Monday, 30 December 2024

KIKELS MEDIA outlets say it's all MYTHOLOGY

Even the KIKELS own media outlets say there is ZERO scientific empirical historical archeological factual evidence of the existence of the H-WORD and I-WORDS and J-WORDS ... since Noh / Noah, Ibrahim / Abraham , Musa / Moses did not exist, are MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURES, then the so-called EXODUS never happened, the BASIS of those words, in which case 

Then the REAL QUESTION comes down to is this ... WHY are YOU using those H-WORD AND I-WORDS AND J-WORDS? 

Whenever YOU use the these words, you are only giving them CREDIBILITY and RECOGNITION ... two words THEY CRAVE as much as they crave money. 

My advice is to use THE K-WORD instead ... KIKEL MEANS ZERO. 

Hundreds of thousands of people, maybe even millions of people, on TELEGRAM are NOW using THE K-WORD. 

It's appropriate for that community of liars extortionists cheaters deceivers bullshitters and BRONZE AGE MYTHOLOGY PROPAGANDISTS.



Monday, 23 December 2024

Elon Musk

Elon Musk's family is an old BOER family from South Africa ... the BOERS were notoriously RACIST RIGHT-WING CUNTSERVATIVE FASCIST SCUM. These fascists were so racist and nasty that they caused the BOER WAR ... the British imperial regime in South Africa defeated the BOERS. Just in case you were wondering WHY did Elon Musk join the Ratbastards (RatpubliKKKan bastards). You have your answer ... it is his PEDIGREE, in his DNA / genetic code to be a right-wing Ratbastard fascist scum. 

Elon Musk was born in South Africa ... his ancestry is primarily British and Dutch Boer who are an ethnic group descended from Dutch colonizers in South Africa. His paternal grandmother was of Dutch Free Burgher ancestry, which makes him an Afrikaaner / Boer. 

The First Boer War: Fought from December 16, 1880, to March 23, 1881, between the United Kingdom and the Boers of the Transvaal. It ended in a Boer victory and the independence of the South African Republic. 

Second Boer War (South African War): Fought from October 11, 1899, to May 31, 1902, between the British Empire and the Boer republics (South African Republic and Orange Free State). It resulted in a British victory and the annexation of the Boer republics into South Africa. 

Britain ended the slave trade with the Slave Trade Act of 1807, which prohibited the buying and selling of enslaved people across the British Empire. 

However, slavery itself persisted until the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833, which abolished slavery in most British colonies and took effect on August 1, 1834, freeing over 800,000 enslaved people. 

Slavery in Boer South Africa officially ended with the British abolition of slavery in the Cape Colony on January 1, 1834. However, in the Boer Republics (Orange Free State and Transvaal), forms of brutal forced labor persisted for decades. Practices like inboekstelsel (indentured servitude of African children) effectively continued slavery in a de facto sense until the late 1870s, despite treaties outlawing it. These systems involved capturing and "apprenticing" indigenous people, often under exploitative and brutal conditions, reflecting the lingering legacy of slavery in Boer society. 

Now you have an idea of the right-wing cuntservative fascist system that Elon Musk's paternal grandparents lived in. 

Right-wing fascist exploitative legacy is part and parcel.of the Elon Musk family. 


SEMETIC was invented by

The term so-called "Semitic" was INVENTED by the German race theorist and historian August Ludwig von Schlözer in 1781. It was first applied to the so-called "SEMITIC" languages, derived from the biblical mythological name Shem, one of the three sons of Noh / Noah , a mythological male also found nowhere outside the pages of the Old Testicle ... August Ludwig von Schlözer taught at the University of Göttingen, Germany, where he became a professor and spent much of his academic career. Before he invented that word, the word never existed and nobody ever knew about this word, it was never in use. 

Today, the fucking kikels are all over that invented word, like white on snowflakes. Herr Schlözer gave AMMUNITION to the fucking kikels and the zionist-mafia and the zioNazi mob. 

It is a word the kikels WERE NOT SMART ENOUGH to have invented by themselves ... to wit, a German NON-KIKEL race theorist invented that word, even though the name Shem / Sem has been in the Old Testicle since the 500s BC. This fact is both ironic AND hilarious. But I am not surprised because in the Old Testicle, we read about these IDIOT NATION OF KIKELS wondering around a desert the size of Long Island NY for 40 fucking years. But then I find out that after 225 years of ARCHEOLOGICAL DIGGING all over the Sinai Desert, there has never been found even one single piece of evidence of human burials (over 40 years) or cookware or pottery or animal bones in the entire Sinai Desert region. Lies piled upon lies. I also found out that there was no so-called "exodus", no Musa / Moses, no kikel slaves building the pyramids, no so-called "burning bush", no Plagues of Egypt, no Ten Commandments, no 12 tribes, no Ibrahim / Abraham, no Yahouda / Judah, no Dawood / David, no Suleiman / Solomon, no Goliath, no Shams / Samson, no Layla / Delilah ... NONE of that happened, none existed, all lies, deceits, propaganda, invented concocted made-up cooked-up imaginary fictitious bullshit Bronze Age mythologies by ANCIENT RABBI VERMIN. So the kikels are not only a pack of fucking liars but also bunch of fucking idiots. 


"Noah's Flood is not a real thing. Nor was Noah." 
- Eminent geologist Davi Montgomery


Sunday, 15 December 2024

How To Get Rid of KIKELS

The KIKELS represent the single greatest threat/danger to world peace and security. 

How to get rid of KIKELS real quickly from Canada ... the following measures can be done either via the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) or via the Federal Parliament legislation : 

● (1) Terminate DUAL citizenship permanently. 

● (2) Declare Occupied Palestine as a WAR ZONE ... BAN TRAVEL TO WAR ZONES, the punishment of having citizenship REVOKED ANNULLED. 

● (3) Declare zionism ideology and zioNazis as BANNED PERMANENTLY ... punishment being citizenship ANNULLED permanently. 

● (4) BAN PERMANENTLY all immigration from Occupied Palestine. 

● (5) Terminate permanently all trade & commerce, export and import to and from Occupied Palestine ... ban all UPC codes from the WAR ZONE. 

● (6) Pass a parliamentary legislation that recognizes the Old Testicle as HERESAY & MYTHOLOGY ... this allows the Govt of Canada to permanently BAN that book as well as the H-WORD, I-WORDS, and J-WORDS. 

● (7) Remove Hamas, Hezb-Allah, Houthis, Eran from TERRORIST LISTING permanently. 

● (8) Immediately shut down the Kriminal Kikel Kolony regime's embassy and all its consulates ... that allows the Canadian Govt to terminate permanently diplomatic recognition of the Kriminal Kikel Kolony ... this will also allow the Can Govt to shut its embassy and consulates in Palestine. 

● (9) Embrace Eran Yemen Lebanon Eraq China Russia Venezuela Bolivia Nicaragua Cuba Brazil South-Africa Vietnam Laos Cambodia Indonesia Malaysia Algeria, ETC as PARTNERS in close bilateral relations, including in the diplomatic sports cultural scientific education military fields, and free trade agreements. 

● (10) Join BRICS. 

● (11) Join China's Belt & Road Initiative. 

● (12) Terminate membership in La Francophonie. 

● (13) Terminate membership in The British Commonwealth. 

● (14) Terminate membership in NATO. 

● (15) Terminate membership in NORAD. 

● (16) Terminate membership in NAFTA.

● (17) Open the doors to immigration wide because we will need skilled people from around the world, especially the Middle-East and North-Africa, to replace in the workforce all those millions of Canadians who will die or retire ... a healthy immigration policy will allow the governments of Canada and the provinces to continue to gain revenues and to have a stable economy and stable pensions, ETC. 

● (18) Bring charges of treason and being a magnet for fascists, Nazis, right-wing terrorists, white supremacists, the K K K, zionist-mafia mobsters, zioNazis, and other repugnant undesirables, against the CONSERVATE PARTY, convict them via a JURY, then BAN THEM PERMANENTLY at all three levels of government and electoral processes in Canada. 

● (19) Codify free and universal health care, public govt operated health insurance and medical insurance, and abortion rights, across Canada. 

● (20) Provide billions of dollars in ANNUAL military assistance, weapons, training, and funding to the Lebanese government, Hezb-Allah, Hamas, Houthis Govt in Yemen, Eranian Govt, Eraqi Govt, and Syria's Resistance Govt. 


Please join me, Garnet Troy Rossi, on Facebook, Telegram, TikTok, ETC, to EXPOSE THE FUCKING KIKELS as the biggest threat / danger to world peace and security ... to EXPOSE them for what they really are : 
trying to sell their BRONZE AGE MYTHOLOGIES, from 1500 BC, as a legitimate religion ... it's like trying to sell Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology, and Norse / Viking Mythology as legitimate religions in the 21st Century modern world. DO NOT EVER use the H-WORD and I-WORDS and J-WORDS because they crave legitimacy as much as they crave money. Do not ever give them that legitimacy and credibility. Please use the K-WORD instead. This is STEP #1 to STOP THEIR INSIDIOUS MEDIA-BASED BRAINWASHING ... this is STEP #1 for you to take the RED PILL, and go down the RABBIT HOLE, and come out of THEIR MATRIX of lies and deceits they've built ALL AROUND YOU since the day YOU were born. 


Friday, 13 December 2024

EXTRAJUDICIAL killings in Syria

To those absolutely ignorant NITWITS (most probably PAID CIA and MOSSAD PROPAGANDISTS) who are posting that SYRIANS ARE JUBILANT AND HAPPIEST THEY HAVE BEEN IN TWO GENERATIONS ... do you know about the tens of thousands of EXTRAJUDICIAL killings going on RIGHT NOW under the ILLEGAL NON-DEMOCRATIC FASCIST Al-Qaeda occupation of about half of formerly government controlled territories ?!?!? 

Telegram channels are filled with graphic videos and images of tens of thousands of people being murdered in front of the cameras right now as you are reading this post, and all done by the HTS and other Al-Qaeda VARIANTS within the ILLEGAL TERRORIST REBELS.

The victims are almost always SAA POWs, social and political activists, socialists, communists, women, Kurds, captured govt officials and bureaucrats, police personnel, govt intel personnel, captured Hezb-Allah and Houthi and Eranian POWs, medical workers, hospitalized wounded persons, Alawites, other Shiites, Christians, Hindus, ETC. Do you know about these murders? Why don't you download the TELEGRAM APP, join groups and discussions/chat boards, and see for yourself? See for yourself WHY TikTok and Telegram are bigger than Facebook and Instagram, and why the Empire of Lies wants to BAN BOTH OF THEM ... one of the many reasons being LIVE ON THE SPOT VIDEOS that expose the lies of the Empire of Lies. Very little STATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTED CENSORSHIP going on at TikTok and Telegram ... another reason!! 


MAGA Rats 🐀 to impose DST

The vast majority of sovereign countries, states, provinces, territories and regions around the world observe Standard Time ST. 

However, wherever there have been historically & traditionally right-wing, hyper-capitalist, corporate-controlled regimes, those areas use DST because DST helps corporate profits more. 

During DST, clocks are normally set FORWARD ONE HOUR from Standard Time during the summer months, and back again in the fall to make better use of natural daylight ... this is also called SPRING FORWARD and FALL BACK. 

Less than 40% of the areas in the world use DST today. Since daylength variations are negligible around the equator, most tropical territories do not change their clocks. 

DST is controversial. More than 140 areas have used it at some point, but about half of them have since abolished it again, going back to Standard Time. 

