Thursday, 31 October 2024


Canadians don't like kikels ... they really don't. 

We don't want them here. 

Laws exist to protect them from us ... and the kikels KNOW THAT VERY WELL. 

In Occupied Palestine, laws DO NOT PROTECT Palestinians from the kikels. Kikels murder Palestinians ALL THE TIME, and these racist murderous criminal SCUM are literally GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER. They're getting away with bombing Palestinian homes and schools and daycare centers, and murdering Palestinian babies, toddlers, infants, and school age kids. Do we kill kikels in Canada WITH IMPUNITY? 

Plus, there is a CANADA-WIDE BOYCOTT going on against the KIKELS ... Montreal, a traditionally LEFT-WING SOCIALIST COMMUNITY, is BOYCOTT CENTRAL. That's why KIKEL-OWNED companies in Canada are DECLARING BANKRUPTCY by the hundreds EVERY YEAR!!  

Almost all kikel-owned companies with kikel names have died off, including Steinberg (grocery chain), Zellers (same), MANY OTHERS. 

So if these conniving scamming fraudulent fake mythological scum  cannot make money in a community,  these fucking pieces of shit pack up their stupid shit and they leave to go to other places where they can scam and bullshit people left and right. Toronto is one of those places. So is the province of Alberta. 

Satanyahoo KISS My Ass

Satanyahoo is a fucking Kriminal Kikel Kunt who MUST BE ARRESTED AND HANGED BY THE ICC ASAP ... but BEFORE this WAR KRIMINAL is arrested and killed by the International Court of Justice, I want him get on his dirty filthy blood-stained kikel hands and kikel knees and KISS KMY KSQUEAKY KTIGHT KASS, one cheek at a time, and thank his god JEHOFUCK for the PRIVILEGE OF KISSING 馃拫 KMY KASS. 

I posted this on Telegram and got over 50K likes. Facebook Facecrooks' shameless CENSORING does NOT go beyond Facebook ... fucking shameless slime. 


Western Media Outlets Banned In Eran

Since CNN, Fox, Reuters, AP, almost ALL other US-based news outlets are BANNED PERMANENTLY in ERAN, if you read or watch or listen to news about Eran on ANY OF THESE MEDIA OUTLETS, ASK YOURSELF who exactly is providing all this "news" about Eran to these MEDIA agencies, especially since these agencies are NOT ALLOWED TO OPERATE inside Eran ... if you guessed the CIA, Mossad, State Dept, and Mi6, then you would be 馃挴 % CORRECT ... in which case you are MOST DEFINITELY receiving FAKE FRAUDULENT MADE-UP CONCOCTED COOKED-UP IMAGINARY FICTITIOUS STUPID SHIT, a whole lot of nonsensical propaganda ... in other words, THEIR NARRATIVE BEING SPOON-FED TO IGNORANT MASSES. Talk about BRAINWASHING AND MANUFACTURING PUBLIC CONSENT (SEE YouTube vidz on this topic). 

Kick France Out Of Africa

France needs to be kicked out PERMANENTLY & COMPLETELY from the ENTIRETY OF AFRICA, including Madagascar.

The way you do it is : 


(2) Shut down and EXPEL ALL France-based companies permanently from these countries. 

(3) PERMANENTLY BAN French citizens AND France-based French-owned companies from entering these countries. 

(4) PERMANENTLY BAN dual citizenship in all these countries. 

(5) PERMANENTLY TERMINATE diplomatic recognition of France. 

(6) PERMANENTLY TERMINATE memberships in any and all organizations in which France is the leading entity, such as La Francophonie ... designed to internationally ISOLATE France in as many ways as possible. 

(7) PERMANENTLY TERMINATE all exports to France ... designed to destroy the French ECONOMY. 

(8) PERMANENTLY BAN all imports from France ... designed to destroy the French ECONOMY. 

(9) PERMANENTLY BAN the French language and literary works in these countries ... designed to culturally expel France and French from these countries ... ARABIC is a much better REPLACEMENT. 

(10) PERMANENTLY BAN all French media and media personnel from these countries ... end of all Western & French BRAINWASHING in these countries. 


