Tuesday 7 November 2023

White jews zionist-mafia

Western jews, also called northern jews or White jews or European jews or Germanic jews or so-called "ashkenazi jews", have very little (8%, same as in the general European populations) J1 and J2 DNA ... so they are not entirely so-called "semites" ... they are MAINLY EUROPEAN CONVERTS to so-called "judaism" going back mainly to 100 AD to 1000 AD to Eastern and Central Europe north of the Black Sea ....these White or northern jews HATE the southern jews, so-called "sephardic jews" or Spanish jews or Hispanic jews or Moroccan jews or Mediterranean jews or Middle-Eastern jews ... the southern jews have lived most of the time in peace with their Mediterranean neighbors, mainly Arabics speaking people, for over 3,000 years ... it is the northern jews / White jews , the CONVERTS" , who are are at the FOREFRONT of the zionist-mafia crime family and the true occupiers of Palestine ... this may explain why European and USA Canadian Australian regimes funding and weapons support of the zionist-mafia mobsters occupation of Palestine ... a White colony in a non-white neighborhood.

How is that any different from the racist apartheid fascist White European regime that illegally occupied SOUTH AFRICA for several generations until Russian weapons in the hands of the ANC guerrillas and international economic sanctions led to the dissolution of this racist occupation in 1991-92. 


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