Sunday, 15 December 2024

How To Get Rid of KIKELS

The KIKELS represent the single greatest threat/danger to world peace and security. 

How to get rid of KIKELS real quickly from Canada ... the following measures can be done either via the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) or via the Federal Parliament legislation : 

● (1) Terminate DUAL citizenship permanently. 

● (2) Declare Occupied Palestine as a WAR ZONE ... BAN TRAVEL TO WAR ZONES, the punishment of having citizenship REVOKED ANNULLED. 

● (3) Declare zionism ideology and zioNazis as BANNED PERMANENTLY ... punishment being citizenship ANNULLED permanently. 

● (4) BAN PERMANENTLY all immigration from Occupied Palestine. 

● (5) Terminate permanently all trade & commerce, export and import to and from Occupied Palestine ... ban all UPC codes from the WAR ZONE. 

● (6) Pass a parliamentary legislation that recognizes the Old Testicle as HERESAY & MYTHOLOGY ... this allows the Govt of Canada to permanently BAN that book as well as the H-WORD, I-WORDS, and J-WORDS. 

● (7) Remove Hamas, Hezb-Allah, Houthis, Eran from TERRORIST LISTING permanently. 

● (8) Immediately shut down the Kriminal Kikel Kolony regime's embassy and all its consulates ... that allows the Canadian Govt to terminate permanently diplomatic recognition of the Kriminal Kikel Kolony ... this will also allow the Can Govt to shut its embassy and consulates in Palestine. 

● (9) Embrace Eran Yemen Lebanon Eraq China Russia Venezuela Bolivia Nicaragua Cuba Brazil South-Africa Vietnam Laos Cambodia Indonesia Malaysia Algeria, ETC as PARTNERS in close bilateral relations, including in the diplomatic sports cultural scientific education military fields, and free trade agreements. 

● (10) Join BRICS. 

● (11) Join China's Belt & Road Initiative. 

● (12) Terminate membership in La Francophonie. 

● (13) Terminate membership in The British Commonwealth. 

● (14) Terminate membership in NATO. 

● (15) Terminate membership in NORAD. 

● (16) Terminate membership in NAFTA.

● (17) Open the doors to immigration wide because we will need skilled people from around the world, especially the Middle-East and North-Africa, to replace in the workforce all those millions of Canadians who will die or retire ... a healthy immigration policy will allow the governments of Canada and the provinces to continue to gain revenues and to have a stable economy and stable pensions, ETC. 

● (18) Bring charges of treason and being a magnet for fascists, Nazis, right-wing terrorists, white supremacists, the K K K, zionist-mafia mobsters, zioNazis, and other repugnant undesirables, against the CONSERVATE PARTY, convict them via a JURY, then BAN THEM PERMANENTLY at all three levels of government and electoral processes in Canada. 

● (19) Codify free and universal health care, public govt operated health insurance and medical insurance, and abortion rights, across Canada. 

● (20) Provide billions of dollars in ANNUAL military assistance, weapons, training, and funding to the Lebanese government, Hezb-Allah, Hamas, Houthis Govt in Yemen, Eranian Govt, Eraqi Govt, and Syria's Resistance Govt. 


Please join me, Garnet Troy Rossi, on Facebook, Telegram, TikTok, ETC, to EXPOSE THE FUCKING KIKELS as the biggest threat / danger to world peace and security ... to EXPOSE them for what they really are : 
trying to sell their BRONZE AGE MYTHOLOGIES, from 1500 BC, as a legitimate religion ... it's like trying to sell Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology, and Norse / Viking Mythology as legitimate religions in the 21st Century modern world. DO NOT EVER use the H-WORD and I-WORDS and J-WORDS because they crave legitimacy as much as they crave money. Do not ever give them that legitimacy and credibility. Please use the K-WORD instead. This is STEP #1 to STOP THEIR INSIDIOUS MEDIA-BASED BRAINWASHING ... this is STEP #1 for you to take the RED PILL, and go down the RABBIT HOLE, and come out of THEIR MATRIX of lies and deceits they've built ALL AROUND YOU since the day YOU were born. 


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