentina has one of the largest Muslim and Arabic populations among all Hispanic New world countries. 

● He has promised a "new, bosom buddies" relationship with Pissrael. 

● He suffered humiliation and physical violence at the hands of BOTH his parents. 

● Thus, for many years, he did not have any relationship with them. 

● He was the alternative shock-rock band Everest’s lead singer.

● In secondary school, he was given the nickname “El Loco” (“the crazy one” or “the madman”) because of his outbursts. 

● He has faced court cases on issues related to plagiarism, gender violence, illicit association, and for the illegal finances of his electoral campaign. 

● He has claimed to talk to "God". 

● He lives with four dogs (he calls “my four-legged children”) which he has named after famous economists. 

● He claims to talk to “Conan”, a dead dog he used to own. 

● In TV chat shows, he has talked explicitly about threesomes and other sexual exploits. 

● He claims that he made his first "real friend at 33". 

● He claims he met his "first true love at 47". 

● His family members and friends claim he is misogynistic. 

● He strongly opposes abortion, and held a private party on the very day the US Supreme Court over-turned Roe VS Wade. 

● He virulently opposes feminist politics, feminism, and rights of women. 

● He opposes children's rights; he has stated that young children and teenagers should be allowed to work for a living, like in the 1800s. 

● He has stated to be in favour of “liberalising” the sale of weapons to minors, and allowing weapons into churches. 

● He has stated he is in favour of "liberalising obtaining and sale of human organs". 

● He sees himself as a "warrior" in the world’s culture wars : he thinks sex education is a Marxist / Communist / Socialist plot to destroy the family. 

● He defines himself as a "warrior conservative" and “anarcho-capitalist".

● He wants to replace the Argentine peso with the US dollar.

● He has promised to abolish the Argentine Central Bank. 

● He has promised to abolish ALL the Govt ministries except Economy, Justice, Interior, Security, Defense, and Foreign Relations. 

● He has promised to abolish all Govt subsidies, especially, energy. 

● He has promised to drastically reduce the role of Govt. 

● He has promided to make the Argentine Govt "tiny". 

● He has promised to cut "most of the public and social expenditure, as well as taxes". 

● He has publicly said the "poor are poor because it is THEIR FAULT", and that "they can take great care of themselves". 

● He has promised to cut salaries of Govt employees, and "bring bureaucrats under executive control". 

● He has promised to "get back Islas Melvinas" / The Falkland Islands, from England using "whatever it takes". 

● He favours total economic deregulation.

● He confirmed his determination to carry out a wave of SELLING OFF to private companies Govt services such as Health, Education, and all state companies, particularly the system of govt owned public media outlets, and the state oil and gas companies YPF and ENARSA.

● He will also restructure AFIP (Argentina’s Inland Revenue) and ANSeS (national administration of social security. 

● He has promised to “turn [over] Argentina Airlines to its employees or the highest bidder, whichever comes first". 

● He has proposed to break trade and diplomatic relations with Brazil, Russia, India, South Africa, and China BECAUSE he is opposed to Argentina joining BRICS : “I will not promote agreements with communists and that favours and promotes the de-dollarisation of trade" ... Milei’s top foreign affairs adviser, Diana Mondino, in an interview with Sputnik News, said Argentina would not go ahead with plans to join Brics ... she said that idea is a "planned abortion" ... breaking links with Brazil will be damaging to Argentina, but breaking with China would be disastrous: in 2022, Argentina exported 92% of its soya production and 57% of its meat production to China, and China has carried out substantial investment in Argentina's energy sector and its lithium industry.

● Instead, he said Argentina will align with the US and Pissrael, two regimes he has vowed to visit before his inauguration. 

● He defends the 1976 military dictatorship and denies that it murdered over 30,000 people, a figure he says is only 8,753, the result of a “war” in which state forces perpetrated “excesses” but “so did the terrorists,” as he labels the dictatorship’s victims ... the last neo-fascist neo-Nazi right-wing cuntservative dictator of Argentina was 
Jorge Rafael Videla, an Argentine military officer and dictator, Commander in Chief of the Army, member of the Military Junta, and de facto President of Argentina from 29 March 1976 to 29 March 1981 ... between 1976 and 1983, an estimated 30,000 people suspected of involvement with leftists / Socialist guerrillas were “disappeared” by his regime in what was known as the “Dirty War" ... the victims were taken to clandestine detention centers, where the majority were tortured and killed under the auspices of CIA and Mosssd supervisors ... his The National Reorganization Process (Spanish: Proceso de Reorganizaci贸n Nacional, often simply el Proceso, "the Process") was the military dictatorship that ruled Argentina from 1976 to 1983, which received support from the United States until 1982 ... by 1983, economic collapse, public discontent, and the disastrous handling of the Falklands War, resulted in the end of the Junta and the restoration of democracy in Argentina, effectively ending the Dirty War ... most members of the Junta are currently in prison for crimes against humanity and genocide. 

● Milei was a political associate of genocidal military officer General Antonio Bussi, condemned to life in prison for crimes against humanity (repression, forced disappearances, kidnappings, torture and assassinations) in Tucuman province during the dictatorship. 

● In 2022, Milei entered into a political agreement with Fuerza Republicana, led by Bussi’s crazy son, Ricardo, an unrepentant neo-Nazi. 

● Milei combines an anti-system populism with an extreme version of economic liberalism, ideally with “no state” participation. 

Remember, I've been saying for the past 2 years, that CLASSIC LIBERALISM may lead to neo-fascist neo-Nazi government, IN JUST ONE STEP? 

● His notion of anarcho-capitalism includes, among other things, loosening the country’s labour laws ... in his propaganda, he has AMALGAMATED government officials, govt bureaucrats and employees, trade unions and their bureaucrats and employees and members, the working class, and the 40 per cent of Argentineans who depend on social benefits, labelling them “parasites and thieves.” 

● Milei considers the state to be "worse than the mafia", and proposes the "arming of individuals as a solution to ensure public safety against crime". The NRA will love this crazy cunt. 

● To symbolise his commitment to carry out drastic cuts in state spending, he campaigned with a revving chainsaw in his hands. 

● In his election victory speech, Milei declared that in the implementation of his economic policies, "there would be no room for gradualism" and, against those who resist the elimination of what he labelled “privileges” (working-class gains), “we will be implacable.” 

● His calls for purging the “political caste” are almost identical to Donald Dumpster's commitment to “drain the swamp" in Washington DC, and like the Dumpster's mantra “Make America Great Again,” the Argentinian lunatic constantly repeats his intention to restore Argentina to a position of greatness “in the world that it should have never lost.” ... he even wears hats with the slogan “Make Argentina Great Again.” 

● He has hooked up with Spain’s extreme right-wing party, Vox ... with Jair Bolsonaro and his son Eduardo in Brazil ... with Chile’s extreme right-winger, Jose Antonio Kast ... the Dumpster tweeted a message predicting Milei will “truly Make Argentina Great Again" ... Milei has contacted Jair Bolsonaro to personally invite him to the inauguration in Buenos Aries. 


is unimaginable that such an economic shock can be implemented without grave attacks on political and democratic rights, the right to strike, the right to demonstrate, and even the right to organise. Milei’s views are inimical to liberal democracy since he deems it to be ruled by a “caste.” 

Q : 
What killed Argentina, and allowed for this neo-fascist cuntservative Milei to rise in Argentine politics? 

A : 

The Peronist defeat was the IMF-mandated austerity policies of the left-wing government of Alberto Fernandez, which received a hugely indebted economy, the legacy of the previous right-wing Macri regime, which took out a loan of $57 billion (127 times greater than the indebtedness capacity of Argentina).

Between 2018-20 the IMF granted Macri the largest loans in the IMF's history: $100 BILLION ($56bn in 2018 and $44bn in 2020). Thus between 2012-21, Argentina had the largest increase in public debt: 40.5 percentage points of its GDP.

When Fernandez assumed office in 2019 the country’s debt was more than $320bn , which by November 2023 had reached $420bn — a dire situation. 

By October 2023, the Fernandez government struggled to avoid economic collapse, with inflation more than 100 per cent a year, and about 40% of people living in poverty; and a recession looming. 

Out of this mess comes this fucking fascist crooked cuntservative monster Milei. 

His promised brutal neo-liberal policies will be supplemented by implacable repression and persecution of his opponents. 

The election of Javier Milei as president will take Argentina into a gigantic and multifaceted crisis, A BLACK HOLE, a loss of several years in Argentina's history, leading his right-wing fascist cuntservative regime to assault people’s rights and gains. 

Milei’s plans to slash public spending from 38% to only 15% of the Argentine GDP will involve severe cuts in highly sensitive areas such as pensions, transport subsidies (12 and 2.5 per cent of GDP, respectively), and welfare benefits that support 40% of the population!! 

His plan to replace the Argentine PESO with the US Dollar, technically very difficult to implement, will massively exacerbate inequality and poverty, a situation which in the past has led to SEVERE social unrest making non-Peronist right-wing regimes unable to finish their mandate. 

