Friday, 15 November 2024


Under normal circumstances, voting for Kamala Harris or Donald Dumpster IS NOT a good idea. 



HOWEVER ... when faced with the choice between DEMOCRACY, RULE OF LAW, THE PRE-EMINENCE OF THE CONSTITUTION, AND THE STABILITY, INTEGRITY, AND CREDIBILITY OF THE COUNTRY on one hand, and an old, senile, fascist, right-wing extremist, vicious, vindictive, venal, peer-jury convicted rapist and fraudster and criminal on the other hand, YOU LET YOUR LOGIC INSTEAD OF EMOTION DO THE TALKING ... you go out and vote ... you DO NOT STAY HOME and play with yourself ... you DO NOT LISTEN to people on your Friends List who spew STUPID PROPAGANDA that YOU should not vote, YOU should not exercise YOUR right to vote, YOU should vote for a third party candidate barely hitting 1% in the polls, and that YOU should not give the DUOPOLY any support or credibility by voting IN A RIGGED VOTING SYSTEM. You DO NOT listen to these people. You vote any which way you possibly can for the LESSER OF THE TWO EVILS, that is HARRIS OVER DUMPSTER. 

Those 22 people who sent me INBOX / DM messages requesting that I should not vote in the US presidential election of 2024, that I should not vote for Harris nor Dumpster, and that I should vote for a third party candidate who was polling only 1%, forgot that I don't live in that FUCKING FASCIST STUPID SHITHOLE ... I blocked them PERMANENTLY, because my SPIDER SENSE WAS TINGLING, that my GUT INSTINCT told me these people were actually working for the RatpubliKKKan Party and were SABOTEURS & PROVOCATEURS. There are a lot of these fucking assholes on Facebook. 


An Abortion Clinic in every federal riding in CANADA 🇨🇦

Canada has 338 federal ridings / constituencies / seats / electoral districts. 

There should be a FEDERAL GOVT OWNED AND OPERATED ABORTION CLINIC in each and every one of those 338 federal ridings. 

This is the first step in HOW TO drive a POINTY STAKE right in to the HEART OF THE RIGHT-WING / FASCISTS / CUNTSERVATIVES. 

Widely accessible, FREE AND ON-DEMAND, ABORTION CLINICS are the NUMBER ONE, I repeat, the NUMBER ONE, national policy platform of A TRUE SOCIALIST system of government and society. 

An abortion clinic is literally the figurative symbol of a stake, a very pointy stake, driven through the collective heart of FASCISM, RIGHT-WING, AND CUNTSERVATIVE GROUPS. 

Abortion clinics repudiate the Old Testicle, repudiate MALE DOMINANCE in a society, repudiate the control of OLD MEN over policy and decision-making, and seal the rights of females over their own reproductive choices, not to mention establish UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE AND MEDICAL CARE, instead of cherry picking this over that. 
