But if he was indeed of mixed ancestry -- AI genetic data analytics indicate a minimum 75% chance that he had Philistine / Palestinian ancestry -- it would be the best thing ever to have happened to Palestine.
A synthesis of the two communities IN THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON WHO EVER LIVED would be simply exactly what the LEVANT NEEDS.
Why would Jesus be of 75% Philistine / Palestinian ancestry or a MIXED ancestry at the very least? Please refer to my previous posts on THE HISTORY OF PALESTINE from an INVASIONS POINT OF VIEW (SEE COMMENT).
I know the comment is a long read, but it'll give you an idea of EXACTLY what went on in the Levantine region some 2500+ years ago, and you will have a better idea of the HISTORY AND THE POPULATION of this region.
I posted extensively on the I-WORD ... the original word that DOES NOT START with the letter I ... the letter Y instead ... no matter, that person identified by the letter Y never existed outside the pages of the Old Testicle ... he does not exist, NEVER DID, he is 💯 % MYTHOLOGICAL INVENTED CONCOCTED MADE-UP COOKED-UP IMAGINARY FICTITIOUS BULLSHIT KIKEL RABBI PROPAGANDA ... I even posted about the ORIGIN of the word RABBI, what it means, to whom it refers, that it is still a BULLSHIT WORD.
The worldwide ASHKENAZI KIKEL POPULATION is estimated to be over 70% of all kikels. we are talking around 11 to 15 million. Meaning that YIDDISH is actually more widely spoken in the worldwide kikel community than is the H-WORD.
Please refer to my PREVIOUS POSTS.
Between 750 BC and 585 BC, the MONOTHEISTIC CANAANITES were virtually wiped out by :
● (1) the ASSYRIAN EMPIRE invasions from 750 BC to 650 BC, with the UTTER DESTRUCTION of the NORTHERN KINGDOM in 721 BC by SARGON II THE GREAT, resulting in the WHOLESALE EXTERMINATION of 90% of the MONOTHEISTIC ARAB-CANAAANITE KIKEL POPULATION in the Northern Kingdom, including wiping out all 10 tribes inhabiting that kingdom ... of 3 million ethnic monotheistic Arabic-Aramaic-Canaanites kikels in that Northern Kingdom, only some 50K survived and taken as slaves and DISPERSED throughout the massive Assyrian Empire ... SARGON wanted to wipe out MONOTHEISM once and for all, with the intention to prove beyond any doubt that his FAMILY OF GODS was stronger than just the one god of the Arabic--Canaanites kikels; and
● (2) the BABYLONIAN EMPIRE invasions from 650 BC to 585 BC, with the UTTER DESTRUCTION of the SOUTHERN KINGDOM in 585 BC by NEBUCHADNEZZAR THE GREAT, resulting in the wholesale extermination of 90% of the MONOTHEISTIC ARAB-CANAAANITE KIKEL POPULATION in the Southern Kingdom, including nearly wiping out the 3 remaining tribes ... like SARGON, Nebuchadnezzar wanted to wipe out MONOTHEISM once and for all, with the intention to prove beyond any doubt that his FAMILY OF GODS was stronger than just the one god of the kikels ... by 585 BC, with 90% of ALL MONOTHEISTIC ETHNIC ARAB-CANAAANITE KIKELS in the Southern Kingdom DEAD and the remaining 10% taken away as SLAVES by the Babylonian Empire army, the Levant was DEVOID of any surviving ethnic ARAB-CANAAANITE KIKELS ... only 40K out of 400K survived ... these 40K were taken away to Babylon as SLAVES ... in Babylon, these kikels would write the lyrics BY THE RIVERS OF BABYLON ... the PALESET / PHILISTINES came out from their COASTAL KINGDOMS / COLONIES OF PHILISTYA, from SINAI AND GAZA in the SOUTH to BEIRUT in the NORTH ... the super-smart Paleset / Philistines recognized the SUZEREIGNITY of both the ASSYRIAN EMPIRE (from 750 BC to 650 BC and after its demise at the hands of the Babylonian Empire in 645 BC) and the Babylonian Empire (from 645 BC to 585 BC) ... recognizing their overlords SAVED THE PALESET / PHILISTINES from being exterminated as well ... when all the ethnic MONOTHEISTIC ARAB-CANAAANITE KIKELS were gone from the entire Levant, the Paleset / Philistines simply moved FROM PHILISTYA RIGHT INTO all THE INLAND CITIES OF CANAAN, now completely devoid of monotheistic Arab-Canaanite kikels ... then the Paleset / Philistines RENAMED the entire Levant as PALESTINE ... PHILISTYA WAS GONE, NOW THE WHOLE LEVANT WAS CALLED PALESTINE, AND NOW THEY CALLED THEMSELVES "PALESTINIANS" ... this period is 585 BC to 550 BC ... they were the OWNERS OF THE LEVANTINE REGION by 550 BC ... they REPOPULATED the whole land ... they had been living right next door to the ethnic Arab-Canaanite kikels from 1500 BC to 585 BC ... a span of 1,000 YEARS .. during this very long time, they pretty much ABSORBED the language (ARABIC-ARAMAIC), the culture, the religion (Canaanite monotheism of Ibrahim's/Abraham's lineage), the traditions, the customs of the ethnic monotheistic Arab-Canaanites ... massive numbers of INTER-MARRIAGES resulted in a MIXED SOCIETY, of Philistines / Palestinians carrying ANCIENT ARAB-CANAANITE GENES ... with all the ethnic monotheistic Arab-Canaanites kikels gone by 585 BC, these Philistines / Palestinians were the only population around in the entire region to CARRY ON the genes of the nearly exterminated ethnic Arab-Canaanites people ... in 545 BC, Persian Empire ruler CYRUS THE GREAT, who defeated the Babylonian Empire and conquered all of that Empire and the Assyrian Empire too, permitted the surviving ethnic Arabic-Aramaic-Canaanites kikels who had been SLAVES in Babylon to RETURN TO THE LEVANT, that 10% of kikels who survived both the Assyrian slaughter and the Babylonian slaughter ... when these ethnic monotheistic Arabic-Aramaic-Canaanites returned to what they used to call CANAAN, there now was PALESTINE ... the Palestinians allowed them to re-enter these cities but the Arabic-Aramaic-Canaanites were now a VERY SMALL MINORITY, only 10% of a total population of Palestine of 1 million.
It is small wonder that Jesus, living only some 500 years later on, may indeed have been either a mixed Palestinian-Canaanite AT THE VERY LEAST, or a full-blooded PALESTINIAN (Philistine European descended)!!
AI matadata software harvesting and data analytics of LEVANTINE GENETICS indicate that there is a 75% chance that Jesus was a PHILISTINE-PALESTINIAN DESCENDED (European-descended) man, and a 25% chance of a mixed Philistine-Canaanite ancestry AT THE VERY LEAST.
Today, BECAUSE of the Assyrian slaughter (750 BC to 650 BC) and the Babylonian slaughter (650 BC to 585 BC), and because they were such a tiny minority when they returned to the Levant (545 BC to 500 BC), the MIZRAHI / SOUTHERN / MIDDLE-EASTERN KIKELS, descendants of those ORIGINAL ANCIENT ETHNIC MONOTHEISTIC ARAB-CANAAANITES KIKELS, are less than 25% of the worldwide kikel population, with ASHKENAZI EUROPEAN CONVERTS KIKELS making up over 75% of the total kikel population. Today, although they number less than 40% of all kikel colonizers in Occupied Palestine, these RACIST FASCIST WHITE ASHKENAZI KIKELS control THE REGIME, THE MILITARY, THE POLICE, THE PARAMILITARY FORCES, THE MOSSAD, AND THE SHIN BET.