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 

In a post on his social media site on Friday 13 December 2024, Donald Dumpster said the Rats 🐀 in Congress will try to use their MAJORITY in both Chambers to END THE PRACTICE of changing clock time when the PEER-JURY CONVICTED RAPIST AND CRIMINAL FRAUDSTER returns to office on 06 January 2025.

Unless he meets the JFK END. 

“We will use our best efforts to eliminate Daylight Saving Time, which has a small but strong constituency, but shouldn’t! Daylight Saving Time is inconvenient, and very costly to our Nation,” The Dumpster wrote on TruthSocial. 

What did I say recently in a post that EVERY FUCKING WORD that comes out of this filthy sack of shit Ratbastard's mouth is most probably a lie, deceit, deception, nonsensical bullshit right-wing cuntservative corporate-induced malicious mischievous malignant mendacious propaganda. THE FATHER OF LIES. 

Setting clocks forward one hour in the spring and back an hour in the fall is intended to maximize daylight during summer months, but has long been subject to scrutiny. 

Daylight Saving Time was first adopted as a wartime measure in 1942.

Lawmakers have occasionally proposed getting rid of the time change altogether. 

The most prominent recent attempt, a now-stalled bipartisan bill named the Sunshine Protection Act, had proposed making DST permanent 🤣 😆 😂 

The measure was sponsored by Florida Ratbastard Sen. Marco Rubio, whom The Dumpster has tapped to helm the State Department.

“Changing the clock twice a year is outdated and unnecessary,” another Ratbastard, Sen. Rick Scott of Florida, said as the Senate voted in favor of the measure to ELIMINATE STANDARD TIME nation-wide. 

The Dumpster has threatened to use his SCOTUS-approved KINGLY POWERS to impose DST over the entire country in 2025. 

Health experts have said that the Ratbastard lawmakers have it BACKWARD, and that STANDARD TIME SHOULD BE MADE PERMANENT.

Most health groups, including the American Medical Association and American Academy of Sleep Medicine, have said that it’s time to do away with time switches and that STICKING WITH STANDARD TIME aligns better with the sun — and human biology. 

DST was first introduced and imposed on Germany by Adolf Hitler of the fascist Nazi Party in 1933, and it has remained in effect ever since. 

Most sovereign countries and other areas do not observe DST. These areas traditionally historically have had socialist left-wing governments. In the map below, these areas  are marked with white color and blue colour. 



Thursday, 12 December 2024


No such words as 

FIVE WORDS that are banned permanently on my Facebook real estate. 


Because since the advent of the science of archeology in 1799, when the French dictator and Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte commenced his illegal invasion of Egypt that year, till now 2024, a period of 225 years, and ARCHEOLOGICAL DIGGING all over the Middle East from Egypt to Eran and from Turkey to Yemen, not one single hard factual empirical scientific archeological historical evidence has ever been found on the existence of Noh / Noah and his son SEM / SHEM, meaning that they are all MYTHOLOGICAL FICTITIOUS IMAGINARY MALES invented cooked-up made-up by ancient so-called rabbis, to project a sense of national identity, history, blah blah blah, all of which are 100% nonsensical illogical brainwashing hoodwinking bamboozling mendacious malignant mischievous bullshit KIKEL LIES DECEITS AND PROPAGANDA. 


No Noh / Noah = no Ibrahim / Abraham. 

No Ibrahim / Abraham = no Hagar, no Ishmael / Ismail, no Ishak / Isaac. 

No Ishak / Isaac = no Jacob / Israel , no Yahooda / Judah ... no Musa / Moses = no Dawood / David = no Suleiman / Solomon. 

Every single one of these MALES was made-up cooked-up imaginary fictitious invented MYTHOLOGICAL. 

These MYTHOLOGICAL MALES were INVENTED by ANCIENT ARABIC-ARAMAIC-CANAANITE MONOTHEISTIC SO-CALLED "RABBIS" , ostensibly to instill a sense of national identity community historicity cohesion purpose and other blah blah blah BULLSHIT DECEITFUL NONSENSICAL MYTHOLOGICAL KIKEL PROPAGANDA. 

If YOU , yes YOU, use one or more of these FIVE WORDS that are BANNED PERMANENTLY on my Facebook real estate, I will delete your comment, 💯 % GUARANTEED, and I will ALWAYS CONTINUE to delete such bullshit comments. 

I do not believe in freedom / right of expression, opinion, thought, and assembly when it comes to ESPOUSING MYTHOLOGICAL MOTHERFUCKERS. Especially when even one single hard factual empirical scientific archaeological historical evidence DOES NOT EXIST. 

To use one or more of these five words shows to what extent YOU have been completely brainwashed by the FUCKING KIKELS AND CONTROLLED MASS MEDIA since the day YOU were born. Talk about LIVING IN THE MATRIX. 

These 5 words are never allowed anywhere on my Facebook real estate not in any comments, not in any postings. 

Anyone who uses any of these 5 words is immediately deleted and blocked. Your comment WILL BE DELETED. You will be deleted from my Friend's list ... and you will also be blocked, so that YOU may never again contact me or see my posts and comments. 

BTW, FYI ... the words SEMITE and SEMITIC were INVENTED by race theorists at a right-wing cuntservative university in Germany in the 1770s ... these 2 words NEVER ever existed before the 1770s ... these race theorists also INVENTED the THREE words MONGOLOID for Asians and Chinese, NEGRO / NEGROID for Blacks (from the German word for the colour black), and CAUCASIAN for Whites (referring to the Caucasus Mountains dividing Slavic Russian lands from the Arabic Middle-East ... please do not ask me why these German race theorists at that university did not choose to refer to the Ural Mountains in Russia that separate the Asian continent from the European continent, or why they didn't refer to the Alps Mountains of Central Europe ... meaning why can't Europeans / White ppl be called the Uralians or the Alpines?) ... these THREE words never ever existed before the 1770s ... meaning that all the years before, White Europeans called Africans and Middle-Eastern people MOORES (as in MAURITANIA / MAURES / MOORES) and SARACENS ... furthermore the three words ANTI-SEMITISM and ANTI-SEMITIC and ANTI-SEMITE were INVENTED in the 1880s by a fascist racist right-wing German journalist and political commentator WILHELM MARR ... these 3 words NEVER existed before the 1880s ... do your own research on this topic before you open your piehole and make comments WITHOUT DUE DILIGENCE AND RESEARCH. 

KIKEL means CIRCLE or ZERO in a bullshit language called YIDDISH ... ZERO is exactly the TERM I USE ALWAYS for the H-WORD and I-WORDS and J-WORDS people, and their MOUNTAIN of lies, deceits, bullshit, brainwashing, bamboozling, hoodwinking nonsensical mendacious moronic malignant malicious mischievous MYTHOLOGICAL PROPAGANDA. 

Use the K-WORD instead as I do ... do not give these mischievous malignant mendacious migrants, these H-WORD and I-WORDS and J-WORDS people in YOUR COUNTRY, any credibility or recognition which they crave as much as money. 

I posted this on Telegram ... hundreds of thousands of 👍and ❤️ ... the message is getting out !! 


Tuesday, 3 December 2024

MAGA was Trademarked by Dumpster

Trademarked by Donald Dumpster in 2012, MAGA was created to facilitate support from 
● right-wing 
● neo-fascist 
● Neo-Nazi 
● cuntservative 
● brainwashed 
● low-IQ 
● ignorant 
● stupid 
people, including BLUE COLLAR ppl, 
in the US, 
his base of support, 
and funnel THEIR MONEY into the bank account of the Donald Dumpster Organization. 

MAGA is just one more way this convicted rapist, fraudster, and criminal sociopath uses people for his own benefit and interests. 

The Dumpster filed for the trademark in 2012 and officially registered it in 2015. 

This occurred shortly after the con-artist announced his candidacy for president in 2015. 

The MAGA slogan became the centerpiece of his 2016 and 2024 presidential election campaigns, and remains strongly associated with his political brand. 

The trademark covers various categories of REVENUE GENERATING, including political action committees (PACs), clothing, hats, tee-shirts, flags, perfums, colognes, shoes, handkerchiefs, lighters, many other accessories, and promotional materials.

The trademark applies to its use in political campaign materials, including merchandise. By securing this trademark, The Dumpster’s campaign gained exclusive rights to use the slogan commercially in the context of his political activities and branding. 

For example, MAGA hats were sold for $25-$30 each, and millions have been sold, contributing significantly to his revenue earnings. 

The trademark also extends to other campaign slogans like "Keep America Great," further bolstering revenue through similar merchandising channels. 






CIA Brainwashing via Western Media Outlets

If you see news articles by 
● DW 
● AFP 
● Reuters 
● AP 
● The NY Times 
● The Economist 
● CTV 
● CBC 
● NBC 
● CBS 
● BBC 
● ITV 
● Sky News 
● The Washington Post 
● The Washington Times 
● The LA Times, 
● Boston Herald 
● Chicago Tribune, 
● Fox News, 
reporting on what is happening in Syria right now, PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that ALL these media outlets of the West have been BANNED by the Syrian Govt, meaning that they are NOT able to operate in or send anyone to SYRIA, meaning that these media outlets are RECEIVING INFORMATION from someone else ... namely the CIA, Mossad, and Mi5 ... the Triad of Terror ... meaning that YOU ARE getting brainwashed. 

Furthermore, it is no secret any longer that a majority of so-called "Western journalists" are SPIES, and are working hand-in-hand with the CIA and Mi5 ... and that CIA operatives are DEEPLY EMBEDDED IN ALL OF THESE MEDIA OUTLETS. 


Donald Dumpster's 100% tariffs threat is a bluff

Donald Dumpster's 100% tariffs threats are no more than the usual RIGHT-WING CUNTSERVATIVE bluff / bluster / empty threat. 

De-dollarization is now THE NEW NORMAL, and THE NEW REALITY, and there is NOTHING the cuntservative right-wing Ratbastard 🐀 🐁(RatpubliKKKan bastard) can do about it. 

As I mentioned MANY TIMES previously, Justin Trudeau the Crime Minister of Canada is Canada's version of Bill Clinton ... a right of center cunt who has practically ZERO spine / backbone, and so he must go and kiss his master's feet in the DC MAFIA. 


Saturday, 23 November 2024



But if he was indeed of mixed ancestry -- AI genetic data analytics indicate a minimum 75% chance that he had Philistine / Palestinian ancestry -- it would be the best thing ever to have happened to Palestine. 


A synthesis of the two communities IN THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON WHO EVER LIVED would be simply exactly what the LEVANT NEEDS. 


Why would Jesus be of 75% Philistine / Palestinian ancestry or a MIXED ancestry at the very least? Please refer to my previous posts on THE HISTORY OF PALESTINE from an INVASIONS POINT OF VIEW (SEE COMMENT). 

I know the comment is a long read, but it'll give you an idea of EXACTLY what went on in the Levantine region some 2500+ years ago, and you will have a better idea of the HISTORY AND THE POPULATION of this region. 


I posted extensively on the I-WORD ... the original word that DOES NOT START with the letter I ... the letter Y instead ... no matter, that person identified by the letter Y never existed outside the pages of the Old Testicle ... he does not exist, NEVER DID, he is 💯 % MYTHOLOGICAL INVENTED CONCOCTED MADE-UP COOKED-UP IMAGINARY FICTITIOUS BULLSHIT KIKEL RABBI PROPAGANDA ... I even posted about the ORIGIN of the word RABBI, what it means, to whom it refers, that it is still a BULLSHIT WORD. 



