Thursday, 31 March 2022

Flag & Shield of Ukistan

"What do I care about Christian lives?" 


In case you have not noticed, the flag of Ukistan and the flag of Sweden have the same colours, YELLOW AND BLUE, yellow for the sun and blue for the sea, because those colours were the ancient colours of THE SEA-FARING VIKINGS when they arrived by the river Dniper and others, from SWEDEN in the far north of Europe, and settled and intermarried and overlorded in the Kiev Region ... meaning that the Ukis believe THEY ARE RACIALLY AND ETHNICALLY CLOSER to Scandinavians than they are to Russians ... in fact THE FOUNDER of the first KIEV KINGDOM in the 800s and 900s was a Swedish Viking called VOLODYMYR, Zelenskyy's namesake, and that of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin ... this king and his Vikings were known by the ancient Slavic people of the Kiev Region as  VERANGIANS in the ancient language of the land ... in fact, the Ukistan regime even uses the Verangian / King Volodymyr's ancient trident (sea-faring) symbol on the Ukistan flag, you can see that yourself ... so the Ukis believe they are NOT Russians ... they believe they are RACIALLY SUPERIOR Scandinavians, specifically Swedish ... which may explain the racist and fascist ideology that PERMEATES THE UKI MILITARY, THE RULING ELITES, AND PARAMILITARY FORCES, and their behavior towards ETHNIC RUSSIANS ... except that Zelenskyy is a Jew ... not ethnically and racially related to Swedes ... he is just using THE EXISTING RACIST AND FASCIST IDEOLOGY to cushion his lordship over the brainwashed and misled Uki masses, for his own benefit, and the control of Ukistan by Jews and the US Regime and NATO ... ALL THIS PLAYS RIGHT INTO THE HANDS of the dirty conniving US Regime in Washington DC and of course NATO, these Western heathens ... REMINDS YOU OF OCCUPIED PALESTINE BY THE US-ARMED AND BANKROLLED  ZIONIST-MAFIA, DOES IT NOT? ... IT IS THE EXACT SAME PLAYBOOK ... the WESTERN HEATHENS want to see Russia suffer ... these conniving heathens do not give a shit about the lives of the BRAINWASHED UKI MASSES, or their cities ... they and their JEW - ZIONIST-MAFIA PROXY Zelenskyy just want to see Russia suffer, and they are willing to sacrifice the lives of each and every one of the Uki masses for that purpose ... RUSSEPHOBIA has been in the mindset of the US Regime and AmeriKKKans since the BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION in 1916 and specifically the COLD WAR era.  



Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Western Media Propaganda

Propaganda American-style. 

The next time you watch CTV News or CBC News ... the next time you watch Republican gays like Todd van der Heyden spew vitriolic vicious ANTI-RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA on CTV NEWS, please do keep these FOLLOWING WORDS IN MIND : 

Todd is not just part of the problem, and far from the solution ... HE AND OTHER MEDIA MOUTHPIECES are part of the SYSTEMIC CORRUPTION that has ERODED TRUST IN THE MEDIA. (PLEASE NOTE : type into Google MEDIA MANIPULATION or CREDIBILITY INTEGRITY OF THE PRESS QUESTIONED.) 

What it boils down to is that Western media cannot be trusted, Western media cannot be respected, because of blatant  biased coverage, baldface lies, distorted reporting, willful misinformation, scewed numbers, obfuscation or spewing nonsense / gibberish for the purpose of leading people away from the truth and ground realities, and CONTROLLED PROPAGANDA (in the words of the famous linguist NOAM CHOMSKY) which means government-directed disinformation and bias for the purpose of manipulating the population and how consent for economic, social, and political policies, both foreign and domestic, is "manufactured" in the public mind due to this propaganda. (PLEASE NOTE : type into Google or YouTube NOAM CHOMSKY MANUFACTURED CONSENT.)

This is where TODD AND HIS MEDIA TERRORISTS come into play. 