Tuesday, 29 October 2024


850K kikels in Canada in the 1970s and 80s ... today, less than 350K ... numbers so SMALL they could ALL BE ARRESTED & DEPORTED. 

zionism / zioNazis / zionist-mafia should be declared ILLEGAL AND BANNED across Canada if the Canadian Federal Govt had even one-tenth of 1 TESTICLE ... if not banning or arresting & deporting, then at the very least 
(2) TERMINATE DIPLOMATIC RECOGNITION of the Kriminal Kikel Kolony in Occupied Palestine ... that should be MORE THAN ENOUGH to force KIKELS OUT OF KANADA. 

No mercy, 
no compassion 
for KIKELS, 
with their  
Old Testicle 


Absolute GARBAGE PROPAGANDA by a video produced more than likely by the CIA and/or Mossad, two criminal organizations, two terrorist organizations, that arm train fund terrorist organizations throughout Africa , Latin America , Middle-East, and East Asia ... in 2023, Japan bought 17% of its hydrocarbon needs from Iran ... that figure is up to 20% in 2024 ... China 25% ... Pakistan 50% ... Bangladesh 50% ... Eran sells its hydrocarbon products and by-products to over 150 countries around the world ... in 2023, Eran's trade with the EU was over $4 billion in NON-HYDROCARBONS ALONE, and that's rising quickly ... in 2020, Eran's GDP at PPP was #28 in the world ... in January 2024, after posting 5.4% growth month over month every single year SINCE 2020-21, Eran's economy at GDP PPP went from #28 to #20, ij just FOUR YEARS ... that feat has been only accomplished by two other countries, China #1 GDP PPP , and Russia #4 GDP PPP ... in July 2024, just 6 months later on, Eran's GDP PPP had reached #19 ... go see Wikipedia ... now Eran's economy is growing at 3.7% month over month, so at this rate, Eran will overtake Canada and Spain who are currently tied at #15 GDP PPP by end of 2025 ... join me Garnet Troy Rossi on Facebook, as I expose the LIES DECEITS DISINFORMATION OBFUSCATION and bullshit nonsensical PROPAGANDA by the US State Dept and CIA and Mossad, as I bring to you REAL-WORLD factual news HIDDEN AND COVERED UP by these THREE TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS ... in my Facebook and Telegram POSTS, I always provide factual data and factual news articles that are verifiable and confirmable. DO NOT FALL FOR WESTERN BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA. 


Yoav Gallant the Kikel Pig

Yoav Gallant, Kriminal Kikel Kolony Defense Minister : 
"Recruiting the ultra-Orthodox is not a political matter, but a security and moral matter. The situation is very acute, we are fighting wars on several fronts, we have thousands dead and many more injured. We need more soldiers and more fighters".

You read this ... coming straight from the Pig's 馃悥 mouth. 

The pig's words should give you an idea of where this war is going exactly for the kriminal kikels. 


Saturday, 19 October 2024


Everything I have ever learned about the I-WORD/ J-WORD / H-WORD people - - which is nothing more than a Moses death cult MASQUERADING as a religion - - point to ONLY ONE THING : BULLSHIT 

I have several terms for this illogical unproven non-scientific non-empirical 
phenomenon : 
Biblical Bullshit 
Hebrew Horseshit 
Hebrews Hogwash 
Hebrew Hoodwinking 
Hebrew Hocus-pocus 
Middle-East Mythology 
Arabic-Canaanite Mythology

This phenomenon is based ENTIRELY on 
● rehashing of older regional myths and legends, 
● clever use of deliberate disinformation and obfuscation, 
● deliberate underuse of available inscription technologies, 
● downright lies, 
●  nonsense, 
● a systematic and massive wide-ranging propaganda campaign from 2000 BC onward, willful deception on a massive scale, hoodwinking, bamboozling, and last but not least emotional extrapolation. 

