Friday 21 June 2024

US Requires A 2nd Civil War

The US requires a SECOND CIVIL WAR, a socialist civil war and revolution, like in Vietnam Laos Cambodia Cuba Russia China Venezuela Bolivia, so that the right-wing cuntservative neo-fascist GARBAGE can be taken out to the curb.

The so-called "governor" of Florida, RON DeSANTIS, possibly the most evil piece of shit in the US, and therefore, a presidential contender, is busy banning books that exist in libraries around the world, busy banning movies and organizations that exist in Canada, most other US states, and the EU. 

I have a friend who lives in Port St. Lucie, Florida… she was from Montreal Canada originally, born here, holds a Canadian citizenship too, and she was a beautiful person, warm loving kind considerate compassionate empathic, you know the type, a bleeding-heart left-wing capital-red-L liberal. But when she moved to Florida, a right-wing Rat-infested (RatpubliKKKan) SHITHOLE, she was BRAINWASHED into becoming a NEO-FASCIST low-IQ FOREVER-ANGRY AT EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE FUCKTARD (fucking retard) ... what the fuck is wrong with them people anyway? Do you really want the UNION ARMY to march down to Florida again? The last time that happened, in the early 1860s, fascist Florida was defeated and was brought kicking and screaming into the Union.

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