As a JOURNALISTS & NEWS ANCHOR (I have MANY of them on my Friends List), Todd is reading off of a teleprompter on which there is a SCRIPT, written for him by his REAL OWNERS, the EDITORS , those MEDIA TERRORISTS who are foot-soldiers OF EVEN BIGGER FISH, the NEO-LIBERAL (CLOSET CONSERVATIVE) AND NEO-CONSERVATIVE SCUMBAGS who own CTV.   These basturds and bitches are SPOON-FEEDING YOU BRAINWASHING lies deceits  disinformation nonsense and propaganda.  AMERICAN STYLE. 

Todd will be like other so-called CTV  "journalists" of the past, like MIKE DUFFY and PAMELA WALLIN for examples, who spewed neo-liberal and neo-conservative propaganda on CTV, then presto, got juicy seats in the Senate (which IN CANADA is NOT AN ELECTED BODY but an appointed body) by sitting neo-liberal and neo-conservative CRIME MINISTERS of Canada.  

So I sent  Todd a message through inbox that "Hey Todd, seems like your Senate seat is now all sown up!" ... but I also sent him links to RT (Russia Today) and Sputnik and Pravda and Tass and PressTV and Xinhua and TeleSur, encouraging him to get news from a diverse source. (PLEASE NOTE : for their links, type the names, such as Russia Today, into Google Search, since the twats at Twitter and the Facecrooks censors won't allow me or you to post the links directly on these two platforms due to the US regime's sanctions against Russia). 

If Todd and his editor are FOOT-SOLDIERS of those who own and operate CTV News, then you can fuck off about another bit of THEIR PROPAGANDA : FREEDOM OF THE MEDIA, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS.  There's no such thing.  

Foot-soldiers will fight a war and go into battle ON BEHALF OF THEIR REAL OWNERS, who will NOT TOLERATE their foot-soldiers saying or doing anything ON-AIR (meaning RADIO, TV, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, WEBSITES) that the real owners DO NOT PROMOTE nor carry in their hearts and minds.  

If the real owners of Fox News are NEO- CONSERVATIVES and ZIONIST-MAFIA asswipes, then their journalist foot-soldiers will also promote and publish and air the same garbage ...  OTHERWISE, THEY WILL BE FIRED ... it's as simple as that.  

SO MUCH FOR MEDIA FREEDOM, A FREE PRESS, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS, and other hocus-pocus smoke-and-mirrors nonsensical Western bullshit deception and propaganda. 

Let me repeat : THERE IS NO SUCH THING. 




Saturday, 26 March 2022

Purging My Friends List

SORRY to the many who have messaged me thru INBOX ... I have been crazy busy with my business projects ... and I also have been PURGING MY FRIENDS LIST of PRO-UKISTAN and PRO-NATO ASSWIPES. 

They say THE DANGER COMES FROM WITHIN, and so the CANCER & ROT is from within my FRIENDS LIST. 

If I see a blue-and-yellow flag, or a pro-Uki post or comment, BYE-BYE AND BLOCKED!!  Not deleting, but blocked PERMANENTLY.  Trust me, blocking these FUCKTARDS (fucking retards) & the willfully ignorants is A LOT OF FUN!!  

That reminds me to put Luba Kowalchyk , a decade-long friend on Facebook and a 1980s singer-songwriter icon with several hit singles and platinum albums (remember LUBA ?) , ON PERMANENT BLOCK because this PUKI UKI has been shooting her mouth off in her vitriolic anti-Russia and anti-Putin RANTING & RAVING WITHOUT knowing the HISTORICAL, RACIAL, CULTURAL, AND GEO-POLITICAL CARPET-WEAVING  that bind Moscow and Kiev forever IN THE TIGHTEST OF KNOTS.  

Trying to separate Moscow from Kiev and Kiev from Moscow, is like trying to separate HANOVER STATE FROM SAXONY STATE IN GERMANY or TOKYO PREFECTURE FROM OSAKA PREFECTURE IN JAPAN : it's the SAME PEOPLE, you fucking retards.  

In 1921, Russia also known at that time as the USSR or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, created, I REPEAT CREATED, the Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic, FROM RUSSIAN FEDERAL LANDS ... NO POLITICAL ENTITY bearing THAT NAME ever existed in that region before 1921, about a 100 years ago.  In fact, the very words RUSSIA and RUSSIAN come from the 2 rivers called RUS and ROSAVA that flow through the Kiev Region ... in the 800s and 900s AD, THE RUS were people who colonized all the lands on the banks of those 2 rivers that gave their names to these people.  Very similarly, the INDUS RIVER in the Indian Subcontinent gave rise to the words and the religion INDIA , INDIANS , and HINDU. 

