Thursday 5 October 2023


It is time for complete and total and permanent termination OF ANY AND ALL financial and weapons assistance to the Uki neo-fascist neo-Nazi regime illegally occupying the Kiev Territory as a result of a CIA installed coup back in 2014 ... it is time for Russia to take back what has been Russian territory for the past 1200 years, going back to the 900s AD , because it is in Kiev and the banks of the rivers Rosiva and Rus where the Russians and the Russian language and culture and civilization first began. It is KIEV that gave birth to Russia, to the  Russian people, and their language, nation, civilization, and culture. Kiev has been an integrated part of Russia for over 1200 years and it is time Russia took every single fucking square centimeter of it back. It is time the West stopped interfering in the INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF RUSSIA ... it's time for the West to understand that Kiev is an INTERNAL ISSUE for Russia, and that Kiev is nothing more than a BREAKAWAY PROVINCE of Russia,  rebelling against Russia because the people living in Kiev have been brainwashed by this zionist-mafia fucking scumbag Zelenskyy the pseudo-intellectual pseudo-jew who wants to turn Kiev into a COPY OF PISSRAEL that is currently illegally occupying Palestine.

I still DO NOT UNDERSTAND why, after 1.5 years of a brutal war that has killed over 550,000 Ukis, that Russia has not placed a 10 MILLION EURO BOUNTY on Zelenskyy's head. The longer this motherfucking CIA PROSTITUTE ZIONIST-MAFIA lives, the  longer people will be killed on both sides.

Every life is precious ... but, killing ONE WAR-MONGERING ZIONIST-MAFIA CRIMINAL, Zelenskyy, to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, is not, I repeat is not, a bad trade-off.

regime and its CIA-MOSSAD hand-picked henchmen have the potential to bring about a nuclear war between Russia and her allies and AmeriKKKa and her PROSTITUTION RACKET called NATO, in the SAME WAY Gavrilo Princip the Serbian nationalist cunt brought about World War One when that motherfucker (READ supremely stupid) assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire's throne, and his wife Sophie, Duchess von Hohenberg, in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914.

The murder of the Archduke and his wife set off a chain events that led to the Austro-Hungarian invasion of Serbia and the start of World War I a month later. Tens of millions of people died in that war and Serbia that ETERNAL SHITHOLE OF EUROPE was totally destroyed and millions of Serbs were killed. There is ample well-documented hard evidence that the Austro-Hungarian Imperial intelligence community knew about Gavrilo Princip and his 46 neo-fascist nationalist goons  who posed a serious threat to the Archduke ... the Archduke was advised by Imperial spies not to travel to Sarajevo.  But he did so anyway. Had the Imperial spies hunted down and killed Gavrilo Princip and his right-wing nationalist fascist goons, the Archduke  would still be alive in 1914, and World War One would never have come about and tens of millions of people would still be alive only 110+ YEARS AGO !!

Before World War One, Serbia, that dirty filthy eternal infernal shithole of Europe, had been fucked royally, raped and pillaged and burnt and destroyed by the Muslim Ottoman Turk Empire for over five hundred years. Hundreds of thousands of Serbians died during those 500 years of Turkish invasions and occupations.

Little wonder that Serbia, that shithole, lurching from one calamity, the Turks, to another calamity, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, produced an angry nationalist (READ fascist) cunt like Gavrilo Princip.

If Kiev is allowed to become another Serbia, seething with anger and filled to the brim with angry brainwashed ppl, then definitely World War Three is a good probability because Kiev is dozens of times larger than Serbia, and is A MASSIVE ECONOMIC AND AGRICULTURAL PRIZE both Russia and NATO desire.

BUT, since Kiev is the BIRTHPLACE of Russia, Russians, and their language and culture and civilization, then best allow Russia to take it ALL BACK, kill Zelenskyy and his MOB, thereby prevent World War Three. IT IS JUST THAT SIMPLE!! I

Increasing numbers of people in AmeriKKKa, Canada, and Europe are waking up to this realization.

Russia is 💯 % correct : funding and weapons support only give THE NATIONALIST NEO-FASCIST ILLEGAL REBEL COUP REGIME legitimacy and prolongs this senseless war.

Ukraine Fearful As West Turn Blind Eye To More Aid Appeal; 'Never Heard Allies Say The Word Victory'


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