Arabic is an Afro-Asiatic language which first appeared as PROTO-ARABIC around 3000 BC or 5,000 years ago.
It is known as the MOTHER LANGUAGE of the Middle-East REGION.
It's arrival on the scene was CONTEMPORANEOUS with the arrival of SANSKRIT in the Caspian Sea region.
These TWO languages are among the MOTHER LANGUAGES of humanity. Turkic, Chin, Bantu, and Swahili are some of the others.
SANSKRIT eventually MORPHED into the languages of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Iran, as well as all the languages of Europe, from Iceland and Ireland to Russia, from Sweden and Norway to Greece, Italy, and Spain. This is why this FAMILY OF LANGUAGES is known as INDO-EUROPEAN.
FAMILY OF LANGUAGES refers to many languages that have a COMMON ANCESTOR, and are spread over a very large area, say a continent or more.
Simultaneously, in the Middle-East REGION, Proto-Arabic MORPHED into many LOCAL DIALECTS.
DIALECTS refer to LOCAL VARIATIONS OF ONE LANGUAGE, within a relatively much smaller area, say a region or territory.
From 2000 BC or 4,000 years ago, we see the rise of Aramaic and many other DIALECTS (also known as LOCAL VARIATIONS of the mother language), such as Assyrian, Syriac, Egyptian, Phoenician, ETC.
By 1000 BC or 3,000 years ago, Classical Arabic was taking shape, and by the time of Jesus, Classical Arabic was already lingua franca from Syria to Yemen.
Jesus himself spoke in one dialect of Arabic, called ARAMAIC. If you heard him talk to you and you were an Arabic speaker, you'd understand virtually 70% of what he was saying.
Today, Classical Arabic and its variations (DIALECTS) are spoken by over 500 HUNDRED MILLION people, of which 95% are Muslim Arabs. Ancient Arabic, by comparison, has become near-extinct, with only Assyrian and Syriac being its leftover examples.
The earliest Aramaic inscriptions date from the 1200s BC, placing it among the earliest languages to be written down.
As in other ARABIC DIALECTS, Aramaic Syriac, ETC, morphology (the way words are formed) is based on the consonantal root. The root generally consists of two or three consonants and has a basic meaning, for example, k-t-b has the meaning of 'writing'. This is then modified by the addition of vowels and other consonants to create different nuances of the basic meaning:
● kṯāḇâ = handwriting, inscription, script, book ... Classical Arabic : KITAB = BOOK
● kṯāḇê = books
● kāṯûḇâ = secretary, scribe
● kiṯḇeṯ = I wrote
● 'eḵtûḇ = I shall write
Ever since the word "SEMITIC" was INVENTED in the LATE 1770s by a fascist ultra conservative extreme right-wing UNIVERSITY in Germany, WESTERN AND KIKEL historians and deceitful mendacious PROPAGANDISTS have ATTEMPTED to bring ALL the ARABIC DIALECTS into a so-called "SEMITIC FAMILY OF LANGUAGES" ... except they forgot ONE LITTLE THING : there's not one single shread of evidence, historical or archaeological, that Noah in the Old Testicle ever existed ... since Noah is mythical, did not exist, never existed, The Flood is a MYTHICAL EVENT, did not exist, never happened ... LOCALIZED FLOODING of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers cannot be called s WORLD-WIDE FLOOD, unless the KNOWN WORLD AT THAT TIME was Ancient Eraq ... anyway, since Noah is mythical, then his 3 sons, including Sem / Shem did not , COULD NOT EXIST.
It is from SEM/SHEM that the word so-called "SEMITIC" is derived, that is his descendants.
No Sem/Shem = no "SEMETIC" peoples ... very logical, and as simple as that.
THEREFORE, we could safely do away with the word "SEMETIC" altogether, because it is nothing more than a Western / German CONSTRUCT based around the MYTHICAL FIGURE of Sem/Shem in the Old Testicle.
The word so-called "SEMITE" is the USUAL Western bible-centric FAKE FRAUDULENT INVENTION / PROPAGANDA, to essentially PROPP UP and give credence / legitimacy to the MYTHOLOGICAL BULLSHIT known as "JEWS" / "JUDAISM" / KIKELS.
I would say the giggling kikels and their brainwashed supporters ain't giggling no more, after THIS EXPOSE.
When you do that, safely do away with the word "SEMETIC" altogether, and you're finally able to CAST ASIDE Western and kikel bullshit mendacious deceitful PROPAGANDA, then you realize, then you can see for the first time ever with your own eyes and understanding, that the so-called "FAMILY OF SEMITIC LANGUAGES" does NOT EXIST !!!
What you have at that point, what you are left with, is a SERIES OF DIALECTS, local dialects, not languages ... and THE MOTHER LANGUAGE of these LOCALIZED DIALECTS is ARABIC.