Saturday, 26 March 2022

Purging My Friends List

SORRY to the many who have messaged me thru INBOX ... I have been crazy busy with my business projects ... and I also have been PURGING MY FRIENDS LIST of PRO-UKISTAN and PRO-NATO ASSWIPES. 

They say THE DANGER COMES FROM WITHIN, and so the CANCER & ROT is from within my FRIENDS LIST. 

If I see a blue-and-yellow flag, or a pro-Uki post or comment, BYE-BYE AND BLOCKED!!  Not deleting, but blocked PERMANENTLY.  Trust me, blocking these FUCKTARDS (fucking retards) & the willfully ignorants is A LOT OF FUN!!  

That reminds me to put Luba Kowalchyk , a decade-long friend on Facebook and a 1980s singer-songwriter icon with several hit singles and platinum albums (remember LUBA ?) , ON PERMANENT BLOCK because this PUKI UKI has been shooting her mouth off in her vitriolic anti-Russia and anti-Putin RANTING & RAVING WITHOUT knowing the HISTORICAL, RACIAL, CULTURAL, AND GEO-POLITICAL CARPET-WEAVING  that bind Moscow and Kiev forever IN THE TIGHTEST OF KNOTS.  

Trying to separate Moscow from Kiev and Kiev from Moscow, is like trying to separate HANOVER STATE FROM SAXONY STATE IN GERMANY or TOKYO PREFECTURE FROM OSAKA PREFECTURE IN JAPAN : it's the SAME PEOPLE, you fucking retards.  

In 1921, Russia also known at that time as the USSR or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, created, I REPEAT CREATED, the Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic, FROM RUSSIAN FEDERAL LANDS ... NO POLITICAL ENTITY bearing THAT NAME ever existed in that region before 1921, about a 100 years ago.  In fact, the very words RUSSIA and RUSSIAN come from the 2 rivers called RUS and ROSAVA that flow through the Kiev Region ... in the 800s and 900s AD, THE RUS were people who colonized all the lands on the banks of those 2 rivers that gave their names to these people.  Very similarly, the INDUS RIVER in the Indian Subcontinent gave rise to the words and the religion INDIA , INDIANS , and HINDU. 

Trying to separate Kiev from Moscow is like trying to separate Canada from ITS PROVINCES AND TERRITORIES, which the CENTRAL GOVERNMENT has CREATED since 1760 (when English forces defeated French forces on the Plains of Abraham near Quebec City).

Unless all of you FUCKING RETARDS understand this very simple and basic fact, you will continue to have your stupid collective heads up NATO-Uncle Sam's ASSHOLES and be susceptible to NATO-Uncle Sam's lies deceit obfuscation nonsense and propaganda, and remain in NATO-Uncle Sam's imprisoned "EMPIRE OF LIES", as Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin's so aptly put it. 

For allowing tens of thousands of right-wing neo-fascist neo-Nazi PUKI UKI bastards and bitches to enter Canada, the neo-liberal (CLOSET CONSERVATIVE) Trudeau regime is  setting us and Canada up for MANY MANY years of neo-fascist neo-Nazi bullshit that will tear this country apart.  Nowhere near that number of Syrians and Palestinians and Iraqis and Kurds and Yemenis and Tunisias and Egyptians were allowed into Canada over the past 10 YEARS!!

Justin Trudeau's father, the late great former Prime Minister Pierre Eliott Trudeau, must be turning in his grave at his idiot son's behaviour. 

Justin Trudeau is to the Canadian Federal Liberal Party what Bill Clinton was to the Democratic Party in the USA in the 1990s :  A neo-liberal (CLOSET CONSERVATIVE) *MOLE* who infiltrated a CAPITAL-L RED LIBERAL political party at the HIGHEST ECHELONS OF POWER AND DECISION-MAKING, and transformed the political party into a criminal right-wing biker-gang that is nothing more than than the RatpubliKKKans' cousin - - TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN. 

I feel sorry for Canadians and Americans because 2 of the 3 political parties at the federal level are now right-wing frat houses.  And yet we are spoon-fed the lies and deceits of DEMOCRACY in Canada and the USA.  These Western regimes now want to bring RIGHT-WING DEMOCRACY to Ukistan.

The ONLY REAL WINNERS of Trudeau's stupid and short-sighted foreign policies will be his CLOSET BUDDIES, those CRIMINALS AND THE CLINICALLY INSANE CON-ARTISTS of the CONSERVATIVE PARTY, who stand to gain the votes of these PUKI UKI neo-fascist neo-Nazi scum. 

Please join me on TWITTER AND TELEGRAM.  FIGHT the good fight and SPREAD the message!!  Everybody should be on TELEGRAM, MEWE, ... !!

To Facebook :
KISS MY ASS ONE CHEEK AT A TIME, you fucking deceitful RATBASTARDS ... and thank your GOD JEHOFUCK for that privilege 😘 . 

Zelenskyy sacrificing Christian Lives

Zelenskyy : 
" I'm a Jew ... what the fuck do I care about Christian lives?  I will stay safe and hidden in my bunkers, and if I need to leave the Kiev Region/ Ukistan, my faithful and fawning friends Uncle Sam and NATO will get me out any time I want.  In the meanwhile, I will sacrifice every single Christian life in the Kiev Region / Ukistan so that WE JEWS can gain control over it , and make it into the REINCARNATION OF KHAZARIA.  There are 40 million of these motherfucking (SUPREMELY STUPID) cross-worshipping heathens in the Kiev Region / Ukistan, and I'm prepared to sacrifice every last one of them.  Who are these heathens anyway to us?  I'm a Jew, I'm of the Chosen People, the Chosen Nation of God, and these 40 million heathens, in fact ALL HEATHENS AROUND THE WORLD, simply exist to be MILKED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, and that is WHY they're DISPOSABLE, that is WHY I'm prepared to sacrifice all of them fighting right over my head, in the streets, over my bunker, fighting the Russians and killing Russians and being killed in turn.  Their lives, all 40 million of them plus the Russians, AIN'T WORTH THE NAIL ON MY PINKY FINGER.  In America there are 15 million of us, we buy and sell their politicians, their judges, we own much of their media outlets, spoon-feeding them OUR JEWISH AND ZIONIST NARRATIVE.  And the Anglo-Americans, they love us, and we love them, because they love us their HEBREW PETS ... they are with us and they'll support us and so we cannot go wrong and we cannot do any wrong.  Therefore,  I call on ALL JEWS to support me, and come to the financial and military aid of OUR UKISTAN, the reincarnation of our 9th century EMPIRE OF KHAZARIA!  It was OUR GLORIOUS EMPIRE, in which we Jews, the overlords, ruled over the the cows, I mean the heathens ... we can have it AGAIN!!  Friends, countrymen, Jews, zionists ... lend me your ears.  I don't mean to bite your ears off to eat 'em,  but I might just do that because of the scarcity of food around the corner.  I need you to send me money and cannon fodder ... um, er, sorry, mercenaries ... oops, I mean volunteer fighters." 

The Universe and President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation : 
"Your Khazaria, THAT aint happening, you fucking cunt."