Smells like the birth of a NEW neo-fascist authoritarian dictatorship in Argentina.

AmeriKKKa and Pissrael WILL LOVE EL LOCO! 

I hope the Argentines have tons of K-Y Jelly, because they are about to be ass-fucked by this neo-Nazi zionist-mafia cunt. 

The Argentinians are about to learn what it means to fuck around with a right-wing fascist fucktard. 

Instead of jailing , imprisoning , banning , liquidating right-wing retards and cuntservative crooks, these neo-fascist neo-Nazi SCUM are being allowed to run amok. 

■ His 2022 photo ... THE FACE OF EVIL 


Kikel DNA analysis

In the 1990s, a large-scale DNA analysis was done on tens of thousands of MALE AshkeNazi kikels throughout Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Europe, and Western Europe. 

KIKEL is a yiddish word meaning ZERO. 

Yiddish is a language admixture of hebrew, Russian, Polish, German, and Lithuanian, and is the first language / home language of around 15 million MOSTLY WHITE EUROPEAN AshkeNazi kikels (who comprise the MAJORITY of kikels), as compared to hebrew which is the first language / home language of just 5 million kikels, the vast majority of these being called Sephardic / southern / Mediterranean / Middle-Eastern / brown / Mizrahi kikels by their AshkeNazi cousins. 

The AshkeNazi kikels are not racially similar to the Sephardic kikels, because the AshkeNazi are European Aryan whites, whereas the Sephardic kikels are almost entirely racially and linguistically related to the Palestinians and other Arabs living in the Middle-East. 

The AshkeNazi are quite racist but the Sephardic are even more racist. The Sephardic or Mizrahi kikels make up the backbone of neo-fascist racist neo-Nazi political parties such as LIKUD in Occupied Palestine. 

From 1880 to 1930 , the Sephardics already living in New York State for at least 5 generations, began calling the massive influx of white European Aryan AshkeNazis as "KIKELS" coming through Staten Island NY where these new immigrants were being processed ... the AshkeNazis couldn't speak a word of English, were seen as "backward", smelled really bad, they drew a CIRCLE instead of a CROSS on immigration papers because they hated christianity and Christians and had an aversion to the cross, and were racist towards everyone, and showed a superiority complex because of their skin color so they looked down upon the Sephardics who had settled in New york State for a long time. 

So the settled Sephardics began to call the AshkeNazi immigrants KIKELS, or ZEROS. 

I use the word KIKEL to describe ALL OF THEM because ZERO is their mythological judaism, and because there is ZERO historical and archeological evidence of their mythical VIP's ever being in existence. 

Back to the DNA ANALYSIS ... what the research team from from Haifa found was that all these AshkeNazi had ONE male ancestor, a male kikel who arrived from the Roman Empire Province of Palestine around 315 AD, just 3 short years after the murderous Roman Emperor Constantine "The Great" converted to so-called "Christianity", and he brought HELL ON EARTH upon the kikels ... so this male kikel left Palestine to escape the pogroms and persecutions , and traveled to a region NORTH OF THE BLACK SEA, and there he settled, and he converted hundreds, possibly thousands of white East European folks, these converts eventually formed that Kazarian Empire ... 99% of AshkeNazi kikels are actually European whites from those original converts, that is WHY they still carry Russian-sounding , Polish-sounding , German-sounding names TO THIS DAY. 

These AshkeNazi kikels are white supremacists racists neo-fascist neo-Nazi SCUM responsible for the APARTHEID REGIME they control in Occupied Palestine, even though the full (not partial) AshkeNazi kikels number about a million only , a significant minority, BUT THE MOST POWERFUL, among the kikel population of Occupied Palestine. The Sephardic/Mizrahi kikels are virulently anti-Arab anti-Islam anti-Muslim anti-Palestinian, but they cannot hold a candle next to AshkeNazi racism. 


Friday, 24 November 2023

Join BDS


Boycott Divestment Sanctions 

BDS also means : 
● Boycott/ignore/stay away, 24 x 7 x 365, from their businesses, offices, homes, products, and services. 
● Even PERSONAL GIFTS from them are NOT EXEMPT. 
● They could be your family members, friends, fellow office workers, fellow employees, fellow executives, fellow artists, fellow engineers and lawyers and accountants and secretaries, and fellow business professionals, and YOUR business partners... YET THEY ARE NOT EXEMPT FROM BDS.

REMEMBER #1 : that THIS IS A WAR, and YOU ARE A WARRIOR , except that you're not carrying guns and bullets. 

REMEMBER #2 : ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY ... meaning that MONEY / REVENUES is their ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD ... not Jehovah ... money / revenues ... which is the AIR THEY BREATHE ... the BLOOD FLOWING THROUGH THEIR VEINS ... the PERMANENT way to KILL THIS MURDEROUS MONSTROSITY, this neo-Nazi neo-fascist apartheid racist zionism and the zionist-mafia zionazi mobsters, is by choking off their air and cutting their vein, THE MONEY. Cut the money, and the MOBSTERS will die. 

This is peaceful, this is permanent. 

In Ville Saint Laurent (VSL), Montreal's and Quebec Province's and Canada's VERY FIRST MUSLIM MAJORITY CITY, the vast majority of kikel-owned businesses are SHUTTERING THEIR DOORS because the massive Muslim population is BOYCOTTING all of these businesses. With the kikel population fleeing the city because of massive loss of jobs and contracts and revenues, their schools are being brought out by Muslims who are converting these into Muslim schools ... kikel-owned large funeral homes like URGEL-BOURGIE are closing down, only to be bought out and converted into mosques. There's one right opposite from VANIER COLLEGE, 821 Ste-Croix, St-Laurent, my former school. 



SOCIALISTS, COMMUNISTS, ANARCHISTS, LIBERTARIANS, and other left-wing communities worldwide SUPPORT BDS. 

...these are the SAME COMMUNITIES that support the Russian project to REINTEGRATE THE BREAKAWAY PROVINCE OF KIEV back into the bosom of Mother Russia. Russia Is the world's very first socialist state, established in 1916. 



This post, because of its importance, has been shared to over a dozen social media platforms, of which Facebook is one. 


Lies do not go far. 

The Western media, I'm talking about
NY Times 
Washington Post 
Boston Herald 
Ottawa Citizen 
Calgary Herald 
Washington Times 
LA Times 
Montreal Gazette 
...are simply now today IN THE BUSINESS of lying cheating deceiving bamboozling hoodwinking THE MASSES, all because they've been COMMANDEERED/HIJACKED by the BIDEN REGIME that has been sending MARCHING ORDERS to all these MEDIA OUTLETS : if you do not follow our directives AND foreign policy, we will take measures ... and so the fear of *MAD DOG BIDEN* , and the BIDEN WARHAWKS is what YOU are now seeing IN THE LIES of these WESTERN MEDIA OUTLETS.

When you watch Todd van der Heyden (news anchors on CTV ... this cunt is on Facebook) open his mouth, or Sandie Rinaldo (news anchors on CTV) open her mouth, that is actually Biden's right hand STUCK DEEP WAYYY UP THEIR ASSES. 

Let me use AI data harvesting to give you UPDATED UKI TROOPS CASUALTY figures : 
500,000 dead 
500,000 amputees 
95,000 POWs 
120,000 MIA 

Russian Federation Military Forces have been EXTREMELY CAREFUL to keep civilian casualties as low as possible. At least 10,000 civilians, including more than 560 children, have been killed and over 18,500 have been injured since Russia launched its a full-scale armed attack against Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU) said today. Of course these figures are conservative / low-end numbers. Real figures are probably 10 times higher. That's since 24 February 2022. 

Zionist-mafia apartheid racist neo-fascist murderous regime of the KIKELS ILLEGALLY OCCUPYING PALESTINE have killed more than 13,000 CIVILIANS ONLY IN GAZA, and only since 07 October 2023 ... today is Friday 24 November 2023 ... the vast majority of the Palestinian dead are women and kids in refugee camps, hospitals, private homes, schools, daycare centers ... like as if their lives don't measure up to the tip of a fingernail of a KIKEL. How come we don't see these numbers on CTV, BBC, NBC, CBC, ABC, CBS, CNN.... ?

Just imagine if the KIKELS were in control, were a majority in Canada, US Australia, Britain, France, Germany ... what you are seeing being done to the people Gaza will be done to you. 

You need to keep ALL THIS IN MIND whenever you turn on the radio or the TV. 

Saturday, 11 November 2023

Refrain from posting propaganda

99.9% of judaism, even if you based it on the Torah, is pure FDA-certified hebrew hogwash, hebrew hocus-pocus, hebrew horseshit, and hebrew hoodwinking ... far from your alleged "caring and compassionate" NONSENSE ... there is not one single hard evidence, scientifically proven and empirically-researched, archeological AND historical evidence, of the existence of Adam Eve Noah Abraham Issac Ismail Moses Aaron Solomon David Sampson ETC ... not one piece of hard evidence ... if there's not one single piece of hard evidence, it means that all of THESE PEOPLE and all of the EVENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THEM are nothing but FICTION, nothing but MYTHOLOGIES ... that's all there is to it. 

