Tuesday 7 November 2023

Shem never existed

The MYTHICAL Shem was one of the sons of the MYTHICAL Noah in the jew bible, one of the LITERARY SEGMENTS of jew mythology. 

I call the study of jew mythology, including the so-called "jew bible", / the Pentateuch, the Tenach, the Talmud, the Mishna, and other hebrew hocus-pocus, JEWOLOGY, the study of jew mythology.

Since there is NOT ONE SINGLE EMPIRICALLY-RESEARCHED SCIENTIFICALLY-PROVEN HARD EVIDENCE of Noah being a historical person, via any known historical and archeological concrete evidence, it is safe to say that Shem also NEVER existed ... it's all MYTHOLOGY ... figment of the very creative jew / hebrew IMAGINATION ... Shem is the very essence of the "SEMITIC" BULLSHIT NARRATIVE : that this mythological being's descendants are called SEMITES. 

Because SHEM is a 100% JEW / HEBREW MYTHOLOGICAL BEING, there is no such thing or person as a SEMITE ... only people who speak a non-Indo-European language ... just like Chinese, Bantu, Swahli, ETC, different linguistic families of human speech and literary expression. 

IN CONCLUSION : Noah never existed ... so his three sons including Shem never existed ... from archeological AND historical perspectives, these are strictly MYTHICAL FIGURES ... if Shem never existed, then there never were his descendants called "SEMITES" ... in other words, STRICTLY LOGICALLY SPEAKING, there is no such thing as "anti-semitism", or "anti-semite", or "semitic", or "semite" ... these frivolous and nebulous terms are media creations perpetuated by a CONTROLLED MEDIA and a false narrative promulgated by an insidious pernicious brainwashing organization with a structure and operation not unlike a CRIME SYNDICATE / MAFIA / MOBSTER / GOVERNMENT / CORPORATION. At the street level, it is 500 million people speaking a family of closely-related languages, over 70 at latest count, of which Arabic is spoken by more than 450 million Islamic folks. From a religious perspective, it is all 100% FDA-CERTIFIED BULLSHIT. The usual jew / hebrew NONSENSE. 

Shem is a SHAM. 

Shem also rhymes with SCAM. 

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