Friday 24 November 2023


Lies do not go far. 

The Western media, I'm talking about
NY Times 
Washington Post 
Boston Herald 
Ottawa Citizen 
Calgary Herald 
Washington Times 
LA Times 
Montreal Gazette 
...are simply now today IN THE BUSINESS of lying cheating deceiving bamboozling hoodwinking THE MASSES, all because they've been COMMANDEERED/HIJACKED by the BIDEN REGIME that has been sending MARCHING ORDERS to all these MEDIA OUTLETS : if you do not follow our directives AND foreign policy, we will take measures ... and so the fear of *MAD DOG BIDEN* , and the BIDEN WARHAWKS is what YOU are now seeing IN THE LIES of these WESTERN MEDIA OUTLETS.

When you watch Todd van der Heyden (news anchors on CTV ... this cunt is on Facebook) open his mouth, or Sandie Rinaldo (news anchors on CTV) open her mouth, that is actually Biden's right hand STUCK DEEP WAYYY UP THEIR ASSES. 

Let me use AI data harvesting to give you UPDATED UKI TROOPS CASUALTY figures : 
500,000 dead 
500,000 amputees 
95,000 POWs 
120,000 MIA 

Russian Federation Military Forces have been EXTREMELY CAREFUL to keep civilian casualties as low as possible. At least 10,000 civilians, including more than 560 children, have been killed and over 18,500 have been injured since Russia launched its a full-scale armed attack against Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU) said today. Of course these figures are conservative / low-end numbers. Real figures are probably 10 times higher. That's since 24 February 2022. 

Zionist-mafia apartheid racist neo-fascist murderous regime of the KIKELS ILLEGALLY OCCUPYING PALESTINE have killed more than 13,000 CIVILIANS ONLY IN GAZA, and only since 07 October 2023 ... today is Friday 24 November 2023 ... the vast majority of the Palestinian dead are women and kids in refugee camps, hospitals, private homes, schools, daycare centers ... like as if their lives don't measure up to the tip of a fingernail of a KIKEL. How come we don't see these numbers on CTV, BBC, NBC, CBC, ABC, CBS, CNN.... ?

Just imagine if the KIKELS were in control, were a majority in Canada, US Australia, Britain, France, Germany ... what you are seeing being done to the people Gaza will be done to you. 

You need to keep ALL THIS IN MIND whenever you turn on the radio or the TV. 

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