Monday 11 December 2023

Christianity exists, judaism does not

There is no such thing or word or name or people as "jews" , "judaism". 

There is no such thing or word or person as "semitic" , "semite" , 
"anti-semitic", "anti-semite" , and "anti-semitism", these FIVE BULLSHIT nonsensical illogical words. 

In the late 1770s, racists and racial theorists at an ultra-conservative right-wing university in, you guessed it, GERMany, for the very first time, coined /used/invented the word "SEMITIC" ("SEMETISCHE" in GERMan) to brand "the nation of Sem, son of Noah". Never before had that word been used ... it was the very first time ever. 

In the late 1880s, another racist GERMan, called WILHELM MARR, used the word "ANTI-SEMITISM" ... he was a journalist and fascist agitator ... never before had that word been used by anyone ... it was MARR who first coined / invented / used that word to establish an anti-kikel organization to expel or kill the kikels in German-speaking lands in Central Europe. 

The racist fascist virulently anti-kikel Nazis used the racist theories AND words of the German university and Wilhelm Marr to go after the kikels. 

Leave it to the fucking GERMS to come up with RACIST shit. That's why I call the GERMANS bacteria / cancer. 

Noah is MYTHICAL ... zero historical and archeological evidence of his existence OUTSIDE the so-called "bible" ... since mythical Noah NEVER existed, that means his sons, including Shem/Sem also never existed and are mythical ... since that is the case, then there's no so-called "semitic" people because these people are supposedly named after Sem/Shem who supposedly was the ancestor/father of the so-called "semites" ... for further clarification and analysys of the BULLSHIT "anti-semitism" ranting by KIKLES AND THEIR BRAINWASHED APOLOGISTS, please see my previous posts and comments.

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