I have checked every single encyclopedia that is on the web ... I've checked and double checked Perplexity, Bing GPT, Bard AI, ChatGPT Web, as well as all the available and uploaded online archeological AND historical evidence (from research organizations, universities, governmental data, online newspapers, YouTube channels), using my proprietary ARTA data harvesting & analytics algorithm, of the Levant region going back to 4000 BC or 6,000 years ago. I cannot, I repeat CANNOT find any hard evidence of any of the claims made in the Torah (the jew bible also known as the Pentateuch or the Five Books, meaning Genesis thru Exodus thru Deutoronomy called the Book of Moses /Laws of Moses). 

If there really truly was a god, or even a bunch of gods to share the labour / responsibilities, YOU / PEOPLE would NOT be poor or suffering or dying of cancers, there would be no wars pestilence famines, children would not be mass-murdered by bombs, your pets would not be dying of jaundice and cancers, and the criminal MOBSTER regimes in DC and Jerusalem and Paris and London would not exist ... BECAUSE that god(s) would be looking out for YOU. 

Please, provide whatever you can come up with, TO PROVE ME WRONG. 

You have your right to your own opinion ... you fight whatever battle you believe in ... if it's a GOOD FIGHT ethically and morally, then you have my 馃挴% sympathy and support ❤️ ... HOWEVER ... this so-called "religion", seen from every logical angle, using every piece of evidence or rather the lack thereof, is based on PURE BULLSHIT LIES DECEITS GIBBERISH NONSENSE PROPAGANDA.  

You folks need to get real. Every single encyclopedia calls this so-called "religion" JEWISH MYTHOLOGY. 

I call it as I see it ... Christians AND Muslims are equally to be blamed for PERPETUATING THESE MYTHOLOGIES. 

If you folks do not want to see this entire planet engulfed in a nuclear holocaust, an end-of-the-world nuclear armageddon, then you, we must all come together and shatter these mythologies once and for all. These mythologies are not allowing us as a species to progress, to move forward ... they keep holding us back as a SPECIES ... they keep compelling us to go for each other's throats ... and they keep fostering and perpetuating racism, discrimination, hatred, mass murder. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, is a jew law, exclusive and unique to the jews, it's a Law of Moses, a Mosaical Law, taken directly off from the Book of Deutoronomy in the jew Torah. At this rate, the entire world will be blind and toothless. Is THAT what YOU WANT? Think about it. 

Moses is as real as Santa Claus. To venerate a MYTHICAL motherfucker like Moses is like venerating Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. 

In all honesty and sincerity, you folks are completely wasting your valuable time. I am VERY sorry for hurting your feelings, but the TRUTH DOES HURT, and I did mention "emotional extrapolation". Math does not lie, numbers will never deceive you : not 1 hard evidence is available to prove even 1 of the claims made in the Torah. To complicate matters even further, all attempts to open and excavate ANCIENT GRAVES for scientific and DNA analysis have been thwarted by both ARMED jewish extremists and ARMED Muslim extremists who control all these graves. 

The entire human history, in fact, all of the processes that have happened on this planet, in the Solar System, over the past 4.5 billion years, have been DUE TO RANDOM ACTS OF NATURE AND THE FOUR NATURAL LAWS. 

When you go to the other side, you will remember what you read here tonight. 




On 22 June 1998, Egyptian fishermen active along the coast of the Red Sea, along Egypt's maritime border, discovered several boats filled with MOSSAD goons including frogmen, DUMPING (READ : PLANTING) EVIDENCE into the Red Sea, at the NUWEIBA BEACH AREA, such as arrowheads, chariot wheels, stirrups, lances, other metallic objects that had obviously been encrusted with SNAILS AND CORAL MATTER ... the Egyptian Navy and Coastguard arrived and immediately opened fire on the Mossad goons, killing and wounding several on the speed boats ... the rest escaped on speed boats and by diving under water. 

This is how the RABBI-DIRECTED GOONS plant evidence around the world. 

In June 1999, exactly ONE YEAR LATER, almost the entire population of Egypt-based historians and archaeologists REFUTED / DEBUNKED the mythological story of the EXODUS EVER TAKING PLACE ON EGYPTIAN SOIL AND MARITIME ZONE ALL ALONG THE RED SEA COASTLINE. 

That pretty much ENDED the kikels' pursuit of the EXODUS EVENT RESEARCH AND ARCHAEOLOGY IN EGYPT. 