The worldwide ASHKENAZI KIKEL POPULATION is estimated to be over 70% of all kikels. we are talking around 11 to 15 million. Meaning that YIDDISH is actually more widely spoken in the worldwide kikel community than is the H-WORD. 


Please refer to my PREVIOUS POSTS. 

Between 750 BC and 585 BC, the MONOTHEISTIC CANAANITES were virtually wiped out by : 
● (1) the ASSYRIAN EMPIRE invasions from 750 BC to 650 BC, with the UTTER DESTRUCTION of the NORTHERN KINGDOM in 721 BC by SARGON II THE GREAT, resulting in the WHOLESALE EXTERMINATION of 90% of the MONOTHEISTIC ARAB-CANAAANITE KIKEL POPULATION in the Northern Kingdom, including wiping out all 10 tribes inhabiting that kingdom ... of 3 million ethnic monotheistic Arabic-Aramaic-Canaanites kikels in that Northern Kingdom, only some 50K survived and taken as slaves and DISPERSED throughout the massive Assyrian Empire ... SARGON wanted to wipe out MONOTHEISM once and for all, with the intention to prove beyond any doubt that his FAMILY OF GODS was stronger than just the one god of the Arabic--Canaanites kikels; and 
● (2) the BABYLONIAN EMPIRE invasions from 650 BC to 585 BC, with the UTTER DESTRUCTION of the SOUTHERN KINGDOM in 585 BC by NEBUCHADNEZZAR THE GREAT, resulting in the wholesale extermination of 90% of the MONOTHEISTIC ARAB-CANAAANITE KIKEL POPULATION in the Southern Kingdom, including nearly wiping out the 3 remaining tribes ... like SARGON, Nebuchadnezzar wanted to wipe out MONOTHEISM once and for all, with the intention to prove beyond any doubt that his FAMILY OF GODS was stronger than just the one god of the kikels ... by 585 BC, with 90% of ALL MONOTHEISTIC ETHNIC ARAB-CANAAANITE KIKELS in the Southern Kingdom DEAD and the remaining 10% taken away as SLAVES by the Babylonian Empire army, the Levant was DEVOID of any surviving ethnic ARAB-CANAAANITE KIKELS ... only 40K out of 400K survived ... these 40K were taken away to Babylon as SLAVES ... in Babylon, these kikels would write the lyrics BY THE RIVERS OF BABYLON ... the PALESET / PHILISTINES came out from their COASTAL KINGDOMS / COLONIES OF PHILISTYA, from SINAI AND GAZA in the SOUTH to BEIRUT in the NORTH ... the super-smart Paleset / Philistines recognized the SUZEREIGNITY of both the ASSYRIAN EMPIRE (from 750 BC to 650 BC and after its demise at the hands of the Babylonian Empire in 645 BC) and the Babylonian Empire (from 645 BC to 585 BC) ... recognizing their overlords SAVED THE PALESET / PHILISTINES from being exterminated as well ... when all the ethnic MONOTHEISTIC ARAB-CANAAANITE KIKELS were gone from the entire Levant, the Paleset / Philistines simply moved FROM PHILISTYA RIGHT INTO all THE INLAND CITIES OF CANAAN, now completely devoid of monotheistic Arab-Canaanite kikels ... then the Paleset / Philistines RENAMED the entire Levant as PALESTINE ... PHILISTYA WAS GONE, NOW THE WHOLE LEVANT WAS CALLED PALESTINE, AND NOW THEY CALLED THEMSELVES "PALESTINIANS" ... this period is 585 BC to 550 BC ... they were the OWNERS OF THE LEVANTINE REGION by 550 BC ... they REPOPULATED the whole land ... they had been living right next door to the ethnic Arab-Canaanite kikels from 1500 BC to 585 BC ... a span of 1,000 YEARS .. during this very long time, they pretty much ABSORBED the language (ARABIC-ARAMAIC), the culture, the religion (Canaanite monotheism of Ibrahim's/Abraham's lineage), the traditions, the customs of the ethnic monotheistic Arab-Canaanites ... massive numbers of INTER-MARRIAGES resulted in a MIXED SOCIETY, of Philistines / Palestinians carrying ANCIENT ARAB-CANAANITE GENES ... with all the ethnic monotheistic Arab-Canaanites kikels gone by 585 BC, these Philistines / Palestinians were the only population around in the entire region to CARRY ON the genes of the nearly exterminated ethnic Arab-Canaanites people ... in 545 BC, Persian Empire ruler CYRUS THE GREAT, who defeated the Babylonian Empire and conquered all of that Empire and the Assyrian Empire too, permitted the surviving ethnic Arabic-Aramaic-Canaanites kikels who had been SLAVES in Babylon to RETURN TO THE LEVANT, that 10% of kikels who survived both the Assyrian slaughter and the Babylonian slaughter ... when these ethnic monotheistic Arabic-Aramaic-Canaanites returned to what they used to call CANAAN, there now was PALESTINE ... the Palestinians allowed them to re-enter these cities but the Arabic-Aramaic-Canaanites were now a VERY SMALL MINORITY, only 10% of a total population of Palestine of 1 million. 

It is small wonder that Jesus, living only some 500 years later on, may indeed have been either a mixed Palestinian-Canaanite AT THE VERY LEAST, or a full-blooded PALESTINIAN (Philistine European descended)!! 

AI matadata software harvesting and data analytics of LEVANTINE GENETICS indicate that there is a 75% chance that Jesus was a PHILISTINE-PALESTINIAN DESCENDED (European-descended) man, and a 25% chance of a mixed Philistine-Canaanite ancestry AT THE VERY LEAST. 

Today, BECAUSE of the Assyrian slaughter (750 BC to 650 BC) and the Babylonian slaughter (650 BC to 585 BC), and because they were such a tiny minority when they returned to the Levant (545 BC to 500 BC), the MIZRAHI / SOUTHERN / MIDDLE-EASTERN KIKELS, descendants of those ORIGINAL ANCIENT ETHNIC MONOTHEISTIC ARAB-CANAAANITES KIKELS, are less than 25% of the worldwide kikel population, with ASHKENAZI EUROPEAN CONVERTS KIKELS making up over 75% of the total kikel population. Today, although they number less than 40% of all kikel colonizers in Occupied Palestine, these RACIST FASCIST WHITE ASHKENAZI KIKELS control THE REGIME, THE MILITARY, THE POLICE, THE PARAMILITARY FORCES, THE MOSSAD, AND THE SHIN BET. 


US Ratbastard 🐀 🐁 (RatpubliKKKan bastard) Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) threatens Canada, UK, Germany, France, ETC, with sanctions to "CRUSH THEIR ECONOMY" if they comply with ICC arrest warrants against the goons and thugs of the Kriminal Kikel Kolony. 

This video is all I need to ascertain that Faux News should be shut down, the website taken down permanently, it is nothing more than a zionist-mafia propaganda outlet and mouthpiece, and NOT a TV station nor a broadcaster nor a TV network, and everyone fucking right-wing cuntservative criminal working there, including the owners, must be HUNTED DOWN ONE BY ONE and eliminated as a SERIOUS THREAT to the rest of the world, including CANADA, and that Ratbastard Lindsey Graham should have a bounty on his fucking head, say starting at $10 MILLIONS DOLLARS. 


Friday, 22 November 2024


I posted extensively on the I-WORD ... the original word that DOES NOT START with the letter I ... the letter Y instead ... no matter, that person identified by the letter Y never existed outside the pages of the Old Testicle ... he does not exist, NEVER DID, he is 💯 % MYTHOLOGICAL INVENTED CONCOCTED MADE-UP COOKED-UP IMAGINARY FICTITIOUS BULLSHIT KIKEL RABBI PROPAGANDA ... I even posted about the ORIGIN of the word RABBI, what it means, to whom it refers, that it is still a BULLSHIT WORD. 


Saturday, 16 November 2024

I am HUNTING DOWN & BLOCKING right-wingers, Rats, zioNazis, kikels, fascists, zionist-mafia SCUM, Dumpster voters, cuntservatives. 


Please send me the names of SUSPECTS you think belong in one or more of these SEVEN categories. 

These fucking UNDESIRABLE SCUM are in my Friend List, which is my mistake. 

Why Politics is so SCEWED in the Empire of Lies

We need to identify the provinces controlled by the Rats 🐀, have very heavy RAT INFESTATION, and sum up their populations until we reach a total not exceeding 40 million. 

Based on the 2023 population data provided, here's the list : 

Wyoming: 583,279
Alaska: 740,339
North Dakota: 811,044
South Dakota: 908,414
Idaho: 1,920,562
West Virginia: 1,775,932
Nebraska: 2,002,052
Kansas: 2,963,308
Arkansas: 3,040,207
Mississippi: 2,959,473
Iowa: 3,233,572
Utah: 3,423,935
Oklahoma: 4,021,753
Kentucky: 4,555,777
Louisiana: 4,695,071 

The total population of these 15 Rat-infested Rat-controlled provinces is approximately 37,634,718, which is below 40 million. 

This list includes provinces that are traditionally Rat-infested strongholds and have smaller populations. 


So we are looking at potentially 30 Senators already. The total number of Rat 🐀 senators in the US Congress is 52 as of today. The Rats 🐀 control the SENATE as of November 2024. They control the SENATE by virtue of senators from VERY LOW POPULATION PROVINCES, mainly in the South and the Midwest, CALLED THE BIBLE BELT. 


As of 2024, the provinces with Rat 🐀 supermajorities in their legislatures include:

North Carolina
South Carolina
West Virginia 

These supermajorities allow Republicans to override gubernatorial vetoes without needing support from the opposing party. 


As of November 2024, there are 27 provinces with Ratbastard 🐀 governors : 

New Hampshire
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia


There are 9 provinces where the Rats 🐀 have BOTH a supermajority in the legislature AND a Rat 🐀 governor : 

South Carolina
West Virginia 

These provinces each have a Rat 🐀 governor and Rat 🐀 supermajorities in their legislatures, allowing them to override gubernatorial vetoes without support from the opposing party. 


This is the MAIN REASON WHY politics in the EMPIRE OF LIES is so SKEWED, so fucking stupid, and is filled to the rafters with right-wing, cuntservative, extremist, zioNazi, zionist-mafia, fascist, neo-Nazi bullshit lies nonsense deceits hocus-pocus smoke-and-mirror propaganda : 
those 15 to 27 low population BIBLE BELT PROVINCES, giving the Rats 🐀 at least 52 SENATORS almost all the time over the past 50 years ... FASCISM has been BUILT INTO THE POLITICAL SYSTEM OF THE EwwwSA SHITHOLE FOR AT LEAST THE PAST TWO GENERATIONS. 


Friday, 15 November 2024


Under normal circumstances, voting for Kamala Harris or Donald Dumpster IS NOT a good idea. 



HOWEVER ... when faced with the choice between DEMOCRACY, RULE OF LAW, THE PRE-EMINENCE OF THE CONSTITUTION, AND THE STABILITY, INTEGRITY, AND CREDIBILITY OF THE COUNTRY on one hand, and an old, senile, fascist, right-wing extremist, vicious, vindictive, venal, peer-jury convicted rapist and fraudster and criminal on the other hand, YOU LET YOUR LOGIC INSTEAD OF EMOTION DO THE TALKING ... you go out and vote ... you DO NOT STAY HOME and play with yourself ... you DO NOT LISTEN to people on your Friends List who spew STUPID PROPAGANDA that YOU should not vote, YOU should not exercise YOUR right to vote, YOU should vote for a third party candidate barely hitting 1% in the polls, and that YOU should not give the DUOPOLY any support or credibility by voting IN A RIGGED VOTING SYSTEM. You DO NOT listen to these people. You vote any which way you possibly can for the LESSER OF THE TWO EVILS, that is HARRIS OVER DUMPSTER. 

