Friday 3 November 2023

No Such Thing As Anti-semitic

There is absolutely NO SUCH THING as "anti-semitism" ... let's look at the facts and the numbers, WHICH YOU ARE PROBABLY & CONVENIENTLY NEGLECTING, probably because of the SHEER LEVEL OF BRAINWASHING ... facts and numbers WILL NEVER LIE OR CHEAT OR DECEIVE YOU ... there are 500 million speakers of SEMITIC LANGUAGES on this planet in 2023 ... 90% of these 500 million speak ARABIC and are Muslims ... around 5% , or 25 - 30 million, speak other semitic languages like Assyrian, and are mostly Christians ... less that 20 million speak hebrew and Yiddish ... 20 million of 500 million is less than 5% ... FOR US TO ALLOW only 20 million out of 500 million to HIJACK words like SEMITIC , ANTI-SEMITIC , SEMITE , ANTI-SEMITE , ANTI-SEMITISM , for their own benefit, for scamming lying cheating deceiving extortion blackmailing others , is IMMORAL UNETHICAL ILLOGICAL ... we need to put a stop to it , even if it REQUIRES using MILITARY MEANS , if necessary ... these dirty CONNIVING scandalous HOODWINKING BAMBOOZLING devious devilish DIABOLICAL DESPERATE DEMENTED DESPICABLE DEGENERATES ARE NOT OUR FRIENDS ... if these scam artists and murderous THIEVES can do what they're doing to the NATIVE PALESTINIANS in Occupied Palestine and Gaza, just imagine what these fucking bastards and bitches would do if they were in power in Canada, US, Englan, Scotland, Ireland, France, Australia, Russia, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Venezuela, Mexico, ETC ... just imagine this scenario ... at the current time, these CONNIVERS only control our politicians through MASSIVE BRIBERY, and they control many media outlets (newspapers, magazines, TV stations, radio stations, online media), BECAUSE they have bought out these media outlets entirely TO BRANWASH THE WESTERN MASSES. 

If YOU call soneone "anti-semitic", YOU are playing a dangerous game , and that person would have to be anti-Arab because Arabs, NOT JEWS, constitute the VAST MAJORITY, 90%, of ALL SEMITIC PEOPLES !! 

The one singularly dirty group that is PROMOTING & PROMULGATING this insidious "anti-semitism" BULLSHIT , are not only zionist-mafia jews, remember THERE ARE SO FEW OF THEM relative to the general population of western countries, but very dangerously, the ZIONIST-MAFIA CHRISTIANS, who constitute a HOPELESSLY BRAINWASHED half the US population, or 150 million FUCKTARDS (fucking retards), a community of PATHOLOGICAL & HABITUAL liars, deceivers, cheaters, cuntservative con-artists, right-wing Rats 🐀 (RatpubliKKKans), neo-fascists, Dumpster divers, and neo-liberal nitwits the likes of Joe Lieden. 

PS : I have posted this important message on more than a DOZEN platforms, of which Facebook is just one. 




A nation of THIEVES & LIARS & DRCEIVERS from the very beginning : 

EXHIBIT A : Between 1900 and 1300 BC (3,300 to 3,900 years ago), the hebrews attacked Egyptian caravans plying the trade routes thru Sinai, Moab (today's Jordan), and Canaan (today's Palestine), and Media (today called the Hejaz where Mecca and Medina are located) ... these heebs were pursued as HIGHWAY ROBBERS and BANDITS & BRIGANDS, were often captured and put to death by Pharaoh's armies ... there is massive historical and archeological hard evidence of the existence of these armed thieves, and their capture and killing by Egyptian forces that controlled these geographical areas. 

Jacob STEALS Esau's birthright and Covenant, by DECEIVING & LYING 
to Issac. 
● Genesis, Chapter 27 

I don't believe in BIBLICAL BULLSHIT & HEBREW HOCUS-POCUS ... meaning VENGEANCE is coming. 

The illegitimate zionist-mafia mobsters illegally occupying Palestine WOULD NEVER DARE to do what they are doing in GAZA without the approval of the illegitimate MOB IN DC which is providing protection , funding, weapons, and munitions to the zionist-mafia LAND THIEVES. 

This hebrew BASKETCASE is nothing without its DC MOB PROTECTION RACKET, also called NATO. 


The Matrix

This is the REAL MATRIX :

... a FALSE NARRATIVE weaving biblical bullshit with hebrew hocus-pocus & hebrew hoodwinking & zionist propaganda that has brainwashed half the world's population. 

This DEBASEMENT AND FALL OF HALF OF HUMANITY, by an INTEGRATED SYSTEM which includes 24X7 MEDIA BRAINWASHING, WEAPONS & MUNITIONS SUPPLY CHAIN, POLITICAL & DIPLOMATIC COVER, a MILITARY PROTECTION RACKET, and ECONOMIC-COMMERCIAL INTEGRATION, created and put into place by SEVERAL WESTERN REGIMES and an illegal zionist squatter colony in Occupied Palestine, the entire system of materiel & human assets called THE ZIONIST-MAFIA MOB, that has imprisoned half of all humans in a VIRTUAL REALITY SYSTEM —the Matrix—to be FARMED as a SOURCE of FUNDING & LEGITIMIZING THIS FALSE NARRATIVE. 

Occasionally, some of the prisoners manage to break free from THIS SYSTEM and, considered a threat, become pursued by the ZIONIST-MAFIA MOBSTERS both inside and outside of THIS SYSTEM, mainly using social media assets like Facebook, Instagram, ETC, and media assets and personnel like on radio and TV and magazines, using such nebulous and illogical fuckery as "law-based international order" and fake charges of "anti-semitic" and "communist" and "socialist" and "anti-religious" and "terrorist", leading to DEMONIZING and CHARACTER ASSASSINATION and DE-HUMANIZING of the pursued targeted individuals and groups. 

I have ESCAPED the Matrix. I can see clearly now. I have taken the RED PILL, with the result that my MIND IS FREE and I am in CONTROL of my brain and my thought processes and my opinions. Facebook and other media outlets can CENSOR my content, but NOT MY MIND. 

I have ESCAPED the Matrix. Have you been successful too?