Sunday, 31 December 2023
Can You Tell The Difference?
Monday, 18 December 2023
Monday, 11 December 2023
They are Arabs
Christianity exists, judaism does not
No such thing as a "good book"
Friday, 8 December 2023
My Apologies
Wednesday, 6 December 2023
They are all one and the same
Monday, 4 December 2023
Palestine will be FREE
Thursday, 30 November 2023
Tribes and Scribes and Hebrews ... WTF !?
Wednesday, 29 November 2023
Kikels = Losers
Monday, 27 November 2023
12 tribes or 1,200 or 12,000 never ever existed ... or 13 or 14 ... the NUMBER 12 was just another MYTH cooked-up by the so-called "hebrews" .
Adam , Eve, Noah, Sem (Noah's son who supposedly was the father of the SEMITES), Abraham, Issa, Ismail, Moses, David, Solomon, Goliath, Samson, and Delilah, DID NOT exist , because NOT EVEN ONE SINGLE HISTORICAL OR ARCHEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE HAS EVER BEEN FOUND, not on papyrus, metalworks gold, silver, obelisks, parchment, pottery, clay tablets, steles, other inscription tools available since 3000 BC .... since that is the REALITY, then LOGICALLY so-called "judaism" and so-called "hebrews" and so-called "bible" CANNOT EXIST ... "semitic" cannot exist, there CANNOT be any "semitic" people because Sem did not exist ... therefore "anti-semitic" and "anti-semitism" cannot exist.
The English word HEBREW is derived from IBRI / IBRIHIM / IVRI / IVRIHIM, 4 ancient Canaanite words meaning "followers of Abram", an ancient popular Canaanite name. If there is zero archaeological or historical evidence or mention of Abram outside the bible, then he DID NOT exist.
The NUMBER 12 was not even a REAL number at the time, but an ideal number, which had symbolic significance in MANY ancient Middle-Eastern cultures with DUO-DECIMAL COUNTING SYSTEMS, from which, among other things, the modern 12-hour clock is derived.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Americana, and Wikipedia, THE NUMBER 12 DID NOT EVEN EXIST UNTIL AROUND 900 AD ... the number 12 is only derived from Old English, TWELF and TUELF, TWO WORDS AND A NUMBER FIRST ATTESTED ONLY in the 10TH-CENTURY Lindisfarne Gospels' Book of John.
Do not be fooled by hebrew mythology and PROPAGANDA. 馃挴% MYTHICAL GARBAGE.
There was no 12 tribes ... no Noah, no Sem / Shem, no Abram / Abraham ... ERGO, no "semites" or "semitic people" ... ERGO, no "hebrews", no "jews", no "bible".
Since all of these words are linked together INTRICATELY, if even ONE word / name in the EARLIEST TIMESCALE doesn't exist, then none of them in the FOLLOWING TIMESCALE exist either. Period.
PLEASE STOP USING these words and names, because if YOU use these words and names, IT IS ON YOU, because YOU are willfully knowingly giving these MYTHS LIES DECEITS GIBBERISH NONSENSE HOAXES AND FRAUDULENT PROPAGANDA a lot of LEGITIMACY.
Oxford English Dictionary, 1st ed. "twelve, adj. and n." Oxford University Press (Oxford), 1916.
Saturday, 25 November 2023
Javier Milei
Kikel DNA analysis
Friday, 24 November 2023
Join BDS
Saturday, 11 November 2023
Refrain from posting propaganda
Thursday, 9 November 2023
Nuke Jerusalem
Tuesday, 7 November 2023
No such thing as a jew bible
White jews zionist-mafia
Shem never existed
Friday, 3 November 2023
No Such Thing As Anti-semitic
The Matrix
Monday, 30 October 2023
Satanyahoo Crime Minister
Thursday, 19 October 2023
Hebrew Horseshit
Monday, 16 October 2023
Hebrews are Low-IQ Thieving scum
Cromwell BOYCOTT
Friday, 13 October 2023
Apartheid & COLONIALISM in Occupied Palestine
Thursday, 5 October 2023
I still DO NOT UNDERSTAND why, after 1.5 years of a brutal war that has killed over 550,000 Ukis, that Russia has not placed a 10 MILLION EURO BOUNTY on Zelenskyy's head. The longer this motherfucking CIA PROSTITUTE ZIONIST-MAFIA lives, the longer people will be killed on both sides.
