Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Donations to the truckers convoy

Thurs-16-February-2022 Significant portions of the donations to the truckers convoy came from, you guessed it, right-wing RATS (RatpubiiKKKans) and EXTREMISTS and Dumpster divers in the US. The SAME STUPID FUCKING RACIST NEO-FASCIST DEGENERATES who tried to overturn the duly elected government of the Biden presidency on 06 January 2021. I'm talking about the same criminal constituency that attacked the US capital early last year. It is for this reason that yesterday's invocation of the War Measures Act / Emergency Act by the Trudeau government in Ottawa WAS NECESSARY but about 15 days late. Criminal charges, confiscation of their trucks, confiscation of their driver licenses, termination of their corporate accounts, ETC., should have all been IMPLEMENTED 15 days ago. The so called FREEDOM CONVOY was nothing but a RIGHT-WING NEO-FASCIST SOFT COUP attempt by mainly WHITE ANGRY RACIST DUMPSTER DIVERS living right here in Canada and who pose the single greatest threat to this country and our democracy and our democratic institutions. These dirty doucebags vote for the rabidly right-wing crooked Conservative Party of Canada. The Klu Klax Klan also vote for the same Conservative Party of Canada, the ONLY THING YOU NEED TO KNOW to stay the fuck away from this neo-fascist biker gang MASQUERADING as a political party. What these FUCKING BASTARDS AND BITCHES want is rights and freedoms FOR THEMSELVES ... but THEY want to TAKE AWAY these same rights and freedoms from everybody else. These conniving crooked fuckers LOVE to use easy and comfortable EUPHEMISMS like "FREEDOMS" and "DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS", but to ostensibly hoodwink and bamboozle one and all. Fancy talking but LIES & DECEPTION THROUGH AND THROUGH. These are the SAME DIRTY CONNIVING FUCKERS who want to prevent Muslim women from wearing the hijab at work and Jewish men from wearing their yarmulke and Sikh men from wearing their ceremonial dagger ... yet THESE HYPOCRITICAL FUCKERS have no problem wearing the cross around their fucking necks at all hours and sport crucifixion tattoos. As everybody knows, I hate religion, I really truly honestly do, and I don't hide my CONTEMPT FOR ALL RELIGIONS ... but I also believe that there are laws to protect religious communities and religious minorities and religious freedoms in this country, and what I believe in AND my contempt for religions is my fucking opinion/business to which I have my right and freedom. .