Wednesday 19 July 2023

Butt PLUGS For Rats

I wanna send these shiny new stainless steel toys (BUTT PLUGS , really) to THREE of my favorite people listed below.  How do I do that? Can anybody help out?

● Donald "The Dumpster" Drumpf , the indicted criminal, two-times arrested, fake,  fraudulent, a charged AND indicted sex-offender, and one-term neo-fascist right-wing conservative ruler of the Empire of Lies USA, and the leading RatpubliKKKan presidential candidate in 2024 ... a criminal leading a pack of criminal Rats 🐀 .

● Ron "The Disaster" DeSantis , the current neo-fascist neo-Nazi right-wing conservative governor of the US Province of Florida and a Rat 🐀 presidential contender in 2024.

● Pierre "Who? Poilllievre , the lame, the TYPICAL right-wing ratbastard and  conservative con-artist and low-quality low-IQ neo-fascist Leader of the Official Opposition of Canada

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