Every life is precious ... but, killing ONE WAR-MONGERING ZIONIST-MAFIA CRIMINAL, Zelenskyy, to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, is not, I repeat is not, a bad trade-off.
regime and its CIA-MOSSAD hand-picked henchmen have the potential to bring about a nuclear war between Russia and her allies and AmeriKKKa and her PROSTITUTION RACKET called NATO, in the SAME WAY Gavrilo Princip the Serbian nationalist cunt brought about World War One when that motherfucker (READ supremely stupid) assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire's throne, and his wife Sophie, Duchess von Hohenberg, in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914.
The murder of the Archduke and his wife set off a chain events that led to the Austro-Hungarian invasion of Serbia and the start of World War I a month later. Tens of millions of people died in that war and Serbia that ETERNAL SHITHOLE OF EUROPE was totally destroyed and millions of Serbs were killed. There is ample well-documented hard evidence that the Austro-Hungarian Imperial intelligence community knew about Gavrilo Princip and his 46 neo-fascist nationalist goons who posed a serious threat to the Archduke ... the Archduke was advised by Imperial spies not to travel to Sarajevo. But he did so anyway. Had the Imperial spies hunted down and killed Gavrilo Princip and his right-wing nationalist fascist goons, the Archduke would still be alive in 1914, and World War One would never have come about and tens of millions of people would still be alive only 110+ YEARS AGO !!
Before World War One, Serbia, that dirty filthy eternal infernal shithole of Europe, had been fucked royally, raped and pillaged and burnt and destroyed by the Muslim Ottoman Turk Empire for over five hundred years. Hundreds of thousands of Serbians died during those 500 years of Turkish invasions and occupations.
Little wonder that Serbia, that shithole, lurching from one calamity, the Turks, to another calamity, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, produced an angry nationalist (READ fascist) cunt like Gavrilo Princip.
If Kiev is allowed to become another Serbia, seething with anger and filled to the brim with angry brainwashed ppl, then definitely World War Three is a good probability because Kiev is dozens of times larger than Serbia, and is A MASSIVE ECONOMIC AND AGRICULTURAL PRIZE both Russia and NATO desire.
BUT, since Kiev is the BIRTHPLACE of Russia, Russians, and their language and culture and civilization, then best allow Russia to take it ALL BACK, kill Zelenskyy and his MOB, thereby prevent World War Three. IT IS JUST THAT SIMPLE!! I
Increasing numbers of people in AmeriKKKa, Canada, and Europe are waking up to this realization.
Russia is 馃挴 % correct : funding and weapons support only give THE NATIONALIST NEO-FASCIST ILLEGAL REBEL COUP REGIME legitimacy and prolongs this senseless war.
Ukraine Fearful As West Turn Blind Eye To More Aid Appeal; 'Never Heard Allies Say The Word Victory'
Friday, 15 September 2023
Teachers are beating students in Ukistan
Sunday, 10 September 2023
One of the most important ASPECTS / CHARACTERISTICS , if not THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT , of socialism and of left-wing socio-political public policy and public administration, is FREE ON-DEMAND ABORTION.
Restrictive anti-abortion laws are one of the MAIN TRAITS / HALLMARKS of right-wing cuntservative biblical-bullshit pro-zionist regimes.
