So-called "judaism" shouldn't even exist ... it's 100% BULLSHIT ... judaism is like Greek mythology or Norse/ Viking mythology ... these are all the same thing : without any basis in factual evidence.
Zionism and the zionist-mafia mobsters are based on the BASTARDIZATION of judaism AND the Torah , by HIJACKING ... who did the hijacking? ... the Rabbinical jews, the Talmudic rabbis, that's who ... they are directly descended from the Pharisee rabbis, who were deeply involved in the lynching of Jesus by the Romans 2,000 years ago ... today's Rabbinical jews and Talmudic rabbi's have a pedigree , a nasty dirty pedigree. The following is a historical fact … after the Assyrian Empire between 735 BC and 720 BC invaded the Levant, defeated the hebrew colony of Israel, and then exterminated 10 of the 14 hebrew tribes, only 3 or 4 other tribes were left surviving, the Levites (Tribe of Levi, composed of the Cohen clan and other clans who had always been responsible for the operation and maintenance and management of the so-called "temple" to Jehovah, one of their gods, and specifically the god of thunder and lightening and weather), the Benjaminites (Tribe of Benjamin, the smallest tribe of the 3 surviving tribes), and the Jews (Tribe of Judah, the martial / warrior tribe) ... these 3 or 4 surviving tribes were fairly safe in the southern hebrew colony of Judea, that broke away from the hebrew colony of Israel 150 years BEFORE the Assyrian invasions ... but here's the kicker ... those 3 tribes are still in existence ... 100% of the ETHNIC jews are descended from those 3 tribes ... I'm not talking about the white / nothern / Ashkenazi jews WHO ARE NOT ethnic jews at all, but are INDO-EUROPEANS, Eastern Europeans who converted to judaism betwen 500 AD and 1000 AD, that is during the Holy Roman Empire era ... when I'm talking about ETHNIC jews, I'm talking Moroccan jews, Palestinian jews, Iraqi jews, and Iranian jews, all of whom are known as southern jews, Mediterranean jews, and Sephardic jews, who are directly descended from the "biblical" / Torah jews who were kicked out of Palestine, out of the Roman province of Judeah, and our from the Roman Empire generally, in 69 AD when the Romans destroyed the so-called "temple" ... this was the third and last time the temple to Jehovah was destroyed ... the 1st time was in 720 BC by the Assyrians ... the 2nd time was by the Babylonian Empire in 585 BC ... the Sephardic are the real ethnic jews directly descended from the "biblical" jews … the zionist-mafia mobsters who are occupying Palestine are majority northern / white / Ashkenazi jews, descended from those East European CONVERTS , who have established a WHITE SUPREMACISTS APARTHEID REGIME in Occupied Palestine. It's South African apartheid all over again , except that instead of the Afrikaan-speaking white Dutch racist fascist virulently violent colonizers in South Africa, these Ashkenazi jews are YIDDISH-SPEAKING white East European racist fascist virulent violent colonizers in Occupied Palestine.
The Torah emphasizes the SUPREMACY OF the jews' god JEHOVAH ... by CONTRAST, zionism and the zionist-mafia mobsters and their leaders who are the Rabbinical jews AND the Talmudic rabbis, emphasize the SUPREMACY OF THE RABBIS OVER JEHOVAH ... if you know anything about zionism, you should know this as a fact ... you should also know who are the true leaders of the zionist-mafia mobsters ... that's just one part of the HIJACKING PROCESS.
Everything I post has references to encyclopedia's, university research and thesis and dissertation uploads, archeological AND historical evidence uploaded online, data uploads by government-funded research organizations. Nothing is taken out of the blue. YOU SHOULD BE DOING THE SAME : PROVIDE EVIDENCE.
I request all my Facebook friends to REFRAIN from POSTING PROPAGANDA on my Facebook real estate ... refrain from posting propaganda and stuff that you have absolutely no idea about and that you have not done any kind of research at all.