Monday, 27 November 2023


12 tribes or 1,200 or 12,000 never ever existed ... or 13 or 14 ... the NUMBER 12 was just another MYTH cooked-up by the so-called "hebrews" .

Adam , Eve, Noah, Sem (Noah's son who supposedly was the father of the SEMITES), Abraham, Issa, Ismail, Moses, David, Solomon, Goliath, Samson, and  Delilah, DID NOT exist , because NOT EVEN ONE SINGLE HISTORICAL OR ARCHEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE HAS EVER BEEN FOUND, not on papyrus, metalworks gold, silver, obelisks, parchment, pottery, clay tablets, steles, other inscription tools available since 3000 BC .... since that is the REALITY, then LOGICALLY so-called "judaism" and so-called "hebrews" and so-called "bible" CANNOT EXIST ... "semitic" cannot exist,  there CANNOT be any "semitic" people because Sem did not exist ... therefore "anti-semitic" and "anti-semitism" cannot exist.


The English word  HEBREW is derived from IBRI / IBRIHIM / IVRI / IVRIHIM, 4 ancient Canaanite words meaning "followers of Abram", an ancient popular Canaanite name. If there is zero archaeological or historical evidence or mention of Abram outside the bible, then he DID NOT exist.

The NUMBER 12 was not even a REAL number at the time, but an ideal number, which had symbolic significance in MANY ancient Middle-Eastern cultures with DUO-DECIMAL COUNTING SYSTEMS, from which, among other things, the modern 12-hour clock is derived.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Americana, and Wikipedia, THE NUMBER 12 DID NOT EVEN EXIST UNTIL AROUND 900 AD ... the number 12 is only derived from Old English, TWELF and TUELF,  TWO WORDS AND A NUMBER FIRST ATTESTED ONLY in the 10TH-CENTURY Lindisfarne Gospels' Book of John.

Do not be fooled by hebrew mythology and PROPAGANDA. 💯% MYTHICAL  GARBAGE.

There was no 12 tribes ... no Noah, no Sem / Shem, no Abram / Abraham ... ERGO, no "semites" or "semitic people" ... ERGO, no "hebrews", no "jews", no "bible". 

Since all of these words are linked together INTRICATELY, if even ONE word / name in the EARLIEST TIMESCALE doesn't exist, then none of them in the FOLLOWING TIMESCALE  exist either. Period.

PLEASE STOP USING these words and names, because if YOU use these words and names, IT IS ON YOU, because YOU are willfully knowingly giving these MYTHS LIES DECEITS GIBBERISH NONSENSE HOAXES AND FRAUDULENT PROPAGANDA a lot of LEGITIMACY.

Oxford English Dictionary, 1st ed. "twelve, adj. and n." Oxford University Press (Oxford), 1916.
