Friday, 31 March 2023

Donald Dumpster Convicted

Gotcha, you right-wing Ratbastard!! 

DONALD DUMPSTER, the Pied Piper of the Rats (RatpubliKKKans) in AmeriKKKa has been charged and indicted. 

Now, MORE charges are coming. 

Rape is among them.  

Pedophilia another.  

Then the sexual misconduct against MANY women.  

The Dumpster was a VERY CLOSE FRIEND AND ASSOCIATE of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.  This will blow up and lead to more charges.  Epstein died/killed in prison. Maxwell is heading the same direction.  So will the Dumpster. 

Soon coming are FEDERAL CHARGES of inciting a riot, an insurrection, leading to deaths and public property destruction on 06 January 2021. 

● I did mention a grand total of 19 (NINETEEN) charges in a PREVIOUS POST, yes? 
MSNBC : Trump facing at least 30  charges in hush money case

The FUHRER of the FASCISTS, the MAGNET of ALL EVIL, has been ordered to SURRENDER HIMSELF VOLUNTARILY as soon as possible.  

The very first former American president behind bars. Not the last. 

Next week ... Tuesday 04 April 2023, is my guess.  One week later than he himself predicted.  LMFAO!! 

As I predicted ... Tuesday 04 April

Easter 2023 ... in prison!!  LMFAO!!

The Dumpster will tell the media and his dumbass low-IQ base of supporters and voters and his perverted family, that this evokes /reminiscent of THE TRIAL AND KILLING OF JESUS 2,000 years ago. This is how the sick &  twisted mind of an evil ratshit works. 

According to Christian MYTHOLOGY, Jesus rose from being dead 3 days after his crucifixion. 

But for Dumpster the evil fuck, there ain't no coming back. LMFAO!! 


A long prison sentence will finish off ANY chance of running in any election.

The US government has absolutely NO INTENTION of allowing this Ratbastard to walk around free and unmolested to  spew his lies deceits nonsense propaganda and evil shit all over the place or to run in any election EVER AGAIN ... NO, 2024 ain't happening for THIS criminal CUNTservative. 




In the meantime, in a very specific New York State penitentiary, the INMATES are already whispering, planning, getting ready to receive this RatpubliKKKan Ratbastard.  When this CUNTservative goes in, it WILL NOT BE LONG before he's going to be savagely and severely stabbed with a knife 8 inches long, most probably IN THE NECK.  Or perhaps bludgeoned on the head with a 20-inch iron bar.  The knife or the iron bar will have MYSTERIOUS APPEARED in the hands of certain inmates. Whichever inmate whacks this Rat, he WILL BE in Wikipedia.  Every inmate wants to get into Wikipedia because FAME or INFAMY or THRILL is what they're seeking.  

The killing of Donald Dumpster in a NY State penitentiary would be the best thing that can happen to America at this time, and to the Democratic Party too, but MOSTLY to the Republican Party.  Without the Pied Piper, without a chief Rat, without a MAGNET and a BEACON for all the evil, the fascists and the neo-fascists and fascism in general in the US will steadily decline because there's no one to replace the Dumpster. 

Remember Jeffrey Dahmer? Read about his death, and you will have an idea as to what is awaiting The Dumpster.


Most right-winger Rats and CUNTservative scum across the US and Canada are involved in some stupid criminal low-life shit.  Their MAIN MEANS of power, politics, and public attention are gained through RIGHT-WING AND  CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL PARTIES such as the RatpubliKKKan Party in the US at all three levels of elections, and the conservative parties in Canada Britain Australia Brazil France Germany Austria Netherlands Denmark Chile Colombia Japan Hungary Poland ETC. 

These right-wing and conservative political parties are BEACONS and  MAGNETS for all the racist fascist demented devious degenerate criminal evil scum.  The only thing that you need to know is that the KKK in the  US and Canada ALWAYS VOTE for  conservative and right-wing political parties and politicians.  THAT'S ALL I NEED TO KNOW TOO. 

Frankly and honestly, ALL THESE RIGHT-WING AND CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL PARTIES in all these countries need to be SHUT DOWN IMMEDIATELY based on those well-documented and well-known facts. 





Friday, 24 March 2023

Hebrew Hogwash

I posed a question to ChatGPT today. 

Predictable answer. Because my own research told me long ago THE SAME. 

ChatGPT then took close to 10 seconds searching the entire Internet : 
* all of the online encyclopedias, 
* all the world's universities research databases available online,
* all scholarly research works available online, 
* and theses too, 
* and historical and archeological records posted online.

Same for ChatGPT searches on Adam, Eve, Noah, Job, Moses, Kings David and Solomon, and many others.  

of any of these people's existence. 

Searches on Jesus and Muhammad came back with massive evidentiary support. 

If something does not have even one shred of solid evidence, that subject goes STRAIGHT into the heading of MYTHOLOGY. 

It's as simple as that. 

NO ABRAHAM means no Issac, Ismael, Sarah, Moses, David, Solomon, ETC....


