Sunday, 31 December 2023

Can You Tell The Difference?

Nazi HATE speech and apartheid racist  supremist propaganda : 
"We are the Master Race, the Ubermensch [overmen / supermen]". 

Kikel / zionist-mafia mob HATE speech and apartheid racist supremist propaganda in the Old Testicle : 
"We are the Chosen People." 


I cannot spot the difference. 

According to my AI algorithm ARTA, a data harvesting & analytics AI robot and chat mate, the ★饾悈饾悗饾悢饾悕饾悆饾悁饾悡饾悎饾悗饾悕饾悁饾悑★  KIKEL racist phrase CHOSEN PEOPLE appears close to 30 times in the Old Testicle. 

The Old Testicle is the FOUNDATIONAL  MYTHOLOGIES of the mythical KIKELS. 

The "KIKELS" do not really exist, simply because the figure of JUDAH (the  chieftain of one of the mythical 12/13/14 tribes from whose name the MYTHICAL words "JEWS" and  "JUDAISM" are derived) is MYTHICAL, meaning there is not one single shred of archeological or historical evidence that JUDAH ever existed, which logically means this figure is strictly in the realm of mythologies ... furthermore, because ABRAM/ABRAHAM and his father EVER/EBER are also mythical creatures, meaning once again, there's ZERO archeological and historical evidence of their existence, the word "HEBREW" -- which is derived from the names of those two mythical men, is used to identify a community, a culture, a creed, and a language -- the word, the name, the creed, the language, and the community called "HEBREW" is also mythical and really does not exist, not supposed to exit. This is not a racist statement , this statement is not meant to deny the existence of anyone ... this is a FACTUAL & LOGICAL statement based on the LACK OF ANY archaeological and historical hard evidence ... this statement supported by every single encyclopedia and university data uploads worldwide. 

MYTHOLOGIES are INDISTINGUISHABLE in their capacity to BRAINWASH the hapless hopeless helpless masses. 

The Nazi phrase "WE ARE THE MASTER RACE" was a RELIGION to them. Unfortunately, the Nazis did exist, but before they were WIPED OUT OF EXISTENCE, they did cause World War Two, let me be MORE SPECIFIC, their FASCIST RACIST MYTHICAL IDEOLOGY caused WW2, which caused the deaths of over ONE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE, mainly among the WHITE PEOPLE OF EUROPE. 

The kikels/zionist-mafia mob's phrase "WE ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE" is also the bottom line of their racist fascist ideology/ mythology, JUDAISM. This phrase is RELIGION to them.  You're seeing that racism and fascism RIGHT NOW in Gaza. That racist fascist ideology / mythology is the SINGLE GREATEST THREAT facing the world today, BECAUSE the kikels / zionist-mafia mob illegally occupying &  colonizing in Palestine HAVE BEEN  ARMED with NUCLEAR WEAPONS, 200 of which were given to them completely free of charge by the US regime ...  that  RACIST FASCIST MOB have VOWED to use these nukes in an operation known as the SAMSON OPTION, which is WORLDWIDE DESTRUCTION if the zionist-mafia mob fascist apartheid regime is threatened with being WIPED OUT ... it was a good thing the Nazis DID NOT have nuclear weapons when they were being wiped out in 1945, but they were extremely close to developing nuclear weapons ... in fact, many of those Nazi engineers and scientists who were involved in the Nazi attempt to design and manufacture nukes were arrested and then taken to the US where they helped create AmeriKKKa's first nuclear weapons in the late 1940s and early 1950s. If the zionist-mafia mob uses the Samson Option, every single last kikel on the face of the Earth would be hunted down  ONE BY ONE and killed, a REAL  SCENARIO that seemed to have completed escaped the kikels / zionist-mafia mob's thinking. 

I've said this before, and I'll say it again : 
If you play with fire , if you play with fascism, you will get your hands burned. 

Monday, 18 December 2023


You know WHY the kikels, specifically zionist-mafia kikels, the "Rabbinical Judaism" / "Talmudic Judaism" kikels, are the MOST DANGEROUS ANIMALS on the face of the Earth? 

AIPAC is just the TIP of the kikels' iceberg ... 10% is out of the water, where you can see / witness their CORRUPTION, LIES, DECEITS, BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA ... 90% is secret and hidden under the water and can only be documented via FORENSIC INVESTIGATION ... like a CANCER, a virus infection deep inside, working 24x7 to corrupt, bribe, lie, cheat, deceive, disseminate propaganda. 