Only the noted kikel Dr James K. Hoffmeier was allowed to carry on archeological digging and research from 1998 to 2006, and he too found ZERO EVIDENCE of the EXODUS EVENT ON EGYPTIAN TERRITORY. He had been digging all over the Sinai Peninsula from 1967 to 1982, a span of FIFTEEN YEARS, with ZERO TO SHOW. 

The NUWEIBA BEACH AREA is the kikels' / zioNazi mob's / zionist-mafia mob's most favorite area for the MYTHOLOGICAL RED SEA CROSSING, that is the EXODUS EVENT, FLIGHT FROM EGYPT, which is THE FOUNDATIONAL BASIS of their BULLSHIT MYTHOLOGICAL SYSTEM OF BELIEF. 

If the EXODUS EVENT NEVER HAPPENED, if it is a 100% MYTHOLOGY, then the entire basis of their creed is NOTHING BUT just LIES DECEIT NONSENSE BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA. Get it folks? It means MUSA / MOSES never existed ... THE CHASE BY RAMSES II never happened ... the SEVEN PLAGUES on Egypt never happened ... the so-called PASSOVER never happened ... the BURNING BUSH never happened ... the Ten Commandments and the tablets never happened ... Moses meeting his God never happened on Mount Sinai ... the GOLDEN CALF never happened. BLAH BLAH BLAH of their EXODUS EVENT NEVER HAPPENED. 



Your time on my Facebook Friends List is coming to an end.

TO ALL THOSE who love the Old Testicle, who read that FUCKING MYTHOLOGICAL SHIT about control-freak cuntservative right-wing MYTHOLOGICAL MALES and all the cooked-up made-up imaginary fictitious invented mythological events and bogus fake deceitful mythological nonsensical BULLSHIT MALE KIKEL PROPAGANDA ... your time on my Friend's List is coming to an end. Especially if you are a KIKEL or a KIKEL SYMPATHIZER, a right-wing cuntservative male, a zioNazi, a zionist-mafia mobster. 

I need to delete LOTS OF PPL to make room for LOTS OF NEW OTHERS ... 200+ sent me Friend requests ... and so I will need TO SACRIFICE those who SUCK ON THE OLD TESTICLE to the gods of Facebook. 


Islam as a religion can stand on its own, because it had a verifiable factual well-documented historical FOUNDER, Muhammad. Significant percentage / segments of the Islamic religion and the Qu'ran refer to the MYTHOLOGIES of the Old Testicle. But the VAST MAJORITY of Islam and the Qu'ran is based on the life and work, the sayings and doings, of Muhammad. 

Christianity as a religion can stand on its own, because it too had a verifiable factual well-documented historical FOUNDER, Isa / Jesus. Significant percentage / segments of Christianity and its scripture refer to the MYTHOLOGIES of the Old Testicle. But the VAST MAJORITY of Christianity is based on the life and work, the sayings and doings, of Isa , Isho (Arabic) / Yeshua (Arabic-Aramaic) / Iesu (Old English 880 AD) / Jesus (Modern English). 

The name "Jesus" is derived from the Latin "Iesus," which is the transliteration of the older Greek name "峒肝废兾酷喀蟼" (I膿sous). This Greek form is itself a transliteration of the even older and original Arabic-Aramaic name Isa / Isho / Yeshua. In Old English, the name was rendered as "Iesu," and it evolved into "Jesus" in Modern English following the Great Vowel Shift and the introduction of the letter 'J' . You don't know what the GREAT VOWEL SHIFT is? Dammit, do your own fucking research. 

However ... KIKELISM is 馃挴 % BULLSHIT ... ZERO is ZERO ... there are literally tens of thousands of news articles from around the world that debunk / refute the first TEN BOOKS of the Old Testicle , because of a COMPLETE LACK of even ONE SINGLE hard factual empirical scientific historical archeological EVIDENCE. Outside the pages of the first ten books of the Old Testicle, these MYTHOLOGICAL MALES and all the MYTHICAL EVENTS SURROUNDING THEM, do not exist. 

