Thursday 31 March 2022

Flag & Shield of Ukistan

"What do I care about Christian lives?" 


In case you have not noticed, the flag of Ukistan and the flag of Sweden have the same colours, YELLOW AND BLUE, yellow for the sun and blue for the sea, because those colours were the ancient colours of THE SEA-FARING VIKINGS when they arrived by the river Dniper and others, from SWEDEN in the far north of Europe, and settled and intermarried and overlorded in the Kiev Region ... meaning that the Ukis believe THEY ARE RACIALLY AND ETHNICALLY CLOSER to Scandinavians than they are to Russians ... in fact THE FOUNDER of the first KIEV KINGDOM in the 800s and 900s was a Swedish Viking called VOLODYMYR, Zelenskyy's namesake, and that of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin ... this king and his Vikings were known by the ancient Slavic people of the Kiev Region as  VERANGIANS in the ancient language of the land ... in fact, the Ukistan regime even uses the Verangian / King Volodymyr's ancient trident (sea-faring) symbol on the Ukistan flag, you can see that yourself ... so the Ukis believe they are NOT Russians ... they believe they are RACIALLY SUPERIOR Scandinavians, specifically Swedish ... which may explain the racist and fascist ideology that PERMEATES THE UKI MILITARY, THE RULING ELITES, AND PARAMILITARY FORCES, and their behavior towards ETHNIC RUSSIANS ... except that Zelenskyy is a Jew ... not ethnically and racially related to Swedes ... he is just using THE EXISTING RACIST AND FASCIST IDEOLOGY to cushion his lordship over the brainwashed and misled Uki masses, for his own benefit, and the control of Ukistan by Jews and the US Regime and NATO ... ALL THIS PLAYS RIGHT INTO THE HANDS of the dirty conniving US Regime in Washington DC and of course NATO, these Western heathens ... REMINDS YOU OF OCCUPIED PALESTINE BY THE US-ARMED AND BANKROLLED  ZIONIST-MAFIA, DOES IT NOT? ... IT IS THE EXACT SAME PLAYBOOK ... the WESTERN HEATHENS want to see Russia suffer ... these conniving heathens do not give a shit about the lives of the BRAINWASHED UKI MASSES, or their cities ... they and their JEW - ZIONIST-MAFIA PROXY Zelenskyy just want to see Russia suffer, and they are willing to sacrifice the lives of each and every one of the Uki masses for that purpose ... RUSSEPHOBIA has been in the mindset of the US Regime and AmeriKKKans since the BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION in 1916 and specifically the COLD WAR era.  



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