Trying to separate Kiev from Moscow is like trying to separate Canada from ITS PROVINCES AND TERRITORIES, which the CENTRAL GOVERNMENT has CREATED since 1760 (when English forces defeated French forces on the Plains of Abraham near Quebec City).

Unless all of you FUCKING RETARDS understand this very simple and basic fact, you will continue to have your stupid collective heads up NATO-Uncle Sam's ASSHOLES and be susceptible to NATO-Uncle Sam's lies deceit obfuscation nonsense and propaganda, and remain in NATO-Uncle Sam's imprisoned "EMPIRE OF LIES", as Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin's so aptly put it. 

For allowing tens of thousands of right-wing neo-fascist neo-Nazi PUKI UKI bastards and bitches to enter Canada, the neo-liberal (CLOSET CONSERVATIVE) Trudeau regime is  setting us and Canada up for MANY MANY years of neo-fascist neo-Nazi bullshit that will tear this country apart.  Nowhere near that number of Syrians and Palestinians and Iraqis and Kurds and Yemenis and Tunisias and Egyptians were allowed into Canada over the past 10 YEARS!!

Justin Trudeau's father, the late great former Prime Minister Pierre Eliott Trudeau, must be turning in his grave at his idiot son's behaviour. 

Justin Trudeau is to the Canadian Federal Liberal Party what Bill Clinton was to the Democratic Party in the USA in the 1990s :  A neo-liberal (CLOSET CONSERVATIVE) *MOLE* who infiltrated a CAPITAL-L RED LIBERAL political party at the HIGHEST ECHELONS OF POWER AND DECISION-MAKING, and transformed the political party into a criminal right-wing biker-gang that is nothing more than than the RatpubliKKKans' cousin - - TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN. 

I feel sorry for Canadians and Americans because 2 of the 3 political parties at the federal level are now right-wing frat houses.  And yet we are spoon-fed the lies and deceits of DEMOCRACY in Canada and the USA.  These Western regimes now want to bring RIGHT-WING DEMOCRACY to Ukistan.

The ONLY REAL WINNERS of Trudeau's stupid and short-sighted foreign policies will be his CLOSET BUDDIES, those CRIMINALS AND THE CLINICALLY INSANE CON-ARTISTS of the CONSERVATIVE PARTY, who stand to gain the votes of these PUKI UKI neo-fascist neo-Nazi scum. 

Please join me on TWITTER AND TELEGRAM.  FIGHT the good fight and SPREAD the message!!  Everybody should be on TELEGRAM, MEWE, ... !!

To Facebook :
KISS MY ASS ONE CHEEK AT A TIME, you fucking deceitful RATBASTARDS ... and thank your GOD JEHOFUCK for that privilege 馃槝 . 

Zelenskyy sacrificing Christian Lives

Zelenskyy : 
" I'm a Jew ... what the fuck do I care about Christian lives?  I will stay safe and hidden in my bunkers, and if I need to leave the Kiev Region/ Ukistan, my faithful and fawning friends Uncle Sam and NATO will get me out any time I want.  In the meanwhile, I will sacrifice every single Christian life in the Kiev Region / Ukistan so that WE JEWS can gain control over it , and make it into the REINCARNATION OF KHAZARIA.  There are 40 million of these motherfucking (SUPREMELY STUPID) cross-worshipping heathens in the Kiev Region / Ukistan, and I'm prepared to sacrifice every last one of them.  Who are these heathens anyway to us?  I'm a Jew, I'm of the Chosen People, the Chosen Nation of God, and these 40 million heathens, in fact ALL HEATHENS AROUND THE WORLD, simply exist to be MILKED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, and that is WHY they're DISPOSABLE, that is WHY I'm prepared to sacrifice all of them fighting right over my head, in the streets, over my bunker, fighting the Russians and killing Russians and being killed in turn.  Their lives, all 40 million of them plus the Russians, AIN'T WORTH THE NAIL ON MY PINKY FINGER.  In America there are 15 million of us, we buy and sell their politicians, their judges, we own much of their media outlets, spoon-feeding them OUR JEWISH AND ZIONIST NARRATIVE.  And the Anglo-Americans, they love us, and we love them, because they love us their HEBREW PETS ... they are with us and they'll support us and so we cannot go wrong and we cannot do any wrong.  Therefore,  I call on ALL JEWS to support me, and come to the financial and military aid of OUR UKISTAN, the reincarnation of our 9th century EMPIRE OF KHAZARIA!  It was OUR GLORIOUS EMPIRE, in which we Jews, the overlords, ruled over the the cows, I mean the heathens ... we can have it AGAIN!!  Friends, countrymen, Jews, zionists ... lend me your ears.  I don't mean to bite your ears off to eat 'em,  but I might just do that because of the scarcity of food around the corner.  I need you to send me money and cannon fodder ... um, er, sorry, mercenaries ... oops, I mean volunteer fighters." 

