Friday 3 November 2023

The Matrix

This is the REAL MATRIX :

... a FALSE NARRATIVE weaving biblical bullshit with hebrew hocus-pocus & hebrew hoodwinking & zionist propaganda that has brainwashed half the world's population. 

This DEBASEMENT AND FALL OF HALF OF HUMANITY, by an INTEGRATED SYSTEM which includes 24X7 MEDIA BRAINWASHING, WEAPONS & MUNITIONS SUPPLY CHAIN, POLITICAL & DIPLOMATIC COVER, a MILITARY PROTECTION RACKET, and ECONOMIC-COMMERCIAL INTEGRATION, created and put into place by SEVERAL WESTERN REGIMES and an illegal zionist squatter colony in Occupied Palestine, the entire system of materiel & human assets called THE ZIONIST-MAFIA MOB, that has imprisoned half of all humans in a VIRTUAL REALITY SYSTEM —the Matrix—to be FARMED as a SOURCE of FUNDING & LEGITIMIZING THIS FALSE NARRATIVE. 

Occasionally, some of the prisoners manage to break free from THIS SYSTEM and, considered a threat, become pursued by the ZIONIST-MAFIA MOBSTERS both inside and outside of THIS SYSTEM, mainly using social media assets like Facebook, Instagram, ETC, and media assets and personnel like on radio and TV and magazines, using such nebulous and illogical fuckery as "law-based international order" and fake charges of "anti-semitic" and "communist" and "socialist" and "anti-religious" and "terrorist", leading to DEMONIZING and CHARACTER ASSASSINATION and DE-HUMANIZING of the pursued targeted individuals and groups. 

I have ESCAPED the Matrix. I can see clearly now. I have taken the RED PILL, with the result that my MIND IS FREE and I am in CONTROL of my brain and my thought processes and my opinions. Facebook and other media outlets can CENSOR my content, but NOT MY MIND. 

I have ESCAPED the Matrix. Have you been successful too? 

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