Tuesday, 12 March 2024


The KIKELS ZIONIST-MAFIA MOB are the world's NUMBER ONE LIARS and CHEATERS and DECEIVERS ... Tel Aviv, their main COLONY in Occupied Palestine, is known as the SCAM CAPITAL of the world. 

Why do THEY lie, cheat, and deceive  everybody so much? 

It's because to THEM, in their SICK & TWISTED MINDS, the KIKELS are the so-called CHOSEN NATION ... therefore, THEY can do no wrong ... therefore, THEY believe all THEIR actions and  behavior are mandated / welcomed / accepted / approved by HEAVEN ... therefore THEY can say and do whatever they want to / feel like it,  and get away with it, because they are THE CHOSEN PEOPLE ... they can lie to and cheat and deceive NON-KIKELS anytime and anywhere ... HEAVEN is represented by the COLOR BLUE ...  therefore, the color BLUE is PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED on their national flag, on the names of businesses / companies they control, the media outlets they control ... and ALL THE REST OF US are nothing more THAN COWS to be MILKED for the benefit THE CHOSEN PEOPLE ... they have no qualms about it, they do not  even hide it. 

SEE : 

The Biggest Lies

The RABBIS invented the entire FANTASY WORLD, the MENDACIOUS MYTHOLOGY knows as "judaism" ... the rabbis CONCOCTED/ INVENTED the ENTIRE GENEALOGICAL LINEAGE of the so-called "prophets of judaism" , from so-called ADAM & EVE to so-called KINGS DAVID & SOLOMON, including the MYTHICAL Noah, and his MYTHICAL son Sem/Shem

Yes, that noted Sem/Shem, from whose name RACIAL THEORISTS IN GERMANY invented the words 
in the late 1770s, 
in the late 1870s. 

From the 1770s and 1870s, every BRAINWASHED Tom and Dick and Mary in the WESTERN WORLD has referred to the WESTERN WORLD as the so-called JUDEO-CHRISTIAN WORLD, a bible-centric myopic view that has seriously damaged hijacked undermined GEO-POLITICS in the West ... these MISINFORMED AND MISLED PEOPLE have FALSELY LEAPED ON THE BANDWAGON of those 5 INVENTED WORDS by German racial theorists. 

How does one INVENT FIVE (5) NEW WORDS from up the name of a MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURE like Sem/Shem, who never existed to begin with, since not one single piece of hard factual archaeological historical scientific evidence has ever been found to prove his existence? 

How can any evidence be found on a figure like Sem / Shem who was 💯% invented / concocted by rabbis who lived 2,000 years ago, and whose words and inventions of people and events have come to be perceived and believed as HISTORICAL people and events? 

Before the 1770s and the 1870s, these FIVE words NEVER EXISTED, and nobody used these words to describe anybody. 

The FICTITIOUS Noah and Sem/Shem and the so-called BIBLICAL FLOOD STORY, as invented by those ANCIENT RABBIS, has profoundly altered the modern WESTERN WORLD. 

The rabbis also invented the word "israelite" based on the name of a MYTHICAL PERSON called JACOB/ISRAEL ... the name JACOB was invented in the late 900s AD, and is an ENGLISH TRANSLITERATION / CONSTRUCT / INVENTION of the original ARABIC-ARAMAIC name of YACOUB, a mythical person invented by the RABBIS and who also appears in the pages of GENESIS, a book written by ANCIENT RABBIS. 

The word name ISRAEL is an ENGLISH CONSTRUCT / INVENTION / TRANSLITERATION in the late 900s AD of the original ARABIC-ARAMAIC word name of YISRAIL. 

That means that BEFORE THE 900s AD, in the page of the so-called "bible" , the original ARABIC-ARAMAIC name that was being used was YISRAIL , and not Israel. 

The Western brainwashed THEOLOGIANS on the 900s AD (they were not even historians) invented the word name "judaism" which did not exist before the 900s AD ... this word is an ENGLISH TRANSLITERATION / CONSTRUCT / INVENTION of the original ARABIC -ARAMAIC word name "YEUHUDA" , derived from the name JUDAH, another ENGLISH LANGUAGE CONSTRUCT/ TRANSLITERATION of the original ARABIC-ARAMAIC name YEUHUDA, another MYTHICAL person, a tribal chieftain of a mythical tribe , another INVENTION by the RABBIS. 

