Sunday, 27 February 2022

Western duplicity

Sky News broadcast a video of people in the central Ukrainian city of Dnipro making Molotov cocktails, explaining how grating Styrofoam makes the incendiary device stick to vehicles better. 

Billow Kerrow
If this was done by Palestinians, Afghanistan or other nations resisting occupation, it would be terrorism. And during Mandela's anti-apartheid era, it was also dubbed terrorism. For Europeans facing similar situations, it is resistance!. Western duplicity knows no bounds. 



No one knows definitively WHAT is UKRAINE or WHO is Ukrainian.  

One thing is clear: no such country existed before 1921. 

In 1921, the region was named The Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic by Russia/USSR. 

Throughout Russian history, the region was ALWAYS known as the KIEVAN TERRITORY. THE HOMELAND OF THE RUSSIANS. Kievan Territory is Russia, and belongs to Russia. 
