Saturday, 4 March 2023

Conscription Uki style

NOTE : Facebook FACECROOKS CENSORS has blocked this video as SENSITIVE MATERIAL ... it is available on my TELEGRAM channel.


What Todd van der Heyden and other Western controlled mass media mouthpieces WILL NEVER SHOW YOU ... CONSCRIPTION Uki style ... men and sometimes women, from 15 years old to 65 years old, but mostly men, in their hundreds of thousands, are being dragged out of their homes, away from their families, off the streets in this case in this video taken in Uki Nazi occupied ODESSA, and dragged to the war frontlines with very little training ... and they're being killed by the hundreds every single day by the Russian Military Forces ... all to please the Ukis' zionist mafia OVERLORD Zelenskyy who wants to create another CRIMINAL COPY of NEO-FASCIST APARTHEID PISSRAEL in the heart of Europe ... if the conscriptors DO NOT fill their quota per day or per week, they themselves end up forcefully sent to the front lines!! 

The TRUDEAU REGIME is allowing tens of thousands of Ukis into Canada. NOT A GOOD IDEA. Which political party do you think these Ukis will vote for in the next 5 to 10 years? They WILL NOT vote for the Liberals who allowed them into Canada. Because the Ukis are generally speaking neo-fascist right-wing, they will vote for Conservatives.  

If YOU do your own research, you'll notice that a significant number of torturers and guards at death camps run by the Fascist Nazis during World War II were Ukis. John Demjanjuk was just one of many. In death camps like Sobibor, Ukis outnumbered Nazis by a MARGIN OF 10 TO 1. 



NOTE : When Russian troops liberated these death camps from the German Germ Nazis, they found evidence of mass exterminations. 

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