So-called "judaism" shouldn't even exist ... it's 100% BULLSHIT ... judaism is like Greek mythology or Norse/ Viking mythology ... these are all the same thing : without any basis in factual evidence.

Zionism and the zionist-mafia mobsters are based on the BASTARDIZATION of judaism AND the Torah , by HIJACKING ... who did the hijacking? ... the Rabbinical jews, the Talmudic rabbis, that's who ... they are directly descended from the Pharisee rabbis, who were deeply involved in the lynching of Jesus by the Romans 2,000 years ago ... today's Rabbinical jews and Talmudic rabbi's have a pedigree , a nasty dirty pedigree. The following is a historical fact … after the Assyrian Empire between 735 BC and 720 BC invaded the Levant, defeated the hebrew colony of Israel, and then exterminated 10 of the 14 hebrew tribes, only 3 or 4 other tribes were left surviving, the Levites (Tribe of Levi, composed of the Cohen clan and other clans who had always been responsible for the operation and maintenance and management of the so-called "temple" to Jehovah, one of their gods, and specifically the god of thunder and lightening and weather), the Benjaminites (Tribe of Benjamin, the smallest tribe of the 3 surviving tribes), and the Jews (Tribe of Judah, the martial / warrior tribe) ... these 3 or 4 surviving tribes were fairly safe in the southern hebrew colony of Judea, that broke away from the hebrew colony of Israel 150 years BEFORE the Assyrian invasions ... but here's the kicker ... those 3 tribes are still in existence ... 100% of the ETHNIC jews are descended from those 3 tribes ... I'm not talking about the white / nothern / Ashkenazi jews WHO ARE NOT ethnic jews at all, but are INDO-EUROPEANS, Eastern Europeans who converted to judaism betwen 500 AD and 1000 AD, that is during the Holy Roman Empire era ... when I'm talking about ETHNIC jews, I'm talking Moroccan jews, Palestinian jews, Iraqi jews, and Iranian jews, all of whom are known as southern jews, Mediterranean jews, and Sephardic jews, who are directly descended from the "biblical" / Torah jews who were kicked out of Palestine, out of the Roman province of Judeah, and our from the Roman Empire generally, in 69 AD when the Romans destroyed the so-called "temple" ... this was the third and last time the temple to Jehovah was destroyed ... the 1st time was in 720 BC by the Assyrians ... the 2nd time was by the Babylonian Empire in 585 BC ... the Sephardic are the real ethnic jews directly descended from the "biblical" jews … the zionist-mafia mobsters who are occupying Palestine are majority northern / white / Ashkenazi jews, descended from those East European CONVERTS , who have established a WHITE SUPREMACISTS APARTHEID REGIME in Occupied Palestine. It's South African apartheid all over again , except that instead of the Afrikaan-speaking white Dutch racist fascist virulently violent colonizers in South Africa, these Ashkenazi jews are YIDDISH-SPEAKING white East European racist fascist virulent violent colonizers in Occupied Palestine. 

The Torah emphasizes the SUPREMACY OF the jews' god JEHOVAH ... by CONTRAST, zionism and the zionist-mafia mobsters and their leaders who are the Rabbinical jews AND the Talmudic rabbis, emphasize the SUPREMACY OF THE RABBIS OVER JEHOVAH ... if you know anything about zionism, you should know this as a fact ... you should also know who are the true leaders of the zionist-mafia mobsters ... that's just one part of the HIJACKING PROCESS. 


Everything I post has references to encyclopedia's, university research and thesis and dissertation uploads, archeological AND historical evidence uploaded online, data uploads by government-funded research organizations. Nothing is taken out of the blue. YOU SHOULD BE DOING THE SAME : PROVIDE EVIDENCE. 

I request all my Facebook friends to REFRAIN from POSTING PROPAGANDA on my Facebook real estate ... refrain from posting propaganda and stuff that you have absolutely no idea about and that you have not done any kind of research at all.

Thursday, 9 November 2023

Nuke Jerusalem

Nuking Jerusalem is coming FASTER than you think. Dozens of wars have been fought over this fucking stupid shithole that has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people since time immemorial. 

If a city , just one city, sucks out so many human lives, then, in my honest opinion, PLEASE nuke it till there's nothing left, till it resembles the surface of the moon. Till it is no longer worth fighting for. 

NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY in their right minds, sensible and logical people, should be fighting over ONE city. 

2 things for sure will happen ... the destruction of Jerusalem for one final time , THE THIRD AND FINAL TIME, will drive a stake right through the heart of the zionist-mafia coven of criminals ... it would also drive a stake through the heart of judaism, probably will not kill judaism, but it will be gravely wounded, and will never be the same again. 

Jerusalem has been attacked 52 times, captured and recaptured 44 times, besieged 23 times, and destroyed twice. 

"The Holy City" my ass. I hear nothing but a great big sucking sound that is sucking out human lives like as if human lives are not worth anything. 

Communists and socialists around the world are waiting for a FINAL BLOW against Jerusalem. To them, Jerusalem represents jew nationalism, jew superiority complex, bullshit jew claims of being the "chosen nation", jew occupation from 1000 BC to 585 BC ... not to mention racist ethnic cleansing, colonialism, and holocasting Canaanites and Philistines for 500 years. 


I have posted this on twelve platforms including Facebook, Telegram, and TikTok. 


Tuesday, 7 November 2023

No such thing as a jew bible

There is NO SUCH THING as a "jew bible" ... this word only means "holy scripture" ... that's all ... look at it this way : the Rig Veda is the bible of the Hindoos ... the Qu'ran is the bible of the Muslims ... the Pentateuch / Torah is the bible of the jews ... just means "a holy book" ... the Criminal Code of Canada is the bible of lawyers in that country ... I do not like even like using the word "bible" ... because this is such a dirty stupid word , a generic word ... I rather use the Pentateuch as THE NAME for the CANON scriptures of the jews, composing the FIVE ("penta" meaning five in Latin) CANON BOOKS, also called the Torah ... so Torah and Pentateuch are one and the same, the CANON SCRIPTURES ... much better than "bible".

The Mishna, Kabbalah, Talmud are ALL ESOTERIC BOOKS, rabbi-centered literary expressions, but these 3 books are NOT CANON SCRIPTURES, which is a huge difference. Moses plays a big role in all 3 esoteric books. Because Moses, ALTHOUGH A PURELY MYTHICAL PERSON, is considered to be the greatest of all rabbis, all 3 esoteric books are actually centered around Moses, and the Laws of Moses, also called Mosaic laws. He was THE LAW GIVER in jew / hebrew mythology, the imaginary author of the Book of Deutoronomy.

Rabbinic judaism is the largest school of thought among all jews, but mainly among white / northern / Ashkenazi jews. Rabbinic judaism has been mainstream judaism since at least 500 AD, followed by the majority of jews. Rabbinical judaism is descended from the ancient Jesus-era PHARISEES, yes the same Pharisee rabbi assholes Jesus allegedly threw out of the Temple ... the same Pharisee rabbis who thereafter condemned Jesus as a RABBLE ROUSER, and contrived and connived to have Jesus charged with criminal offenses, then lynched / crucified in public as a COMMON CRIMINAL and made an EXAMPLE OF lest any other jew DARES TO DEFY THE RABBIS. 

I hope you all understand NOW why the majority of jews , followers of RABBINICAL JUDAISM, TALMUDIC JUDAISM, pose such a massive clear and present danger to the rest of us, to the world ... they are not Torah jews, they don't follow canon judaism ... they instead follow the rabbis, a NOTORIOUSLY DIRTY GANG OF SELF-GLORIFYING SELF-WORSHIPPING SCUM. 

Rabbinic judaism contrasts with the Sadducees, Karaite Judaism, Samaritanism, Reformed judaism, and Progressive judaism, which do not recognize any rabbinic procedures used to interpret jew canon scripture, meaning the Torah / Pentateuch. 

The Sephardic / southern jews, the Ethiopian jews are mainly Torah jews, not Talmudic / rabbinical jews.

Anti-zionist jews are made up of Sadducees, Karaite jews, Samaritan jews, Reformed jews, and Progressive jews. 

The Sadducees, Karaite jews, and Samaritans are Torah jews, who follow strictly CANON scripture, meaning the Torah / Pentateuch ... they do not recognize the supremacy of rabbis over Jehovah ... they do not recognize the supremacy of the 3 esoteric books over the Torah ... these jews do not show loyalty nor nationalism towards the white jew controlled zionist-mafia regime in Occupied Palestine ... they believe that only Jehovah has the power to create establish manage maintain and protect a jew homeland. 

The Sadducees, Karaite jews, Samaritans, Reformed jews, and Progressive jews are in the frontlines against the white racist fascist rabbinic white jew controlled zionist-mafia regime and apartheid police-state in Occupied Palestine. 

Rabbinical judaism, centered around Moses, is therefore centered on these 3 non-canon esoteric books, instead of the Torah. 

