Supreme Taliban Leader Mullah Omar Issues Statement Calling For Unity in Afghanistan, Iraq
15 May, 2007
The Commander of the Faithful and Supreme Taliban Leader Mullah Muhammad Omar issued a statement yesterday calling for unity in Afghanistan and Iraq. Warning that a large part of America's strategy is to divide the fighting forces, the Amir Al-Mumineen calls for all to unite under the flag of Islam.
A Message From The Commander Of The Faithful To The Mujahideen Of Afghanistan And Iraq.
In The Name Of Allah, The Most Gracious The Most Merciful!
We praise Him and send blessings on His Prophet Kareem!
To Proceed:
O dear Muslim brothers and Muslim sisters, you know very well that Muslims today are facing a number of challenges as the result of American politics, stubbornness, and pride.
This devourer of the world on the one hand is attacking the Muslims in armed attacks using various types of weapons including biological weapons and is building monstrous prisons for the Muslims like Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib and Bagram.
On the other hand, it is trying to plant hypocrisy among the Muslims by developing ways to create an atmosphere of non-confidence within their ranks and is using Muslims by trying to invoke tribes and tongues and against each other.
Therefore it becomes obligatory on Muslims in all parts of the world to protect themselves and is an absolute duty just the same way it becomes obligatory on every Muslim to close all openings for the mean and cunning enemy so as not to give it the opportunity to open the fire of creating differences between the Muslims.
A large part of the American policy in Iraq is to divide the Muslims by name such as Ahl Al Tashee'(Shia) and Ahl As Sunnah (Sunnis) and in Afghanistan it is by Pashtun, Tajik, Hazarah, and Uzbek in an effort to reduce the severity and power of national uprising and armed resistance.
I am completely sure that the disciplined armed resistance of the heroic Mujahideen in Iraq, and the national standing in the face of the foreign occupation in Afghanistan under a single leadership has made the enemy largely nervous.
And they are now like those who are drowning, trying to grab hold of anything within arms reach.
They try to scare the local civilians by bombing them with heavy bombs and some times in the name of the tribe and area they come forward with a different faces.
However it is very pleasing and satisfying that many of their plans have now failed.
The locals have rejected the "Greats" among those who the occupiers have appointed but most importantly, they have obtained greater wisdom knowing that Islamic closeness with each other, national unity and brotherhood is a severe necessity.
I have issued a serious order to the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate to open their hearts to all the Islamic groups and people of the tribes and locations and to unite with all of them to form a single hand.
We must make relentless efforts so that the public will step away from befriending the enemy and stand by the side of the Mujahideen.
The politics of the Islamic Emirate is to set up an Islamic government, which is the wish of all the individuals in Afghanistan, which will be free from foreign intervention, which deals with wisdom with its neighbors and the world in the light of the Islamic rulings and international laws.
The Islamic Emirate does not interfere illegally in the internal affairs of other countries and does not accept the illegal interference of other countries in its matters as well.
We are, with all our strength and effort, carrying out Jihad to free our Beloved Afghanistan from foreign occupation and to provide the facility of free living, development, and peace for our citizens.
I strongly urge all the people of knowledge, Jihad, politics and national struggle to stretch their hands to their brothers to free the country and to establish an Islamic nation so that those painful events that occurred in the 1980's after the defeat of the Soviet Union never happens again, may Allah not permit it.
It is also necessary that in future Muslim blood not be spilled as the result of differences in names Mullah or Mujahid or in sect or leadership.
This is our policy, and it is on this basis that we shall work and it is for the world and the people not to consider the saying of any person as the policy of the Islamic Emirate.
The policy of the Islamic emirate is only published by the officially assigned speakers by the Islamic emirate.
In the same way I hope that the Iraqi brothers will leave aside the differences of the name of Ahl At Tashee and Ahl As Sunnah behind and stand united against the occupying enemy.Victory is not possible without unity.
And peace be unto you.
The servant of Islam,
Amir Al-Mumineen Mullah Muhammad Omar, Mujahid ,
25 Rabi Al-Akhir 1428
May 12, 2007