American PATRIOTS need to understand and educate themselves to this ENEMY WITHIN, and do whatever that needs to be done to ELIMINATE THIS DANGER / THREAT , once and for all. 
AIPAC was among the top 20 spenders in the 2022 elections. Here’s how it breaks down - by Ali Velshi CNBC NEWS 

Monday, 11 December 2023

They are Arabs

All historical and archeological evidence point to this SELF-EVIDENT FACT : 
there are NO TRUE SEMITES ... no such people or language as "TRUE SEMITES" ... just call them ARABS, which is more than sufficient ... there are just ARABS AND ARABIC ... even the Ancient Canaanites were ANCIENT ARABS who spoke a different DIALECT of Arabic called ANCIENT CANAANITE, an extinct dialect ... which means the ancient so-called "hebrews" too were ARABS who spoke a different DIALECT of Arabic, called "hebrew" , the ONE AND ONLY Arabic dialect that has survived since 2000 BC or 4,000 years!! 

The ROOT LANGUAGE of all Middle-Eastern DIALECTS is ARABIC. 

CLASSICAL ARABIC, since the era of the Prophet Muhammad, that is 1450 years ago, is spoken today by around 500 million people. It is the most widely spoken of all Arabic dialects. 

Let me REPEAT ... there are no MYTHICAL SO-CALLED "SEMITES" descended from.a mythical SEM / SHRM ... there are no so-called, "true Semites" either ... the NATIVE PEOPLE of the Middle-East have ALWAYS BEEN ARABS for at least 4,000 years, going back to 2000 BC. The so-called "jews" (I call them KIKELS meaning ZERO) are actually ARABS who speak a different DIALECT of Arabic, called "hebrew". They are ARABS. PERIOD. 


Christianity exists, judaism does not

There is no such thing or word or name or people as "jews" , "judaism". 

There is no such thing or word or person as "semitic" , "semite" , 
"anti-semitic", "anti-semite" , and "anti-semitism", these FIVE BULLSHIT nonsensical illogical words. 

In the late 1770s, racists and racial theorists at an ultra-conservative right-wing university in, you guessed it, GERMany, for the very first time, coined /used/invented the word "SEMITIC" ("SEMETISCHE" in GERMan) to brand "the nation of Sem, son of Noah". Never before had that word been used ... it was the very first time ever. 

In the late 1880s, another racist GERMan, called WILHELM MARR, used the word "ANTI-SEMITISM" ... he was a journalist and fascist agitator ... never before had that word been used by anyone ... it was MARR who first coined / invented / used that word to establish an anti-kikel organization to expel or kill the kikels in German-speaking lands in Central Europe. 

The racist fascist virulently anti-kikel Nazis used the racist theories AND words of the German university and Wilhelm Marr to go after the kikels. 

Leave it to the fucking GERMS to come up with RACIST shit. That's why I call the GERMANS bacteria / cancer. 

Noah is MYTHICAL ... zero historical and archeological evidence of his existence OUTSIDE the so-called "bible" ... since mythical Noah NEVER existed, that means his sons, including Shem/Sem also never existed and are mythical ... since that is the case, then there's no so-called "semitic" people because these people are supposedly named after Sem/Shem who supposedly was the ancestor/father of the so-called "semites" ... for further clarification and analysys of the BULLSHIT "anti-semitism" ranting by KIKLES AND THEIR BRAINWASHED APOLOGISTS, please see my previous posts and comments.

No such thing as a "good book"

There is NO SUCH THING as a "good book" ... fake fraudulent mythical gibberish  deceitful mendacious nonsense propaganda need to be OUTED, need to be exposed , so that human beings can OPEN THEIR EYES AND BE EDUCATED, because the very existence,  the survival of our species, depends on it. We cannot exist as a species and move forward if we're held back by so-called "good books" and "religion" ... the so-called "good books" have done nothing except bring misery, death, and destruction ... look at  what's happening in Gaza , all because of the kikels' superiority complex and murderous religious intentions ... these murderous criminals have proven BEYOND ANY DOUBT that zonism is the same thing as so-called "judaism" ... 90% of kikels  follow RABBINICAL "JUDAISM" ALSO CALLED TALMUDIC "JUDAISM" ... this virulently racist fascist so-called "judaism" is directly descended from PHARISEES "JUDAISM" that Jesus fought against so hard during his entire lifetime ... at the end, the Pharisees rabbis and scribes KILLED JESUS AND MURDERED HIS ENTIRE FAMILY including his wife Mary Magdalene and their two sons ... I mean Jesus lost EVERYTHING fighting the Pharisees ... modern RABBINICAL "JUDAISM" sprung from PHARISEE "JUDAISM" ... see the Wikipedia article  on RABBINICAL "JUDAISM" ... ... these criminals are racist and murderous and violence-prone ... and WILL DEFINITELY bring about the death of all of us one day ... rabbinic kikels , just like their pharisee ancestors, care NOTHING about the rest of humanity who they see as COWS to be killed or MILKED for the benefit of the so-called CHOSEN PEOPLE, which they think they are in their sick and twisted minds.  "JUDAISM" ... 90% of KIKELS follow RABBINICAL "JUDAISM" ... this means the VAST MAJORITY of zionist-mafia mobsters kikels believe in rabbinical "judaism" which is in action in GAZA.