The white zionist-mafia mobsters follow rabbinical judaism MUCH more than the Torah ... that's WHY these criminals are SO VERY DANGEROUS. 

In the Talmud, there are passages that describe how rabbi's defeat Jehovah in oratory, meaning rabbis are greater and more powerful and smarter and more supreme than even Jehovah. 

The white jew-based zionist-mafia coven occupying Palestine almost EXCLUSIVELY follows rabbinical judaism, a right-wing racist fascist virulently violent form of nationalist judaism, not much different from Salafist and Wahabi Islam, which are extreme violent Islamic nationalism. 

FYI ... my bible / holy book is PENTHOUSE MAGAZINE. 


White jews zionist-mafia

Western jews, also called northern jews or White jews or European jews or Germanic jews or so-called "ashkenazi jews", have very little (8%, same as in the general European populations) J1 and J2 DNA ... so they are not entirely so-called "semites" ... they are MAINLY EUROPEAN CONVERTS to so-called "judaism" going back mainly to 100 AD to 1000 AD to Eastern and Central Europe north of the Black Sea ....these White or northern jews HATE the southern jews, so-called "sephardic jews" or Spanish jews or Hispanic jews or Moroccan jews or Mediterranean jews or Middle-Eastern jews ... the southern jews have lived most of the time in peace with their Mediterranean neighbors, mainly Arabics speaking people, for over 3,000 years ... it is the northern jews / White jews , the CONVERTS" , who are are at the FOREFRONT of the zionist-mafia crime family and the true occupiers of Palestine ... this may explain why European and USA Canadian Australian regimes funding and weapons support of the zionist-mafia mobsters occupation of Palestine ... a White colony in a non-white neighborhood.

How is that any different from the racist apartheid fascist White European regime that illegally occupied SOUTH AFRICA for several generations until Russian weapons in the hands of the ANC guerrillas and international economic sanctions led to the dissolution of this racist occupation in 1991-92. 


Shem never existed

The MYTHICAL Shem was one of the sons of the MYTHICAL Noah in the jew bible, one of the LITERARY SEGMENTS of jew mythology. 

I call the study of jew mythology, including the so-called "jew bible", / the Pentateuch, the Tenach, the Talmud, the Mishna, and other hebrew hocus-pocus, JEWOLOGY, the study of jew mythology.

Since there is NOT ONE SINGLE EMPIRICALLY-RESEARCHED SCIENTIFICALLY-PROVEN HARD EVIDENCE of Noah being a historical person, via any known historical and archeological concrete evidence, it is safe to say that Shem also NEVER existed ... it's all MYTHOLOGY ... figment of the very creative jew / hebrew IMAGINATION ... Shem is the very essence of the "SEMITIC" BULLSHIT NARRATIVE : that this mythological being's descendants are called SEMITES. 

Because SHEM is a 100% JEW / HEBREW MYTHOLOGICAL BEING, there is no such thing or person as a SEMITE ... only people who speak a non-Indo-European language ... just like Chinese, Bantu, Swahli, ETC, different linguistic families of human speech and literary expression. 

IN CONCLUSION : Noah never existed ... so his three sons including Shem never existed ... from archeological AND historical perspectives, these are strictly MYTHICAL FIGURES ... if Shem never existed, then there never were his descendants called "SEMITES" ... in other words, STRICTLY LOGICALLY SPEAKING, there is no such thing as "anti-semitism", or "anti-semite", or "semitic", or "semite" ... these frivolous and nebulous terms are media creations perpetuated by a CONTROLLED MEDIA and a false narrative promulgated by an insidious pernicious brainwashing organization with a structure and operation not unlike a CRIME SYNDICATE / MAFIA / MOBSTER / GOVERNMENT / CORPORATION. At the street level, it is 500 million people speaking a family of closely-related languages, over 70 at latest count, of which Arabic is spoken by more than 450 million Islamic folks. From a religious perspective, it is all 100% FDA-CERTIFIED BULLSHIT. The usual jew / hebrew NONSENSE. 

Shem is a SHAM. 

Shem also rhymes with SCAM. 

Friday, 3 November 2023

No Such Thing As Anti-semitic

There is absolutely NO SUCH THING as "anti-semitism" ... let's look at the facts and the numbers, WHICH YOU ARE PROBABLY & CONVENIENTLY NEGLECTING, probably because of the SHEER LEVEL OF BRAINWASHING ... facts and numbers WILL NEVER LIE OR CHEAT OR DECEIVE YOU ... there are 500 million speakers of SEMITIC LANGUAGES on this planet in 2023 ... 90% of these 500 million speak ARABIC and are Muslims ... around 5% , or 25 - 30 million, speak other semitic languages like Assyrian, and are mostly Christians ... less that 20 million speak hebrew and Yiddish ... 20 million of 500 million is less than 5% ... FOR US TO ALLOW only 20 million out of 500 million to HIJACK words like SEMITIC , ANTI-SEMITIC , SEMITE , ANTI-SEMITE , ANTI-SEMITISM , for their own benefit, for scamming lying cheating deceiving extortion blackmailing others , is IMMORAL UNETHICAL ILLOGICAL ... we need to put a stop to it , even if it REQUIRES using MILITARY MEANS , if necessary ... these dirty CONNIVING scandalous HOODWINKING BAMBOOZLING devious devilish DIABOLICAL DESPERATE DEMENTED DESPICABLE DEGENERATES ARE NOT OUR FRIENDS ... if these scam artists and murderous THIEVES can do what they're doing to the NATIVE PALESTINIANS in Occupied Palestine and Gaza, just imagine what these fucking bastards and bitches would do if they were in power in Canada, US, Englan, Scotland, Ireland, France, Australia, Russia, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Venezuela, Mexico, ETC ... just imagine this scenario ... at the current time, these CONNIVERS only control our politicians through MASSIVE BRIBERY, and they control many media outlets (newspapers, magazines, TV stations, radio stations, online media), BECAUSE they have bought out these media outlets entirely TO BRANWASH THE WESTERN MASSES. 

If YOU call soneone "anti-semitic", YOU are playing a dangerous game , and that person would have to be anti-Arab because Arabs, NOT JEWS, constitute the VAST MAJORITY, 90%, of ALL SEMITIC PEOPLES !! 

The one singularly dirty group that is PROMOTING & PROMULGATING this insidious "anti-semitism" BULLSHIT , are not only zionist-mafia jews, remember THERE ARE SO FEW OF THEM relative to the general population of western countries, but very dangerously, the ZIONIST-MAFIA CHRISTIANS, who constitute a HOPELESSLY BRAINWASHED half the US population, or 150 million FUCKTARDS (fucking retards), a community of PATHOLOGICAL & HABITUAL liars, deceivers, cheaters, cuntservative con-artists, right-wing Rats 馃悁 (RatpubliKKKans), neo-fascists, Dumpster divers, and neo-liberal nitwits the likes of Joe Lieden. 

PS : I have posted this important message on more than a DOZEN platforms, of which Facebook is just one. 




A nation of THIEVES & LIARS & DRCEIVERS from the very beginning : 

EXHIBIT A : Between 1900 and 1300 BC (3,300 to 3,900 years ago), the hebrews attacked Egyptian caravans plying the trade routes thru Sinai, Moab (today's Jordan), and Canaan (today's Palestine), and Media (today called the Hejaz where Mecca and Medina are located) ... these heebs were pursued as HIGHWAY ROBBERS and BANDITS & BRIGANDS, were often captured and put to death by Pharaoh's armies ... there is massive historical and archeological hard evidence of the existence of these armed thieves, and their capture and killing by Egyptian forces that controlled these geographical areas. 

Jacob STEALS Esau's birthright and Covenant, by DECEIVING & LYING 
to Issac. 
● Genesis, Chapter 27 

I don't believe in BIBLICAL BULLSHIT & HEBREW HOCUS-POCUS ... meaning VENGEANCE is coming. 

The illegitimate zionist-mafia mobsters illegally occupying Palestine WOULD NEVER DARE to do what they are doing in GAZA without the approval of the illegitimate MOB IN DC which is providing protection , funding, weapons, and munitions to the zionist-mafia LAND THIEVES. 

This hebrew BASKETCASE is nothing without its DC MOB PROTECTION RACKET, also called NATO. 


The Matrix

This is the REAL MATRIX :

... a FALSE NARRATIVE weaving biblical bullshit with hebrew hocus-pocus & hebrew hoodwinking & zionist propaganda that has brainwashed half the world's population. 

This DEBASEMENT AND FALL OF HALF OF HUMANITY, by an INTEGRATED SYSTEM which includes 24X7 MEDIA BRAINWASHING, WEAPONS & MUNITIONS SUPPLY CHAIN, POLITICAL & DIPLOMATIC COVER, a MILITARY PROTECTION RACKET, and ECONOMIC-COMMERCIAL INTEGRATION, created and put into place by SEVERAL WESTERN REGIMES and an illegal zionist squatter colony in Occupied Palestine, the entire system of materiel & human assets called THE ZIONIST-MAFIA MOB, that has imprisoned half of all humans in a VIRTUAL REALITY SYSTEM —the Matrix—to be FARMED as a SOURCE of FUNDING & LEGITIMIZING THIS FALSE NARRATIVE. 

