Saturday 25 November 2023

Kikel DNA analysis

In the 1990s, a large-scale DNA analysis was done on tens of thousands of MALE AshkeNazi kikels throughout Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Europe, and Western Europe. 

KIKEL is a yiddish word meaning ZERO. 

Yiddish is a language admixture of hebrew, Russian, Polish, German, and Lithuanian, and is the first language / home language of around 15 million MOSTLY WHITE EUROPEAN AshkeNazi kikels (who comprise the MAJORITY of kikels), as compared to hebrew which is the first language / home language of just 5 million kikels, the vast majority of these being called Sephardic / southern / Mediterranean / Middle-Eastern / brown / Mizrahi kikels by their AshkeNazi cousins. 

The AshkeNazi kikels are not racially similar to the Sephardic kikels, because the AshkeNazi are European Aryan whites, whereas the Sephardic kikels are almost entirely racially and linguistically related to the Palestinians and other Arabs living in the Middle-East. 

The AshkeNazi are quite racist but the Sephardic are even more racist. The Sephardic or Mizrahi kikels make up the backbone of neo-fascist racist neo-Nazi political parties such as LIKUD in Occupied Palestine. 

From 1880 to 1930 , the Sephardics already living in New York State for at least 5 generations, began calling the massive influx of white European Aryan AshkeNazis as "KIKELS" coming through Staten Island NY where these new immigrants were being processed ... the AshkeNazis couldn't speak a word of English, were seen as "backward", smelled really bad, they drew a CIRCLE instead of a CROSS on immigration papers because they hated christianity and Christians and had an aversion to the cross, and were racist towards everyone, and showed a superiority complex because of their skin color so they looked down upon the Sephardics who had settled in New york State for a long time. 

So the settled Sephardics began to call the AshkeNazi immigrants KIKELS, or ZEROS. 

I use the word KIKEL to describe ALL OF THEM because ZERO is their mythological judaism, and because there is ZERO historical and archeological evidence of their mythical VIP's ever being in existence. 

Back to the DNA ANALYSIS ... what the research team from from Haifa found was that all these AshkeNazi had ONE male ancestor, a male kikel who arrived from the Roman Empire Province of Palestine around 315 AD, just 3 short years after the murderous Roman Emperor Constantine "The Great" converted to so-called "Christianity", and he brought HELL ON EARTH upon the kikels ... so this male kikel left Palestine to escape the pogroms and persecutions , and traveled to a region NORTH OF THE BLACK SEA, and there he settled, and he converted hundreds, possibly thousands of white East European folks, these converts eventually formed that Kazarian Empire ... 99% of AshkeNazi kikels are actually European whites from those original converts, that is WHY they still carry Russian-sounding , Polish-sounding , German-sounding names TO THIS DAY. 

These AshkeNazi kikels are white supremacists racists neo-fascist neo-Nazi SCUM responsible for the APARTHEID REGIME they control in Occupied Palestine, even though the full (not partial) AshkeNazi kikels number about a million only , a significant minority, BUT THE MOST POWERFUL, among the kikel population of Occupied Palestine. The Sephardic/Mizrahi kikels are virulently anti-Arab anti-Islam anti-Muslim anti-Palestinian, but they cannot hold a candle next to AshkeNazi racism. 


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