Propaganda American-style.
The next time you watch CTV News or CBC News ... the next time you watch Republican gays like Todd van der Heyden spew vitriolic vicious ANTI-RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA on CTV NEWS, please do keep these FOLLOWING WORDS IN MIND :
Todd is not just part of the problem, and far from the solution ... HE AND OTHER MEDIA MOUTHPIECES are part of the SYSTEMIC CORRUPTION that has ERODED TRUST IN THE MEDIA. (PLEASE NOTE : type into Google MEDIA MANIPULATION or CREDIBILITY INTEGRITY OF THE PRESS QUESTIONED.)
What it boils down to is that Western media cannot be trusted, Western media cannot be respected, because of blatant biased coverage, baldface lies, distorted reporting, willful misinformation, scewed numbers, obfuscation or spewing nonsense / gibberish for the purpose of leading people away from the truth and ground realities, and CONTROLLED PROPAGANDA (in the words of the famous linguist NOAM CHOMSKY) which means government-directed disinformation and bias for the purpose of manipulating the population and how consent for economic, social, and political policies, both foreign and domestic, is "manufactured" in the public mind due to this propaganda. (PLEASE NOTE : type into Google or YouTube NOAM CHOMSKY MANUFACTURED CONSENT.)
This is where TODD AND HIS MEDIA TERRORISTS come into play.
As a JOURNALISTS & NEWS ANCHOR (I have MANY of them on my Friends List), Todd is reading off of a teleprompter on which there is a SCRIPT, written for him by his REAL OWNERS, the EDITORS , those MEDIA TERRORISTS who are foot-soldiers OF EVEN BIGGER FISH, the NEO-LIBERAL (CLOSET CONSERVATIVE) AND NEO-CONSERVATIVE SCUMBAGS who own CTV. These basturds and bitches are SPOON-FEEDING YOU BRAINWASHING lies deceits disinformation nonsense and propaganda. AMERICAN STYLE.
Todd will be like other so-called CTV "journalists" of the past, like MIKE DUFFY and PAMELA WALLIN for examples, who spewed neo-liberal and neo-conservative propaganda on CTV, then presto, got juicy seats in the Senate (which IN CANADA is NOT AN ELECTED BODY but an appointed body) by sitting neo-liberal and neo-conservative CRIME MINISTERS of Canada.
So I sent Todd a message through inbox that "Hey Todd, seems like your Senate seat is now all sown up!" ... but I also sent him links to RT (Russia Today) and Sputnik and Pravda and Tass and PressTV and Xinhua and TeleSur, encouraging him to get news from a diverse source. (PLEASE NOTE : for their links, type the names, such as Russia Today, into Google Search, since the twats at Twitter and the Facecrooks censors won't allow me or you to post the links directly on these two platforms due to the US regime's sanctions against Russia).
If Todd and his editor are FOOT-SOLDIERS of those who own and operate CTV News, then you can fuck off about another bit of THEIR PROPAGANDA : FREEDOM OF THE MEDIA, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. There's no such thing.
Foot-soldiers will fight a war and go into battle ON BEHALF OF THEIR REAL OWNERS, who will NOT TOLERATE their foot-soldiers saying or doing anything ON-AIR (meaning RADIO, TV, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, WEBSITES) that the real owners DO NOT PROMOTE nor carry in their hearts and minds.
If the real owners of Fox News are NEO- CONSERVATIVES and ZIONIST-MAFIA asswipes, then their journalist foot-soldiers will also promote and publish and air the same garbage ... OTHERWISE, THEY WILL BE FIRED ... it's as simple as that.
SO MUCH FOR MEDIA FREEDOM, A FREE PRESS, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS, and other hocus-pocus smoke-and-mirrors nonsensical Western bullshit deception and propaganda.
Let me repeat : THERE IS NO SUCH THING.