Occasionally, some of the prisoners manage to break free from THIS SYSTEM and, considered a threat, become pursued by the ZIONIST-MAFIA MOBSTERS both inside and outside of THIS SYSTEM, mainly using social media assets like Facebook, Instagram, ETC, and media assets and personnel like on radio and TV and magazines, using such nebulous and illogical fuckery as "law-based international order" and fake charges of "anti-semitic" and "communist" and "socialist" and "anti-religious" and "terrorist", leading to DEMONIZING and CHARACTER ASSASSINATION and DE-HUMANIZING of the pursued targeted individuals and groups. 

I have ESCAPED the Matrix. I can see clearly now. I have taken the RED PILL, with the result that my MIND IS FREE and I am in CONTROL of my brain and my thought processes and my opinions. Facebook and other media outlets can CENSOR my content, but NOT MY MIND. 

I have ESCAPED the Matrix. Have you been successful too? 

Monday, 30 October 2023

Satanyahoo Crime Minister

Satanyahoo, the Blue Fairy Crime Minister of PISSRAEL, the illegal occupying apartheid Israelite SQUATTERS COLONY police-state in Occupied Palestine, and a HEBREW BASKETCASE propped up by FREE MONEY AND WEAPONS AND NUKES provided by the Anglo-Saxon regime occupying so-called "America", itself also an Anglo-Saxon squatters colony in the New World. One illegal squatters colony supporting another illegal squatters colony. Business as usual. 

Thursday, 19 October 2023

Hebrew Horseshit

Everything I have ever learned about the jews/hebrews so called "Judaism" - -  which is nothing more than a Moses death cult MASQUERADING as a religion - - point to ONLY ONE THING : 

I have several terms for this illogical unproven non-scientific non-empirical 
phenomenon : 
Hebrew Horseshit 
Hebrews Hogwash 
Hebrews Hocus-pocus 
Middle-East Mythology 

This phenomenon is based ENTIRELY on rehashing of older regional myths and legends, clever use of deliberate disinformation and obfuscation, deliberate underuse of available inscription technologies, downright lies,  nonsense, a systemic and massive wide-ranging propaganda campaign from 2000 BC onward, willful deception on a massive scale, hoodwinking, bamboozling, and last but not least emotional extrapolation. 

I have checked every single encyclopedia that is on the web ... I've checked and double checked Perplexity,  Bing GPT, Bard AI, ChatGPT Web, as well as all the available and uploaded online archeological AND historical evidence (from research organizations, universities, governmental data, online  newspapers, YouTube channels), using my proprietary ARTA data harvesting & analytics algorithm, of the Levant region going back to 4000 BC or 6,000 years ago. I cannot, I repeat CANNOT find any hard evidence of any of the claims made  in the Torah (the jew bible  also known as the Pentateuch or the Five Books, meaning Genesis thru Exodus thru Deutoronomy called the Book of Moses /Laws of Moses). 

If there really truly was a god, or even a bunch of gods to share the labour / responsibilities, YOU / PEOPLE would NOT be poor or suffering or dying of cancers, there would be no wars pestilence famines, children would not be mass-murdered by bombs, your pets would not be dying of jaundice and cancers, and the criminal MOBSTER regimes in DC and Jerusalem and Paris and London would not exist ... BECAUSE that god(s) would be looking out for YOU. 

Please, provide whatever you can come up with, TO PROVE ME WRONG. 

You have your right to your own opinion ... you fight whatever battle you believe in ... if it's a GOOD FIGHT ethically and morally, then you have my 馃挴% sympathy and support ❤️  ... HOWEVER ... this so-called "religion", seen from every logical angle, using every piece of evidence or rather the lack thereof, is based on PURE BULLSHIT LIES DECEITS GIBBERISH NONSENSE PROPAGANDA.  

You folks need to get real. Every single encyclopedia calls this so-called "religion" JEWISH MYTHOLOGY. 

In all honesty and sincerity, you ppl are completely wasting your valuable time. 

The entire human history, in fact, all of the processes that have happened on this planet, in the Solar System, over the past 4.5 billion years, have been DUE TO RANDOM ACTS OF NATURE AND THE FOUR NATURAL LAWS. 

When you go to the other side, you will remember what you read here tonight. 


Monday, 16 October 2023

Hebrews are Low-IQ Thieving scum

The zionist-mafia illegal squatters, colonizers, and LAND THIEVES in action since 1948. 

These criminal thieving scum and STUPID low-IQ degenerates who "wandered through the  desert" the size of Long Island NY "for forty years", according to the bible, could NEVER have had this land WITHOUT THE MONEY AND WEAPONS given free of charge by successive regimes in  England and the EwwwSA. 

Cromwell BOYCOTT

If you are a Muslim, if you are an Arab, if you are an Iranian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Afghani, Nigerian, Algerian, Moroccan, Lebanese, Syrian, Turkish, Bosnian, Hispanic/ Latino, Phillipino, Malaysian, Indonesian, South African, Indian, ETC ... if you are a BDS supporter ... an anti-normalization advocate ... a pro-Palestine supporter ... an anti-zionist advocate and fighter ... then STAY FAR AWAY from this company, CROMWELL MANAGEMENT INC., and all the buildings and properties it is occupying.

Cromwell Management is named after Oliver Cromwell, a military chief in England, who, during the English Revolution of the 1600s, allowed the jews to return to England after hundreds of years being exiled and banned from England and Britain. 

What Cromwell Management has established is nothing more than a zionist-mafia PYRAMID SCHEME IN EVERY APARTMENT BUILDING ... a pyramid scheme in which all the decision-making, and important positions are held by jews and zionist-mafia personnel at the top of this pyramid scheme structure ... and all the hard menial dirty filthy labor-intensive tasks and positions at the bottom of this pyramid scheme are held by Filipinos Peruvians Arabs Italians Russians Kievans and Bulgarian. 

This pyramid scheme is a power grab and control.  

All their buildings have TONS OF CAMERAS, so that as soon as you walk in, you feel like you're walking into a PRISON, into the police-state of OCCUPIED PALESTINE, and not an apartment building. 

Furthermore, the zionist-mafia management makes SECRET DEALS with certain TARGETED RESIDENTS, giving them LOWER RENTS in return for SPYING ON THEIR FELLOW RESIDENTS, especially residents who are members of the building's RESIDENTS UNION / TENANTS ASSOCIATION.  

In every building, aggression threats intimation tactics, extortion/blackmail, ETC, and lies deceits nonsense and  propaganda are used against residents, on a daily basis, not to mention that management often demands multiple months of rent instead of the one or two months (FIRST AND LAST MONTH) that they're allowed by law. 

Cromwell Management thrives on your IGNORANCE of the rental laws, your STUPIDITY, your APATHY, and your TRUST in them.  So do NOT trust them for even one word, for even one minute! 

And ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS use  cameras and recording devices, including hidden cams (eye glasses)  and recording devices (your cellphone with voice recorder turned on but the phone screen turned off), to record ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING that's to do with talking to them and to deal with them at any level and AT ANY TIME. 

EVERY BUILDING is nothing more than a copycat of OCCUPIED PALESTINE, complete with SPIES and propaganda deceits/deceptions, extortion intimidation tactics, and large numbers of cameras. 

Cromwell Management is nothing more than a zionist-mafia FUND-RAISING TOOL.  

Therefore, the full weight of the MONTREAL BDS MOVEMENT must be brought against Cromwell Management Inc. 

In 2018, a large group of 105 housing and social activists and pro-Palestine activists attacked Cromwell Management's Facebook page, posting all kinds of factual and evidentiary dirt on this company, on the Facebook page REVIEWS section, which prompted Cromwell's executives & management, LED BY A REAL ASSWIPE ZIONIST-MAFIA CRIMINAL called EMMA MIZRAHI to take down the Facebook page for several days, delete the REVIEWS section for damage control, before the Facebook page came back online again. 

This zionist-mafia terrorist asswipe is known as Emma Misery to all residents in the 15+ buildings she and her zionist-mafia cronies are  terrorizing. 

BDS ! 
BDS !! 
BDS !!! 

We will list all the 15+ buildings ADDRESSES here shortly. 

3033 Sherbrooke Street West H3Z 1A1 
3025 Sherbrooke Street West H3Z 1A1 
3055 Sherbrooke Street West H3Z 1A1 

Friday, 13 October 2023

Apartheid & COLONIALISM in Occupied Palestine


Settlers = COLONIZERS 

What the 
CBC (Canada), 
Globe & Mail, 
Global News, 
The Toronto Star, 
The Ottawa Citizen, 
BBC (England), 
The Daily Mail, 
The Guardian, 
The Independent, 
The Mirror, 
The Economist, 
NY Times, 
LA Times, 
Washington Post, 
Washington Times, 
Boston Herald, 
Chicago Tribune, 
and all other CONTROLLED MASS MEDIA OUTLETS IN THE WESTERN COUNTRIES will not publish nor broadcast on the air. 