Those 22 people who sent me INBOX / DM messages requesting that I should not vote in the US presidential election of 2024, that I should not vote for Harris nor Dumpster, and that I should vote for a third party candidate who was polling only 1%, forgot that I don't live in that FUCKING FASCIST STUPID SHITHOLE ... I blocked them PERMANENTLY, because my SPIDER SENSE WAS TINGLING, that my GUT INSTINCT told me these people were actually working for the RatpubliKKKan Party and were SABOTEURS & PROVOCATEURS. There are a lot of these fucking assholes on Facebook. 


An Abortion Clinic in every federal riding in CANADA 🇨🇦

Canada has 338 federal ridings / constituencies / seats / electoral districts. 

There should be a FEDERAL GOVT OWNED AND OPERATED ABORTION CLINIC in each and every one of those 338 federal ridings. 

This is the first step in HOW TO drive a POINTY STAKE right in to the HEART OF THE RIGHT-WING / FASCISTS / CUNTSERVATIVES. 

Widely accessible, FREE AND ON-DEMAND, ABORTION CLINICS are the NUMBER ONE, I repeat, the NUMBER ONE, national policy platform of A TRUE SOCIALIST system of government and society. 

An abortion clinic is literally the figurative symbol of a stake, a very pointy stake, driven through the collective heart of FASCISM, RIGHT-WING, AND CUNTSERVATIVE GROUPS. 

Abortion clinics repudiate the Old Testicle, repudiate MALE DOMINANCE in a society, repudiate the control of OLD MEN over policy and decision-making, and seal the rights of females over their own reproductive choices, not to mention establish UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE AND MEDICAL CARE, instead of cherry picking this over that. 


Monday, 11 November 2024

Give The Palestinians NUKES

If the HEROIC Palestinians had the SAME NUMBER of nuclear weapons the zioNazi kikels have, the so-called "chosen people" will cease to exist, just like they CEASED TO EXIST IN THE LEVANT / PALESTINE IN 585 BC TO 545 BC when the land was DEVOID of the ancient monotheistic Arab-Canaanite Aramaic-speaking kikels due to EXTERMINATION WARS by the Assyrians and the Babylonians that destroyed virtually THE ENTIRE MONOTHEISTIC ARAB-CANAAANITE (kikel) SOCIETY 


Saturday, 9 November 2024

4B Movement

BEST NEWS out of the EwwwSA today!! 

News reports out of Pigland / EwwwSA / THE SHITHOLE (where they recently allowed a PEER-JURY CONVICTED fraudster criminal rapist to run for president and this two-legged shitshow won) indicate that a NEW MOVEMENT IS SWEEPING THE COUNTRY. 

Hundreds of thousands, probably millions of FEMALES, are divorcing separating leaving their husbands and boyfriends, if they find out their MALE PARTNER has voted for Donald Dumpster. 

Women are leaving men behind as they seek a more left-wing, socialist, Woke, MeToo political platforms.  

This is being called the 4B MOVEMENT. 

Massive numbers of American FEMALES and their male supportive partners say they are planning to move to CANADA over the next 4 years, possibly permanently. Moving to Canada has become the #1 SEARCH ENQUIRY ON GOOGLE in the aftermath of Donald Dumpster's election victory on Tuesday 05 November 2024. 

Many female members of the 4B MOVEMENT say they plan to "kill the male population in America even more than the male population is already declining in this country" by : 
● "not dating males", 
● "not having children", 
● "not marrying males", 
● "abortion of male fetuses 
WHEREVER abortion is allowed", even if they "have to travel to Mexico, Canada, or overseas". 

4B :
● no dating males 
● no male children 
● no sex with males 
● no marriage to males 


In Canada, the movement is known as N4 and has hundreds of thousands of female members. 

4B in the EwwwSA and N4 in Canada, both RADICAL FEMINIST DECENTRALIZED MOVEMENTS, came to exist in the aftermath of the US Supreme Court’s decision to do away with Roe V Wade a few years ago. Both movements are sweeping across these 2 countries as a RADICAL REACTION to perceived MALE DOMINANCE AND FASCISM in politics but more specifically a reaction to MALES trying to control a woman's right to her body and her reproductive decisions. 



BTW, I'm a socialist ... as a SOCIALIST, I support 
● the Woke Movement 💯%,  
● the MeToo Movement 💯%, 
● the Black Lives Matter BLM Movement 💯%, 
● the Counterculture Movement 💯% , 
● the Feminist Movement 💯% , 
● abortion 💯 %,  
● and now that I am finding out more about it, I support the 4B Movement 💯% . 


25 to 40 million MALES in the EwwwSA, these right-wing Ratbastards (RatpubliKKKan bastards), these cuntservative neo-fascist MAGA MALES, DUMPSTER DIVERS really, are the MOST DANGEROUS ANIMALS ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH, AND MUST BE TREATED AS THE MOST DANGEROUS OF ALL ANIMALS. 

If the 4B or any other movement(s) or organizations DESTROY the stability, the very social fabric, the unity, integrity, and credibility of the EwwwSA, I WILL SUPPORT IT AND SEND FUNDS TO IT. A total and permanent destruction of the EMPIRE OF LIES & DECEITS & PROPAGANDA is a good thing. 

Aborting MALE FETUSES seems to be catching on among FEMALES. Try to imagine a world without Gov Ron DeSantis in florida, Gov Greg Abbott in Texas, Donald Dumpster, Mike Pompeo, George Dumbass Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Tony Blair, and many others who have turned the Western World into the neo-fascist SHITHOLE it has become, instead of LIBERAL DEMOCRACIES these countries SHOULD HAVE BECOME in the aftermath of VICTORY OVER NAZI FASCISM OF WORLD WAR TWO. 

■ ■ ■ 

The US male population is DECLINING ... there's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you or anybody can do about it ... the US total VOTING AGE MALE population is at 47% right now ... that means the US total VOTING AGE FEMALES population is 53% ... when the VOTING female population reaches 55% in the 2030s, just 10 years from TODAY, and the VOTING male population falls to 45%, THAT'S IT, it's finished, MALES ARE FINISHED AS A FORCE, males will never hold public office ever again ... THIS IS COMING AT BREAKNECK SPEED ... what are YOU going to do about it? The MALE GAY POPULATION in the US is the largest in the world ... the US lesbian population is the biggest in the world ... not to mention the highest MALE-ON-MALE violence and homicide rates in the world ... as well as the largest MALE PRISON population in the world who are completely out of the economy and the electoral process ... and now you have the 4B Movement, composed of HEALTHY HETEROSEXUAL FEMALES, which has vowed to destroy the male population even further.

Say what you want, but even AI says the DAYS OF THE MALES in the EwwwSA "LOOKS RATHER BLEAK". 

But you are CORRECT in one thing : I 💯% support anything and any organization or individual or movement that contributes to the destruction of the EwwwSA, particularly via the decline of RIGHT-WING MAGA MALE RATS 🐀 POPULATION, the world's MOST DANGEROUS ANIMALS. As such, I support ABORTION 💯 %.


REAP What You Sow

Let's look at some NUMBERS. 

Approximately 155 million people voted in 2020, which was the highest voter turnout ever. 

66.8% of citizens 18 years and older voted in the election of 2020. 

Only 33% (or one-third) of ALL VOTERS did not vote ... these people did not EVEN BOTHER TO REGISTER TO VOTE. 

Good for them ... but BAD FOR DEMOCRACY, and bad for Joe Biden. 

Nevertheless, Biden received 81,268,867 of the popular votes in 2020. A record for a winning candidate. 

Most everyone with even HALF A BRAIN, MORALS, AND ETHICS SHOWED UP TO VOTE FOR HIM in 2020. 

Of those 81+ million votes, Biden received over 4 million MUSLIM votes, post-vote polling by CAIR indicated. 

Donald Dumpster won 74,216,747 of the popular votes in 2020. A record high for a losing candidate. 

The Dumpster will may match that number over the next few weeks AS THE COUNTING OF THE VOTES CONTINUE. 

EVERY EVIL JACKASS showed up to vote for The Dumpster in 2020. 

That is The Dumpster’s BASE OF SUPPORT ALWAYS ... those are the fucking 
● racist 
● fascist 
● low-IQ
● lunatic 
● Neo-Nazi 
● low-browed 
● homophobic 
● brainwashed 
● chest-beating 
● bible-thumping 
● venal 
● venomous 
● corporate 
● criminal 

The Dumpster is such a FUCKING 
LOSER, just like his 
that he ain't adding no extra voters ... meaning that OUTSIDE THE DUMPSTER’S BASE, NOBODY ELSE shows up to vote for The Dumpster. 

The Dumpster just gets those LUNATIC LOW-IQ BRAINWASHED voters, 70 to 75 million of these rats 🐀 🐁. That's it. 

Not just The Dumpster. All Ratbastard 🐀 🐁 (RatpubliKKKan bastard) presidential candidates. The same fucking cuntservative right-wing rat 🐀 voters. 

The vast majority of The Dumpster’s BASE are MAGA RATS 🐀 (MAGA RATPUBLIKKKANS), those 
● brainwashed 
● stupid 
wifes and girlfriends and family members. 

To beat The Dumpster, a presidential candidate needs at least 70 to 75 million votes. 

Despite receiving over 74 million votes, The Dumpster lost BOTH the popular vote and the Electoral College to Biden in 2020. 

The final Electoral College tally was 306 for Biden and 232 for Dumpster in 2020. 

BTW, what the fuck is THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE? Does not sound very democratic to me ... sounds more like they are GATEKEEPERS. Why does this NON-DEMOCRATIC institution still exist in 2024? 

WHY did The Dumpster lose to Biden DESPITE receiving 74 MILLION VOTES?


Most of THOSE 9 MILLION voters DID NOT VOTE in 2024, and about HALF of them, over 4 MILLION, are Muslims. 


It's those 4 MILLION MUSLIMS VOTERS who DID NOT vote for Kamala Harris that led her to lose the presidential election of 2024!! 

Do you think these 4 MILLION MUSLIMS voted for JILL STEIN? 

NAHHHHH!! I do not think so. 

99% of Muslims will NEVER EVER vote for a kikel or a Hindoo. 

If you went crazy for Jill Stein on Facebook, you did not get far with the 4+ million Muslim voters. YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO SWAY THESE 4+ MILLION MUSLIM VOTERS WITH WHATEVER PROPAGANDA YOU ARE SPEWING. 

These 4+ million MUSLIMS are not going to : 
● vote for a Hindoo (Kamala Harris)... 
● vote for a kikel (Jill Stein)... 
● vote for an Indian (Kamala Harris) who is a well-documented supporter of the fascist Hindoo-chauvinist PM MODI of India... 
● vote for Kamala Harris who refused to condemn zioNazi genocide against the Palestinians and the Lebanese... 
●  vote for Kamala Harris who consistently voiced her support for the Kriminal Kikel Kolony regime illegally occupying Palestine. 


Only 4.5 million votes separated Kamala Harris (loser candidate who received over 68 million votes) from Donald Dumpster (winning candidate who received over 72.8 million votes). 