You people need to GET FUCKING REAL. Watching the Sound Of Music (Julie Andrews) is a FAR BETTER PASTIME than reading all that male-centric male-dominated mythological mendacious moronic maleficence. 


On 22 June 1998, Egyptian fishermen active along the coast of the Red Sea, along Egypt's maritime border, discovered several boats filled with MOSSAD goons including frogmen, DUMPING (READ : PLANTING) EVIDENCE into the Red Sea, at the NUWEIBA BEACH AREA, such as arrowheads, chariot wheels, stirrups, lances, other metallic objects that had obviously been encrusted with SNAILS AND CORAL MATTER ... the Egyptian Navy and Coastguard arrived and immediately opened fire on the Mossad goons, killing and wounding several on the speed boats ... the rest escaped on speed boats and by diving under water. 

This is how the RABBI-DIRECTED GOONS plant evidence around the world. 

In June 1999, exactly ONE YEAR LATER, almost the entire population of Egypt-based historians and archaeologists REFUTED / DEBUNKED the mythological story of the EXODUS EVER TAKING PLACE ON EGYPTIAN SOIL AND MARITIME ZONE ALL ALONG THE RED SEA COASTLINE. 

That pretty much ENDED the kikels' pursuit of the EXODUS EVENT RESEARCH AND ARCHAEOLOGY IN EGYPT. 

Only the noted kikel Dr James K. Hoffmeier was allowed to carry on archeological digging and research from 1998 to 2006, and he too found ZERO EVIDENCE of the EXODUS EVENT ON EGYPTIAN TERRITORY. He had been digging all over the Sinai Peninsula from 1967 to 1982, a span of FIFTEEN YEARS, with ZERO TO SHOW. 

The NUWEIBA BEACH AREA is the kikels' / zioNazi mob's / zionist-mafia mob's most favorite area for the MYTHOLOGICAL RED SEA CROSSING, that is the EXODUS EVENT, FLIGHT FROM EGYPT, which is THE FOUNDATIONAL BASIS of their BULLSHIT MYTHOLOGICAL SYSTEM OF BELIEF. 

If the EXODUS EVENT NEVER HAPPENED, if it is a 100% MYTHOLOGY, then the entire basis of their creed is NOTHING BUT LIES DECEIT NONSENSE BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA. Get it folks? It means MUSA / MOSES never existed ... THE CHASE BY RAMSES II never happened ... the SEVEN PLAGUES on Egypt never happened ... the so-called PASSOVER never happened ... the BURNING BUSH never happened ... the Ten Commandments and the tablets never happened ... Moses meeting his God never happened on Mount Sinai ... the GOLDEN CALF never happened. 



Friday, 18 October 2024

The Main Reason Why The EXODUS Never Happened

The MAIN REASON why the so-called EXODUS never happened is because EGYPTIAN ARCHAEOLOGISTS dug up the entire SINAI PENINSULA REGION where this EXODUS mythological event and the WANDERINGS OF THE KIKELS may have taken place, an area NO LARGER AND LONGER than Long Island NY. 

So let's SUPERIMPOSE Long Island NY on the Sinai Peninsula. 

During their diggings, over a 100 years of digging, they NEVER FOUND any human bones, any bones of camels goats sheep horses ... no cemeteries, no burial mounds, no graves ... no signs of mass kitchens to feed tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of kikels ... no clay pottery, no mud-brick houses ... no arrowheads ... no signs of sacrifices or temples or houses or belongings of any kind including metal stirrups and helmets and swords and knives ... no human waste ... no bones of animals or humans of any kind ... in the entire area of the Sinai Desert. 

These diggings and the archaeological excavations done over 100 YEARS have turned up EXACTLY ZERO EVIDENCE of any MASS HUMAN MUGRATION / MOVEMENT. 

James K. Hoffmeier, a kikel, born February 13, 1951, is an American scholar, archaeologist, and Egyptologist. During the Kriminal Kikel Kolony occupation (1967 to 1982) of the Sinai Peninsula , he dug extensively all over the Sinai Desert. From 1967 to to 1982, a space of 15 years, and then in the 1990s to 2005, HE FOUND ZERO EVIDENCE of any MASS human migration over 40 years as mendaciously described in the Exodus mythological story. 