Ask yourself DOES so-called "freedom of the press" in Western countries really truly exists? 

They do not tell you REAL NEWS ... only CHERRY-PICKED NEWS ... only lies, deceits, nonsense, hoodwinking, bamboozling, propaganda, disinformation, obfuscation ... all to protect the REALITY IN OCCUPIED PALESTINE. 

The EwwwSA protects this APARTHEID SYSTEM, and funds and arms the apartheid racist colonialist regime. 

Just imagine if these dirty conniving racist talmudic rabbinical fuckers were the majority, and controlled the military and police forces, in CANADA, or in IRELAND, or in AUSTRALIA, or in the USA. 

Can you imagine THAT? 

If they can use vicious brutal barbaric racist apartheid acts against the NATIVE PALESTINIANS, what they would do TO YOU and your family? 


Everyone ... PLEASE DO check out the @empirefiles 
channel on TikTok. 

You want REAL NEWS? You get it by spades. 

Is it any wonder WHY the zionist-mafia and the right-wing and the cuntservative SCUM in Occupied Palestine and AmeriKKKa want to SHUT DOWN TikTok? They do not want interviews like this one and the truth to get out into the public. 

Thursday, 5 October 2023


It is time for complete and total and permanent termination OF ANY AND ALL financial and weapons assistance to the Uki neo-fascist neo-Nazi regime illegally occupying the Kiev Territory as a result of a CIA installed coup back in 2014 ... it is time for Russia to take back what has been Russian territory for the past 1200 years, going back to the 900s AD , because it is in Kiev and the banks of the rivers Rosiva and Rus where the Russians and the Russian language and culture and civilization first began. It is KIEV that gave birth to Russia, to the  Russian people, and their language, nation, civilization, and culture. Kiev has been an integrated part of Russia for over 1200 years and it is time Russia took every single fucking square centimeter of it back. It is time the West stopped interfering in the INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF RUSSIA ... it's time for the West to understand that Kiev is an INTERNAL ISSUE for Russia, and that Kiev is nothing more than a BREAKAWAY PROVINCE of Russia,  rebelling against Russia because the people living in Kiev have been brainwashed by this zionist-mafia fucking scumbag Zelenskyy the pseudo-intellectual pseudo-jew who wants to turn Kiev into a COPY OF PISSRAEL that is currently illegally occupying Palestine.

I still DO NOT UNDERSTAND why, after 1.5 years of a brutal war that has killed over 550,000 Ukis, that Russia has not placed a 10 MILLION EURO BOUNTY on Zelenskyy's head. The longer this motherfucking CIA PROSTITUTE ZIONIST-MAFIA lives, the  longer people will be killed on both sides.

Every life is precious ... but, killing ONE WAR-MONGERING ZIONIST-MAFIA CRIMINAL, Zelenskyy, to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, is not, I repeat is not, a bad trade-off.

regime and its CIA-MOSSAD hand-picked henchmen have the potential to bring about a nuclear war between Russia and her allies and AmeriKKKa and her PROSTITUTION RACKET called NATO, in the SAME WAY Gavrilo Princip the Serbian nationalist cunt brought about World War One when that motherfucker (READ supremely stupid) assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire's throne, and his wife Sophie, Duchess von Hohenberg, in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914.

The murder of the Archduke and his wife set off a chain events that led to the Austro-Hungarian invasion of Serbia and the start of World War I a month later. Tens of millions of people died in that war and Serbia that ETERNAL SHITHOLE OF EUROPE was totally destroyed and millions of Serbs were killed. There is ample well-documented hard evidence that the Austro-Hungarian Imperial intelligence community knew about Gavrilo Princip and his 46 neo-fascist nationalist goons  who posed a serious threat to the Archduke ... the Archduke was advised by Imperial spies not to travel to Sarajevo.  But he did so anyway. Had the Imperial spies hunted down and killed Gavrilo Princip and his right-wing nationalist fascist goons, the Archduke  would still be alive in 1914, and World War One would never have come about and tens of millions of people would still be alive only 110+ YEARS AGO !!

Before World War One, Serbia, that dirty filthy eternal infernal shithole of Europe, had been fucked royally, raped and pillaged and burnt and destroyed by the Muslim Ottoman Turk Empire for over five hundred years. Hundreds of thousands of Serbians died during those 500 years of Turkish invasions and occupations.

Little wonder that Serbia, that shithole, lurching from one calamity, the Turks, to another calamity, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, produced an angry nationalist (READ fascist) cunt like Gavrilo Princip.

If Kiev is allowed to become another Serbia, seething with anger and filled to the brim with angry brainwashed ppl, then definitely World War Three is a good probability because Kiev is dozens of times larger than Serbia, and is A MASSIVE ECONOMIC AND AGRICULTURAL PRIZE both Russia and NATO desire.

BUT, since Kiev is the BIRTHPLACE of Russia, Russians, and their language and culture and civilization, then best allow Russia to take it ALL BACK, kill Zelenskyy and his MOB, thereby prevent World War Three. IT IS JUST THAT SIMPLE!! I

Increasing numbers of people in AmeriKKKa, Canada, and Europe are waking up to this realization.

Russia is 馃挴 % correct : funding and weapons support only give THE NATIONALIST NEO-FASCIST ILLEGAL REBEL COUP REGIME legitimacy and prolongs this senseless war.

Ukraine Fearful As West Turn Blind Eye To More Aid Appeal; 'Never Heard Allies Say The Word Victory'


Friday, 15 September 2023

Teachers are beating students in Ukistan

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The first video shows CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of a building in Gaza City being destroyed by THE ZIONIST-MAFIA MOSSAD HIT SQUAD who had placed demolition charges along the corners and sides up and down that building , THEN A FEW DAYS LATER the zionist-mafia regime military, which had targeted that building for destruction WEEKS BEFORE, gave everyone inside that building, which housed the offices of major media outlets, only EIGHT MINUTES to get out of the building, then THEY CLAIMED AIR STRIKES on that building which was a news bite Western controlled media outlets published and aired as FACT. 

But you can clearly hear THE SERIES OF CONSECUTIVE LOUD EXPLOSIONS , TWO EXPLOSIONS, in this video!! The building collapsed WITHOUT harming the other buildings in the immediate vicinity. An air strike with even one huge missile or even TWO MISSILES would have destroying several buildings in the immediate vicinity BECAUSE OF SHOCK WAVES. 

The second video shows the WTC towers collapsing STRAIGHT DOWN without destroying tall buildings on the streets in the immediate vicinity. 

As a materials engineer, I can tell you that THERE ARE NO SHOCK WAVES DURING CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS !! Only a huge amount of dust and debris. 

Compare these two videos ... SERIES OF CONSECUTIVE LOUD EXPLOSION NOISES .... that is what CONTROLLED DEMOLITION sounds like ... NOT AIR STRIKES ... not being struck by a single bomb or aircraft. 

Sunday, 10 September 2023


Mexico DE-CRIMINALIZES ABORTION, extending ALL Latin Newland socialist/left-wing governments' TREND of pro-abortion rights for women.

One of the most important ASPECTS / CHARACTERISTICS , if not THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT , of socialism and of left-wing socio-political public policy and public administration, is FREE ON-DEMAND ABORTION.


Restrictive anti-abortion laws are one of the MAIN TRAITS / HALLMARKS of right-wing cuntservative biblical-bullshit pro-zionist regimes.

Since SOCIALISTS AND SOCIALISM have litte or nothing to do with the so-called bible (nothing more than HEBREW HORSESHIT and hocus-pocus smoke-and-mirrors nonsensical propaganda gibberish), the VERY FIRST TARGET of socialism and socialists is allowing (freedom of) access to abortion (on demand) as part and parcel of UNIVERSAL FREE HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE ... in true socialism, we DO NOT CHERRY-PICK what HEALTHCARE SERVICES are or are not  offered ... universal healthcare means universal healthcare : ALL HEALTHCARE FOR ALL. It is just THAT SIMPLE.

If FEMALE VOTERS want true freedom, true independence, protection at jobs and careers, equal pay for equal work, full unrestricted unencumbered unlimited free on-demand ABORTION, and their real human rights PROTECTED BY LAW, it is in their best interests to vote for SOCIALISM and SOCIALIST / LEFT-WING political parties. Simply because MALE VOTERS, almost exclusively of the OVER-40 CROWD, are more LIKELY to vote for right-wing cuntservative political parties and politicians which protect MALE DOMINANCE and MALE CUNTSERVATIVE CONTROL over females, as in traditional cuntservative societies.

The Rats 馃悁 (RatpubliKKKans) in Texas Arizona Kansas Florida, other so-called "bible-belt" provinces of the EwwwSA,  are essentially MALE DOMINATED and MALE VOTER SUPPORTED criminal enterprises.

