Saturday, 4 March 2023


CNN, citing its sources in the General Staff of the Uki SEPARATIST REBEL REGIME, reports that on February 28, 2023, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukistan AFU amounted to:
Dead Ukis (from injuries, diseases, fighting)

Wounded, crippled Ukis : 

Ukis deserted, in addition to missing in action MIA: 

Ukis POWs captured by Russian Military Forces : 

At this rate of loss, the Uki rebels won't have a military left. Of the pre-war population of 40 million, 10 million are gone out of the jurisdiction ... of the remaining 30 million, 55% are females ... 25% are under 15 YO so too young to fight and be conscripted, and 25% are over 65 YO so too old to be conscripted ... add the feeble, the sick, too thin, too fat, intellectually challenged, ETC ... and there aren't too many left to be conscripted. In comparison, Russia's 150 million strong population can provide hundreds of thousands of well-trained and well-armed soldiers on a MONTHLY BASIS. 

What we are witnessing is the wholesale destruction, depopulation, and demilitarization of Ukistan, all because NATO decided to fight a PROXY WAR against the Russian Federation, one of only THREE MILITARY SUPERPOWERS on Planet Earth. Bakhmut, one of the most important cities and logistical hubs in eastern Ukistan, is about to be taken by Russian Military Forces, with the result that Uki rebel defenses are crumbling all along the ENTIRE LINE OF CONTACT between the Uki separatist rebels and Russian Federation Forces. 

Russia / Россия / Rossiya , a massive jurisdiction as large as the continent of North America from Panama to the North Pole, too large to invade on a grand scale, cannot be defeated, never has been defeated in its history, and so the US and its NATO prostitutes stand to be humiliated. 

Ukistan, also called the KIEV TERRITORY, is the BIRTHPLACE, the ANCESTRAL HOMELAND, of the Russian people.  

The Slavic Russian people, around 850 AD, or 1200 years ago, were thus named for their fishing, grains trading, and fur trading settlements along the Rus River and Rossiva River, both flowing (even TODAY) thru the Kiev region. The KIEVAN RUS / KIEVAN ROS rulers-ruling class-princes (an intermarried mixture of Swedish Vikings and their Slavic subjects) eventually established the kingdoms of Moscow, Novgorod, and many others, all of which, including Kiev the original homeland, were incorporated into the Russian Empire. 

For the West to try to separate Ukistan / Kiev from Russia is like trying to separate New York State from the US or Ontario Province from Canada or Manchester from England : it just ain't gonna happen. America cannot be carved up by ANYONE, nor Canada, nor England, nor Russia. 

Russia will not just take back the eastern regions of Ukistan / Kiev Territory ... if NATO keeps harassing and threatening Russia, provoking Russia, stacking sanctions against Russia, providing weapons to the Kiev separatist neo-fascist neo-Nazi REBEL REGIME, and prolonging Russia's war against the Uki SEPARATIST REBELS, Russia will forcefully take back ALL of Ukistan, from the borders of Russia to the borders of Romania and Poland. 

Despite direct military intervention in this war, the only thing that has kept NATO cities including Canadian and American and British, being nuked by Russia has been the wisdom and the unbelievable patience of the Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin. We can count ourselves lucky because he seems to be the only sane and adult person in the room. 


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