Since the so-called EXODUS is a founding MYTHOLOGY of the kikels, then their whole entire Bronze Age creed is 馃挴 % A FAKE & A FRAUD & A LIE. 

To top this off, we discover that there was no Musa / Moses, that is, no one of that name has ever been recorded in Egyptian history. 

If the EXODUS EVENT NEVER HAPPENED, if it is a 100% MYTHOLOGY, then the entire basis of their creed is NOTHING BUT just LIES DECEIT NONSENSE BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA. Get it folks? It means MUSA / MOSES never existed ... THE CHASE BY RAMSES II never happened ... the SEVEN PLAGUES on Egypt never happened ... the so-called PASSOVER never happened ... the BURNING BUSH never happened ... the Ten Commandments and the tablets never happened ... Moses meeting his God never happened on Mount Sinai ... the GOLDEN CALF never happened. 

Hence, I use the term KIKELISM, meaning ZERO CREED, meaning BULLSHIT ... KIKEL means ZERO or CIRCLE in Yiddish. Whenever I use the word KIKEL, it means ZERO and BULLSHIT. 


As Muslims, Egyptians are just as happy and willing to find evidence for their belief system as anybody. And so they have excavated and they've been digging all over the place in Egypt, especially along the Red Sea coastline, looking for evidence of the MYTHOLOGICAL ROUTE taken by the MYTHOLOGICAL EXODUS PPL ... no evidence of any kind had EVER BEEN FOUND. 

Today, the ENTIRE POPULATION of Egypt-based archeologists and historians have REFUTED / DEBUNKED any event of the mythological EXODUS ever having taken place on the territory of Ancient Egypt. 

That pretty much ENDS THE QUEST of the EXODUS event in EGYPT. 


FYI ... In 1998, Egyptian fishermen active along the coast of the Red Sea, along Egypt's maritime border, discovered several boats filled with MOSSAD goons, DUMPING (READ : PLANTING) EVIDENCE into the Red Sea, at the NUWEIBA BEACH AREA, such as arrowheads, chariot wheels, stirrups, lances, other metallic objects that had obviously been encrusted with SNAILS AND CORAL MATTER ... the Egyptian Navy and Coastguard arrived and immediately opened fire on the Mossad goons, killing and wounding several on the speed boats ... the rest escaped on speed boats and by diving under water. This is how the RABBI-DIRECTED GOONS plant evidence around the world. In July 1999, almost the entire population of Egypt-based historians and archaeologists REFUTED / DEBUNKED the mythological story of the EXODUS EVER TAKING PLACE ON EGYPTIAN SOIL AND MARITIME ZONE ALL ALONG THE RED SEA COASTLINE. 


Now You Know what a RABBI is

The Arabic word "乇َ亘ّ" (pronounced "Rabb") generally means "Lord" or "Sustainer." It is often used to refer to ISLAM'S GOD in the context of ISLAM, signifying HIS ROLE as the CREATOR, PROVIDER, and MAINTAINER of the universe. The term conveys a sense of AUTHORITY, GUARDIANSHIP, and NURTURING care. In everyday language, it can also refer to a MASTER or OWNER in a more general sense. 

The Aramaic equivalent of the Arabic word "乇َ亘ّ" (Rabb) is "专ַ讘" (Rav), which also means "LORD" or "MASTER." In Arabic the mother language of the Middle-East, and in Aramaic a localized variation/ dialect of Arabic, the term conveys a sense of AUTHORITY and OWNERSHIP, often used to refer to THEIR GOD as the SUPREME BEING who SUSTAINS and NURTURES creation. In religious contexts, it signifies a DEEP RELATIONSHIP with THEIR GOD as the PROVIDER and CARETAKER. 

Throughout the past 2,000 years, the THIEVING KIKELS have tried to STEAL Aramaic and RENAME it the H-WORD. They have not been successful. 