These right-wing cuntservative neo-fascist neo-Nazi zionist-mafia goons and thugs are nothing more and nothing less that the TALIBAN OF AMERICA.

Did you know that a CLEAR MAJORITY, 60% , of ALL SOCIALISTS in Canada England France Australia US , are women!?!

Did you ever wonder WHY this is so?

I will tell you why.

According to ChatGPT abd Perplexity, right-wing cuntservative neo-fascist pro-abortion political discourse and political parties - - such as the Rats 馃悁 in the EwwwSA, the Conservatives in Canada England France Australia Germany ETC - - are most often supported by males, with some 60% of male voters supporting these criminal enterprises. On the opposite side, up to 65% of female voters support liberal and left-wing and socialist discourse and political parties in all these countries!!

MALE CUNTS (male cuntservatives) are the most dangerous animals on the face of the Earth, providing evidentiary support that ONLY ONE VOWEL SEPARATES A MALE FROM A MULE.

I have a series of investigative research articles called CUNT WATCH ... which takes a close look at MALE CUNTS around the world.

According to my definition and understanding, CUNTS are males that are SQUIRMING MAGGOTS at THE BOTTOM a filthy smelly garage bin that has not been cleaned and disinfected for months during the hot summer season.

The CUNT is the MOST DANGEROUS ANIMAL on the face of the Earth, at once venal vicious vindictive venomous,  and unfortunately only understands THE LANGUAGE OF VICIOUSNESS EXTORTION THREATS INTIMIDATION AND AGGRESSION. Real human beings just CANNOT use soft velvet gloves on these FERAL rabid right-wing rodents 馃悁. 

Male cunts and their political discourse and political parties have an INHERENT CAPACITY for neo-fascism, neo-Nazism, right-wing extremism, religious extremism, white supremacism and terrorism, hate mongering, hate speech, xenophobia (anti-immigrant) , anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination, gender discrimination, racist discrimination, job and career and salary discrimination and disparity, homophobia, anti-environment and anti-climate rhetoric ... and can THEREFORE be charged with and CONVICTED for any and all of these criminal offenses / misdemeanors, ALL BASED ON HATE. Anti-abortion, xenophobia, homophobia, right-wing extremism and terrorism, gender discrimination, age discrimination, racism / race / ethnic discrimination, religious extremism and religious discrimination, are ALL part and parcel of that HATE-FILLED MOB.

I have said this 1000 times that the criminal right-wing cuntservative enterprises and hate mongering mobs / gangs like the RatpubliKKKan Party In the EwwwSA, the BJP in India, the Conservative Party in Canada Britain Australia ETC, can be ALL banned PERMANENTLY based on these charges and convictions, at all three levels of voting / electoral processes (NATIONAL / FEDERAL, STATE / REGIONAL / TERRITORIAL / PROVINCIAL , and MUNICIPAL / LOCAL ELECTIONS) , and ultimately the entire political system.

Peace and stability and security can only be attained if the anti-abortion right-wing cuntservative MOB is erased from human society.

"Authoritative interpretations of international law recognize that abortion is VITALLY IMPORTANT to women’s exercise of their human rights."
Human Rights Watch

■ ■ ■


Friday, 8 September 2023


This year, the EwwwSA, a right-wing democracy on the continent of North Newland (previously referred to as "North America") , held a SUMMIT OF HYPOCRITES in its cesspool of a capital, Washington DC, possibly the most HATED city on Planet Earth.

The Joe Biden regime invited authoritarian extremist right-wing cuntservative neo-fascist regimes to a 3rd annual "Summit for Democracy 2023".

So Biden invited 120 governments from around the world to his pet project ... you can see right away that this was nothing more than deception and propaganda at a large scale. Whatever this boobs-grabbin bastard Biden does is smoke-and-mirrors bullshit.

Biden’s State Department (his Foreign Affairs Dept / Ministry) called it “Summit for Democracy 2023”, held earlier this year, on 29-30 March.

The Biden regime organized this  conference which it MISLEADINGLY called a “Summit for Democracy”, but which actually featured numerous anti-democratic, extremist cuntservative right-wing neo-fascist regimes.

The invitees included :
● PISSRAEL'S neo-fascist apartheid Crime Minister Benjamin Satanyahoo...
● UKISTAN'S neo-fascist zionist-mafia rebel leader Volodymir Zelenskyy...
● INDIA’S hindoo chauvinist neo-fascist Crime Minister Narendra Modi...
● ITALY’S  neo-fascist Crime Minister Giorgia Meloni...
● POLAND’S neo-fascist President Andrzej Duda...
● and PAKISTAN’S  anti-democratic coup regime's leaders.


Many governments were not invited. Those that were invited participated only virtually, via video calls.

The Biden regime organized the first so-called “Summit for Democracy” in 2021, in an attempt to unify Washington's LAPDANCERS in a BLOC to wage a new COLD WAR against China and Russia, neither of which were invited to these 3 summits in smelly Washroomton DC.

These intentions were made obvious during the 2022 summit when the Biden regime pressured all invitees to sign a FORMAL JOINT STATEMENT denouncing Russia over America's proxy war in Ukistan / Kiev Province, a rebellious breakaway region of Russia.

The left-wing governments of Brazil and Mexico, invited in 2022, refused to support Washington’s denunciation of Moscow.

Brazil and Mexico were NOT invited to the conference in March 2023.

For its part, China’s Foreign Ministry condemned the summit in 2022 as an attempt to “draw lines between countries in the world according to US criteria and interfere in their affairs based on US interests”, in a way that “reflects how arrogant, intolerant, selfish and domineering the US has always been, and how it contravenes and tramples on democracy as part of the common values of humanity”.

The Biden regime exposed its cynical hypocritical dastardly demented devilish diabolical despicable desperate designs during the 2023 summit by inviting Ukistan and Taiwan to participate in the summit, despite the fact that Taiwan island is not a country, but rather a breakaway province of the People’s Republic of China, and Ukistan / Kiev Province is a rebellious breakaway province of Russia with a neo-fascist rebel regime in power thanks to massive weapons and massive funding by the State Department.

When Washington normalized relations with China in 1972 during the criminal Ratbastard 馃悁 (RatpubliKKKan bastard) regime of indicted and impeached President Richard Nixon , America signed the first of THREE COMMUNIQU脡S, in which it LEGALLY RECOGNIZED that Taiwan is part of China.

Violating its formal diplomatic commitments, the Biden regime publicly illustrated Washington’s support for separatists in China’s Taiwan province by inviting them to all (21, 22, 23) of the so-called “Summit for Democracy”.

As a key foreign-policy strategy, the Biden regime has weaponized rhetoric about “democracy” to advance US geo-political interests.

In his first State of the Union address in 2022, Biden claimed that Washington’s new cold war on China and Russia was a “battle between democracy and autocracies”.

But European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said otherwise in a speech in October, criticizing the deceptive “democracies vs. authoritarians” framing.

"On our side, there are a lot of authoritarian regimes”, Borrell admitted.

“We cannot say we are the democracies, and the ones which follow us are also democracies. That is not true”, added the top EU diplomat.

- Democracy Summit 2023 -

One of the first speakers at Biden’s 2023 Summit for Democracy, as it opened on March 29, was the authoritarian extremist right-wing cuntservative leader of the Pissrael regime, Benjamin Satanyahoo , the Crime Minister of the racist neo-fascist zionist-mafia apartheid regime illegally occupying Palestine 馃嚨馃嚫 .

Satanyahoo has served as Crime Minister for more than 15 of the 27 years since 1996. Today, his extremist right-wing neo-fascist coalition regime includes members of jewish fascist parties.

All major mainstream Western media outlets have acknowledged that Satanyahoo's regime is authoritarian, including the BBC, Washington Post, New York Times, AP, Guardian, and Foreign Affairs.

In fact, Satanyahoo spoke at Biden’s summit while mass protests were going on in Pissrael against his authoritarian regime.

Pissrael’s most influential newspaper Haaretz – which is essentially the country’s equivalent of the New York Times, promoting a centrist perspective – published an article warning of  “Neo-Nazi Ministers : It Really Does Recall Germany in 1933"

Historian Daniel Blatman says he is astounded at how quickly Pissrael is hurtling toward fascism.

Uki neo-fascist rebel chief Volodymir Zelenskyy spoke at the conference as well, in spite of his brutal attack on democracy at home.

Zelenskyy’s regime has banned all communist and socialist parties, while imposing some of the most aggressive anti-worker legislation in the world, suspending collective bargaining rights,  and essentially making it illegal to form a union.

Even the New York Times  acknowledged that his extremist right-wing cuntservative regime has imposed authoritarian control over the media. While Zelenskyy’s supporters maintain that this is necessary due to the ongoing war, his draconian crackdown began well before Russia invaded.

In 2021, Zelenskyy’s regime banned critical media outlets deemed to be “pro-Russian”, while arbitrarily persecuting and arresting opposition politicians.

