Wednesday, 19 July 2023


Blindly following , blindly believing , without questioning hebrew /  jewish propaganda lies deceits disinformation nonsense , also known as THE BIBLE ... in other words, THEIR mythologies and legends ... will do NOTHING GOOD for Canadians and Americans ... BECAUSE when you follow or believe in FAKE SHIT, essentially FRAUD, there will always be a HEAVY PRICE TO PAY ... even today, the CRIMINAL CODE has severe punishment for FRAUD ... this would mean that the ENTIRE BIBLE should be criminalized and abolished, meaning that  criminal punishment should be meted out to those who continue to follow the bible LMAO 🤣

Speaking of abolishing and banning and criminalizing the bible, BECAUSE OF FRAUD, by extension, all conservative and right-wing political parties should also be a abolished and banned and criminalized , for the same reason : for promulgating and promoting and spewing nonsense fraud fake shit and supporting biblical bullshit.

I still don't understand why the government does not tax churches and synagogues and mandirs and stupas and mosques and religious organizations, just like the government taxes corporations like Walmart.

Did you know, for example, that if ALL religious institutions and organizations were to be TAXED at the current CORPORATE TAX RATES, the personal income tax of Canadians would go down to less than FIVE PERCENT per year ?!?

If you want to believe in anything or anyone, believe in YOURSELF ... in your family, your friends, your projects, your household, your home, your business interests.

Do not believe in fake and fraud and invisible stupid ILLOGICAL shit.

There is absolutely 0 (ZERO) archeological and historical and anthropological HARD EMPIRICALLY-RESEARCHED AND EMPIRICALLY-PROVEN SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that anyone from Adam and Eve all the way through to Noah Lot  Abraham Issac Ismail Moses Aaron Solomon and David ever existed on  planet Earth. Similarly, absolutely ZERO scientific evidence exists of Odin Thor Loki Hercules Zeus Apollo Athena Theseus Perseus, and all the gods and goddesses and heros of Greek and Roman and Viking MYTHOLOGIES AND LEGENDS.


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