Saturday, 9 November 2024

4B Movement

BEST NEWS out of the EwwwSA today!! 

News reports out of Pigland / EwwwSA / THE SHITHOLE (where they recently allowed a PEER-JURY CONVICTED fraudster criminal rapist to run for president and this two-legged shitshow won) indicate that a NEW MOVEMENT IS SWEEPING THE COUNTRY. 

Hundreds of thousands, probably millions of FEMALES, are divorcing separating leaving their husbands and boyfriends, if they find out their MALE PARTNER has voted for Donald Dumpster. 

Women are leaving men behind as they seek a more left-wing, socialist, Woke, MeToo political platforms.  

This is being called the 4B MOVEMENT. 

Massive numbers of American FEMALES and their male supportive partners say they are planning to move to CANADA over the next 4 years, possibly permanently. Moving to Canada has become the #1 SEARCH ENQUIRY ON GOOGLE in the aftermath of Donald Dumpster's election victory on Tuesday 05 November 2024. 

Many female members of the 4B MOVEMENT say they plan to "kill the male population in America even more than the male population is already declining in this country" by : 
● "not dating males", 
● "not having children", 
● "not marrying males", 
● "abortion of male fetuses 
WHEREVER abortion is allowed", even if they "have to travel to Mexico, Canada, or overseas". 

4B :
● no dating males 
● no male children 
● no sex with males 
● no marriage to males 


In Canada, the movement is known as N4 and has hundreds of thousands of female members. 

4B in the EwwwSA and N4 in Canada, both RADICAL FEMINIST DECENTRALIZED MOVEMENTS, came to exist in the aftermath of the US Supreme Court’s decision to do away with Roe V Wade a few years ago. Both movements are sweeping across these 2 countries as a RADICAL REACTION to perceived MALE DOMINANCE AND FASCISM in politics but more specifically a reaction to MALES trying to control a woman's right to her body and her reproductive decisions. 



BTW, I'm a socialist ... as a SOCIALIST, I support 
● the Woke Movement πŸ’―%,  
● the MeToo Movement πŸ’―%, 
● the Black Lives Matter BLM Movement πŸ’―%, 
● the Counterculture Movement πŸ’―% , 
● the Feminist Movement πŸ’―% , 
● abortion πŸ’― %,  
● and now that I am finding out more about it, I support the 4B Movement πŸ’―% . 


25 to 40 million MALES in the EwwwSA, these right-wing Ratbastards (RatpubliKKKan bastards), these cuntservative neo-fascist MAGA MALES, DUMPSTER DIVERS really, are the MOST DANGEROUS ANIMALS ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH, AND MUST BE TREATED AS THE MOST DANGEROUS OF ALL ANIMALS. 

If the 4B or any other movement(s) or organizations DESTROY the stability, the very social fabric, the unity, integrity, and credibility of the EwwwSA, I WILL SUPPORT IT AND SEND FUNDS TO IT. A total and permanent destruction of the EMPIRE OF LIES & DECEITS & PROPAGANDA is a good thing. 

Aborting MALE FETUSES seems to be catching on among FEMALES. Try to imagine a world without Gov Ron DeSantis in florida, Gov Greg Abbott in Texas, Donald Dumpster, Mike Pompeo, George Dumbass Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Tony Blair, and many others who have turned the Western World into the neo-fascist SHITHOLE it has become, instead of LIBERAL DEMOCRACIES these countries SHOULD HAVE BECOME in the aftermath of VICTORY OVER NAZI FASCISM OF WORLD WAR TWO. 

■ ■ ■ 

The US male population is DECLINING ... there's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you or anybody can do about it ... the US total VOTING AGE MALE population is at 47% right now ... that means the US total VOTING AGE FEMALES population is 53% ... when the VOTING female population reaches 55% in the 2030s, just 10 years from TODAY, and the VOTING male population falls to 45%, THAT'S IT, it's finished, MALES ARE FINISHED AS A FORCE, males will never hold public office ever again ... THIS IS COMING AT BREAKNECK SPEED ... what are YOU going to do about it? The MALE GAY POPULATION in the US is the largest in the world ... the US lesbian population is the biggest in the world ... not to mention the highest MALE-ON-MALE violence and homicide rates in the world ... as well as the largest MALE PRISON population in the world who are completely out of the economy and the electoral process ... and now you have the 4B Movement, composed of HEALTHY HETEROSEXUAL FEMALES, which has vowed to destroy the male population even further.

Say what you want, but even AI says the DAYS OF THE MALES in the EwwwSA "LOOKS RATHER BLEAK". 

But you are CORRECT in one thing : I πŸ’―% support anything and any organization or individual or movement that contributes to the destruction of the EwwwSA, particularly via the decline of RIGHT-WING MAGA MALE RATS πŸ€ POPULATION, the world's MOST DANGEROUS ANIMALS. As such, I support ABORTION πŸ’― %.


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