Monday 11 December 2023

No such thing as a "good book"

There is NO SUCH THING as a "good book" ... fake fraudulent mythical gibberish  deceitful mendacious nonsense propaganda need to be OUTED, need to be exposed , so that human beings can OPEN THEIR EYES AND BE EDUCATED, because the very existence,  the survival of our species, depends on it. We cannot exist as a species and move forward if we're held back by so-called "good books" and "religion" ... the so-called "good books" have done nothing except bring misery, death, and destruction ... look at  what's happening in Gaza , all because of the kikels' superiority complex and murderous religious intentions ... these murderous criminals have proven BEYOND ANY DOUBT that zonism is the same thing as so-called "judaism" ... 90% of kikels  follow RABBINICAL "JUDAISM" ALSO CALLED TALMUDIC "JUDAISM" ... this virulently racist fascist so-called "judaism" is directly descended from PHARISEES "JUDAISM" that Jesus fought against so hard during his entire lifetime ... at the end, the Pharisees rabbis and scribes KILLED JESUS AND MURDERED HIS ENTIRE FAMILY including his wife Mary Magdalene and their two sons ... I mean Jesus lost EVERYTHING fighting the Pharisees ... modern RABBINICAL "JUDAISM" sprung from PHARISEE "JUDAISM" ... see the Wikipedia article  on RABBINICAL "JUDAISM" ... ... these criminals are racist and murderous and violence-prone ... and WILL DEFINITELY bring about the death of all of us one day ... rabbinic kikels , just like their pharisee ancestors, care NOTHING about the rest of humanity who they see as COWS to be killed or MILKED for the benefit of the so-called CHOSEN PEOPLE, which they think they are in their sick and twisted minds.  "JUDAISM" ... 90% of KIKELS follow RABBINICAL "JUDAISM" ... this means the VAST MAJORITY of zionist-mafia mobsters kikels believe in rabbinical "judaism" which is in action in GAZA.

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