Monday, 23 December 2024

SEMETIC was invented by

The term so-called "Semitic" was INVENTED by the German race theorist and historian August Ludwig von Schlözer in 1781. It was first applied to the so-called "SEMITIC" languages, derived from the biblical mythological name Shem, one of the three sons of Noh / Noah , a mythological male also found nowhere outside the pages of the Old Testicle ... August Ludwig von Schlözer taught at the University of Göttingen, Germany, where he became a professor and spent much of his academic career. Before he invented that word, the word never existed and nobody ever knew about this word, it was never in use. 

Today, the fucking kikels are all over that invented word, like white on snowflakes. Herr Schlözer gave AMMUNITION to the fucking kikels and the zionist-mafia and the zioNazi mob. 

It is a word the kikels WERE NOT SMART ENOUGH to have invented by themselves ... to wit, a German NON-KIKEL race theorist invented that word, even though the name Shem / Sem has been in the Old Testicle since the 500s BC. This fact is both ironic AND hilarious. But I am not surprised because in the Old Testicle, we read about these IDIOT NATION OF KIKELS wondering around a desert the size of Long Island NY for 40 fucking years. But then I find out that after 225 years of ARCHEOLOGICAL DIGGING all over the Sinai Desert, there has never been found even one single piece of evidence of human burials (over 40 years) or cookware or pottery or animal bones in the entire Sinai Desert region. Lies piled upon lies. I also found out that there was no so-called "exodus", no Musa / Moses, no kikel slaves building the pyramids, no so-called "burning bush", no Plagues of Egypt, no Ten Commandments, no 12 tribes, no Ibrahim / Abraham, no Yahouda / Judah, no Dawood / David, no Suleiman / Solomon, no Goliath, no Shams / Samson, no Layla / Delilah ... NONE of that happened, none existed, all lies, deceits, propaganda, invented concocted made-up cooked-up imaginary fictitious bullshit Bronze Age mythologies by ANCIENT RABBI VERMIN. So the kikels are not only a pack of fucking liars but also bunch of fucking idiots. 


"Noah's Flood is not a real thing. Nor was Noah." 
- Eminent geologist Davi Montgomery


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