Tuesday 12 March 2024


The KIKELS ZIONIST-MAFIA MOB are the world's NUMBER ONE LIARS and CHEATERS and DECEIVERS ... Tel Aviv, their main COLONY in Occupied Palestine, is known as the SCAM CAPITAL of the world. 

Why do THEY lie, cheat, and deceive  everybody so much? 

It's because to THEM, in their SICK & TWISTED MINDS, the KIKELS are the so-called CHOSEN NATION ... therefore, THEY can do no wrong ... therefore, THEY believe all THEIR actions and  behavior are mandated / welcomed / accepted / approved by HEAVEN ... therefore THEY can say and do whatever they want to / feel like it,  and get away with it, because they are THE CHOSEN PEOPLE ... they can lie to and cheat and deceive NON-KIKELS anytime and anywhere ... HEAVEN is represented by the COLOR BLUE ...  therefore, the color BLUE is PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED on their national flag, on the names of businesses / companies they control, the media outlets they control ... and ALL THE REST OF US are nothing more THAN COWS to be MILKED for the benefit THE CHOSEN PEOPLE ... they have no qualms about it, they do not  even hide it. 

SEE : 

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