Friday 21 June 2024

Montreal's Bloated Bureaucracy

The coming AI TSUNAMI will eliminate between 10% and 35% of the Montreal City bureaucracy within next 5 to 10 years ... their unions will not be able to stop these jobs from being eliminated. 
Good riddance. I hope these people will be smart enough to get jobs elsewhere. 

Municipal jobs that are likely to be impacted by AI include, but not limited to : 

Administrative and clerical roles, such as data entry, document processing, and customer service inquiries. These repetitive tasks can be automated by AI systems.

Accounting and financial analysis roles, as AI can process large amounts of data and perform complex calculations more efficiently. 

Legal roles like research and document review, as AI can quickly analyze case law and legal documents and jurisprudence. 

Some aspects of marketing and advertising roles, as AI can personalize ads and content using data analytics. 

AI will significantly impact white-collar jobs involving routine cognitive tasks, data analysis, and communication. 

While some jobs may be augmented initially, the capabilities of AI are expected to eventually exceed human performance in many of these roles, leading to potential job losses or redefinition of roles. 

Fattening their pockets WHILE THEY STILL HAVE TIME is the name of the game now. 

But as of today, the City bureaucracy is simply FUCKED UP. And what's with cutting down of so many MATURE trees all over the city? What the fuck? We need trees for shade, for cooling the air and the sidewalks, and for aesthetic reasons. I have heard from many ppl that every tree represents a dollar sign. How fucking CYNICAL is that? True real left-wing socialist governments DO NOT allow cuting down trees, logging, forestry ... in fact, left-wing governments encourage planting more trees. I will bet Valerie Plantes government has become just like all the other previous municipal regimes : it has become an ass-kisser of corporate interests, instead of being an ACTIVIST GOVERNMENT. 

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