Friday 3 November 2023

No Such Thing As Anti-semitic

There is absolutely NO SUCH THING as "anti-semitism" ... let's look at the facts and the numbers, WHICH YOU ARE PROBABLY & CONVENIENTLY NEGLECTING, probably because of the SHEER LEVEL OF BRAINWASHING ... facts and numbers WILL NEVER LIE OR CHEAT OR DECEIVE YOU ... there are 500 million speakers of SEMITIC LANGUAGES on this planet in 2023 ... 90% of these 500 million speak ARABIC and are Muslims ... around 5% , or 25 - 30 million, speak other semitic languages like Assyrian, and are mostly Christians ... less that 20 million speak hebrew and Yiddish ... 20 million of 500 million is less than 5% ... FOR US TO ALLOW only 20 million out of 500 million to HIJACK words like SEMITIC , ANTI-SEMITIC , SEMITE , ANTI-SEMITE , ANTI-SEMITISM , for their own benefit, for scamming lying cheating deceiving extortion blackmailing others , is IMMORAL UNETHICAL ILLOGICAL ... we need to put a stop to it , even if it REQUIRES using MILITARY MEANS , if necessary ... these dirty CONNIVING scandalous HOODWINKING BAMBOOZLING devious devilish DIABOLICAL DESPERATE DEMENTED DESPICABLE DEGENERATES ARE NOT OUR FRIENDS ... if these scam artists and murderous THIEVES can do what they're doing to the NATIVE PALESTINIANS in Occupied Palestine and Gaza, just imagine what these fucking bastards and bitches would do if they were in power in Canada, US, Englan, Scotland, Ireland, France, Australia, Russia, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Venezuela, Mexico, ETC ... just imagine this scenario ... at the current time, these CONNIVERS only control our politicians through MASSIVE BRIBERY, and they control many media outlets (newspapers, magazines, TV stations, radio stations, online media), BECAUSE they have bought out these media outlets entirely TO BRANWASH THE WESTERN MASSES. 

If YOU call soneone "anti-semitic", YOU are playing a dangerous game , and that person would have to be anti-Arab because Arabs, NOT JEWS, constitute the VAST MAJORITY, 90%, of ALL SEMITIC PEOPLES !! 

The one singularly dirty group that is PROMOTING & PROMULGATING this insidious "anti-semitism" BULLSHIT , are not only zionist-mafia jews, remember THERE ARE SO FEW OF THEM relative to the general population of western countries, but very dangerously, the ZIONIST-MAFIA CHRISTIANS, who constitute a HOPELESSLY BRAINWASHED half the US population, or 150 million FUCKTARDS (fucking retards), a community of PATHOLOGICAL & HABITUAL liars, deceivers, cheaters, cuntservative con-artists, right-wing Rats 🐀 (RatpubliKKKans), neo-fascists, Dumpster divers, and neo-liberal nitwits the likes of Joe Lieden. 

PS : I have posted this important message on more than a DOZEN platforms, of which Facebook is just one. 



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