Since SOCIALISTS AND SOCIALISM have litte or nothing to do with the so-called bible (nothing more than HEBREW HORSESHIT and hocus-pocus smoke-and-mirrors nonsensical propaganda gibberish), the VERY FIRST TARGET of socialism and socialists is allowing (freedom of) access to abortion (on demand) as part and parcel of UNIVERSAL FREE HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE ... in true socialism, we DO NOT CHERRY-PICK what HEALTHCARE SERVICES are or are not offered ... universal healthcare means universal healthcare : ALL HEALTHCARE FOR ALL. It is just THAT SIMPLE.
If FEMALE VOTERS want true freedom, true independence, protection at jobs and careers, equal pay for equal work, full unrestricted unencumbered unlimited free on-demand ABORTION, and their real human rights PROTECTED BY LAW, it is in their best interests to vote for SOCIALISM and SOCIALIST / LEFT-WING political parties. Simply because MALE VOTERS, almost exclusively of the OVER-40 CROWD, are more LIKELY to vote for right-wing cuntservative political parties and politicians which protect MALE DOMINANCE and MALE CUNTSERVATIVE CONTROL over females, as in traditional cuntservative societies.
The Rats 馃悁 (RatpubliKKKans) in Texas Arizona Kansas Florida, other so-called "bible-belt" provinces of the EwwwSA, are essentially MALE DOMINATED and MALE VOTER SUPPORTED criminal enterprises.
These right-wing cuntservative neo-fascist neo-Nazi zionist-mafia goons and thugs are nothing more and nothing less that the TALIBAN OF AMERICA.
Did you know that a CLEAR MAJORITY, 60% , of ALL SOCIALISTS in Canada England France Australia US , are women!?!
Did you ever wonder WHY this is so?
I will tell you why.
According to ChatGPT abd Perplexity, right-wing cuntservative neo-fascist pro-abortion political discourse and political parties - - such as the Rats 馃悁 in the EwwwSA, the Conservatives in Canada England France Australia Germany ETC - - are most often supported by males, with some 60% of male voters supporting these criminal enterprises. On the opposite side, up to 65% of female voters support liberal and left-wing and socialist discourse and political parties in all these countries!!
MALE CUNTS (male cuntservatives) are the most dangerous animals on the face of the Earth, providing evidentiary support that ONLY ONE VOWEL SEPARATES A MALE FROM A MULE.
I have a series of investigative research articles called CUNT WATCH ... which takes a close look at MALE CUNTS around the world.
According to my definition and understanding, CUNTS are males that are SQUIRMING MAGGOTS at THE BOTTOM a filthy smelly garage bin that has not been cleaned and disinfected for months during the hot summer season.
The CUNT is the MOST DANGEROUS ANIMAL on the face of the Earth, at once venal vicious vindictive venomous, and unfortunately only understands THE LANGUAGE OF VICIOUSNESS EXTORTION THREATS INTIMIDATION AND AGGRESSION. Real human beings just CANNOT use soft velvet gloves on these FERAL rabid right-wing rodents 馃悁.
Male cunts and their political discourse and political parties have an INHERENT CAPACITY for neo-fascism, neo-Nazism, right-wing extremism, religious extremism, white supremacism and terrorism, hate mongering, hate speech, xenophobia (anti-immigrant) , anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination, gender discrimination, racist discrimination, job and career and salary discrimination and disparity, homophobia, anti-environment and anti-climate rhetoric ... and can THEREFORE be charged with and CONVICTED for any and all of these criminal offenses / misdemeanors, ALL BASED ON HATE. Anti-abortion, xenophobia, homophobia, right-wing extremism and terrorism, gender discrimination, age discrimination, racism / race / ethnic discrimination, religious extremism and religious discrimination, are ALL part and parcel of that HATE-FILLED MOB.
