Sunday, 12 December 2021
Climate Change and Texas
People tend to move up the food chain as their incomes rise, consuming more meat than they might have when they made less money.
FYI, it takes around seven pounds (3.4 kilograms) of grain to produce a pound of meat.
It takes around three to four pounds of grain to produce a pound of cheese or eggs.
You need not believe one single word you're reading here...DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
Needless to say, the CORPORATE beef and poultry and dairy sectors account for MORE THAN 40% of all the GREEN HOUSE GAS EMISSIONS. The beef industry, ALL BY ITSELF, accounts for 25% of ALL GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS. Atrocious but verifiable and true and factual.
What the beef and poultry and dairy industries should be doing is producing SUSTAINABLE CROPS, SUSTAINABLE FISHERIES, ETC.
If people STOPPED eating meat, and reduced or stopped eating dairy products, it would reduce green house gases by at leat 25%, enough to prevent the polar ice caps and the Greenland ice sheet from melting and the resulting sea water level from flooding 50% of the Earth.
Try to imagine a world in which HALF THE PLANET'S LANDMASS is submerged under salty sea water. I can guarantee you that it will not be fun for most of us. Tens of millions of people and innumerable vegetation and creatures will die and hundreds of millions of people will be forced to move on an epic scale NEVER SEEN BEFORE in human history.
Almost every single VITAL city and town across the ENTIRE WORLD is either a RIVER PORT or an OCEAN PORT, meaning that THEY WILL ALL BE SUBMERGED UNDER MANY METERS OF SEAWATER. We will all be scrambling LIKE RATS trying not to drown and being evacced from flooded cities and areas. The wars and violence over drinking water, the struggle, the costs of rebuilding, the costs of resettlement, the destruction and deaths, will make the 2nd World War look like a walk in the park.
Can you imagine the ENTIRETY of Florida under the icy cold salty waters of the Atlantic Ocean on THIS DAY 12 December 2121, exactly 100 YEARS FROM TODAY?!?
THINK ABOUT THIS every time you put meat or milk or eggs into your mouth. YOUR action today will either kill this planet or allow it to flourish.
For the past TWO GENERATIONS, 70 years, our best minds and best technology and best telescopes have been scouring the entire Milky Way Galaxy looking for a planet where life can exist, and to this day NOT ONE SINGLE PLANET - - manifesting GOLDILOCKS FEATURES meaning drinkable water and breathable air and just the right place in its solar system - - HAS EVER BEEN FOUND anywhere within our travel range, that is 10 light years, or 10 years for light, traveling at the speed of light, to reach us from a star 10 light years from Earth.
Did you know that the average temperature over Montreal is 2.2 degrees HIGHER than it was last year? And 2020 was warmer than 2019, and 2019 was warmer than 2018, and so on. Every single month of 2021 has been warmer than the corresponding month of last year.
Did you also know that TODAY it is WARMER IN THE HUDSON BAY AREA (more than a thousand miles NORTH of Montreal) than in many parts of the US and Mexico?!?
Another question you may want to seriously consider : what is more it better to save the planet or save jobs in the meat and dairy industries?!?
A fourth question we pose is, just how much area does the entire 7 billion population of planet Earth need to live on, if this entire area was a MEGAHOUSE, that is NOT INCLUDING highways, streets, hospitals, universities, shopping centers, banks, pharmacies, government offices, office space, ETC that a MEGACITY has?
The US province of TEXAS has an area of 268,596 SQUARE MILES. Using an UNIT CONVETER app, we can calculate this area in terms of square feet: 7,488,032,189,689. That is nearly 7.5 TRILLION SQUARE FEET. Let's divide this entire number by 7 billion, that is 7,000,000,000. It appears that the entire planetary human population of 7 billion, every man and every woman and every child, can live in a megahouse built on the entire area of the province of Texas, and each and every individual can have living space of about a 1,070 square feet.
1,070 SQUARE FEET per human being. Amazing but it's true.
Let's look at 4 types of living space.
The average size of a MASTER BEDROOM is 14 x 16 may be bigger than that, but 225 square footage is a minimum..300 - 350 sq-ft is the average and is plenty big enough...this ensures that you can easily accommodate a king or queen-size bed in the master bedroom while still leaving enough closet space.
A BACHELOR'S APARTMENT is one that combines the bedroom, living room, and kitchen (or kitchenette) in the one room unit...most bachelor apartments are somewhere between 250 to 600 square feet...the less square feet, the cheaper the apartment tends to any given city, bachelor apartments are usually the cheapest choice for an apartment home...bachelor apartments are typically the size of an inexpensive, basic hotel room, as a comparison measure...bachelor apartments share a basic layout: the single room combines the living room, kitchen, and sleeping some bachelor apartments, the kitchen may have a window partition to separate it partly from the rest of the room, but rarely is the kitchen or kitchenette its own separate room in a bachelor apartment...don’t worry, the bathroom is still usually a completely separate room...the bathroom for a bachelor apartment is usually much smaller than a typical bathroom in a one-bedroom apartment.
Sometimes, a bachelor apartment is confused with a STUDIO APARTMENT, which is almost always much larger than a bachelor's a bachelor apartment, a studio apartment combines the bedroom and living room into one...yet, a bachelor apartment is often much smaller than a studio apartment, and a studio apartment often has a separate room for the kitchen and even sometimes an alcove where sleeping quarters can be separated from the rest of the apartment...the latter is rarely found in a bachelor apartment...the bachelor apartment is the smallest, cheapest option between the two for independent apartments usually max out at a total of 600 square feet but can get as small as 300 square feet...a studio apartment and a bachelor's pad are basically self-contained units and houses everything in the single room space except the bathroom.
There's one essential difference between a studio / bachelor apartment and a ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT, and that's the also get walls and a distinct separation of spaces...there's a clear division between your living room, bedroom, and may also have a few more closets and a dining space...square footage in a one-bed has a decent range...smaller one-bedrooms can equal the size of a large studio...even with the same square footage, a one-bedroom can end up feeling larger since you're not looking at all your space in a single area...generally speaking, a 1-bedroom apartment should be a minimum of 450 square feet (anything less than that is generally considered a studio apartment)...anything upwards of 700 square feet is generally considered a large 1-bedroom apartment...1,000 square feet would be a very large 1 bedroom, could even be a 2-bedroom apartment which would be more than adequate for a family of 2 adults and 1 - 2 children...the average one bedroom size is probably around 600 square feet.
So, if the 1,070 ft² were to be reduced to say 500 sq-ft or 600 ft² , per adult or per family or per household, and we can probably delete from the equation the living space for children 19 years old or less because they are almost always with family in which case maintain 1,000 sq-ft per adult or family or household, and we can add to the equation the construction of very tall residential and commercial buildings in Texas, then there'll be enough space to create roads, highways, hospitals, schools colleges universities, community centers, entertainment centers, sports complexes, government offices, office spaces, stores and shopping centers, trains, metro, bus lanes, so that the MEGAHOUSE of Texas can be one MEGACITY of Texas, that is the entire province of Texas be converted into one megacity, which can be subdivided into districts for political and administrative purposes. This would allow the rest of dryland OUTSIDE OF TEXAS to be used for industry, agriculture, sports / recreation / leisure / entertainment...
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