The Universe and President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation : 
"Your Khazaria, THAT aint happening, you fucking cunt."

Friday, 25 March 2022

Bounty on Zelenskyy

I hereby offer a total of ONE USD DOLLAR for the capture and trial and subsequent lifetime imprisonment of the zionist-mafia BULLSHITTING  PROPAGANADIST Volodymyr Zelenskyy. 

This criminal's life is not worth one cent even, so a whole dollar is a real good deal. 

Let's 1st of all look at this zionist-mafia criminal's name. The regular proper SLAVIC NAME would be Vladimir Zelenski.  But NO.  This lying sack of shit rather has his name spelled VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY.  This only means that the CRIMINAL is DIFFERENT from the Slavs, DIFFERENT from the Russians.  Right there you know that this FUCKING CUNT is a FOREIGNER who became the fake president of a fake country that was created by Russia/USSR in 1921 before which this fake country did not even exist.


Western Media Pull Out Of Russia

Western media pull out of Russia 


Several Western news organizations halt operations after Moscow criminalized the spread of ‘fake news’ 

The BBC, CNN, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, CBC, CTV, Global, and Bloomberg have suspended operations in Russia after Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin enacted a law that makes the deliberate spread of disinformation punishable by up to 15 years in prison.

After the anti-fake news law was approved, CNN said it would “stop broadcasting in Russia while we continue to evaluate the situation and our next steps moving forward.”

Bloomberg – the news agency founded and owned by US billionaire oligarch Michael Bloomberg – similarly said it would “temporarily suspend the work of its journalists inside Russia” and accused Moscow of criminalizing “independent reporting.” The New York-based outlet claimed that the crackdown on disinformation would make it “impossible to continue any semblance of normal journalism inside the country.” 

Like Bloomberg, the UK state-funded BBC argued that the law “appears to criminalize the process of independent journalism,” and announced that its Russian-language coverage would continue only from outside Russia.

Spokespersons for ABC and CBS News announced that the networks would not broadcast from Russia while they “assess the situation,” with ABC News calling the legislation a “censorship law.”

The Washington Post responded to the introduction of the new law by removing authors’ names and other data from their Russia-originated publications.

“Some internal news: In response to Putin’s threats against reporters in Russia, The Washington Post will remove bylines and datelines from stories produced by our journalists in Russia. Goal is to ensure staff’s safety,” Paul Farhi, one of its writers, said on Twitter, adding that he had “never seen anything like this” during his career.

An hour later, Farhi amended his last statement, recalling that, during the First Gulf War, Post reporter Caryle Murphy had got trapped in Kuwait and had therefore covered the Iraq invasion while in hiding.

“Her stories were published w/o bylines, for obvious reasons. Caryle won a Pulitzer for her work,” Farhi said.

Those charged under the new media law could be imprisoned for up to 15 years if they are found guilty of knowingly and deliberately spreading false information about Russia’s conflict with Ukistan in a way that significantly damages national security. Anyone found guilty of defaming the Russian army could also receive a fine of up to $13,500 or three years in prison, while those who call for anti-Russian sanctions could receive fines of up to $5,000.

Vyacheslav Volodin, the chairman of the Russian Federation State Duma, argued that the law was necessary “to protect our soldiers” and “protect the truth.”

