Friday, 29 July 2022

Canada Moving Into Recession

It is almost official (you will hear and read about it in the news very soon) : 

Canada is moving into the WORST RECESSION SINCE 2007-8 -9. 

Thanks to Justin Trudeau's neo-liberal (closet conservative right-wing) regime,  we are continuing to kiss Uncle Sam's ass, and now we are in a major and disastrous war against Russia over the Kiev Territory.  Also, thank you Justin for your stupid and illogical CoViD-19 policies and programs THAT WERE NOT ENOUGH, because the virus is still out there and still destroying the economy, but this time along with the war AND US-imposed sanctions against Russia.  Furthermore, if my memory serves me correctly, it is YOUR REGIME that signed a long-term contract AND SUBSEQUENTLY SOLD AND SUPPLIED several billions of dollars worth of military equipment to the Saudi fascist ultra-conservative extre-right-wing  non-democratic absolute-monarchial murderous dictatorship regime, that murdered Washington Post journalist JAMAL KASHOGGI in cold blood AND  illegally occupying Arabia AND using your Canadian manufactured weapons against the poorest Arab country in the world, Yemen, in a 7 year war that had killed around HALF A MILLION PEOPLE.  Instead of real leadership, you give us neo-lib propaganda.  

If you want my vote in the next election, Justin, come to Montreal you fucking  idiot basturd, I will pull down my jeans, and THEN YOU MAY kiss my ass ONE CHEEK AT A TIME.  You can thank your FAIRY GOD JEHOFUCK for the privilege of kissing my ass. 