Numerous heads of state who spoke represented regimes that even Western officials, corporate media outlets, and mainstream human rights organizations have admitted are authoritarian and right-wing cuntservative extremists, including Satanyahoo, Duda, Meloni ... and Narendra Modi of India 馃嚠馃嚦

Joining Satanyahoo on the opening panel of Biden’s 2023 Summit for Democracy was India’s neo-fascist extremist right-wing cuntservative hindoo chauvinist Crime Minister Narendra Modi.

Modi is a longtime member of a fascist paramilitary group, the RSS, whose early leaders were inspired by Nazi Germany, praising Adolf Hitler’s “purging the country of Semitic races” as a “good lesson for us in Hindustan to learn and profit by”.

Before he became crime minister, Modi governed the state of Gujarat, where high school textbooks honored “Hitler, the Supremo” and the “Internal Achievements of Nazism”.

As governor of Gujarat in 2002, Modi oversaw a massive pogrom, in which hundreds of Muslims were killed.

As Crime Minister, Modi censored a documentary exposing his role in the massacre.

India’s neo-fascist ruling party, BJP, no not Blow Jobs Professionals but Bharatya Janata Party, promotes an extreme Hindu-nationalist ideology that sees Muslims and other religious minorities as inferior, second- or even third-class citizens, and heavily discriminates against them.

Some of Modi’s political allies have openly called for overturning India’s secular constitution and turning the state into a “Hindu rashtra”: a theocratic hindoo regime.

In fact, just a few days before Modi spoke at the so-called “Summit for Democracy”, his neo-fascist regime
launched an authoritarian attack on the leader of India’s main political opposition, Rahul Gandhi - - son of iconic late former Prime Minister the assassinated Indira Gandhi, the daughter of Mahetma Gandhi who was also assassinated, by an RSS operative - -  of the Congress Party, the party of the founder of modern India, Mahetma Gandhi (1948).

Modi has hijacked the democratic "Collective India" dreams and aspirations of its founder.

On March 23, Gandhi was expelled from India’s parliament and sentenced to two years in prison over fraudulent charges of defamation, due to a comment Gandhi made in 2019 in which he referred to Prime Minister Modi and his wealthy oligarch allies as “thieves”. Modi’s fascist extremists right-wing cuntservative RSS murdered Rahul's grandfather Mahetma Gandhi in 1948.

The politically motivated charges seek to bar Gandhi from office, effectively paving the way for BJP and its extremist right-wing Hindu nationalist allies to hand themselves victory in the upcoming 2024 election, without significant opposition.

Many mainstream media outlets have acknowledged that Modi’s regime is authoritarian, including the New York Times, the BBC, NBC News, Foreign Policy, the New Yorker, and The Diplomat.

But Modi was eagerly welcomed at Biden’s “Summit for Democracy”, because the United States is REALLY DESPERATE to recruit India for its new cold war on China, and hopes to weaken New Delhi’s positive relations with Russia.

India is part of the BRICS system, but it is also a member of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue or Quad, an anti-China military alliance led by the United States, known commonly as the “Asian NATO”.

In fact, India joined BRICS before Modi came to power, under the previous government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, of the Indian National Congress party.

Modi, who was never really married,  likes to be seen as an ASCETIC HINDOO who has given up the pleasures of life (a family, a wife, children), so that he can "care for Hindustan instead."

Pure 馃挴% right-wing hindoo propaganda.

His account of helping his father sell tea at the Vadnagar railway station has never been reliably corroborated. Most probably a MYTH spun by Modi’s gangsters.

What is reliably known and well-documented, and cannot be denied by Modi’s mob, is that at age 18, he was married to Jashodaben Modi, whom he ABANDONED soon after, only publicly acknowledging her four decades (40 YEARS, a full generation) later when LEGALLY required to do so.

The guy is a FUCKED-UP COW-WORSHIPER, a real lowlife, a scum of the lowliest order at the highest echelon of decision-making in India.

Former CIA Director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (during the neo-fascist Donald Dumpster regime) revealed that stinky Washroomton had tried to use Modi in India , and his far-right cuntservative counterpart Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil , to disrupt and divide the BRICS system.

Former Indian diplomat M.K. Bhadrakumar has cautioned that "India is the weakest link in the BRICS system, because its right-wing Modi regime supports Washington’s so-called ‘rules-based order’, which is a METAPHOR for the political ideology of the US as THE dominant state and the  ONLY SUPERPOWER".

BRICS faces a paradox that, while it grows, it also fails internal conflicts, “and the main reason for this is India’s unwillingness to work with China as the  leaders of economic growth in BRICS”, Bhadrakumar wrote.

Modi’s “India feels uneasy that the centre of gravity in BRICS is poised to shift further to the left of centre”, he said, and, “Being an acolyte of the US-led ‘rules-based order’, India faces the spectre of isolation inside BRICS”.

When BRICS allowed the ascension of several new members in 2023, Iran Egypt Ethiopia Argentina and Saudi Arabia, the isolation of India only grew within BRICS. 4 of the 5  new members are Muslim countries, and Modi does not like Muslims. India has been put on notice by China and its close military and political and economic ally Russia.

The United States sees these contradictions, and hopes to exploit them to its advantage. That explains why India was invited to the so-called “Summit for Democracy 2023”, despite being overtly anti-democratic.

How dirty and nasty is this cuntservative right-wing neo-fascist PIECE OF COW SHIT Modi? Modi is prominently investigated in my INVESTIGATIVE SERIES :
Cunt Watch.

Watch this space for
CUNT WATCH #7 : Narendra Modi

CUNT WATCH #8 investigates Stephen Harper, the right-wing cuntservative asswipe Crime Minister of Canada 馃嚚馃嚘 who lost to Justin Trudeau back in 2014. JT has been in power since then.

Italy’s far-right extremist cuntservative
Crime Minister Giorgia Meloni participated in the summit as well.

Meloni is a defender of former infamous fascist dictator Benito Mussolini of the World War 2 era.

This nasty fake-blonde ass-wipe started her political career as the leader of the youth wing of a fascist political party founded by war criminals from Mussolini’s regime.

Do I have to remind everyone that taly 馃嚠馃嚬 and its ancient Roman Empire are the birthplace of MODERN FASCISM?

Meloni’s far-right political party Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy) still uses the EXACT SAME SYMBOLS AND COLORS of Mussolini’s fascist movement.

An important leader of her party has a bust of the late dictator in his house, and was investigated for doing Nazi salutes.

Biden’s “Summit for Democracy” also featured the neo-fascist extremist right-wing cuntservative President of Poland 馃嚨馃嚤 Andrzej Duda.

Many Western mainstream media outlets have admitted that Poland is run by an authoritarian regime.

Even former US President Barack Obama stated in an interview on CNN in 2021 that NATO and EU members Poland and Hungary “now essentially have become authoritarian”.

However, while Poland’s far-right authoritarian regime was invited to Biden’s “Summit for Democracy”, Hungary was not. The reason why is clear: Poland is virulently anti-Russia, so it was welcomed; whereas Hungary has tried to balance good relations with both the West and Russia, so it was the only EU member that was not invited.

Mainstream NGOs that are routinely cited in the Western media to attack NATO’s adversaries have admitted that far-right neo-fascist cuntservative
authoritarianism is growing closer to home.

The Civil Liberties Union for Europe – a major civil society organization that is similar to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in the United States – warned that Poland and Hungary are "conservative extremists" and are increasingly authoritarian. Both are “seizing further control of the justice system, civil society and media, while cutting basic human rights and fuelling divisions by scapegoating migrants and other minority groups”.

The Washroomton-funded International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) has warned that the Polish regime is violently cracking down on protesters and arbitrarily detaining anti-fascist activists, while allowing fascist cuntservative right-wing extremists to use Nazi symbols.

Duda’s cuntservative far-right Law and Justice (PiS) party reportedly tapped the phones of opposition politicians and journalists to illegally spy on them.

The Biden regime also invited Pakistan’s unelected coup regime, which came to power following a US-backed regime-change operation against democratically elected Prime Minister Imran Khan in April 2022.

Pakistan 馃嚨馃嚢 however, decided not to attend, because the coup regime and its military backers faced mass protests and instability at home.

Also participating in the 2023 summit was the notorious CIA cutout the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a DC-based non-governmental organization (NGO), which Washington has used REPEATEDLY to meddle in foreign countries all across the planet, organizing regime-change operations and funding “color revolutions”.

Two NATO members were not invited to the so-called “Summit for Democracy 2023”: T眉rkiye (formerly known as Turkey) and Hungary.

This was clearly a politically motivated sign of disapproval by the Biden regime, because the two countries have tried to balance the West against Russia, maintaining good relations with both sides.

The democratically elected socialist governments in Venezuela and Nicaragua were not invited either.

Instead, Washington invited right-wing US-sponsored opposition activists from both these countries, including Lesther Alem谩n, who played a major role in a violent coup attempt in Nicaragua in 2018.

The presence of so many authoritarian, far-right leaders clearly demonstrated the cynical and hypocritical political goals behind Washroomton’s Summit for Hypocrisy.
US invites authoritarian far-right regimes to 'Summit for Democracy'