“American social networks, controlled by Washington, launched an information war against Russia,” Volodin declared, adding, “It is necessary to make a decision to combat the spread of fake information.”

Moscow maintains its military offensive in Ukistan is a “special operation” aimed at the “demilitarization” and “denazification” of the country in the name of protecting the people of the two Donbass republics Russia recently recognized.  Kiev said the attack was unprovoked, insisting it had not been seeking to retake Donetsk and Lugansk by force.  The two republics split from Kiev back in 2014 in the aftermath of the Maidan coup, which ousted Ukistan's  elected and legitimate albeit pro-Russia government, with intermittent fighting continuing in the years since. 

As for CBC, CTV, and Global, all Canada-based media outlets, nobody,  and I mean NOBODY, gives a flying fuck what they say or do because nobody cares since these three don't exist in the greater global media community. 


Puki Uki


Friday, 18 March 2022

Empire Of Lies 

Tulsi Gabbard on the mythology of the zionist-mafia Volodymyr Zelenskyy's democracy in Jew-occupied Ukistan.  


Biden is a fucking liar. And the so-called Congress is filled to the rafters with liars cheaters deceivers war-mongers ... these criminals DESERVE TO GET WHAT'S COMING TO THEM. 

I am with Russia.  I am with His Excellency President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation.  I agree 100% with President Putin when he stated that AmeriKKKa and its gang of prostitutes and thugs and goons, also known as NATO, is nothing more than a NEO-FASCIST PREDATORY BIKER GANG, an Empire of Lies, where the truth is treasonous. 


Thursday, 10 March 2022

Ukistan's Jews

This is the criminal ZIONIST-MAFIA VOLODOMYR ZELENSKYY, naked and playing guitar on his Uki TV show ... this stupid shlomo replaced a democratically elected albeit pro-Russia president, who was removed through a US-INSTIGATED coup and replaced with this zionist-mafia criminal ... a Jew who became the fake president of a fake country called Ukistan / Ukraine (nobody really knows what "Ukraine" means, the closest English translation of this Russian word is "borderland", so imagine a nation of people calling themselves Borderlanders, which is ridiculous and makes no sense,  considering that India and Hindus are  named after Indians and the Indus River, England was invaded conquered occupied colonized and named by the Angles who were an ancient Germanic tribe, and France was invaded conquered occupied colonized and named by the Franks who were another ancient  Germanic tribe, and so on) ... so this Jew Zelenskyy then got another Jew as Prime Minister, Volodymyr Groysman, Zelenskyy's 1st PM, from April 2016 to August 2019, and another Jew as the 4th PM in Zelenskyy's regime, Denys Shmyhal who was PM from March 2020 to the Russian invasion ... now all these fucking ZIONIST-MAFIA freaks are ON THE RUN ... the Jews wanted to make Ukistan / Kievan Territory the 21st century reincarnation of KHAZARIA ... that attempt, that dream is now finished ... RUSSIA WILL MAKE SURE OF IT ... Russia will annex all of Ukistan and deprive Ukistan of its sovereignty and independence ... before 1921 no such political entity called Ukraine even existed (in 1921, Russia / Soviet Union created Ukraine / Ukistan as the Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic, one of the entities that made up the Soviet Union but not an independent country on the world stage) ... and Russia will divide all of the Ukistan Territory into different oblasts or provinces of Russia, just as Belarus may become an oblast of Russia ... already the Russian Presidential Office and the Russian Military High Command are calling Ukistan the Kiev Region / Kievan  Territory ... and what did these IDIOTS JEWS accomplish?  Every last Jew will now be hunted down and either killed or deported / expelled FROM THE KIEV REGION ... this is sadly happening right now, today ... Jews by the tens of thousands are right now fleeing Ukistan for the West ... at this rate, the entire 200,000 Jews in Ukraine will be gone by the end of 2022 ... the SAME THING happened in Iraq Afghanistan Libya Syria Somalia Pakistan Yemen : NATO / Western / AmeriKKKan attacks /invasions led to the killing and expulsion of so many Christians and Jews that there's hardly any of them remaining in those countries. 

