This cult's membership is only limited to 20 million kikels, 10 mil International Bible Students Association (IBSA), 25 mil other who annually attend IBSA conferences, and other dirty degenerates of that ilk. And maybe several hundred million around the world primarily in the Carib- Central America, Mexico, Brazil, Canada, Britain, Australia, EwwwSA South, Deep South, Bible Belt, and Midwest.
It is a potent cult, yet virtually the entire membership is 💯 % IGNORANT or brainwashed as to the origin of this god.
3,500 years ago or 1500 BC, RIGHT IN THE THICK OF THE BRONZE AGE, in the land of CANAAN, modern day PALESTINE, lived THE ANCIENT CANAANITES. They believed in a whole family of divinities. These were mythological gods and goddesses. There were literally scores of them among which Baal, Ishtar, Jehofuck, and dozens of others have been listed / named in the historical and archeological records. Some of these deities, like Jehofuck, lived up in the sky. Jehofuck lived in the clouds, because he was one of several gods controlling clouds, thunder, lightning, and the weather. In an arid landscape like Canaan, the weather was THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT in daily life, so you can just imagine how important JEHOFUCK was and eventually became.
He was, later on around 1000 BC or 3000 yrs ago (at a time COINCIDENTALLY when MONOTHEISTIC CANAANITES were warring against their POLYTHEISTIC COUSINS, and spreading throughout the immediate region) also made into one of the gods of war, with a lightning bolt in his right hand, depicted on clay pottery shards. His images on clay pottery shows a god that looks peculiarly like a cloven-hoofed goat holding a lightning in his right hand.
Other gods in the Canaanite pantheon lived in rivers, lakes, forests, mountain tops, valleys, meadows, orchards, grains, fish, the hearth, soil, and of course the underworld. Some gods of life. Someone gods for children. Some goddeses for pregnant women. Some for strength. Some gods represented the Sun, the Moon, ETC ETC ETC, you get the point. There were more than 100 of these mythological magical invisible deities. Nobody ever saw these divinities in person in the flesh. And so the cannon lights made up stories about them the heroic. Deeds and representative on clay pottery, papyrus, stones, clay bricks, and other tools of inscription, of which thousands have been dug up all over Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Eraq.
These days were nature gods. The Ancient Canaanites saw a god or a goddess in EVERYTHING they saw with their eyes, so a mountain would have a god. The weather would have a god. Lightning would have a god. A river would have a god. A lake would have a god, A forest/woodland would have a god. A fish too. A brook. Cows. Chickens. Pigs. Snakes. Pregnant women. The hearth in their homes. Fire. Water. Soil/earth. The dead. Everything had at least one god or goddess.
In India, a few thousand kilometers away to the east, it was very much the same, where the ANCIENT WHITE ARAYANS that had invaded Ancient India of dark natives, brought with them the HINDU MYTHOLOGY of millions of divinities. There are 33 million gods and goddesses in India even today, and they're all nature deities. They do not exist in real life because nobody has ever seen them physically, and so the Hindus MAKE UP MYTHICAL STORIES about these divinities, their heroic exploits and adventures, romantic affairs, and constant intervention/interference in the lives of mortal humans. They Hindus created physical images in the likenesses of these gods and goddesses. For examples MITRA ... and KALI who has black skin, a long blood-stained tongue, and many arms holding weapons, fruits, and lightning. Lingham is a god representing the male penis. Stone and marble penises representing Lingam/Linga are found all over Indis. Cobras have a god. Elephants have a God. Hanuman is the Monkey-God.
North of Canaan, in Anatolia (modern day TURKEY), was the Empire of the HITTIES ... in northern Syria, was the MITANNI EMPIRE ... in Ancient Eran, the Aryan Persians and other Eranian tribes. The Hitties and the Mitanni and the Eranian peoples ALL SPOKE LANGUAGES closely related to SANSKRIT, the language of the ARYAN / WHITE / INDO-EUROPEAN Hindu invaders in India ... they also shared very similar gods and goddesses, such as Mithra. Each Indo-European / White / Aryan community and culture, from Anatolia to Greece to Russia to Eran to India to Ireland to Gaul (France) to Britain to Germany to the Romans/Italy, MADE UP / INVENTED their own unique gods over thousands of years.
So that was the same among the Ancient Canaanites. These people were ARABS from NABATAEA (present day Jordan), from Syria, and from Yemen ... they spoke an early form of Arabic, and later on, from 1500 BC to 500 AD, a localized variation/ dialect of Arabic called ARABIC-ARAMAIC or simply ARAMAIC, a dialect THE KIKELS HAVE TRIED TO STEAL AND RENAME so-called "Hebrew", the mythological H-WORD ... the kikels try to STEAL everything in sight, so no one should be surprised by their attempt to STEAL ARABIC-ARAMAIC and RENAME IT BY THE H-WORD.
All the other gods of the Ancient Canaanites have not really gone / disappeared into the mists of history ... they STILL EXIST, in the form of the KABALA, the ancient mysticism of the KIKEL RABBIS.
Yet, since 1000 BC, or 3000 years ago, during the TERRITORIAL EXPANSION of the MONOTHEISTIC CANAANITES,
Jehofuck has been elevated to thr position OF THE SUPREME DEITY ... god of thunder, god of lightning, god of war, the god that looks like a cloven-hoofed goat, complete with 2 huge horns, hooves, a long beard, and a goat's face.
WHY? No body knows.
I personally couldn't give a flying fuck about the mythological Jehofuck. PUN INTENDED. 😆 🤣