I have said this 1000 times that the criminal right-wing cuntservative enterprises and hate mongering mobs / gangs like the RatpubliKKKan Party In the EwwwSA, the BJP in India, the Conservative Party in Canada Britain Australia ETC, can be ALL banned PERMANENTLY based on these charges and convictions, at all three levels of voting / electoral processes (NATIONAL / FEDERAL, STATE / REGIONAL / TERRITORIAL / PROVINCIAL , and MUNICIPAL / LOCAL ELECTIONS) , and ultimately the entire political system.
Peace and stability and security can only be attained if the anti-abortion right-wing cuntservative MOB is erased from human society.
"Authoritative interpretations of international law recognize that abortion is VITALLY IMPORTANT to women’s exercise of their human rights."
Human Rights Watch
■ ■ ■
Friday, 8 September 2023
The Joe Biden regime invited authoritarian extremist right-wing cuntservative neo-fascist regimes to a 3rd annual "Summit for Democracy 2023".
So Biden invited 120 governments from around the world to his pet project ... you can see right away that this was nothing more than deception and propaganda at a large scale. Whatever this boobs-grabbin bastard Biden does is smoke-and-mirrors bullshit.
Biden’s State Department (his Foreign Affairs Dept / Ministry) called it “Summit for Democracy 2023”, held earlier this year, on 29-30 March.
The Biden regime organized this conference which it MISLEADINGLY called a “Summit for Democracy”, but which actually featured numerous anti-democratic, extremist cuntservative right-wing neo-fascist regimes.
The invitees included :
● PISSRAEL'S neo-fascist apartheid Crime Minister Benjamin Satanyahoo...
● UKISTAN'S neo-fascist zionist-mafia rebel leader Volodymir Zelenskyy...
● INDIA’S hindoo chauvinist neo-fascist Crime Minister Narendra Modi...
● ITALY’S neo-fascist Crime Minister Giorgia Meloni...
● POLAND’S neo-fascist President Andrzej Duda...
● and PAKISTAN’S anti-democratic coup regime's leaders.
Many governments were not invited. Those that were invited participated only virtually, via video calls.
The Biden regime organized the first so-called “Summit for Democracy” in 2021, in an attempt to unify Washington's LAPDANCERS in a BLOC to wage a new COLD WAR against China and Russia, neither of which were invited to these 3 summits in smelly Washroomton DC.
These intentions were made obvious during the 2022 summit when the Biden regime pressured all invitees to sign a FORMAL JOINT STATEMENT denouncing Russia over America's proxy war in Ukistan / Kiev Province, a rebellious breakaway region of Russia.
The left-wing governments of Brazil and Mexico, invited in 2022, refused to support Washington’s denunciation of Moscow.
Brazil and Mexico were NOT invited to the conference in March 2023.
For its part, China’s Foreign Ministry condemned the summit in 2022 as an attempt to “draw lines between countries in the world according to US criteria and interfere in their affairs based on US interests”, in a way that “reflects how arrogant, intolerant, selfish and domineering the US has always been, and how it contravenes and tramples on democracy as part of the common values of humanity”.
The Biden regime exposed its cynical hypocritical dastardly demented devilish diabolical despicable desperate designs during the 2023 summit by inviting Ukistan and Taiwan to participate in the summit, despite the fact that Taiwan island is not a country, but rather a breakaway province of the People’s Republic of China, and Ukistan / Kiev Province is a rebellious breakaway province of Russia with a neo-fascist rebel regime in power thanks to massive weapons and massive funding by the State Department.
When Washington normalized relations with China in 1972 during the criminal Ratbastard 馃悁 (RatpubliKKKan bastard) regime of indicted and impeached President Richard Nixon , America signed the first of THREE COMMUNIQU脡S, in which it LEGALLY RECOGNIZED that Taiwan is part of China.
Violating its formal diplomatic commitments, the Biden regime publicly illustrated Washington’s support for separatists in China’s Taiwan province by inviting them to all (21, 22, 23) of the so-called “Summit for Democracy”.
As a key foreign-policy strategy, the Biden regime has weaponized rhetoric about “democracy” to advance US geo-political interests.