Among the KIKELS, the word "专ַ讘" (Rav) is similar to the Arabic "乇َ亘ّ" (Rabb) and Aramaic "专ַ讘" (Rav), and generally means "great," "chief," or "master." It is often used as a title of respect, such as for a teacher or leader, like a RABBI. The term conveys authority and leadership, much like its Arabic counterpart. 

Now you know where the word RABBI comes from. He is like a GOD / MASTER / CREATOR / HIGHEST AUTHORITY / LORD. 

The ANCIENT RABBIS tried to CREATE / INVENT a so-called "nation", a community, a religious belief system, a language, a society, a culture, a tradition, BASED on the NAMES OF 馃挴 % MYTHOLOGICAL MALES AND EVENTS SURROUNDING THESE MYTHOLOGICAL MALES. 

They tried to create among their FLOCK / SUBJECTS / FOLLOWERS a sense of PEDIGREE, of DESTINY, of "NATIONHOOD", of PURPOSE, during the Bronze Age which was a time of misery warfare violence killings destruction despair danger and death. You can see why the RABBIS are held in such a high esteem. They are considered GODS / GOD'S AUTHORITY ON EARTH. In fact the Talmud has a story of rabbi's being SUPERIOR to even the GOD OF THEIR CREED. 

I call this entire SYSTEM by this ONE WORD : 
...meaning ZEROISM / BULLSHIT. 

Eliminating these VERMIN RABBIS will result in DESTROYING the H-WORD, the J-WORD, the I-WORD, and all of the mythological bullshit these SCAMMERS have been spewing and spinning since 2000 BC or 4,000 years. 


Thursday, 17 October 2024



Not even ONE single piece of hard factual historical archeological empirical 
evidence has ever been found to prove Mr J's existence OUTSIDE the pages of the Old Testicle. 

a very popular name in fact, 
(those who followed this mythological motherfucker were known as YAHUDI / YAHOODI), 
a name which in fact is found in the original Arabic-Aramaic Old Testicle, a name which was then TRANSLITERATED into the J-WORD in the late 800s AD by Anglo-Saxon theologians in King Alfred's royal court, who ordered large tracts of the Old Testicle (the Pentateuch, the Ten Commandments, and the Book of Psalms) transliterated into his Anglo-Saxon kingdom's vernacular Old English language. 

King Alfred ORDERED the TRANSLITERATION of several parts of the Old Testicle into Old English during the 880s AD. These included the Ten Commandments and sections of the Pentateuch, which he prefixed to a code of laws. He also directed the transliteration of the Book of Psalms (all 150 psalms), although there is some scholarly debate regarding his direct involvement. 

The Pentateuch refers to the first five (PENTA means FIVE) books of the Old Testicle, traditionally attributed to Musa (transliterated into MOSES, another one of MANY Arabic-Aramaic-Canaanite mythological motherfuckers in the ancient Arabic-Aramaic-Canaanite ☆FAMILY TREE☆ of mythological motherfuckers INVENTED CONCOCTED MADE-UP COOKED-UP BY ANCIENT ARAB-CANAANITE CLERGY CALLED RABBIS. 

The Pentateuch refers to these books of the OldTesticle : 
● Genesis, 
● Exodus, 
● Leviticus, 
● Numbers, and 
● Deuteronomy (Mosaic Laws or the Laws of Moses, like an EYE FOR AN EYE, A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH). 



To use Mr J's name to INVENT a so-called "nation", a community, a religious belief system, a language SHOULD TELL YOU HOW FUCKED-UP CRAZY SICK AND TWISTED THESE MENDACIOUS MOTHERFUCKERS ARE. 



The Arabic word "乇َ亘ّ" (pronounced "Rabb") generally means "Lord" or "Sustainer." It is often used to refer to the Islam's God in the context of Islam, signifying His role as the Creator, Provider, and Maintainer of the universe. The term conveys a sense of authority, guardianship, and nurturing care. In everyday language, it can also refer to a MASTER or OWNER in a more general sense. 

The Aramaic equivalent of the Arabic word "乇َ亘ّ" (Rabb) is "专ַ讘" (Rav), which also means "Lord" or "Master." In both languages, the term conveys a sense of AUTHORITY and OWNERSHIP, often used to refer to THEIR GOD as the SUPREME BEING who SUSTAINS and NURTURES creation. In religious contexts, it signifies a DEEP RELATIONSHIP with THEIR GOD as the PROVIDER and CARETAKER. 

