Thursday, 10 March 2022

Ukistan's Jews

This is the criminal ZIONIST-MAFIA VOLODOMYR ZELENSKYY, naked and playing guitar on his Uki TV show ... this stupid shlomo replaced a democratically elected albeit pro-Russia president, who was removed through a US-INSTIGATED coup and replaced with this zionist-mafia criminal ... a Jew who became the fake president of a fake country called Ukistan / Ukraine (nobody really knows what "Ukraine" means, the closest English translation of this Russian word is "borderland", so imagine a nation of people calling themselves Borderlanders, which is ridiculous and makes no sense,  considering that India and Hindus are  named after Indians and the Indus River, England was invaded conquered occupied colonized and named by the Angles who were an ancient Germanic tribe, and France was invaded conquered occupied colonized and named by the Franks who were another ancient  Germanic tribe, and so on) ... so this Jew Zelenskyy then got another Jew as Prime Minister, Volodymyr Groysman, Zelenskyy's 1st PM, from April 2016 to August 2019, and another Jew as the 4th PM in Zelenskyy's regime, Denys Shmyhal who was PM from March 2020 to the Russian invasion ... now all these fucking ZIONIST-MAFIA freaks are ON THE RUN ... the Jews wanted to make Ukistan / Kievan Territory the 21st century reincarnation of KHAZARIA ... that attempt, that dream is now finished ... RUSSIA WILL MAKE SURE OF IT ... Russia will annex all of Ukistan and deprive Ukistan of its sovereignty and independence ... before 1921 no such political entity called Ukraine even existed (in 1921, Russia / Soviet Union created Ukraine / Ukistan as the Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic, one of the entities that made up the Soviet Union but not an independent country on the world stage) ... and Russia will divide all of the Ukistan Territory into different oblasts or provinces of Russia, just as Belarus may become an oblast of Russia ... already the Russian Presidential Office and the Russian Military High Command are calling Ukistan the Kiev Region / Kievan  Territory ... and what did these IDIOTS JEWS accomplish?  Every last Jew will now be hunted down and either killed or deported / expelled FROM THE KIEV REGION ... this is sadly happening right now, today ... Jews by the tens of thousands are right now fleeing Ukistan for the West ... at this rate, the entire 200,000 Jews in Ukraine will be gone by the end of 2022 ... the SAME THING happened in Iraq Afghanistan Libya Syria Somalia Pakistan Yemen : NATO / Western / AmeriKKKan attacks /invasions led to the killing and expulsion of so many Christians and Jews that there's hardly any of them remaining in those countries. 

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