In his first State of the Union address in 2022, Biden claimed that Washington’s new cold war on China and Russia was a “battle between democracy and autocracies”.
But European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said otherwise in a speech in October, criticizing the deceptive “democracies vs. authoritarians” framing.
"On our side, there are a lot of authoritarian regimes”, Borrell admitted.
“We cannot say we are the democracies, and the ones which follow us are also democracies. That is not true”, added the top EU diplomat.
- Democracy Summit 2023 -
One of the first speakers at Biden’s 2023 Summit for Democracy, as it opened on March 29, was the authoritarian extremist right-wing cuntservative leader of the Pissrael regime, Benjamin Satanyahoo , the Crime Minister of the racist neo-fascist zionist-mafia apartheid regime illegally occupying Palestine 馃嚨馃嚫 .
Satanyahoo has served as Crime Minister for more than 15 of the 27 years since 1996. Today, his extremist right-wing neo-fascist coalition regime includes members of jewish fascist parties.
All major mainstream Western media outlets have acknowledged that Satanyahoo's regime is authoritarian, including the BBC, Washington Post, New York Times, AP, Guardian, and Foreign Affairs.
In fact, Satanyahoo spoke at Biden’s summit while mass protests were going on in Pissrael against his authoritarian regime.
Pissrael’s most influential newspaper Haaretz – which is essentially the country’s equivalent of the New York Times, promoting a centrist perspective – published an article warning of “Neo-Nazi Ministers : It Really Does Recall Germany in 1933"
Historian Daniel Blatman says he is astounded at how quickly Pissrael is hurtling toward fascism.
Uki neo-fascist rebel chief Volodymir Zelenskyy spoke at the conference as well, in spite of his brutal attack on democracy at home.
Zelenskyy’s regime has banned all communist and socialist parties, while imposing some of the most aggressive anti-worker legislation in the world, suspending collective bargaining rights, and essentially making it illegal to form a union.
Even the New York Times acknowledged that his extremist right-wing cuntservative regime has imposed authoritarian control over the media. While Zelenskyy’s supporters maintain that this is necessary due to the ongoing war, his draconian crackdown began well before Russia invaded.
In 2021, Zelenskyy’s regime banned critical media outlets deemed to be “pro-Russian”, while arbitrarily persecuting and arresting opposition politicians.
Numerous heads of state who spoke represented regimes that even Western officials, corporate media outlets, and mainstream human rights organizations have admitted are authoritarian and right-wing cuntservative extremists, including Satanyahoo, Duda, Meloni ... and Narendra Modi of India 馃嚠馃嚦
Joining Satanyahoo on the opening panel of Biden’s 2023 Summit for Democracy was India’s neo-fascist extremist right-wing cuntservative hindoo chauvinist Crime Minister Narendra Modi.
Modi is a longtime member of a fascist paramilitary group, the RSS, whose early leaders were inspired by Nazi Germany, praising Adolf Hitler’s “purging the country of Semitic races” as a “good lesson for us in Hindustan to learn and profit by”.
Before he became crime minister, Modi governed the state of Gujarat, where high school textbooks honored “Hitler, the Supremo” and the “Internal Achievements of Nazism”.
As governor of Gujarat in 2002, Modi oversaw a massive pogrom, in which hundreds of Muslims were killed.
As Crime Minister, Modi censored a documentary exposing his role in the massacre.
India’s neo-fascist ruling party, BJP, no not Blow Jobs Professionals but Bharatya Janata Party, promotes an extreme Hindu-nationalist ideology that sees Muslims and other religious minorities as inferior, second- or even third-class citizens, and heavily discriminates against them.
Some of Modi’s political allies have openly called for overturning India’s secular constitution and turning the state into a “Hindu rashtra”: a theocratic hindoo regime.