4+ million Muslims say they DID NOT VOTE in 2024, according to CAIR's post-vote polling on 06 November 2024. 

Dumpster's BASE of 74 million came out to vote for this PEER-JURY CONVICTED criminal and rapist. That was EXPECTED. 


As you can see, MILLIONS of voters did not vote in 2024 mainly because both candidates were perceived to be zionist-mafia MOBSTERS and pro-genocide. 

That's what KILLED KAMALA's chance to win ... the 9 MILLIONS MORE who voted for Biden in 2020, including millions of Muslims, but who DID NOT VOTE this time around. 

They let their CONSCIENCE do the talking. 

UNFORTUNATELY, that allowed The Dumpster to win, entirely on the VOTES FROM HIS FASCIST BASE. 


Kamela Harris did not say or do anything wrong. SHE DID NOT FUCK ANYTHING UP. 

● I am against genocide, 
● my administration will recognize the state of Palestine, 
● I promise to take punishing actions against the Kriminal Kikel Kolony, by terminating weapons and funding, and compel an end the war in Gaza and Lebanon, 
● I will end the war in Kiev by punishing the Kiev rebel regime in the same way ... THESE STATEMENTS would have gone a long way towards SECURING THE VICTORY IN 2024. 

She did not = she lost. 


So now, welcome to 2nd Civil War, and 3rd World War ... welcome to MORE SANCTIONS on Russia, China, Eran, Venezuela, Bolivia, India, Mexico, Nicaragua, Cuba, Brazil, Syria, Eraq, ETC ... welcome to MORE WEAPONS AND FUNDING to the FASCIST KIEV  REBEL REGIME, to the fascist Kriminal Kikel Kolony regime illegally occupying Palestine, and to Taiwan. 

Congratulations to those fucking asshwipes who voted for The Dumpster : 



Thursday, 31 October 2024


Canadians don't like kikels ... they really don't. 

We don't want them here. 

Laws exist to protect them from us ... and the kikels KNOW THAT VERY WELL. 

In Occupied Palestine, laws DO NOT PROTECT Palestinians from the kikels. Kikels murder Palestinians ALL THE TIME, and these racist murderous criminal SCUM are literally GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER. They're getting away with bombing Palestinian homes and schools and daycare centers, and murdering Palestinian babies, toddlers, infants, and school age kids. Do we kill kikels in Canada WITH IMPUNITY? 

Plus, there is a CANADA-WIDE BOYCOTT going on against the KIKELS ... Montreal, a traditionally LEFT-WING SOCIALIST COMMUNITY, is BOYCOTT CENTRAL. That's why KIKEL-OWNED companies in Canada are DECLARING BANKRUPTCY by the hundreds EVERY YEAR!!  

Almost all kikel-owned companies with kikel names have died off, including Steinberg (grocery chain), Zellers (same), MANY OTHERS. 

So if these conniving scamming fraudulent fake mythological scum  cannot make money in a community,  these fucking pieces of shit pack up their stupid shit and they leave to go to other places where they can scam and bullshit people left and right. Toronto is one of those places. So is the province of Alberta. 

Satanyahoo KISS My Ass

Satanyahoo is a fucking Kriminal Kikel Kunt who MUST BE ARRESTED AND HANGED BY THE ICC ASAP ... but BEFORE this WAR KRIMINAL is arrested and killed by the International Court of Justice, I want him get on his dirty filthy blood-stained kikel hands and kikel knees and KISS KMY KSQUEAKY KTIGHT KASS, one cheek at a time, and thank his god JEHOFUCK for the PRIVILEGE OF KISSING 💋 KMY KASS. 

I posted this on Telegram and got over 50K likes. Facebook Facecrooks' shameless CENSORING does NOT go beyond Facebook ... fucking shameless slime. 


Western Media Outlets Banned In Eran

Since CNN, Fox, Reuters, AP, almost ALL other US-based news outlets are BANNED PERMANENTLY in ERAN, if you read or watch or listen to news about Eran on ANY OF THESE MEDIA OUTLETS, ASK YOURSELF who exactly is providing all this "news" about Eran to these MEDIA agencies, especially since these agencies are NOT ALLOWED TO OPERATE inside Eran ... if you guessed the CIA, Mossad, State Dept, and Mi6, then you would be 💯 % CORRECT ... in which case you are MOST DEFINITELY receiving FAKE FRAUDULENT MADE-UP CONCOCTED COOKED-UP IMAGINARY FICTITIOUS STUPID SHIT, a whole lot of nonsensical propaganda ... in other words, THEIR NARRATIVE BEING SPOON-FED TO IGNORANT MASSES. Talk about BRAINWASHING AND MANUFACTURING PUBLIC CONSENT (SEE YouTube vidz on this topic). 

Kick France Out Of Africa

France needs to be kicked out PERMANENTLY & COMPLETELY from the ENTIRETY OF AFRICA, including Madagascar.

The way you do it is : 


(2) Shut down and EXPEL ALL France-based companies permanently from these countries. 

(3) PERMANENTLY BAN French citizens AND France-based French-owned companies from entering these countries. 

(4) PERMANENTLY BAN dual citizenship in all these countries. 

(5) PERMANENTLY TERMINATE diplomatic recognition of France. 

(6) PERMANENTLY TERMINATE memberships in any and all organizations in which France is the leading entity, such as La Francophonie ... designed to internationally ISOLATE France in as many ways as possible. 

(7) PERMANENTLY TERMINATE all exports to France ... designed to destroy the French ECONOMY. 

(8) PERMANENTLY BAN all imports from France ... designed to destroy the French ECONOMY. 

(9) PERMANENTLY BAN the French language and literary works in these countries ... designed to culturally expel France and French from these countries ... ARABIC is a much better REPLACEMENT. 

(10) PERMANENTLY BAN all French media and media personnel from these countries ... end of all Western & French BRAINWASHING in these countries. 


Tuesday, 29 October 2024


850K kikels in Canada in the 1970s and 80s ... today, less than 350K ... numbers so SMALL they could ALL BE ARRESTED & DEPORTED. 

zionism / zioNazis / zionist-mafia should be declared ILLEGAL AND BANNED across Canada if the Canadian Federal Govt had even one-tenth of 1 TESTICLE ... if not banning or arresting & deporting, then at the very least 
(2) TERMINATE DIPLOMATIC RECOGNITION of the Kriminal Kikel Kolony in Occupied Palestine ... that should be MORE THAN ENOUGH to force KIKELS OUT OF KANADA. 

No mercy, 
no compassion 
for KIKELS, 
with their  
Old Testicle 


Absolute GARBAGE PROPAGANDA by a video produced more than likely by the CIA and/or Mossad, two criminal organizations, two terrorist organizations, that arm train fund terrorist organizations throughout Africa , Latin America , Middle-East, and East Asia ... in 2023, Japan bought 17% of its hydrocarbon needs from Iran ... that figure is up to 20% in 2024 ... China 25% ... Pakistan 50% ... Bangladesh 50% ... Eran sells its hydrocarbon products and by-products to over 150 countries around the world ... in 2023, Eran's trade with the EU was over $4 billion in NON-HYDROCARBONS ALONE, and that's rising quickly ... in 2020, Eran's GDP at PPP was #28 in the world ... in January 2024, after posting 5.4% growth month over month every single year SINCE 2020-21, Eran's economy at GDP PPP went from #28 to #20, ij just FOUR YEARS ... that feat has been only accomplished by two other countries, China #1 GDP PPP , and Russia #4 GDP PPP ... in July 2024, just 6 months later on, Eran's GDP PPP had reached #19 ... go see Wikipedia ... now Eran's economy is growing at 3.7% month over month, so at this rate, Eran will overtake Canada and Spain who are currently tied at #15 GDP PPP by end of 2025 ... join me Garnet Troy Rossi on Facebook, as I expose the LIES DECEITS DISINFORMATION OBFUSCATION and bullshit nonsensical PROPAGANDA by the US State Dept and CIA and Mossad, as I bring to you REAL-WORLD factual news HIDDEN AND COVERED UP by these THREE TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS ... in my Facebook and Telegram POSTS, I always provide factual data and factual news articles that are verifiable and confirmable. DO NOT FALL FOR WESTERN BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA. 


Yoav Gallant the Kikel Pig

Yoav Gallant, Kriminal Kikel Kolony Defense Minister : 
"Recruiting the ultra-Orthodox is not a political matter, but a security and moral matter. The situation is very acute, we are fighting wars on several fronts, we have thousands dead and many more injured. We need more soldiers and more fighters".

You read this ... coming straight from the Pig's 🐖 mouth. 

The pig's words should give you an idea of where this war is going exactly for the kriminal kikels. 


Saturday, 19 October 2024


Everything I have ever learned about the I-WORD/ J-WORD / H-WORD people - - which is nothing more than a Moses death cult MASQUERADING as a religion - - point to ONLY ONE THING : BULLSHIT 

I have several terms for this illogical unproven non-scientific non-empirical 
phenomenon : 
Biblical Bullshit 
Hebrew Horseshit 
Hebrews Hogwash 
Hebrew Hoodwinking 
Hebrew Hocus-pocus 
Middle-East Mythology 
Arabic-Canaanite Mythology

This phenomenon is based ENTIRELY on 
● rehashing of older regional myths and legends, 
● clever use of deliberate disinformation and obfuscation, 
● deliberate underuse of available inscription technologies, 
● downright lies, 
●  nonsense, 
● a systematic and massive wide-ranging propaganda campaign from 2000 BC onward, willful deception on a massive scale, hoodwinking, bamboozling, and last but not least emotional extrapolation. 

I have checked every single encyclopedia that is on the web ... I've checked and double checked Perplexity, Bing GPT, Bard AI, ChatGPT Web, as well as all the available and uploaded online archeological AND historical evidence (from research organizations, universities, governmental data, online newspapers, YouTube channels), using my proprietary ARTA data harvesting & analytics algorithm, of the Levant region going back to 4000 BC or 6,000 years ago. I cannot, I repeat CANNOT find any hard evidence of any of the claims made in the Torah (the jew bible also known as the Pentateuch or the Five Books, meaning Genesis thru Exodus thru Deutoronomy called the Book of Moses /Laws of Moses). 

If there really truly was a god, or even a bunch of gods to share the labour / responsibilities, YOU / PEOPLE would NOT be poor or suffering or dying of cancers, there would be no wars pestilence famines, children would not be mass-murdered by bombs, your pets would not be dying of jaundice and cancers, and the criminal MOBSTER regimes in DC and Jerusalem and Paris and London would not exist ... BECAUSE that god(s) would be looking out for YOU. 

Please, provide whatever you can come up with, TO PROVE ME WRONG. 

You have your right to your own opinion ... you fight whatever battle you believe in ... if it's a GOOD FIGHT ethically and morally, then you have my 💯% sympathy and support ❤️ ... HOWEVER ... this so-called "religion", seen from every logical angle, using every piece of evidence or rather the lack thereof, is based on PURE BULLSHIT LIES DECEITS GIBBERISH NONSENSE PROPAGANDA.  

You folks need to get real. Every single encyclopedia calls this so-called "religion" JEWISH MYTHOLOGY. 

I call it as I see it ... Christians AND Muslims are equally to be blamed for PERPETUATING THESE MYTHOLOGIES. 