Throughout the past 2,000 years, the THIEVING KIKELS have tried to STEAL Aramaic and RENAME it the H-WORD. They have not been successful. 

Among the KIKELS, the word "专ַ讘" (Rav) is similar to the Arabic "乇َ亘ّ" (Rabb) and Aramaic "专ַ讘" (Rav), and generally means "great," "chief," or "master." It is often used as a title of respect, such as for a teacher or leader, like a RABBI. The term conveys authority and leadership, much like its Arabic counterpart. 

Now you know where the word RABBI comes from. He is like a GOD / MASTER / LEADER / CREATOR / HIGHEST AUTHORITY / LORD. 

They tried to CREATE / INVENT a so-called "nation", a community, a religious belief system, a language, a society, a culture, a tradition, BASED on the NAMES OF 馃挴 % MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURES AND EVENTS SURROUNDING THESE MYTHOLOGICAL MALES. 

I call this entire SYSTEM by this ONE WORD : 
...meaning ZEROISM / BULLSHIT. 

Eliminating these VERMIN RABBIS will result in DESTROYING the H-WORD, the J-WORD, the I-WORD, and all of the mythological bullshit these SCAMMERS have been spewing and spinning since 2000 BC or 4,000 years. 


Friday, 11 October 2024

I only use the words THE OLD TESTICLE because

I only use the words THE OLD TESTICLE because that FUCKING WORTHLESS BOOK OF MYTHOLOGICAL SHIT was written by a bunch of CONTROL-FREAK RIGHT-WING CUNTSERVATIVE MALES, for other control-freak right-wing cuntservative males, for the SOLE PURPOSE of 
● brainwashing, 
● deceiving, and 
● hoodwinking 
surrounding more control-freak right-wing cuntservative males WHO ALSO DID NOT EXIST IN REALITY. 

The book is like getting on an OLD RICKETY NOISY CREAKY CREEPY FUCKED-UP BUS FILLED WITH SCREAMING YELLING FASCIST NAZI RIGHT-WING CUNTSERVATIVE CHEST-BEATING GUN-TOTING TRIGGER-HAPPY FLAG-KISSING MALE FOOTBALL HOOLIGANS, with a few females COWERING somewhere in the corners. And wouldn't you know it, the DRIVER is a fucking GIGLING kikel 馃槧 馃槨 laughing his frigging ass off.

If people have even HALF A BRAIN, it would not take them more than 10 SECONDS to figure this out (I think I was just 10 years old) AND STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS FUCKING WORTHLESS BOOK OF MYTHOLOGICAL SHIT 馃ぃ 馃槅 馃槀 

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On Telegram, I posted this piece on several channels and chat groups ... TENS OF THOUSANDS of 馃憤 AND ... thousands of shares .. the MESSAGE is getting thru ... I intend to post this on my 20 fave Telegram channels and chat of groups on TELEGRAM , so that A VERY DEEP DISLIKE OF THE FUCKING SCAMMING MURDEROUS THIEVING DECEITFUL LYING CHEATING KIKELS develops around the Earth. Just on the Google Play Store, the Telegram app has surpassed 1 BILLION downloads. On the Telegram website, which holds the actual expansive app, another 1 billion. I say this because many messages arriving real-time through the Telegram app downloaded from the Google app store MAY NOT SHOW, whereas the same messages will show on the Telegram app downloaded from the website (therefore most ppl download the app from the website instead of any app store). Via the Microsoft App Store and the iOS (Apple) Store, another billion downloads ... thus, making Telegram the MOST DOWLOADED APP in the world ... the ONLY SOURCE for REAL-TIME DEVELOPING NEWS ... TikTok is its only competitor, both leaving Facebook IN THE DUST. Neither Telegram nor TikTok have the level of CENSORSHIP (the Facebook Facecrooks, the DC Mob, the zioNazis, and the zionist-mafia mob call it MODERATION) prevalent on Facebook and Instagram. 