In fact, just a few days before Modi spoke at the so-called “Summit for Democracy”, his neo-fascist regime
launched an authoritarian attack on the leader of India’s main political opposition, Rahul Gandhi - - son of iconic late former Prime Minister the assassinated Indira Gandhi, the daughter of Mahetma Gandhi who was also assassinated, by an RSS operative - - of the Congress Party, the party of the founder of modern India, Mahetma Gandhi (1948).
Modi has hijacked the democratic "Collective India" dreams and aspirations of its founder.
On March 23, Gandhi was expelled from India’s parliament and sentenced to two years in prison over fraudulent charges of defamation, due to a comment Gandhi made in 2019 in which he referred to Prime Minister Modi and his wealthy oligarch allies as “thieves”. Modi’s fascist extremists right-wing cuntservative RSS murdered Rahul's grandfather Mahetma Gandhi in 1948.
The politically motivated charges seek to bar Gandhi from office, effectively paving the way for BJP and its extremist right-wing Hindu nationalist allies to hand themselves victory in the upcoming 2024 election, without significant opposition.
Many mainstream media outlets have acknowledged that Modi’s regime is authoritarian, including the New York Times, the BBC, NBC News, Foreign Policy, the New Yorker, and The Diplomat.
But Modi was eagerly welcomed at Biden’s “Summit for Democracy”, because the United States is REALLY DESPERATE to recruit India for its new cold war on China, and hopes to weaken New Delhi’s positive relations with Russia.
India is part of the BRICS system, but it is also a member of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue or Quad, an anti-China military alliance led by the United States, known commonly as the “Asian NATO”.
In fact, India joined BRICS before Modi came to power, under the previous government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, of the Indian National Congress party.
Modi, who was never really married, likes to be seen as an ASCETIC HINDOO who has given up the pleasures of life (a family, a wife, children), so that he can "care for Hindustan instead."
Pure 馃挴% right-wing hindoo propaganda.
His account of helping his father sell tea at the Vadnagar railway station has never been reliably corroborated. Most probably a MYTH spun by Modi’s gangsters.
What is reliably known and well-documented, and cannot be denied by Modi’s mob, is that at age 18, he was married to Jashodaben Modi, whom he ABANDONED soon after, only publicly acknowledging her four decades (40 YEARS, a full generation) later when LEGALLY required to do so.
The guy is a FUCKED-UP COW-WORSHIPER, a real lowlife, a scum of the lowliest order at the highest echelon of decision-making in India.
Former CIA Director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (during the neo-fascist Donald Dumpster regime) revealed that stinky Washroomton had tried to use Modi in India , and his far-right cuntservative counterpart Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil , to disrupt and divide the BRICS system.
Former Indian diplomat M.K. Bhadrakumar has cautioned that "India is the weakest link in the BRICS system, because its right-wing Modi regime supports Washington’s so-called ‘rules-based order’, which is a METAPHOR for the political ideology of the US as THE dominant state and the ONLY SUPERPOWER".
BRICS faces a paradox that, while it grows, it also fails internal conflicts, “and the main reason for this is India’s unwillingness to work with China as the leaders of economic growth in BRICS”, Bhadrakumar wrote.
Modi’s “India feels uneasy that the centre of gravity in BRICS is poised to shift further to the left of centre”, he said, and, “Being an acolyte of the US-led ‘rules-based order’, India faces the spectre of isolation inside BRICS”.
When BRICS allowed the ascension of several new members in 2023, Iran Egypt Ethiopia Argentina and Saudi Arabia, the isolation of India only grew within BRICS. 4 of the 5 new members are Muslim countries, and Modi does not like Muslims. India has been put on notice by China and its close military and political and economic ally Russia.
The United States sees these contradictions, and hopes to exploit them to its advantage. That explains why India was invited to the so-called “Summit for Democracy 2023”, despite being overtly anti-democratic.