If you folks do not want to see this entire planet engulfed in a nuclear holocaust, an end-of-the-world nuclear armageddon, then you, we must all come together and shatter these mythologies once and for all. These mythologies are not allowing us as a species to progress, to move forward ... they keep holding us back as a SPECIES ... they keep compelling us to go for each other's throats ... and they keep fostering and perpetuating racism, discrimination, hatred, mass murder. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, is a jew law, exclusive and unique to the jews, it's a Law of Moses, a Mosaical Law, taken directly off from the Book of Deutoronomy in the jew Torah. At this rate, the entire world will be blind and toothless. Is THAT what YOU WANT? Think about it. 

Moses is as real as Santa Claus. To venerate a MYTHICAL motherfucker like Moses is like venerating Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. 

In all honesty and sincerity, you folks are completely wasting your valuable time. I am VERY sorry for hurting your feelings, but the TRUTH DOES HURT, and I did mention "emotional extrapolation". Math does not lie, numbers will never deceive you : not 1 hard evidence is available to prove even 1 of the claims made in the Torah. To complicate matters even further, all attempts to open and excavate ANCIENT GRAVES for scientific and DNA analysis have been thwarted by both ARMED jewish extremists and ARMED Muslim extremists who control all these graves. 

The entire human history, in fact, all of the processes that have happened on this planet, in the Solar System, over the past 4.5 billion years, have been DUE TO RANDOM ACTS OF NATURE AND THE FOUR NATURAL LAWS. 

When you go to the other side, you will remember what you read here tonight. 




On 22 June 1998, Egyptian fishermen active along the coast of the Red Sea, along Egypt's maritime border, discovered several boats filled with MOSSAD goons including frogmen, DUMPING (READ : PLANTING) EVIDENCE into the Red Sea, at the NUWEIBA BEACH AREA, such as arrowheads, chariot wheels, stirrups, lances, other metallic objects that had obviously been encrusted with SNAILS AND CORAL MATTER ... the Egyptian Navy and Coastguard arrived and immediately opened fire on the Mossad goons, killing and wounding several on the speed boats ... the rest escaped on speed boats and by diving under water. 

This is how the RABBI-DIRECTED GOONS plant evidence around the world. 

In June 1999, exactly ONE YEAR LATER, almost the entire population of Egypt-based historians and archaeologists REFUTED / DEBUNKED the mythological story of the EXODUS EVER TAKING PLACE ON EGYPTIAN SOIL AND MARITIME ZONE ALL ALONG THE RED SEA COASTLINE. 

That pretty much ENDED the kikels' pursuit of the EXODUS EVENT RESEARCH AND ARCHAEOLOGY IN EGYPT. 

Only the noted kikel Dr James K. Hoffmeier was allowed to carry on archeological digging and research from 1998 to 2006, and he too found ZERO EVIDENCE of the EXODUS EVENT ON EGYPTIAN TERRITORY. He had been digging all over the Sinai Peninsula from 1967 to 1982, a span of FIFTEEN YEARS, with ZERO TO SHOW. 

The NUWEIBA BEACH AREA is the kikels' / zioNazi mob's / zionist-mafia mob's most favorite area for the MYTHOLOGICAL RED SEA CROSSING, that is the EXODUS EVENT, FLIGHT FROM EGYPT, which is THE FOUNDATIONAL BASIS of their BULLSHIT MYTHOLOGICAL SYSTEM OF BELIEF. 

If the EXODUS EVENT NEVER HAPPENED, if it is a 100% MYTHOLOGY, then the entire basis of their creed is NOTHING BUT just LIES DECEIT NONSENSE BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA. Get it folks? It means MUSA / MOSES never existed ... THE CHASE BY RAMSES II never happened ... the SEVEN PLAGUES on Egypt never happened ... the so-called PASSOVER never happened ... the BURNING BUSH never happened ... the Ten Commandments and the tablets never happened ... Moses meeting his God never happened on Mount Sinai ... the GOLDEN CALF never happened. BLAH BLAH BLAH of their EXODUS EVENT NEVER HAPPENED. 



Your time on my Facebook Friends List is coming to an end.

TO ALL THOSE who love the Old Testicle, who read that FUCKING MYTHOLOGICAL SHIT about control-freak cuntservative right-wing MYTHOLOGICAL MALES and all the cooked-up made-up imaginary fictitious invented mythological events and bogus fake deceitful mythological nonsensical BULLSHIT MALE KIKEL PROPAGANDA ... your time on my Friend's List is coming to an end. Especially if you are a KIKEL or a KIKEL SYMPATHIZER, a right-wing cuntservative male, a zioNazi, a zionist-mafia mobster. 

I need to delete LOTS OF PPL to make room for LOTS OF NEW OTHERS ... 200+ sent me Friend requests ... and so I will need TO SACRIFICE those who SUCK ON THE OLD TESTICLE to the gods of Facebook. 


Islam as a religion can stand on its own, because it had a verifiable factual well-documented historical FOUNDER, Muhammad. Significant percentage / segments of the Islamic religion and the Qu'ran refer to the MYTHOLOGIES of the Old Testicle. But the VAST MAJORITY of Islam and the Qu'ran is based on the life and work, the sayings and doings, of Muhammad. 

Christianity as a religion can stand on its own, because it too had a verifiable factual well-documented historical FOUNDER, Isa / Jesus. Significant percentage / segments of Christianity and its scripture refer to the MYTHOLOGIES of the Old Testicle. But the VAST MAJORITY of Christianity is based on the life and work, the sayings and doings, of Isa , Isho (Arabic) / Yeshua (Arabic-Aramaic) / Iesu (Old English 880 AD) / Jesus (Modern English). 

The name "Jesus" is derived from the Latin "Iesus," which is the transliteration of the older Greek name "Ἰησοῦς" (Iēsous). This Greek form is itself a transliteration of the even older and original Arabic-Aramaic name Isa / Isho / Yeshua. In Old English, the name was rendered as "Iesu," and it evolved into "Jesus" in Modern English following the Great Vowel Shift and the introduction of the letter 'J' . You don't know what the GREAT VOWEL SHIFT is? Dammit, do your own fucking research. 

However ... KIKELISM is 💯 % BULLSHIT ... ZERO is ZERO ... there are literally tens of thousands of news articles from around the world that debunk / refute the first TEN BOOKS of the Old Testicle , because of a COMPLETE LACK of even ONE SINGLE hard factual empirical scientific historical archeological EVIDENCE. Outside the pages of the first ten books of the Old Testicle, these MYTHOLOGICAL MALES and all the MYTHICAL EVENTS SURROUNDING THEM, do not exist. 

You people need to GET FUCKING REAL. Watching the Sound Of Music (Julie Andrews) is a FAR BETTER PASTIME than reading all that male-centric male-dominated mythological mendacious moronic maleficence. 


On 22 June 1998, Egyptian fishermen active along the coast of the Red Sea, along Egypt's maritime border, discovered several boats filled with MOSSAD goons including frogmen, DUMPING (READ : PLANTING) EVIDENCE into the Red Sea, at the NUWEIBA BEACH AREA, such as arrowheads, chariot wheels, stirrups, lances, other metallic objects that had obviously been encrusted with SNAILS AND CORAL MATTER ... the Egyptian Navy and Coastguard arrived and immediately opened fire on the Mossad goons, killing and wounding several on the speed boats ... the rest escaped on speed boats and by diving under water. 

This is how the RABBI-DIRECTED GOONS plant evidence around the world. 

In June 1999, exactly ONE YEAR LATER, almost the entire population of Egypt-based historians and archaeologists REFUTED / DEBUNKED the mythological story of the EXODUS EVER TAKING PLACE ON EGYPTIAN SOIL AND MARITIME ZONE ALL ALONG THE RED SEA COASTLINE. 

That pretty much ENDED the kikels' pursuit of the EXODUS EVENT RESEARCH AND ARCHAEOLOGY IN EGYPT. 

Only the noted kikel Dr James K. Hoffmeier was allowed to carry on archeological digging and research from 1998 to 2006, and he too found ZERO EVIDENCE of the EXODUS EVENT ON EGYPTIAN TERRITORY. He had been digging all over the Sinai Peninsula from 1967 to 1982, a span of FIFTEEN YEARS, with ZERO TO SHOW. 

The NUWEIBA BEACH AREA is the kikels' / zioNazi mob's / zionist-mafia mob's most favorite area for the MYTHOLOGICAL RED SEA CROSSING, that is the EXODUS EVENT, FLIGHT FROM EGYPT, which is THE FOUNDATIONAL BASIS of their BULLSHIT MYTHOLOGICAL SYSTEM OF BELIEF. 

If the EXODUS EVENT NEVER HAPPENED, if it is a 100% MYTHOLOGY, then the entire basis of their creed is NOTHING BUT LIES DECEIT NONSENSE BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA. Get it folks? It means MUSA / MOSES never existed ... THE CHASE BY RAMSES II never happened ... the SEVEN PLAGUES on Egypt never happened ... the so-called PASSOVER never happened ... the BURNING BUSH never happened ... the Ten Commandments and the tablets never happened ... Moses meeting his God never happened on Mount Sinai ... the GOLDEN CALF never happened. 



Friday, 18 October 2024

The Main Reason Why The EXODUS Never Happened

The MAIN REASON why the so-called EXODUS never happened is because EGYPTIAN ARCHAEOLOGISTS dug up the entire SINAI PENINSULA REGION where this EXODUS mythological event and the WANDERINGS OF THE KIKELS may have taken place, an area NO LARGER AND LONGER than Long Island NY. 

So let's SUPERIMPOSE Long Island NY on the Sinai Peninsula. 

During their diggings, over a 100 years of digging, they NEVER FOUND any human bones, any bones of camels goats sheep horses ... no cemeteries, no burial mounds, no graves ... no signs of mass kitchens to feed tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of kikels ... no clay pottery, no mud-brick houses ... no arrowheads ... no signs of sacrifices or temples or houses or belongings of any kind including metal stirrups and helmets and swords and knives ... no human waste ... no bones of animals or humans of any kind ... in the entire area of the Sinai Desert. 

These diggings and the archaeological excavations done over 100 YEARS have turned up EXACTLY ZERO EVIDENCE of any MASS HUMAN MUGRATION / MOVEMENT. 

James K. Hoffmeier, a kikel, born February 13, 1951, is an American scholar, archaeologist, and Egyptologist. During the Kriminal Kikel Kolony occupation (1967 to 1982) of the Sinai Peninsula , he dug extensively all over the Sinai Desert. From 1967 to to 1982, a space of 15 years, and then in the 1990s to 2005, HE FOUND ZERO EVIDENCE of any MASS human migration over 40 years as mendaciously described in the Exodus mythological story. 

Since the so-called EXODUS is a founding MYTHOLOGY of the kikels, then their whole entire Bronze Age creed is 💯 % A FAKE & A FRAUD & A LIE. 

To top this off, we discover that there was no Musa / Moses, that is, no one of that name has ever been recorded in Egyptian history. 

If the EXODUS EVENT NEVER HAPPENED, if it is a 100% MYTHOLOGY, then the entire basis of their creed is NOTHING BUT just LIES DECEIT NONSENSE BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA. Get it folks? It means MUSA / MOSES never existed ... THE CHASE BY RAMSES II never happened ... the SEVEN PLAGUES on Egypt never happened ... the so-called PASSOVER never happened ... the BURNING BUSH never happened ... the Ten Commandments and the tablets never happened ... Moses meeting his God never happened on Mount Sinai ... the GOLDEN CALF never happened. 

Hence, I use the term KIKELISM, meaning ZERO CREED, meaning BULLSHIT ... KIKEL means ZERO or CIRCLE in Yiddish. Whenever I use the word KIKEL, it means ZERO and BULLSHIT. 


