Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Kikels = Losers

These FUCKING LOSERS , the KIKELS, these ZEROS, claim to trace their history back to 2000 BC, that's 4000 years ago, during which time they have done nothing except STEALING / THIEVING / ROBBING all over the place, and have not been able to accomplish anything despite claiming to be "the chosen people" ... for instance, there is no "Greater Kikelstan" today , even the land they are ILLEGALLY SQUATTING ON , Palestine , is not even theirs, only being able to maintain control OVER PALESTINE by sheer evil apartheid laws and racist mass murders with weapons supplied by a foreign country thousands of miles away on a different continent. 

How am I doing so far? 

As the number of murdered Native Palestinian increased day by day, public opinion in every single country in the world is turning against the kikels and their illegitimate illegal colony in Occupied Palestine. 

The ANGER of these racist kikels at the Native Palestinians defending Gaza - - which had been cut off from Palestine proper by Hamas many years ago - - is evident in the sheer number of civilian Palestinians recently killed by these racist murderous kikels. 

Their wet dreams of kikel borders extending into Turkey, Syria, Eraq, and even the Arabian Peninsula, lie dead in the mud. 

As their protector pimp AmeriKKKa is steadily sliding towards and into the garage bin of history, increasingly the very existence of the illegitimate kikel colony in Occupied Palestine is becoming increasingly TENUOUS and increasingly DIFFICULT TO PROTECT.