Friday, 18 October 2024

The Main Reason Why The EXODUS Never Happened

The MAIN REASON why the so-called EXODUS never happened is because EGYPTIAN ARCHAEOLOGISTS dug up the entire SINAI PENINSULA REGION where this EXODUS mythological event and the WANDERINGS OF THE KIKELS may have taken place, an area NO LARGER AND LONGER than Long Island NY. 

So let's SUPERIMPOSE Long Island NY on the Sinai Peninsula. 

During their diggings, over a 100 years of digging, they NEVER FOUND any human bones, any bones of camels goats sheep horses ... no cemeteries, no burial mounds, no graves ... no signs of mass kitchens to feed tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of kikels ... no clay pottery, no mud-brick houses ... no arrowheads ... no signs of sacrifices or temples or houses or belongings of any kind including metal stirrups and helmets and swords and knives ... no human waste ... no bones of animals or humans of any kind ... in the entire area of the Sinai Desert. 

These diggings and the archaeological excavations done over 100 YEARS have turned up EXACTLY ZERO EVIDENCE of any MASS HUMAN MUGRATION / MOVEMENT. 

James K. Hoffmeier, a kikel, born February 13, 1951, is an American scholar, archaeologist, and Egyptologist. During the Kriminal Kikel Kolony occupation (1967 to 1982) of the Sinai Peninsula , he dug extensively all over the Sinai Desert. From 1967 to to 1982, a space of 15 years, and then in the 1990s to 2005, HE FOUND ZERO EVIDENCE of any MASS human migration over 40 years as mendaciously described in the Exodus mythological story. 

Since the so-called EXODUS is a founding MYTHOLOGY of the kikels, then their whole entire Bronze Age creed is 💯 % A FAKE & A FRAUD & A LIE. 

To top this off, we discover that there was no Musa / Moses, that is, no one of that name has ever been recorded in Egyptian history. 

If the EXODUS EVENT NEVER HAPPENED, if it is a 100% MYTHOLOGY, then the entire basis of their creed is NOTHING BUT just LIES DECEIT NONSENSE BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA. Get it folks? It means MUSA / MOSES never existed ... THE CHASE BY RAMSES II never happened ... the SEVEN PLAGUES on Egypt never happened ... the so-called PASSOVER never happened ... the BURNING BUSH never happened ... the Ten Commandments and the tablets never happened ... Moses meeting his God never happened on Mount Sinai ... the GOLDEN CALF never happened. 

Hence, I use the term KIKELISM, meaning ZERO CREED, meaning BULLSHIT ... KIKEL means ZERO or CIRCLE in Yiddish. Whenever I use the word KIKEL, it means ZERO and BULLSHIT. 


As Muslims, Egyptians are just as happy and willing to find evidence for their belief system as anybody. And so they have excavated and they've been digging all over the place in Egypt, especially along the Red Sea coastline, looking for evidence of the MYTHOLOGICAL ROUTE taken by the MYTHOLOGICAL EXODUS PPL ... no evidence of any kind had EVER BEEN FOUND. 

Today, the ENTIRE POPULATION of Egypt-based archeologists and historians have REFUTED / DEBUNKED any event of the mythological EXODUS ever having taken place on the territory of Ancient Egypt. 

That pretty much ENDS THE QUEST of the EXODUS event in EGYPT. 


FYI ... In 1998, Egyptian fishermen active along the coast of the Red Sea, along Egypt's maritime border, discovered several boats filled with MOSSAD goons, DUMPING (READ : PLANTING) EVIDENCE into the Red Sea, at the NUWEIBA BEACH AREA, such as arrowheads, chariot wheels, stirrups, lances, other metallic objects that had obviously been encrusted with SNAILS AND CORAL MATTER ... the Egyptian Navy and Coastguard arrived and immediately opened fire on the Mossad goons, killing and wounding several on the speed boats ... the rest escaped on speed boats and by diving under water. This is how the RABBI-DIRECTED GOONS plant evidence around the world. In July 1999, almost the entire population of Egypt-based historians and archaeologists REFUTED / DEBUNKED the mythological story of the EXODUS EVER TAKING PLACE ON EGYPTIAN SOIL AND MARITIME ZONE ALL ALONG THE RED SEA COASTLINE. 


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