... call it what you want to ... it all comes down to just ONE word :


Every cult, every religion, RESORTS to using LINEAGE and PEDIGREE, even FAR FETCHED, to support their existence / historicity and physicality, to establish their theology, their godhead, their belief system, to establish a chronological time frame and genealogy, to establish an explanation, to create believable credibility and integrity ... in other words, to give credence to their propaganda. 

But it is still PROPAGANDA ... no matter HOW YOU BREAK IT DOWN. 


But we as WESTERN CIVILIZATION, need to follow our own belief system. 

Let's start by BELIEVING IN YOURSELF ... first and foremost.  

The heebs/jews and their myths do NOT allow you to think for yourself, to believe in yourself ... they want you to believe, HAVE BLIND FAITH IN, in THEIR semitic theology, their semitic godhead, their semitic laws and rules, their semitic mythologies.  

Uh uh ... that doesn't work with me. 

The 20 million jews and their descendants represent less than 5% of the entire world's 500 million strong semitic languages speaking peoples .,.
therefore, to allow a small, a tiny 5% of ALL the semitic peoples to dictate terms and conditions to us, and to tell us what we should or should not be saying or doing, is PREPOSTEROUS UNETHICAL IMMORAL AND ILLOGICAL.

There's a significant difference between Western CIVILIZATION and Eastern CULTURE ... "civilization" and "culture" are two words that are often used interchangeably, but these 2 words have different meanings.

If you look up CIVILIZATION and if you look up CULTURE, these 2 words have different connotations.  

CULTURE usually refers to shared beliefs, values, traditions, emotions, all in abstract and general/nebulous terms.

CIVILIZATION usually refers to the way people and societies actually live and organize and operate, in specific and concrete and scientific and technological terms. 

I will choose CIVILIZATION over CULTURE any day. 

Having said that, in my brutally honest opinion, in our Western civilization, Jews and their Moses death cult known as Judaism and HEBREW HOGWASH, and their FAITH-BASED myths, mendacity, and murderous mayhem HAVE NO PLACE.


Sunday, 12 March 2023

Zelenskyy ACCUSES Biden of Lying

Last night, in his NIGHTLY TV SHOW,  Zelenskyy the ZIONIST MAFIA PIG FARMER and PSEUDO-JEW, actually ACCUSED THE BIDEN BULLSHIT REGIME in the US of LYING about the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines, saying "the Ukrainians definitely did not do this heinous,  terrorist, and environmental crime."

In an EXTREMELY RARE CASE this dirty conniving criminal fucker is actually speaking the truth.

The Ukis really did not do this, since they simply do not have such technologies to implement such a complex sabotage operation : no such ships, no such C4 explosives, no deep-sea diving crew ... NOTHING NADA ZERO ZILCH.

But it really doesn't matter anymore, does it?

The cat is out of the bag already, and Zelenskyy is simply putting food into the cat's bowl. 

Zelenskyy the CIA PROSTITUTE finally stands up for himself against the ACCUSATIONS OF HIS PIMP, Uncle Sam, who accused Uki sabotage groups of blowing up the pipelines!!

In the meantime, his Uki REBEL FORCES are suffering 500 to 1,000 casualties every day and therefore are crumbling all across the entire line of contact from the North to the South, with settlement after settlement being attacked and taken by Russian Federation Military Forces.

Are you enjoying this COMEDY OF TRAGEDY as much as I am??

So fucking SAD 馃槩 ... this proxy war, all these hundreds of thousands of deaths, fathers mothers brothers sisters sons daughters uncles aunts nephews nieces entire families being killed, NEEDLESSLY DYING, million of refugees, millions more homeless and jobless, millions internally displaced, the wholesale and systematic destruction of thousands of settlements and energy nodes all across Ukistan ... all for the pleasure of NATO and Biden the bullshit  artist and a lying deceitful POS.

Saturday, 4 March 2023

Conscription Uki style

NOTE : Facebook FACECROOKS CENSORS has blocked this video as SENSITIVE MATERIAL ... it is available on my TELEGRAM channel.


What Todd van der Heyden and other Western controlled mass media mouthpieces WILL NEVER SHOW YOU ... CONSCRIPTION Uki style ... men and sometimes women, from 15 years old to 65 years old, but mostly men, in their hundreds of thousands, are being dragged out of their homes, away from their families, off the streets in this case in this video taken in Uki Nazi occupied ODESSA, and dragged to the war frontlines with very little training ... and they're being killed by the hundreds every single day by the Russian Military Forces ... all to please the Ukis' zionist mafia OVERLORD Zelenskyy who wants to create another CRIMINAL COPY of NEO-FASCIST APARTHEID PISSRAEL in the heart of Europe ... if the conscriptors DO NOT fill their quota per day or per week, they themselves end up forcefully sent to the front lines!! 

The TRUDEAU REGIME is allowing tens of thousands of Ukis into Canada. NOT A GOOD IDEA. Which political party do you think these Ukis will vote for in the next 5 to 10 years? They WILL NOT vote for the Liberals who allowed them into Canada. Because the Ukis are generally speaking neo-fascist right-wing, they will vote for Conservatives.  

