Monday, 24 February 2025

How H-WORD CANCER spreads

How CANCER spreads in a country. Without knowing the history, without any historical and archeological evidence, without any knowledge of what is real and substantiated and what is mythological, there are leaders of countries that are willfully or ignorantly propagating BULLSHIT. 

Who created this mythology? 

The RABBIS did. 

Who else do you think wrote every single word of the Old Testicle inside caves, running from the long arms of the Roman Empire legions? 


YES, there was a WAR AGAINST TERRORISM back in the old days too, 2000 years ago. 

In antiquity, it was the Roman Empire VERSUS the kikels terrorists. 

These wars started during the Roman Republic days and did not finish until the Roman Empire days, a span of several hundred years. 

DID YOU KNOW THAT? Did you even bother to do your own research? 

Beginning from 1500 BC (3,500 years ago) to 500 AD (1,500 years ago), these RABBI VERMIN wanted to
(2) to create a sense of NATIONAL IDENTITY AND PURPOSE, 
(3) to give their flock a sense of ancestry / PEDIGREE, of belonging to an identifiable "ANCIENT COMMUNITY", 
(4) their own HOLY BOOK, 
(5) and to place the rabbis at the apex / pinnacle of the kikel community ... that is why 90% of the community is called RABBINICAL JUDAISM. 

There is an INFAMOUS STORY mentioned in the Talmud-Mishna that a FUCKING RABBI VERMIN actually DEFEATED their own god JEHOFUCK in a debate. 

Jehofuck, their own god of thunder lightning weather and war, was HUMILIATED by a human rabbi. Talk about being an APEX PREDATOR. 

Trust me ... the J-WORD does not exist ... 💯 % MYTHOLOGICAL BULLSHIT. 

No matter what the rabbi vermin have been able to do, BULLSHIT IS STILL BULLSHIT. 

Because outside the pages of the Old Testicle, ALL THE CHARACTERS AND EVENTS listed and described in the first 10 BOOKS / CHAPTERS in the Old Testicle, are ALL fictitious invented made-up concocted imaginary cooked-up bamboozling hoodwinking nonsensical mendacious moronic malignant malicious mischievous RABBI propaganda with absolutely ZERO (means KIKEL in a bullshit invented language called YIDDISH which is an admixture of Arabic German Polish Lithuanian and Russian) 
hard factual scientific empirical archeological historical evidence of their existence, despite digging all over the Middle-East since 1799 when ARCHAEOLOGY first came into being as a science. 

But does Zelenskyy Dumpster Trudeau Milei Sheinbaum know all this you just read above? 


The Chinese Communist Party CCP Gov't knows all about it. The Russian Communist Party knows all about it. Anyone who has even half a brain can do the research and know all about it. I'm not talking about blind obedience and blind belief. I am talking actual research work, empirical scientific research work ... working with hard factual historical archeological EVIDENCE. There is ZERO (KIKEL) to be found in the pages of the FIRST TEN CHAPTERS / BOOKS of the Old Testicle. 

That is why I call them KIKELS or ZERO. 

Because this whole fucking community and their rabbi vermin have ZERO credentials, ZERO integrity, ZERO credibility, ZERO pedigree, ZERO history. 

It is not far fetched to dump the whole lot of them into a GREAT BIG POT called ARABIC HISTORY & ARABIC MYTHOLOGY. There's no such thing as H-WORD I-WORD J-WORD community language religion ... IT'S ALL ARABIC-ARAMAIC. 

Trying to sell the H-WORD I-WORD J-WORD is like trying to sell BRONZE AGE Greek mythology and Viking mythology as religions. 

Greek Mythology and Viking Mythology are BOTH LONG DEAD. 

In 2025, there's no place for H-WORD I-WORD J-WORD Bronze Age mythology either. 
bronze's bullshit. 


Photos : 

Milei of Argentina in Jerusalem. 
Zelenskyy in Kiev 
