Thursday 30 November 2023

Tribes and Scribes and Hebrews ... WTF !?

Tribes and scribes and hebrews?!?


All educated ppl know what scribes are ... but are YOU still WILLFULLY KNOWINGLY MISSING THE POINT ... let me repeat again to you, in case you are missing the point again and again and again ... there WAS NO  Noah, there was no Shem / Sem his son, therefore there was / is no  "semites", no "semitic people", no "anti-semitism" , no "anti-semites" , no "anti-semitic" ... these words don't matter , these words don't count, these words are illogical, these words were INVENTED IN THE LATE 1700s by German Protestant theologians ... these words DO NOT EXIST simply because SHEM / SEM WAS A MYTHICAL BEING ... the ancient peoples of the Middle-East did not know these words ... they did not know about being "semites" ... outside of the Old Testicle, there is no mention of Sem/ Shem ... meaning that there was no knowledge or mention of so-called "semites" that he supposedly fathered ... they don't exist ... they never existed to begin with because Sem / Shem was a MYTHICAL being, just like his mythical father Noah ... Abraham / Abram also did not exist ... he too was a mythical person ... therefore, his sons Issac and Ismail too were mythical ... mythical too were Isaac's sons Jacob and Esau ... since Jacob did not exist, there was no Israel, there was no 12 brothers of his, they were ALL MYTHICAL BEINGS just like the Greek gods of Olympus and mythical heroes like Hercules Theseus, Perseus, Achilles, ETC ... since there was no Jacob/Israel,  none of his brothers either, ALL MYTHICAL BEINGS, there was no 1 or 10 or 12 or 13 or 500 or whatever the flying fuck numbers of tribes … they're all MYTHICAL ... these MYTHS are called "Jewish Mythology" , and Wikipedia has a very long article on "Jewish Mythology" ... doesn't matter if you talk about those fucking scribes ... who gives a shit about those fucking scribes ... it doesn't really matter, does it? "Scribes" writing about MYTHICAL BEINGS AND MYTHICAL TRIBES ... what's the big deal about "scribes" ...  these tribes did not exist ... not even ONE SINGLE PIECE OF HARD ARCHEOLOGICAL AND/OR HISTORICAL EVIDENCE has ever been found to corroborate, to verify, to  confirm the existence of any of these people or their fucking tribes ... you are caught up the HEBREW MATRIX since childhood ... you are not the only person who keeps repeating BIBLICAL BULLSHIT like "tribes"  and "scribes" and "hebrews" ... Abraham / Abram did not exist, he was a mythical being, meaning even the name/word "hebrew" or "IBRIHIM/IBRI" and "IVRIHIM/IBRI" cannot exist, because those words mean "the followers of Abram", who did not exist ... 

The ancient Greeks had a CULT OF DIONISUS, the god of wine and sex and parties ... there was also a CULT OF HERCULES ... a CULT OF APOLLO ... a CULT OF ATHENA ... tons of cults ... the Romans had a CULT OF MITHRA ... APOLLO ATHENA PERSEUS THESEUS HERCULES DIONYSIUS MITHRA DID NOT EXIST ... they were 💯% MYTHICAL BEINGS. 

So-called "judaism" is NOTHING MORE THAN A CULT OF MOSES or a CULT OF ABRAHAM ... mythical beings who NEVER EXISTED. 


STOP talking about "scribes" ... stop talking about "tribes" ... I am trying VERY HARD not to use the word "hebrew" because THEY DO NOT EXIST. It is a FUCKING CULT, and sick and twisted lying sacks of shit are trying to pass off MYTHS AND CULTS AS A RELIGION. 

How utterly sad, stupid, depressing, and pathetic. 

STOP LIVING IN THE "HEBREW" MATRIX ... STOP REPEATING "HEBREW" MYTHICAL NONSENSE PROPAGANDA ... stop referring to "Scribes" who wrote about MYTHICAL BEINGS AND MYTHICAL TRIBES ... get yourself OUT OF THIS MATRIX OF MENDACITY ... stop living their lies bullshit gibberish monkey-chatter hoodwinking bamboozling nonsensical garbage propaganda ... if they  want to keep living in their matrix of lies deceits and delusions, let them. 


The only way to do this is by taking the RED PILL : socialism or communism or atheism. 

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