As Muslims, Egyptians are just as happy and willing to find evidence for their belief system as anybody. And so they have excavated and they've been digging all over the place in Egypt, especially along the Red Sea coastline, looking for evidence of the MYTHOLOGICAL ROUTE taken by the MYTHOLOGICAL EXODUS PPL ... no evidence of any kind had EVER BEEN FOUND. 

Today, the ENTIRE POPULATION of Egypt-based archeologists and historians have REFUTED / DEBUNKED any event of the mythological EXODUS ever having taken place on the territory of Ancient Egypt. 

That pretty much ENDS THE QUEST of the EXODUS event in EGYPT. 


FYI ... In 1998, Egyptian fishermen active along the coast of the Red Sea, along Egypt's maritime border, discovered several boats filled with MOSSAD goons, DUMPING (READ : PLANTING) EVIDENCE into the Red Sea, at the NUWEIBA BEACH AREA, such as arrowheads, chariot wheels, stirrups, lances, other metallic objects that had obviously been encrusted with SNAILS AND CORAL MATTER ... the Egyptian Navy and Coastguard arrived and immediately opened fire on the Mossad goons, killing and wounding several on the speed boats ... the rest escaped on speed boats and by diving under water. This is how the RABBI-DIRECTED GOONS plant evidence around the world. In July 1999, almost the entire population of Egypt-based historians and archaeologists REFUTED / DEBUNKED the mythological story of the EXODUS EVER TAKING PLACE ON EGYPTIAN SOIL AND MARITIME ZONE ALL ALONG THE RED SEA COASTLINE. 


Now You Know what a RABBI is

The Arabic word "رَبّ" (pronounced "Rabb") generally means "Lord" or "Sustainer." It is often used to refer to ISLAM'S GOD in the context of ISLAM, signifying HIS ROLE as the CREATOR, PROVIDER, and MAINTAINER of the universe. The term conveys a sense of AUTHORITY, GUARDIANSHIP, and NURTURING care. In everyday language, it can also refer to a MASTER or OWNER in a more general sense. 

The Aramaic equivalent of the Arabic word "رَبّ" (Rabb) is "רַב" (Rav), which also means "LORD" or "MASTER." In Arabic the mother language of the Middle-East, and in Aramaic a localized variation/ dialect of Arabic, the term conveys a sense of AUTHORITY and OWNERSHIP, often used to refer to THEIR GOD as the SUPREME BEING who SUSTAINS and NURTURES creation. In religious contexts, it signifies a DEEP RELATIONSHIP with THEIR GOD as the PROVIDER and CARETAKER. 

Throughout the past 2,000 years, the THIEVING KIKELS have tried to STEAL Aramaic and RENAME it the H-WORD. They have not been successful. 

Among the KIKELS, the word "רַב" (Rav) is similar to the Arabic "رَبّ" (Rabb) and Aramaic "רַב" (Rav), and generally means "great," "chief," or "master." It is often used as a title of respect, such as for a teacher or leader, like a RABBI. The term conveys authority and leadership, much like its Arabic counterpart. 

Now you know where the word RABBI comes from. He is like a GOD / MASTER / CREATOR / HIGHEST AUTHORITY / LORD. 

The ANCIENT RABBIS tried to CREATE / INVENT a so-called "nation", a community, a religious belief system, a language, a society, a culture, a tradition, BASED on the NAMES OF 💯 % MYTHOLOGICAL MALES AND EVENTS SURROUNDING THESE MYTHOLOGICAL MALES. 

They tried to create among their FLOCK / SUBJECTS / FOLLOWERS a sense of PEDIGREE, of DESTINY, of "NATIONHOOD", of PURPOSE, during the Bronze Age which was a time of misery warfare violence killings destruction despair danger and death. You can see why the RABBIS are held in such a high esteem. They are considered GODS / GOD'S AUTHORITY ON EARTH. In fact the Talmud has a story of rabbi's being SUPERIOR to even the GOD OF THEIR CREED. 

I call this entire SYSTEM by this ONE WORD : 
...meaning ZEROISM / BULLSHIT. 

Eliminating these VERMIN RABBIS will result in DESTROYING the H-WORD, the J-WORD, the I-WORD, and all of the mythological bullshit these SCAMMERS have been spewing and spinning since 2000 BC or 4,000 years. 


Thursday, 17 October 2024



Not even ONE single piece of hard factual historical archeological empirical 
evidence has ever been found to prove Mr J's existence OUTSIDE the pages of the Old Testicle. 

a very popular name in fact, 
(those who followed this mythological motherfucker were known as YAHUDI / YAHOODI), 
a name which in fact is found in the original Arabic-Aramaic Old Testicle, a name which was then TRANSLITERATED into the J-WORD in the late 800s AD by Anglo-Saxon theologians in King Alfred's royal court, who ordered large tracts of the Old Testicle (the Pentateuch, the Ten Commandments, and the Book of Psalms) transliterated into his Anglo-Saxon kingdom's vernacular Old English language. 

King Alfred ORDERED the TRANSLITERATION of several parts of the Old Testicle into Old English during the 880s AD. These included the Ten Commandments and sections of the Pentateuch, which he prefixed to a code of laws. He also directed the transliteration of the Book of Psalms (all 150 psalms), although there is some scholarly debate regarding his direct involvement. 

The Pentateuch refers to the first five (PENTA means FIVE) books of the Old Testicle, traditionally attributed to Musa (transliterated into MOSES, another one of MANY Arabic-Aramaic-Canaanite mythological motherfuckers in the ancient Arabic-Aramaic-Canaanite ☆FAMILY TREE☆ of mythological motherfuckers INVENTED CONCOCTED MADE-UP COOKED-UP BY ANCIENT ARAB-CANAANITE CLERGY CALLED RABBIS. 

The Pentateuch refers to these books of the OldTesticle : 
● Genesis, 
● Exodus, 
● Leviticus, 
● Numbers, and 
● Deuteronomy (Mosaic Laws or the Laws of Moses, like an EYE FOR AN EYE, A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH). 



To use Mr J's name to INVENT a so-called "nation", a community, a religious belief system, a language SHOULD TELL YOU HOW FUCKED-UP CRAZY SICK AND TWISTED THESE MENDACIOUS MOTHERFUCKERS ARE. 



The Arabic word "رَبّ" (pronounced "Rabb") generally means "Lord" or "Sustainer." It is often used to refer to the Islam's God in the context of Islam, signifying His role as the Creator, Provider, and Maintainer of the universe. The term conveys a sense of authority, guardianship, and nurturing care. In everyday language, it can also refer to a MASTER or OWNER in a more general sense. 

The Aramaic equivalent of the Arabic word "رَبّ" (Rabb) is "רַב" (Rav), which also means "Lord" or "Master." In both languages, the term conveys a sense of AUTHORITY and OWNERSHIP, often used to refer to THEIR GOD as the SUPREME BEING who SUSTAINS and NURTURES creation. In religious contexts, it signifies a DEEP RELATIONSHIP with THEIR GOD as the PROVIDER and CARETAKER. 

Throughout the past 2,000 years, the THIEVING KIKELS have tried to STEAL Aramaic and RENAME it the H-WORD. They have not been successful. 

Among the KIKELS, the word "רַב" (Rav) is similar to the Arabic "رَبّ" (Rabb) and Aramaic "רַב" (Rav), and generally means "great," "chief," or "master." It is often used as a title of respect, such as for a teacher or leader, like a RABBI. The term conveys authority and leadership, much like its Arabic counterpart. 

Now you know where the word RABBI comes from. He is like a GOD / MASTER / LEADER / CREATOR / HIGHEST AUTHORITY / LORD. 

They tried to CREATE / INVENT a so-called "nation", a community, a religious belief system, a language, a society, a culture, a tradition, BASED on the NAMES OF 💯 % MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURES AND EVENTS SURROUNDING THESE MYTHOLOGICAL MALES. 

I call this entire SYSTEM by this ONE WORD : 
...meaning ZEROISM / BULLSHIT. 

Eliminating these VERMIN RABBIS will result in DESTROYING the H-WORD, the J-WORD, the I-WORD, and all of the mythological bullshit these SCAMMERS have been spewing and spinning since 2000 BC or 4,000 years. 


Friday, 11 October 2024

I only use the words THE OLD TESTICLE because

I only use the words THE OLD TESTICLE because that FUCKING WORTHLESS BOOK OF MYTHOLOGICAL SHIT was written by a bunch of CONTROL-FREAK RIGHT-WING CUNTSERVATIVE MALES, for other control-freak right-wing cuntservative males, for the SOLE PURPOSE of 
● brainwashing, 
● deceiving, and 
● hoodwinking 
surrounding more control-freak right-wing cuntservative males WHO ALSO DID NOT EXIST IN REALITY. 

The book is like getting on an OLD RICKETY NOISY CREAKY CREEPY FUCKED-UP BUS FILLED WITH SCREAMING YELLING FASCIST NAZI RIGHT-WING CUNTSERVATIVE CHEST-BEATING GUN-TOTING TRIGGER-HAPPY FLAG-KISSING MALE FOOTBALL HOOLIGANS, with a few females COWERING somewhere in the corners. And wouldn't you know it, the DRIVER is a fucking GIGLING kikel 😠 😡 laughing his frigging ass off.

If people have even HALF A BRAIN, it would not take them more than 10 SECONDS to figure this out (I think I was just 10 years old) AND STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS FUCKING WORTHLESS BOOK OF MYTHOLOGICAL SHIT 🤣 😆 😂 

■ ■ ■ 

On Telegram, I posted this piece on several channels and chat groups ... TENS OF THOUSANDS of 👍 AND ... thousands of shares .. the MESSAGE is getting thru ... I intend to post this on my 20 fave Telegram channels and chat of groups on TELEGRAM , so that A VERY DEEP DISLIKE OF THE FUCKING SCAMMING MURDEROUS THIEVING DECEITFUL LYING CHEATING KIKELS develops around the Earth. Just on the Google Play Store, the Telegram app has surpassed 1 BILLION downloads. On the Telegram website, which holds the actual expansive app, another 1 billion. I say this because many messages arriving real-time through the Telegram app downloaded from the Google app store MAY NOT SHOW, whereas the same messages will show on the Telegram app downloaded from the website (therefore most ppl download the app from the website instead of any app store). Via the Microsoft App Store and the iOS (Apple) Store, another billion downloads ... thus, making Telegram the MOST DOWLOADED APP in the world ... the ONLY SOURCE for REAL-TIME DEVELOPING NEWS ... TikTok is its only competitor, both leaving Facebook IN THE DUST. Neither Telegram nor TikTok have the level of CENSORSHIP (the Facebook Facecrooks, the DC Mob, the zioNazis, and the zionist-mafia mob call it MODERATION) prevalent on Facebook and Instagram. 


Tuesday, 17 September 2024


- As more information become available, I will be adding more details into this post. So keep visiting this post often to see the updates - 



His followers were a MYTHOLOGICAL TRIBE, one of 10 to 15 that comprised a greater ARAB-CANAAANITE MONOTHEISTIC MYTHOLOGICAL CONFEDERACY in a sea of REAL POLYTHEISTIC NATIONS in the Middle-East during the Bronze Age ... we are talking 2000 BC to 1300 BC. 

There's NOT ONE SINGLE PIECE of hard verifiable factual scientific empirical historical archeological evidence of the VERY EXISTENCE of this Judah and/or his TRIBE of followers. 

