Monday, 4 April 2022

60 Million Americans

60 million Americans have used food banks to survive in the past two years. 

But Congress doesn't have the money to help them.  

Instead, the US Military receives over $750 BILLION in funding. EVERY YEAR.  This number increases every year by tens of billions of dollars. 

And the US Govt is sending billions of dollars worth of missiles and drones to fight a proxy war thousands of miles away, in a FAKE COUNTRY called UKISTAN, that 78% of Americans never heard of before.  

In the meantime  MEDIA WHORES like Todd van der Heyden ARE BEING ORDERED BY HIS REAL OWNERS TO INFORM THE MASSES how evil Russia is for attacking a FAKE COUNTRY called Ukistan. 

The US is ripe for revolution, a socialist  led, left-wing lead insurrection/rebellion/revolution.  Otherwise nothing will change, and everything will remain status quo.  

It is sad depressing disheartening to see that millions of these very same Americans living in poverty voting for these rich cocksuckers, these  right-wing Rats and Cons (RatpubliKKKans and Conservatives), who keep on feeding the US military and their ILLEGAL, IMMORAL,  neo-imperialist, neo-colonialist, neo-fascist foreign military adventures. 