The RABBINICAL ROT of so-called "judaism" runs so deep that 9 out of 10 kikels today, that's over 90% of all kikels today, follow a VIRULENTLY racist demogogic fascist Nazi murderous rabid right-wing creed known as "RABBINICAL JUDAISM" ... during the time of Jesus (his original ARABIC-ARAMAIC name was ISA), "rabbinical judaism" was known as PHARISEE RABBIS, yes, the EXACT SAME RABBIS that Jesus fought against, but these Pharisees eventually succeeded in having ISA PUBLICLY LYNCHED by the Roman authorities ... the Pharisees also murdered Isa's entire family including his wife Mary Magdalene and his two sons Yeuhuda and Haroon (their original ARABIC-ARAMAIC names ... Aaron is an ENGLISH LANGUAGE CONSTRUCT / INVENTION / TRANSLITERATION during the late 900s AD of the original ARABIC-ARAMAIC name of Haroon. 

As you can plainly see, there was MASSIVE A TO Z TRANSLITERATION / CONSTRUCTS / INVENTIONS of names from the original so-called "bible", written by ANCIENT RABBIS in the ORIGINAL ARABIC-ARAMAIC language of the Levant. originally. 

The word name HEBREW also first appears in the late 900s AD, when ANGLO-SAXONS THEOLOGIANS in ENGLAND created / invented a whole new generation of Old English words, really inventions / constructs / transliterations of ARABIC-ARAMAIC names and words that appeared in what I derogatarily term THE OLD TESTICLE / "bible'. 

These OLD ENGLISH transliterations / invention / constructs of original ARABIC-ARAMAIC names have come down through the ages, and unfortunately show up AS THEY CURRENTLY DO in today's MODERN ENGLISH LANGUAGE "BIBLE". 

Thus the word name HEBREW was first derived / concocted / invented in the 900s AD from the original ARABIC-ARAMAIC word names IVRI / IBRI / IBRIHIM / IVRIHIM / IBRAHIM / and EVER / EBER. 

These SEVEN (7) names are derived from the name of EVER / EBER, the MYTHICAL father of the MYTHICAL ABRAHAM / ABRAM / IBRAHIM. 

Both these MYTHICAL FIGURES Eber and Ibrahim were concocted invented made-up by the RABBIS who lived more than 1,000 years before the Anglo-Saxons theologians of ENGLAND of the 900s AD. 

Abraham / Abram is the Old English transliterations/construct / invention of the original ARABIC-ARAMAIC names IBRIHIM / IBRAHIM / IBRI / IVRI that appear in the ORIGINAL ARABIC-ARAMAIC OLD TESTICLE. 

How does one describe an entire group nation community people language culture civilizatiand religion, based on the name of TWO (2) men, BOTH MYTHICAL FIGURES, who never ever even existed?? These degenerate deceitful mendacious rabbis need to be asked THAT QUESTION!! 

The VERY FIRST TIME the word "jew" / YEUHUDA was used was in 545 AD, by a kikel sage & radio bo called DANIEL ... actually he did not use the word "jew" ... he used the original ARABIC-ARAMAIC name YEUHUDA, derived from the name of the MYTHICAL JUDAH / YEHUDA ... the words "jew" and JUDAH are ENGLISH LITERARY INVENTIONS / TRANSLITERATIONS (in the late 900s AD) of Daniel's YEHUDA first-ever mentioned in the BOOK OF DANIEL, written between 545 BC and 535 BC. 

The ENGLISH LANGUAGE INVENTIONS / CONSTRUCTS / TRANSLITERATIONS only occur 1,500 years after Daniel ... Daniel's time is in the 500s BC ... the English transliterations happen in the 900s AD, a period of 1,500 years. The English language transliterations were done in OLD ENGLISH by Anglo-Saxons THEOLOGIANS who were not even historians!! 

Daniel lived during the time of the Persian Empire which defeated the Babylonian Empire in 545 BC, and thus had freed the kikel slaves from the Babylonian slavery that had existed from 585 BC to 545 BC. 

Daniel, a sage and a rabbi, who was born DURING the BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY (585 BC to 545 BC), now had the freedom to use the word / name YEHUDA, between 545 BC and 535 BC, when he was on his way to Palestine, where the victorious Persians had allowed the kikels to rebuild their temples which had been totally destroyed by the Babylonians 50 years before. 

The FIRST TEN (10) BOOKS of the so-called "bible", from Adam & Eve to King Solomon, is 💯% invented deceitful mendacious imaginary concocted mythologies , written by the RABBIS. 

Little wonder that over 90% of all kikels follow this form of RABBINICAL fictitious made-up imaginary bullshit lies deceits inventions imaginary mythologies. 
