💯% REJECTION of cuntservatives, cuntservatism, neo-cons ... 💯% REJECTION of liberalism and liberals ... 💯% ACCEPTANCE & EMBRACE of socialism and controlled capitalism.
Here's a revolutionary yet logical idea :
every single company with revenues in access of 5 MILLION DOLLARS ANNUALLY, should be owned 50%-50% between the CAPITALIST OWNERS and the CENTRAL GOVERNMENT.
This is not nationalization, nor is it pivatization ... it is a mixture of government and capitalist COOPERATION AND MANAGEMENT.
All it needs is a strong central government, government legislation, and a DEFINITE DEADLINE / FORCED PERIOD OF INTEGRATION.
This way, government-appointed individuals become : CO or DEPUTY of each decision-making ranking officer/executive in the chain of command :
CO-CEO (Chief Executive Officer),
CO-CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
CO-CTO (Chief Technology Officer),
CO-DHR (Director of Human Resources),
CO-DOP (Director of Payroll)
This way, each company is MANAGED EQUALLY by the central government and the capitalist owners, and is compelled to follow every directive of the government, meaning that no company could be sold or bought out by any other company, domestic or foreign, without the consent of the government and the majority consent (65%) of the national parliament/legislature.
These measures will prevent Canada from ever again drifting towards the right-wing, towards cuntservative economic policies.
These measures are intended to completely smash the spine/backbone of the right-wing, libs, neo-libs, cons and neo-cons, fascists and neo-fascists, capitalists and pirates and scammers, the real estate industry, media owners, and financial fraudsters, once and for all in Canada.
Furthermore, by controlling virtually all businesses, the PRICES of every single product and/or service CAN BE TIGHTLY CONTROLLED, not by legislation but by the DIRECTIVES ISSUED by government through these companies.
These measures will also entail :
● that all employees of all these businesses have the right to unionize,
● 100% control and compliance with all governmental regulatory measures,
● control and stabalize the DOMESTIC SUPPLY FLOW of goods and services,
● control of the FOREIGN SUPPLY SIDE from A-Z,
● the CONTROL OF ALL mining & extraction, refining, packing/packaging, delivery, import, export, distribution, wholesale, and retail operations ... in other words the entire SCALING of each company can be controlled & managed,
● a full-spectrum control & management of every activity and decision-making in these companies.
Those capitalists/businesses WHO DO NOT COMPLY do not receive government tax numbers and the license to operate inside Canada. Period. Target companies would have a specific deadline to meet this new integration. If they do not comply by the deadline, their license to operate in Canada would be revoked IMMEDIATELY and with immediate consequences, including but not limited to seizure/ confiscation of all their assets in the country and executives and employees charged & convicted of non-compliance and jailed in federal prisons. There are millions of businesses around the world that would love to come to Canada and fully integrate themselves into the NEW INTEGRATION PARADIGM. Replacing/terminating the operating license of Walmart or Canadian Tire or Costco or Sunoco or Home Depot or Rona or Shoppers Drug Mart or IGA or Staples Office Supply or Best Buy with companies from Vietnam, China, Iran, Venezuela, Brazil would not be a problem for an ACTIVIST CENTRAL GOVERNMENT. The government would keep a worldwide look out for replacements of these companies.
These measures will also PREVENT KIKELS, ZIONIST-MAFIA, AND UNDESIRABLE FOREIGNERS from owning & operating companies, buying and selling and owning shares in businesses, and real estate, and media, and defense companies in Canada.
The last, and most IMPORTANT ASPECT of these measures is that, 50% OF ALL REVENUES, hundreds of billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars, of revenues generated by sales in these businesses, can go directly into the hands of the government, which NO LONGER AT THAT POINT needs to impose INCOME TAX and SALES TAX on hard-working individuals and families/households, especially those earning $100,000 or less per year.
With control of electricity, gas, and oil prices, thereby greatly REDUCING transportation costs, home heating costs, and overall business expenses,
and the control of retail prices, the permanent near-total ban on the federal income tax and the federal sales tax, Canada's economy would just simply shoot up right through the fucking roof, expanding by double-digits per year and shutting down inflation in the process. The days of CEOs and other executives and directors making tens of million dollars in annual salaries and bonuses, will be finished overnight.
As long as the government, politics, and the economy remain in the hands of stupid, zero-creative, zero-activist libs and neo-libs, cons and neo-cons, fascists and corporate/capitalist crooks, Canada will keep going round and round in circles, and will never find itself out of the MOLASSES it has been in the past 150 years.
I did NOT make all this up ... virtually all the ideas you just read here have been written by a AI.