Saturday, 19 October 2024

Your time on my Facebook Friends List is coming to an end.

TO ALL THOSE who love the Old Testicle, who read that FUCKING MYTHOLOGICAL SHIT about control-freak cuntservative right-wing MYTHOLOGICAL MALES and all the cooked-up made-up imaginary fictitious invented mythological events and bogus fake deceitful mythological nonsensical BULLSHIT MALE KIKEL PROPAGANDA ... your time on my Friend's List is coming to an end. Especially if you are a KIKEL or a KIKEL SYMPATHIZER, a right-wing cuntservative male, a zioNazi, a zionist-mafia mobster. 

I need to delete LOTS OF PPL to make room for LOTS OF NEW OTHERS ... 200+ sent me Friend requests ... and so I will need TO SACRIFICE those who SUCK ON THE OLD TESTICLE to the gods of Facebook. 


Islam as a religion can stand on its own, because it had a verifiable factual well-documented historical FOUNDER, Muhammad. Significant percentage / segments of the Islamic religion and the Qu'ran refer to the MYTHOLOGIES of the Old Testicle. But the VAST MAJORITY of Islam and the Qu'ran is based on the life and work, the sayings and doings, of Muhammad. 

Christianity as a religion can stand on its own, because it too had a verifiable factual well-documented historical FOUNDER, Isa / Jesus. Significant percentage / segments of Christianity and its scripture refer to the MYTHOLOGIES of the Old Testicle. But the VAST MAJORITY of Christianity is based on the life and work, the sayings and doings, of Isa , Isho (Arabic) / Yeshua (Arabic-Aramaic) / Iesu (Old English 880 AD) / Jesus (Modern English). 

The name "Jesus" is derived from the Latin "Iesus," which is the transliteration of the older Greek name "Ἰησοῦς" (Iēsous). This Greek form is itself a transliteration of the even older and original Arabic-Aramaic name Isa / Isho / Yeshua. In Old English, the name was rendered as "Iesu," and it evolved into "Jesus" in Modern English following the Great Vowel Shift and the introduction of the letter 'J' . You don't know what the GREAT VOWEL SHIFT is? Dammit, do your own fucking research. 

However ... KIKELISM is 💯 % BULLSHIT ... ZERO is ZERO ... there are literally tens of thousands of news articles from around the world that debunk / refute the first TEN BOOKS of the Old Testicle , because of a COMPLETE LACK of even ONE SINGLE hard factual empirical scientific historical archeological EVIDENCE. Outside the pages of the first ten books of the Old Testicle, these MYTHOLOGICAL MALES and all the MYTHICAL EVENTS SURROUNDING THEM, do not exist. 

You people need to GET FUCKING REAL. Watching the Sound Of Music (Julie Andrews) is a FAR BETTER PASTIME than reading all that male-centric male-dominated mythological mendacious moronic maleficence. 


On 22 June 1998, Egyptian fishermen active along the coast of the Red Sea, along Egypt's maritime border, discovered several boats filled with MOSSAD goons including frogmen, DUMPING (READ : PLANTING) EVIDENCE into the Red Sea, at the NUWEIBA BEACH AREA, such as arrowheads, chariot wheels, stirrups, lances, other metallic objects that had obviously been encrusted with SNAILS AND CORAL MATTER ... the Egyptian Navy and Coastguard arrived and immediately opened fire on the Mossad goons, killing and wounding several on the speed boats ... the rest escaped on speed boats and by diving under water. 

This is how the RABBI-DIRECTED GOONS plant evidence around the world. 

In June 1999, exactly ONE YEAR LATER, almost the entire population of Egypt-based historians and archaeologists REFUTED / DEBUNKED the mythological story of the EXODUS EVER TAKING PLACE ON EGYPTIAN SOIL AND MARITIME ZONE ALL ALONG THE RED SEA COASTLINE. 

That pretty much ENDED the kikels' pursuit of the EXODUS EVENT RESEARCH AND ARCHAEOLOGY IN EGYPT. 

Only the noted kikel Dr James K. Hoffmeier was allowed to carry on archeological digging and research from 1998 to 2006, and he too found ZERO EVIDENCE of the EXODUS EVENT ON EGYPTIAN TERRITORY. He had been digging all over the Sinai Peninsula from 1967 to 1982, a span of FIFTEEN YEARS, with ZERO TO SHOW. 

The NUWEIBA BEACH AREA is the kikels' / zioNazi mob's / zionist-mafia mob's most favorite area for the MYTHOLOGICAL RED SEA CROSSING, that is the EXODUS EVENT, FLIGHT FROM EGYPT, which is THE FOUNDATIONAL BASIS of their BULLSHIT MYTHOLOGICAL SYSTEM OF BELIEF. 

If the EXODUS EVENT NEVER HAPPENED, if it is a 100% MYTHOLOGY, then the entire basis of their creed is NOTHING BUT LIES DECEIT NONSENSE BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA. Get it folks? It means MUSA / MOSES never existed ... THE CHASE BY RAMSES II never happened ... the SEVEN PLAGUES on Egypt never happened ... the so-called PASSOVER never happened ... the BURNING BUSH never happened ... the Ten Commandments and the tablets never happened ... Moses meeting his God never happened on Mount Sinai ... the GOLDEN CALF never happened. 



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