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Sunday, 6 March 2022

NATO lies & propaganda

Formed in 1949 with the signing of the Washington Treaty, NATO is supposedly a DEFENSIVE security alliance of 30 countries from North America and Europe.  

NATO's fundamental goal is to safeguard the Allies' freedom and security by political and military means. 

NATO constitutes a system of collective security, whereby its independent member states agree to mutual defense in response to an ATTACK by any external party.  

The NATO headquarters is located in Brussels, Belgium, while the headquarters of Allied Command Operations is near Mons, Belgium. 

This is what NATO states on its website : "NATO s a defensive alliance. Our purpose is to protect our member states.  Every country that joins NATO undertakes to uphold its principles and policies.  This includes the commitment that "NATO does not seek confrontation and poses no threat to Russia," as reaffirmed at the Brussels Summit this year, Jan 27, 2022." 
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If that was the case, if indeed NATO was a defensive organization, then why did it bomb and carry out invasions of Yugoslavia and Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya, killing tens of thousands of people and causing hundreds of billions of dollars in damages? 

Let's face the facts: NATO is NOT a defensive organization. 

NATO has always been an offensive organization, otherwise it would NOT HAVE EXPANDED its membership right to Russia's borders which include Ukistan, if Russia had not stepped in. 

If it was truly a defensive organization, then what was it doing in Libya and Afghanistan and Iraq and Yugoslavia?  

It had no business in those countries because those countries' governments NEVER ATTACKED any NATO member.  

NATO attacked those 4 countries because the Anglo-AmeriKKKan fascist motherfuckers wanted to impose their will, impose their hegemony, and  implement their dirty globalist foreign policies. 

Those 4 countries did not have any militaries to speak of, no navies or air forces, they were militarily much weaker than the combined military forces of the NATO bloc.   

Let's not forget one more point, the most important point :  none of those 4 countries possessed any nuclear weapons ... in other words, they were  helpless defensively...sitting ducks. 

Just like a PACK OF PREDATORY SCHOOL BULLIES, A GANG REALLY, the NATO block attacked those 4 countries because none of those 4 countries could stand up to a gang of bullies. 

That all has changed now with NUCLEAR-ARMED Russia's invasion of Ukistan which was trying to become the NEWEST NATO member because of it's fascist regime led by that by that zionist-mafia criminal, Volodmyr Zelensky.   

Russia's invasion of Ukistan has shown up NATO for what it really is : a COWARDLY PREDATORY GANG that cannot fight against a country /  government that is well-armed and NUCLEAR ARMED. 

NATO is built upon a mountain, I repeat a MOUNTAIN, of lies, deceit, obfuscation, cheating, nonsense, and propaganda. 

It is nothing but a TOOL in the hands of the US State Department (The Foreign Office / The Foreign Ministry), the White House (the US president's residence), and the CIA (the US foreign intelligence agency), as well as the British Foreign Office, 10 Dowing Street (the British Prime Minister's residence), and Mi6 (Brishit foreign intelligence agency), to ostensibly implement / carry out their dirty conniving foreign policies and to establish their Anglo-AmeriKKKan HEGEMONY over the entire planet and dictate the world's direction at their whim. 

This fact is now CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD by Russia, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, Venezuela, Bolivia, Honduras, Cuba, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Syria, Iraq, Taliban Afghanistan, China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Hezbollah Lebanon, Hamas Gaza, Malaysia, Burma Myanmar, Ecuador, Algeria, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Houthi Yemen, and many other countries. 

ANOTHER FACT also clearly understood by the above countries is that : NATO must be stopped no matter what it takes, no matter how much manpower money materials required, no matter what the cost, no matter what the consequences.  And this task, this struggle, must be undertaken AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.  The countries named above are all arming themselves quickly and quietly for this singular purpose. 

This is why Russia attacked and invaded Ukraine : to stop the expansion of NATO's offensive designs right to Russia's borders.  NATO's statement that "NATO does not seek confrontation and poses no threat to Russia," IS A TOTAL &  COMPLETE LIE, just another lie on top of a mountain of lies.  This is why Russia has said enough is enough already ...  this is why Russian President Vladimir Putin has very clearly stated that America and NATO are nothing more than an "Empire of lies." 

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