How dirty and nasty is this cuntservative right-wing neo-fascist PIECE OF COW SHIT Modi? Modi is prominently investigated in my INVESTIGATIVE SERIES :
Cunt Watch.
Watch this space for
CUNT WATCH #7 : Narendra Modi
CUNT WATCH #8 investigates Stephen Harper, the right-wing cuntservative asswipe Crime Minister of Canada 馃嚚馃嚘 who lost to Justin Trudeau back in 2014. JT has been in power since then.
Italy’s far-right extremist cuntservative
Crime Minister Giorgia Meloni participated in the summit as well.
Meloni is a defender of former infamous fascist dictator Benito Mussolini of the World War 2 era.
This nasty fake-blonde ass-wipe started her political career as the leader of the youth wing of a fascist political party founded by war criminals from Mussolini’s regime.
Do I have to remind everyone that taly 馃嚠馃嚬 and its ancient Roman Empire are the birthplace of MODERN FASCISM?
Meloni’s far-right political party Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy) still uses the EXACT SAME SYMBOLS AND COLORS of Mussolini’s fascist movement.
An important leader of her party has a bust of the late dictator in his house, and was investigated for doing Nazi salutes.
Biden’s “Summit for Democracy” also featured the neo-fascist extremist right-wing cuntservative President of Poland 馃嚨馃嚤 Andrzej Duda.
Many Western mainstream media outlets have admitted that Poland is run by an authoritarian regime.
Even former US President Barack Obama stated in an interview on CNN in 2021 that NATO and EU members Poland and Hungary “now essentially have become authoritarian”.
However, while Poland’s far-right authoritarian regime was invited to Biden’s “Summit for Democracy”, Hungary was not. The reason why is clear: Poland is virulently anti-Russia, so it was welcomed; whereas Hungary has tried to balance good relations with both the West and Russia, so it was the only EU member that was not invited.
Mainstream NGOs that are routinely cited in the Western media to attack NATO’s adversaries have admitted that far-right neo-fascist cuntservative
authoritarianism is growing closer to home.
The Civil Liberties Union for Europe – a major civil society organization that is similar to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in the United States – warned that Poland and Hungary are "conservative extremists" and are increasingly authoritarian. Both are “seizing further control of the justice system, civil society and media, while cutting basic human rights and fuelling divisions by scapegoating migrants and other minority groups”.
The Washroomton-funded International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) has warned that the Polish regime is violently cracking down on protesters and arbitrarily detaining anti-fascist activists, while allowing fascist cuntservative right-wing extremists to use Nazi symbols.
Duda’s cuntservative far-right Law and Justice (PiS) party reportedly tapped the phones of opposition politicians and journalists to illegally spy on them.
The Biden regime also invited Pakistan’s unelected coup regime, which came to power following a US-backed regime-change operation against democratically elected Prime Minister Imran Khan in April 2022.
Pakistan 馃嚨馃嚢 however, decided not to attend, because the coup regime and its military backers faced mass protests and instability at home.
Also participating in the 2023 summit was the notorious CIA cutout the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a DC-based non-governmental organization (NGO), which Washington has used REPEATEDLY to meddle in foreign countries all across the planet, organizing regime-change operations and funding “color revolutions”.
Two NATO members were not invited to the so-called “Summit for Democracy 2023”: T眉rkiye (formerly known as Turkey) and Hungary.
This was clearly a politically motivated sign of disapproval by the Biden regime, because the two countries have tried to balance the West against Russia, maintaining good relations with both sides.
The democratically elected socialist governments in Venezuela and Nicaragua were not invited either.
Instead, Washington invited right-wing US-sponsored opposition activists from both these countries, including Lesther Alem谩n, who played a major role in a violent coup attempt in Nicaragua in 2018.
The presence of so many authoritarian, far-right leaders clearly demonstrated the cynical and hypocritical political goals behind Washroomton’s Summit for Hypocrisy.
US invites authoritarian far-right regimes to 'Summit for Democracy'