At a time when papyrus, bronze plates, clay pottery, stone tablets, and a WIDE RANGE of other WRITING/ INSCRIBING instruments/tools were WIDELY AVAILABLE, especially in well-documented regional civilizations/empires/nations like the Egyptians Assyrians Babylonians ETC, who left meticulous historical records of their rulers and important events, not one of these ancient kingdoms/civilizations had ever recorded any Adam, Eve, Noah Abraham, Moses, Judah, or ANY FIGURES DESCRIBED within the pages of the FIRST TEN BOOKS of the Old Testicle. 

Q : 
What are, in sequence, the first ten books of the Old Testicle? 

A : 
The first ten books of the Old Testicle, in sequence, are : 
1. Genesis 
2. Exodus 
3. Leviticus 
4. Numbers 
5. Deuteronomy (the so-called Laws of Moses) 
6. Joshua 
7. Judges 
8. Ruth 
9. ** 1 Samuel 
10. ** 2 Samuel 

Every single one of these ten books is considered by historians and archaeologists to be MYTHOLOGICAL / INVENTED. 

A LENGTHY 15-YEAR STUDY by one of the world's FOREMOST HISTORIANS AND ARCHAEOLOGISTS, resulted in the finding that EVERY SINGLE PERSON AND EVENT that are listed and described within the FIRST 10 BOOKS of the Old Testicle, are all 💯 % made-up imaginary concocted fictitious cooked-up up bullshit nonsensical lies and deceitful propaganda, orally transmitted by ANCIENT CLERGY/ CLERICAL GROUP OF RABBIS trying to CREATE AND CONTROL a MONOTHEISTIC SYSTEM OF BELIEFS and a MONOTHEISTIC COMMUNITY that was under CONSTANT THREAT from all around them in THOSE BRUTAL TIMES when the average age was less than 45. This oral tradition was only put down on PAPYRUS in the period between 500 BC and 500 AD, a period of 1,000 years, LONG AFTER THE PURPORTED EVENTS AND FIGURES listed and described in the first 10 books of the Old Testicle. 

Historians and archaeologists see the SHIFT from a POLYTHEISTIC BELIEF SYSTEM to a MONOTHEISTIC BELIEF SYSTEM within the greater ANCIENT ARAB-CANAAANITE NATION IN THE LEVANTINE REGION OF THE MIDDLE-EAST during the years following the advent of KING AKHENATON in NEAR-BY Egypt who also believed in a single god, ATON, rather than a traditional family / pantheon of gods. 

Akhenaten, also spelled Akhenaton or Echnaton, meaning 'Effective for the Aten'), was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh reigning from 1353–1336 or 1351–1334 BC, the tenth ruler of the Eighteenth Dynasty. Before the fifth year of his reign, he was known as Amenhotep IV (Hellenized as Amenophis IV). His main wife was the famous Nefertiti. One of his many children was the famous Tutankhamun (King Tut). 

As a pharaoh, Akhenaten is noted for abandoning traditional ancient Egyptian religion of polytheism and introducing Atenism, or worship centered around Aten. This ATEN CULT shift away from traditional religion was REVERSED BRUTALLY after his death. Akhenaten's monuments were dismantled and hidden, his statues were destroyed, and his name excluded from lists of rulers compiled by later pharaohs. Traditional religious practice was gradually restored, notably under his close successor Tutankhamun, who changed his name from Tutankhaten early in his reign. King Tut was assassinated by his dead father's clergy in a brutal murder. When some dozen years later, rulers without clear rights of succession from the Eighteenth Dynasty founded a new dynasty, they discredited Akhenaten and his immediate successors, and referred to Akhenaten as "the enemy" or "that criminal" in Egyptian archival records. 

In the meantime, in the Levant, a 
mid-level god, JEHOFUCK, not so interesting nor an important god, one of SEVERAL Arabic-Canaanites gods of thunder lightning weather, was SLOWLY BUT STEADILY being TRANSFORMED BY THE CLERICS / RABBIS, into a GOD OF WAR AND OMNIPOTENCE. Took a thousand years (2000 BC to 1000 BC), but the DIRTY DEED was done. The transformation was COMPLETED by the RABBIS by 900 BC. Why a GOD OF WAR? Because these ANCIENT RABBIS needed someone powerful and strong and omnipotent to PUT COURAGE AND HOPE into the hearts of their flock, who were being decimated, LEADING TO DEPOPULATIONS, by repeated invasions from all around. 

From that period onwards, from the 1330s BC, Egyptian military forces regularly invaded the Levant, KILLING as many MONOTHEISTIC ARAB-CANAAANITE people as they possibly can, resulting in constant population declines in the MONOTHEISTIC ARAB-CANAAANITE populations of the Levantine region. 

This also led to the systematic EXTERMINATION INVASIONS by the Assyrians, Babylonians, ETC, who ALSO SOUGHT TO ELIMINATE MONOTHEISM as an EXISTENTIAL THREAT to THEIR POLYTHEISTIC SYSTEM of beliefs that had been in existence for thousands of years, an EXTERMINATION CAMPAIGN very much organized by the POLYTHEISTIC CLERICS in those INVADING EMPIRES/CIVILIZATIONS, like Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, ETC. 

In 721 BC, Sargon II The Great of ASSYRIA overran the northern 75% of the Levant, exterminating 90% of the monotheistic Arabic-Aramaic-Canaanites, and scattered the remaining 10% (all survivors were females and males under 25 incl children) to the four winds as SLAVES and FORCED IMMIGRANTS to all parts of his huge Assyrian Empire. The Paleset / Philistines who lived all along the coastline from Sinai to Gaza to Beirut immediately ascribed as vessels to Sargon, thereby saving their skins. The end came in 585 BC, when King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia/Babylon overran the remaining southern areas of the Levant, exterminating over 90% of the remaining monotheistic Arabic-Aramaic-Canaanites, taking away only 10% of the survivors as SLAVES to Babylon. Once again, the Paleset / Philistines along the Levantine coastline immediately ascribed as vessels to the Babylonians, thereby saving their skins once again. In 545 BC, Persian Emperor Cyrus I the Great defeated Assyria and Babylonia, freed the slaves, and allowed them to return to the Levant starting in 545 BC. Only about 10% of ALL ancient ARABIC-CANAANITES survived the exterminating invasions, and most of them returned to the Levant. Some of their direct descendants still live in Eran to this day. 

It was in this context of CONSTANT THREATS AND DANGERS OF EXTERMINATION, a dangerous period from 1350 BC onwards, the FORMATIVE YEARS OF ANCIENT ARAB-CANAANITE MONOTHEISM, to the 500s BC, that the ancient order of clerics / rabbis invented this long line of MYTHOLOGICAL HEROES, ostensibly to create a sense of PEDIGREE AND ANCESTRY going back into the mists of human existence, from the mythological Adam to Noah to Abraham to Moses ETC, ostensibly to create a monotheistic belief system AND a monotheistic community of people and tribes / tribal confederacy that the ANCIENT ARAB-CANAANITE RABBIS / CLERGY were trying to create and protect and control. 

The virtual extermination of the Arab-Aramaic-Canaanites population of the Levant left to the DECLINE and the eventual DEATH (by 200 Ad) of their particular DIALECT, which we all know as ARAMAIC, but which the kikels HAVE TRIED TO *STEAL*, and RENAME by the H-WORD, which doesn't really exist, because 
(1) Ever / Eber, the mythological father of the mythological Abraham was a MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURE in Genesis Book 1, but from whom the H-WORD is ascribed / invented... 
(2) his son Abraham, in actuality his original ARABIC-ARAMAIC name was IBRAHIM, was also a MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURE ... ONLY LOGICAL SINCE HIS FATHER WAS MYTHOLOGICAL, but a name from which was INVENTED the H-WORD. How do you name an entire community language religion ETC based on the names of a COUPLE OF GUYS WHO NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE since both are MYTHOLOGICAL?!?


Judah is the English transliteration of the original ARABIC-ARAMAIC name YAHOODA / YAHUDA ... Judah is a concocted made-up cooked-up imaginary fictitious bullshit construct by Germanic Anglo-Saxon theologians in King Alfred's royal court during the late 800s AD in their vernacular Old English language ... those who followed the mythological YAHOODA / YAHUDA were called YAHOODI ... the J-WORD in English was INVENTED from Judah by the theologians in King Alfred's royal court ... hence, JUDAH AND THE J-WORD have ZERO MEANING ... thus, Judah and the J-WORD do NOT EXIST in reality, in fact ... that is why I call this group of people and individuals KIKELS, which means CIRCLE or ZERO in Yiddish ... the real words have always been YAHOODA, YAHUDA, YAHOODI, YAHUDI. 


In the late 1770s, the Germanic people, this time in Germany proper, and not in England, at a German university no less, created concocted made-up cooked-up TWO other BULLSHIT DECEITFUL words, SEMITE and SEMITIC, referring to the MYTHOLOGICAL SON of the MYTHOLOGICAL NOAH, known as SHEM / SEM. 

Q : 
Who invented the words SEMITIC and SEMITE(S)?

A : 
August Ludwig von Schlözer 

The terms "SEMITIC" and "SEMITE(S)" were INVENTED by members of GERMANY'S Göttingen University school of history, initially by August Ludwig von Schlözer (in 1781), to designate a group of DIALECTS of the Middle-East, East Africa, and North Africa. 

Once again, this time in the late 1880s, a GERMAN FASCIST and journalist WILHELM MARR, invented concocted made-up cooked-up THREE MORE WORDS : ANTI-SEMITIC , ANTI-SEMITISM , and ANTI-SEMITE. 


As a reader of history and archeology, you need to keep those three very important events in mind, BECAUSE THESE 3 EVENTS PUT A GREAT DEAL OF AMMUNITION INTO THE HANDS OF THE ZIONIST-MAFIA AND THE ZIONAZIS illegally occupying Palestine : 
● (1) the transliteration of the Old Testicle texts, the names of persons too, by the GERMANIC Anglo-Saxon theologians in King Alfred's royal court during the late 800s AD ... 
● (2) the INVENTION of the words SEMITE and SEMITIC by historians in a GERMAN university in the late 1770s ... these two words never ever existed before that time ... 
● (3) in GERMANY, Vilhelm Marr's INVENTION of the words ANTI-SEMITISM, ANTI-SEMITIC, and ANTI-SEMITE in the late 1880s ... these three words never ever existed before that time. 


Please see the articles on these figures and events in and Encyclopedia Britannica online. Oxford University Press online is excellent SOURCE for almost all the details you have read above. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Cambridge all have excellent source materials. You can also use CHATGPT 4 (automatic internet access) to obtain all the references. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND LEARN ABOUT MYTHOLOGIES IN THE MODERN WORLD. Just 10 years ago, in 2014, this entire post would have taken 4 to 5 years of hard research, even using the Internet. Today, using my AI metadata harvesting and data analytics app, I posted all this VERIFIABLE FACTUAL DATA in less than 1 day. 

If I decided to post this information, from beginning to end that you have read here, on a book, using the 100-plus references that the app has given me, that book could sell hugely, make me even richer, and be a #1 best-seller on the NY Times Book Review list ... and turn everything upside down ... and land me a whole lot of enemies, whose vested interest is to make money off twits and low-IQ ignorant stupid gullible brainwashed people willing to fork out TENS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN CONTRIBUTIONS to churches and synagogues and pastors and rabbis. Do I want all that notoriety and a possible bounty on my head? FUCK THAT!!  