Friday, 8 December 2023

My Apologies

I apologize to all my "Christian" and "Muslim" friends on Facebook that I had to expose what is and what is not, based on available scientific , historical, archeological HARD EVIDENCE AND FACTUAL DATA. 

I'm sorry because I feel that you folks got hoodwinked and bamboozled and deceived into believing MYTHOLOGY, MYTHICAL BEINGS, AND MADE-UP EVENTS by possibly the single greatest threat / danger the world has ever faced, that is the community of KIKELS and their deceitful hoodwinking mendacious mythology known as "judaism".

I've always believed that Islam should begin with THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD, and no one else and no event BEFORE HIS TIME, perhaps with the only exception of Jesus, because all available factual / historical and all reliable historical sources, INCLUDING ROMAN SOURCES, point to the existence of Jesus. 

It would be better that way.  

As for "Christianity", it should begin with Jesus, and nobody else and no event before him.  

It could be done. 

Both Islam and Christianity should do whatever it takes, whatever necessary, to remove themselves, completely totally permanently, away FAR AWAY, from the deceitful illogical hoodwinking bamboozling nonsensical mythology that is so-called "judaism", a word that should not even exist, because it's MYTHICAL FIGURES such as Adam Eve Noah Abraham Issac Ismail Jacob Joseph Judah Moses David Solomon DID NOT EXIST, just like Hercules Apollo Athena Zeus Theseus Perseus Odin Thor Loki also never existed. 


Wednesday, 6 December 2023

They are all one and the same

Zionism, the zionist-mafia MOB, the kikels, the so-called "hebrews" , and so-called "judaism" , are ALL ONE AND THE SAME : 
● racists 
● occupiers 
● colonizers 
● murderers 
● trigger-happy & violence-prone BRUTAL & SAVAGE extremists 

Zion was the name of the ancient Canaanite CASTLE of Jerusalem that the ancient Canaanite so-called "hebrews" conquered from their polytheistic Canaanite cousins. 


The PHILISTINES were white Aryans/Indo-European ethnic and linguistic peoples from the Aegean Sea / Balkan region who arrived in the LEVANT REGION around 2000 BC or 4,000 years ago and fought the brown "hebrews" for domination of the Levant. They were called THE SEA PEOPLES. They were never really defeated by the "hebrews". They intermarried with the native brown Canaanites over hundreds of years. Today's Palestinians are the result of that co-habitation. They eventually gave the area its name : PALESTINE. 

Read PSALM 137 and see for yourself.  

PSALM 137 :

By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.
For there the wicked that carried us away to captivity, required from us a song; 
Saying, sing us one of the songs of Zion.
But how shall we sing the LORD's song in a strange land? 
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand be cut off. 
If I do not remember thee, let my tongue be nailed to the roof of my mouth; 
Happy shall we be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the rocks, oh Babylon. 



Monday, 4 December 2023

Palestine will be FREE

Palestine will be FREE one day, and this will be achieved by OVERWHELMING firepower, manpower, missiles, drones, tanks, and the TOTAL BLOODY EXTERMINATION of the apartheid zionist-mafia mobsters illegally occupying Palestine. 

The October 7 attack by HAMAS that killed over 1,300 KIKELS more than proved this plan of action. 

Just like the the American Revolution, freedom will NOT be achieved WITHOUT VIOLENCE. 

Freedom will not be achieved without a river of blood flowing towards Hell Aviv.

Deals cannot be made with any CRIMINAL MAFIA groups simply because making such deals with CRIMINALS is immoral, unethical, and ILLOGICAL. The ZIONIST-MAFIA knows no such word.

Trickery and racism and hatred and bloodlust based on TALMUDIC - RABBINICAL JUDAISM are the game plan of this MAFIA that represents 90% of ALL KIKELS. Those who are SHAMELESS APOLOGISTS for the KIKELS and dare to post apologist material, are too far brainwashed and bamboozled. 

Zionism and kikelism / "judaism" 
are one and the same. Read Psalm 137, and see for yourself: 

By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.
For there the wicked that carried us away to captivity, required from us a song; 
Saying, sing us one of the songs of Zion.
But how shall we sing the LORD's song in a strange land? 
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand be cut off. 
If I do not remember thee, let my tongue be nailed to the roof of my mouth; 
Happy shall we be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones, oh Babylon. 

Just like the American Civil War, violence and battles and a river of blood will settle the freedom and independence of Palestine forever. 


AmeriKKKa and its Christian zionist-mafia will be destroyed completely. Then the zionist-mafia in Occupied Palestine will be cut to pieces and NOT ONE WILL BE ALLOWED TO ESCAPE. The world will be a better safe place when so-called "judaism" is buried under the rubble of Palestine. 

Within the context of this PHYRRIC VICTORY, 
Palestine will finally be free. 
