Saturday, 6 May 2023

PetroYuan On The Rise

CONTRARY to rampant rumours, the so-called "PetroDollar" WILL NOT be phased out nor killed off outright.

The term "PetroDollar" was coined in 1973 by Ibrahim Oweiss, the famous  Egyptian-American economist, to describe the influx of money from oil-producing countries, particularly from the Middle East, into Western countries. The term has since become widely used in international finance to refer to the funds earned by oil exporting countries through the sale of petroleum.

The PetroDollar will have one real competition, called the PetroYuan.  

Over the next few months, most probably during autumn 2023, the illegitimate autocratic murderous Saudi dictatorship will announce to the world that it will replace the PetroDollar with the PetroYuan (before 1973, the British sterling pound was in fashion, since the Euro had not yet come into existence), OR, add the PetroYuan as a the two accepted modes of purchasing their oil. 

But just that ONE PARADIGM SHIFT will be all that is needed to actually destroy America as you know it today.  

This paradigm shift will showcase the fact that America is a castle built of sand ... it's a sand castle in the air. It's an edifice built on such flimsy and faulty material (lies, deceits, cheating, rampant corruption, bribery, disinformation, outright nonsense, double standards, and blatant propaganda), that America's fall from power and fall from grace will be truly swift and spectacular and brutal. Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin famously labeled America a few months ago as "The Empire of Lies" ... and he is 100% correct!! 

America's fall, this seismic event, will happen within the next twelve months (from summer 2023 to summer 2024), as 88 NATIONS / 88 GOVERNMENTS shift away from using the US Dollar to the Chinese Yuan, starting during Autumn 2023.  

Sure these 88 governments will have not 1 but 2 currencies, 2 options, to buy and sell  petroleum, liquefied natural gas LNG, kerosene, diesel fuel D2, jet fuel, and other carbon energies, but my guess is that AT LEAST THESE GOVERNMENTS will kick the dollar down the garbage chute. 

Why shift to the PetroYuan instead of exercising 2 options? 

It's because as a collective, these governments have decided that they face a COMMON ENEMY, and it is the USA (its dollar and its sanctions and its economy and its military). 

Therefore, the collective has decided to CURTAIL / RESTRICT / LIMIT the role and the power and the knee-jerk reactionary behavior (in the forms of sanctions AND military interference) of the increasingly DETESTED REGIME in DC. 

It is probably NOT their intention to DESTROY the USA ... the USA still remains the most important and biggest trading partner of many of these governments. 

But even to use the PetroYuan INSTEAD of the PetroDollar, that one strategic decision, a simple yet far-reaching decision, will take away the mojo from their common enemy.  

Just exercising that ONE OPTION is all that will take to push Uncle Sam into the quicksand from which there will be no escape. 

As for the 350 million ppl who live in that SHITHOLE, they're about to experience what it feels like by being grabbed by the devil's forked tail and dragged into the depths of hell on earth  from which there will be no escape. If you are the religious type, and you have the bible taped around your forehead, may I interest you to read the so-called Book of Revelation, specifically Chapter 19. Yes, 19. Possibly the most important number in human history. 

It remains to be seen how the dastardly despised despicable degenerate diabolical and demented US regime in DC will take this decision by the collective : will it be through sanctions or military intervention or worldwide nuclear war? The regime knows that the WRITING IS ON THE WALL, and that it's TIME IS FINISHED.  America the HARLOT QUEEN is about to get fucked 88 ways from Sunday.  I did predict that by 31 August. 2031, the so-called "America", the so-called "USA" , will cease to exist as a political and economic entity. 

America will still have its prostitutes around the world who will continue to use the US dollar ... Canada being one of the whores ... but the members of BRICS, the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization SCO, the countries that are involved in the Chinese Road and Belt Initiative, the  members of the New Development Bank NDB, the members of the Non-aligned Movement NAM, close to 90 sovereign states in total, will embrace the PetroYuan, thereby spelling DOOM for America and its NATO-Western prostitution racket.