If YOU do your own research, you'll notice that a significant number of torturers and guards at death camps run by the Fascist Nazis during World War II were Ukis. John Demjanjuk was just one of many. In death camps like Sobibor, Ukis outnumbered Nazis by a MARGIN OF 10 TO 1. 



NOTE : When Russian troops liberated these death camps from the German Germ Nazis, they found evidence of mass exterminations. 

President Putin's Speech Against NATO

A few days ago, Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin stated that the devastation and destruction and deaths in Ukistan lie ENTIRELY on the shoulders and conscience of Western regimes pumping tens of billions of dollars in weapons to the weak basket-case CIA PUPPET REGIME in Kiev. 

My guess is that 30-members NATO plus Kiev will be defeated by a superpower Russia, which is fighting a Third World War inside Ukistan. Russia is as large as the entire North American continent, from the North Pole down to Panama and all the countries in between including Canada US Mexico ETC. Russia is such a large country that it can hide massive numbers of its population and its nuclear weapons and military and industries and many other assets deep inside this vast vast land, and it can call upon its 150 million strong population to provide a constant flow of highly trained troops, who venerate the great deeds of the Russian military in defeating the fascist Nazi regime in Germany in the 1940s. President Putin has stated that a world WITHOUT Russia CANNOT EXIST, and if Russia goes down, she will take down the entire West with her.


CNN, citing its sources in the General Staff of the Uki SEPARATIST REBEL REGIME, reports that on February 28, 2023, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukistan AFU amounted to:
Dead Ukis (from injuries, diseases, fighting)

Wounded, crippled Ukis : 

Ukis deserted, in addition to missing in action MIA: 

Ukis POWs captured by Russian Military Forces : 

At this rate of loss, the Uki rebels won't have a military left. Of the pre-war population of 40 million, 10 million are gone out of the jurisdiction ... of the remaining 30 million, 55% are females ... 25% are under 15 YO so too young to fight and be conscripted, and 25% are over 65 YO so too old to be conscripted ... add the feeble, the sick, too thin, too fat, intellectually challenged, ETC ... and there aren't too many left to be conscripted. In comparison, Russia's 150 million strong population can provide hundreds of thousands of well-trained and well-armed soldiers on a MONTHLY BASIS. 

What we are witnessing is the wholesale destruction, depopulation, and demilitarization of Ukistan, all because NATO decided to fight a PROXY WAR against the Russian Federation, one of only THREE MILITARY SUPERPOWERS on Planet Earth. Bakhmut, one of the most important cities and logistical hubs in eastern Ukistan, is about to be taken by Russian Military Forces, with the result that Uki rebel defenses are crumbling all along the ENTIRE LINE OF CONTACT between the Uki separatist rebels and Russian Federation Forces. 

Russia / 袪芯褋褋懈褟 / Rossiya , a massive jurisdiction as large as the continent of North America from Panama to the North Pole, too large to invade on a grand scale, cannot be defeated, never has been defeated in its history, and so the US and its NATO prostitutes stand to be humiliated. 

Ukistan, also called the KIEV TERRITORY, is the BIRTHPLACE, the ANCESTRAL HOMELAND, of the Russian people.  

The Slavic Russian people, around 850 AD, or 1200 years ago, were thus named for their fishing, grains trading, and fur trading settlements along the Rus River and Rossiva River, both flowing (even TODAY) thru the Kiev region. The KIEVAN RUS / KIEVAN ROS rulers-ruling class-princes (an intermarried mixture of Swedish Vikings and their Slavic subjects) eventually established the kingdoms of Moscow, Novgorod, and many others, all of which, including Kiev the original homeland, were incorporated into the Russian Empire. 

For the West to try to separate Ukistan / Kiev from Russia is like trying to separate New York State from the US or Ontario Province from Canada or Manchester from England : it just ain't gonna happen. America cannot be carved up by ANYONE, nor Canada, nor England, nor Russia. 

Russia will not just take back the eastern regions of Ukistan / Kiev Territory ... if NATO keeps harassing and threatening Russia, provoking Russia, stacking sanctions against Russia, providing weapons to the Kiev separatist neo-fascist neo-Nazi REBEL REGIME, and prolonging Russia's war against the Uki SEPARATIST REBELS, Russia will forcefully take back ALL of Ukistan, from the borders of Russia to the borders of Romania and Poland. 

Despite direct military intervention in this war, the only thing that has kept NATO cities including Canadian and American and British, being nuked by Russia has been the wisdom and the unbelievable patience of the Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin. We can count ourselves lucky because he seems to be the only sane and adult person in the room. 


Burning the Uki & Nazi Flags

Thanks to those who showed up yesterday.  

Thanks to the Telegram app for allowing us the platform to meet and organize mass events like this. MORE ARE COMING! 

Warning to the Uki pukes and to those who support these neo-fascist neo-Nazi pukes (VOMITS) : 
YOU are on the WRONG side of history.

Not only will you perhaps lose the Kiev territory once and for all , you may never  be allowed to return (Russian authorities will never allow Uki demographics to alter Russian political dynamics) , meaning that millions of you may end up being refugees in many countries  around the world.  That is your lot, that's what you have brought upon yourselves. 
